Posts in Accessory Workouts
OLY 03/24/2019

Power Clean + Hang Power Clean (7 x 2 (2=ground+hang))

First Power Clean rep is from the ground - lower to the hang - complete Hang Power CleanPower means that you don't have to go all of the way down into the squat for this movement.

You may choose a weight that will be challenging for all 7 sets or you may add weight as you go and feel good.

Rest as needed between sets - but not TOO long.  Roughly 2 min between is a good marker.

For the first rep the bar will start on the ground.  Your feet are under your hips.  Heels down.  Bar close to the body.  Knees bent, but hips higher than the knees.  Chest up.  Back flat.  Arms straight.  Use that hook grip! (Thumb around the bar - fingers around your thumb).

In a controlled pull - start to pull the bar off of the ground by raising the chest but also driving through the heels!  Keep the bar close to the body as you do this!

Once you get past the knees and about midway up the thigh, pick up speed!  Keep those heels down as you get the chest up and JUMP UP - not forward and shrug the shoulders with the arms still straight.  Keep the bar close as you pull the bar up the body with the elbows going high and outside  (like you are zipping up your jacket).  As you are pulling up - start to pull yourself down.

Since the weight will be heavy you wil allow the feet to move out slightly - to your squat stance.  As you pull under - you will shoot those elbows around and thorugh QUICKLY - allowing the bar to land in a solid position on the shoulder with a loose grip.  Butt reaches back and knees go out - as you catch in a partial front squat.

Stand completely to finish the rep.

From here you will lower the bar back to the hang position (at the hip/waist).  Move the feet back under the hips.  Dip the chest forward slightly, bend the knees slightly, keep the arms straight and heels down.  From here you will re-direct and jump UP again - performing another power clean.

Clean Pull (5 x 4)

You will do this at 125% of your heaviest lift from the complex before.

Here you do the portion of the clean from the ground to when you jump.  No pull with the arms or elbows.  Basically you are doing the deadlift and shrug portion.

Focus on the big UP part of this movement.  Control off of the ground and explode once you are in the middle of the thigh!  Keep those heels down as long as possible.

Glute-Ham Raises (4 x 6 May sub with good mornings if necessary )

Really what we are looking for here are TEMPO GHRs or Good Mornings.  GHR if you have a buddy to hold the feet on the ground or if you have a GHD.  Otherwise you are doing good mornings with the bar on your back (light since these are tempo).

We want a 5 second lower, 2 second pause at the bottom, and explode up!

For GHRs you may use the ground or a box to push off of.  If you need to scale the distance for your level of strength - that is ok.  Main focus is try not to shoo the butt up to help you come up.  This is like a giant hamstring curl!  Make sure you are doing this at at the END of your workout and that you are sufficiently warm.  Start easy and build range of motion as you feel comfortable.

For the good mornings the bar is on your back.  You will hinge at the hips and allow a SLIGHT softening of the knees.  Only go as low as you can keep a flat back position.  Squeeze the butt to come up!

GYMNASTICS 03/24/2019

2 Rounds:
10 Forward to Backward Swinging Kicks (On right + left)
30 Seconds Tricep Bench Stretch
30 Seconds Standing Pike with Alternating Bent Knees

Forward to Backward Swinging Kicks :
1. Begin standing on both feet, grabbing a sturdy object for support with your right hand (I recommend the post of a rig).
2. Extend your left arm directly out to the side, keeping it parallel to the floor for the entire set.
3. Keeping a straight leg, lift your left foot up in the air as high as possible.
4. Once you reach your full range of motion, drive the heel backward, using momentum to swing your eft leg behind you.
5. Continue swinging your left leg front to back, focusing on keep both legs locked out at all times.
6. Repeat steps for the right side.

Tricep Bench Stretch:
1. Begin sitting glutes-to-heels on the ground, facing your bench (or, any apparatus you are using: Chair, couch, desk, etc.)
2. Place your hands on the bench, palms down, and slide them forward until your elbows are supported. The goal is to keep the joint as comfortable and safe as possible.
3. Arms should be shoulder width apart.
4. With your knees together, lift your glutes and set your hips directly over your knees. Both legs should be together and creating aa 90 degree angle.
5. Allow your head to fall through your arms, and press your chest towards the floor.
6. Bend your elbows and pull your thumbs to shoulder blades. This will intensify the stretch in the triceps.
7. Engage your core by pulling the belly button into your spine. This will flatten out and protect the lower back. No sagging.

Standing Pike with Alternating Bent Knees
1. Begin standing with both feet together, legs locked out.
2. Hinging at the hips, allow your chest to fall forward, towards your knees. Allow the arms to extend down, hanging the hands towards the floor.
3. Keeping the left leg straight, bend the right knee and lift only the right heel off the ground.
4. Sink deeper into the stretch (chest to quads). You should feel the left hamstring stretching, while the right hamstring relaxes.
5. Switch legs: Lock out the right leg, and bend the left knee, lifting the left heel off the ground.
6. Sink into the stretch as much as possible.
7. Continue alternating back and forth between both sides.

3 Rounds for Quality
10 Hollow Hold + Banded Lat Pull Downs
10 Zombie Sit-Up + Backward Fold
10 Candlestick Roll + Tuck Jump

Sub Options:
Tucked Hollow Hold + Banded Lat Pull Downs / Feet on the Ground + Banded Lat Pull Downs with Thinner Band
Toes come backward as far as possible / Swing arms forward to help with the sit-up
Bend the knees & do not lift the hips high off the ground

You will put your time for a score - but really this is not about speed but quality.

Hollow Hold + Banded Lat Pull Down
1. Secure a band to a sturdy object, making sure you have enough space to stretch the band while fully extended on the ground. Thicker band = more difficult.
2. Lying with your back to the floor, grab the band with both hands and slowly move away from the rig.
3. Once you have enough tension on the band, extend your body and lift into a hollow hold: Pointed toes, straight legs, squeezed glutes, hips rounded under and pushing the lower back into the ground, shoulders off the floor, arms shoulder-width apart gripping the band.
4. With control, pull the band from overhead, down towards your hips. Your hands should make contact with the tops of your legs.
5. Slowly return.

Zombie Sit Up + Backward Fold
1. Begin in a seated pike position, with your legs together and extended straight in front of you. Toes will be pointed, and the palms of your hands in contact with the ground (ideally for the entire movement).
2. Engage the core, and begin to lay backwards, rounding your back to the ground.
3. Once fully extended, laying on the floor, use your core and hip flexors to pull your heels off the floor. The legs will remain straight for the entire movement.
4. With your palms and back remaining in contact with the floor, continue piking the hips, pulling your legs towards your face, and pushing the toes towards the ground behind your head (you should be staring at the tops of your knees). At this point, most of your back will peel off the floor as you roll onto the back of your shoulders. You will end in what feels like an upside-down pike stretch.
5. To roll forward, lift your toes off the ground, begin pressing your entire back, back into the floor one vertebrae at a time (think of rolling down through your spine), and slowly directing the heels back to towards the floor. Your palms will still be in contact with the ground.
6. Once your legs are fully extended on the floor, once again, engage your core and sit-up. Your palms and entire lower body should remain on the ground. Do not allow your legs to lift off. 
7. Sliding your palms along the sides of your calves, reach them as far forward (towards the heels) as your hamstring mobility allows. You should be moving through a seated pike stretch, pressing your chest into the tops of your quads.
8. Reach your full range of motion in the pike stretch, and repeat. 

Candlestick Roll to Tuck Jump
1. Begin standing with your feet together, legs straight, and arms extended overhead, shoulder-width apart.
2. To sit back, act as if you were sitting into a chair, directing your glutes towards your heels. You will “sit back” into a position very similar to a deep squat. At this time, you want to begin rounding your back by pulling your belly button into your spine, reinforcing a smooth, hollow position.
3. As your glutes come to the floor (ideally right behind your heels), allow yourself to carefully roll backward, making contact with the floor one vertebrae at a time. No flat backs! Your arms will still be extended overhead.
4. When your shoulders and arms come in contact with the floor, you will press the backs of your hands into the ground for stability.
5. With pointed toes, lift your feet towards the ceiling, allowing the legs to fully extend and straighten. Here you will squeeze your glutes, so your body makes a straight line from your shoulders to your toes (vertical line). Do not allow your hips to close (creating a piked position with the legs coming towards your face).
6. Be as tight as possible in the top of your candlestick position.
7. To stand up, you will aggressively pull your heels into your glutes as you roll forward (getting them as close as possible), which will make for a much easier time standing. 
8. As your feet hit the floor, engage the core and “sit-up”, shifting your shoulders over the front of your toes as quickly as possible.
9. Once balanced, begin standing up. 
10. When you stand, you want to move straight into your tuck jump (no resting or stalling between these two movements.) 
11. As you jump pull your knees into your chest as high as possible. 
12. Land with soft knees, absorbing the force of the jump. 
13. Straighten the legs, and stand tall in your starting position, prepared for the next rep.

3 Rounds for Quality
5 Wall Walk + 5 Second Hold at the Top
10 Box Handstand Shoulder Shrugs (Hold 2 seconds at top and bottom)
5 Cartwheels

Sub Options:
Wall Walk to a height you feel comfortable holding
Knees on the box / Plank shrugs

Level 1 Cartwheel (Swing legs around the side, close to the ground + slowly build)

Wall Walk + Hold
1. Begin in the bottom of a push-up position, perpendicular to the wall. Feet should be nearly touching the wall, with your hands on the outside of your rib cage, and elbows tracking backward (pointing towards the wall behind you). 
2. Push-up into a plank position with shoulder extension. Think, “push the floor away”, which will activate the shoulders, slightly rounding the upper back, giving you a sturdy base in which to begin your wall walk. In this plank position, make sure to squeeze your glutes and round your hips under, flattening out the lower back. A flat lower back is proof that the core is engaged and working. Do not allow your back to sag.
3. Aggressively press your hands into the floor to reinforce your shoulder extension, and lift your first foot to the wall. Press the ball of your foot into the wall, squeezing the quad, in order to set up a strong position. You should feel your hands pressing down, into the floor, and foot pressing backwards, into the wall. 
4. Carefully lift your second foot to the wall, now pressing outward through both hands, and both feet. You will be in a position similar to the elevated plank. 
5. To walk up the wall, you will move one hand, and one foot simultaneously: Right hand + left foot, or, left hand + right foot.
6. For the first step, channel all your energy into pressing through the left shoulder and hand. This will naturally begin to shift your bodyweight to the left, so we can easily lift the right hand to take a step. 
7. Once you have shifted your weight slightly to the left, lift the right hand off the floor, and step it backwards, towards the wall. Pressing your right foot into the wall, lift your left foot and move it vertically, higher up the wall. 
8. Press through the right hand, shift your weight to the right side, and repeat on the opposite side. 
9. Continue shifting your weight, stepping one hand and one foot at a time, until you reach a fully extended handstand, parallel to the wall. 
10. Being as tight as possible, hold for five seconds. 
11. Descend from the handstand by shifting your weight side to side, and walking your hands forward, away from the wall. Your feet will simultaneously step down the wall, as your hands move forward.
12. Once your feet are close to the floor, return each to the ground, setting yourself back into a plank position.
13. Lower your body into the bottom of a push-up position, preparing for the next rep.

Box Handstand Shoulder Shrugs:
1. Choose a box/chair/etc. at a height you are comfortable with. The higher the box, the less strain on hamstring mobility. 
2. Begin by standing in front of your box, and setting your hands on the ground. Hands should be initially placed a few feet away. 
3. Carefully step one foot onto the box at a time. You should find yourself in a position similar to the Elevated Plank. 
4. Keeping your legs straight (for the RXed version), walk your hands in, towards the box, until they are set directly under the hips (putting you into a ‘stacked position’).
5. Spread your fingers apart, and actively grip the floor. Engaging the fingers will help maintain balance while inverted.
6. Extend your shoulders by “pushing the floor away”. You should feel contact between your shoulders and ears.
7. Tilt your head to approximately 45 degrees, and lift your eyes to look at the floor. Do not stick your head out and explore your ears (as this will compromise your position), bur rather, keep your ears hidden between your shoulders. You should be able to see the ground space between your palms.
8. To shrug, relax your shoulders and allow your entire body to sink down. Your shoulders should be the only muscle group to deactivate. The core and legs should remain tight. 
9. Re-activate the position by “pushing the floor away” to return back into an extended handstand.


1. Begin in the universal gymnastics starting position: Stand with your full weight on your non-dominant (“bad”) leg, with your dominant leg extended forward, quad squeezed with toes pointed and in contact with the ground. Set arms overhead, shoulder-width apart, and extend the shoulders into the ears (there should be no space between the two). Squeeze your glutes and round your hips under to engage the core and flatten out the lower back. You should be completely tight from head to toe in this position. 
2. Carefully shift your weight forward, into your dominant leg. Your front knee will dramatically bend, as your bodyweight travels forward, over the front of the toes. You want a big bend in the front leg in order to better control your speed as you approach the floor.
3. Keeping your arms shoulder-width apart, continue reaching your hands towards the floor. Here, your body will act similarly to a teeter-totter. As your hands approach the floor, your back leg (non-dominant) will rise off the floor, preparing for the “kick” to generate the full rotation over your hands. 
4. When your hands are within 1-2 inches of the floor, externally rotate your fingers to 45 degrees, and drive your back heel (non-dominant leg) vertical. 
5. Your back leg will initiate the the full rotation of your body in the cartwheel. You need an explosive kick-up that generates enough power to help you fully rotate in the movement.
6. As your first hand (dominant hand) reaches the floor, your first foot (non-dominant foot) will drive over the top. As your second hand (non-dominant hand) reaches the floor, your second foot (dominant foot) will push off the floor, and drive over the top. At this point, your body should be in an upside down “X” position. 
7. Maintaining this X-position, pull your first foot (non-dominant foot) to the floor, and lift your first hand (dominant hand) off the floor. When your second foot (dominant foot) reaches the floor, lift your second hand (non-dominant hand) off the floor. 
8. Control your landing, and make sure you are fully balanced before moving on. 

POWER 03/24/2019

Back Rack Lunge (5 x 10 (5/5))

For these back rack lunges you will do all 5 on one side and then all 5 on the other.  You do NOT need to step in and out on these.  Get into a lunge position and stay there for 5 reps - then step in and switch sides!

Once in the lunge position you will go down and touch the back knee to the ground while keeping the front heel on the ground.  Drive out of the front heel, but keep your weight balanced on both feet to stand.  Make sure that your feet are not like on a tight rope but are about hip/shoulder width apart (side to side) too.  Try not to let the chest come forward as you lunge.  Keep the chest up and belly tight.  Do all 5 on one side then switch feet without re-racking or dropping the bar.

Do a few warm up sets to determine a good starting weight for yourself.  Do not count any warm up sets toward the 5 working sets.  All working sets should be heavy.

Rest 2-3 min between sets.

Shoulder Press (5-5-3-3-1-1-1)

Score is heaviest single.  Rest 2 min between sets.
For this the goal is to go heavier with each set.

The strict shoulder press is a press overhead without using the legs or hips to assist the upper body.  You will squeeze the cheeks, pull the ribcage down and in, bar is on the shoulders with the elbows slightly in front.  Move the face back and press the bar straight up.

Once the bar has cleared the head/face you can bring the head back to neutral and continue pressing the bar UP!  Lock out completely and pull the bar back over the middle of the body.

When lowering the bar back down - if you need to you may absorb with the knees.  Just no assist from that dip to help the next rep.

SOGO 03/24/2019

Part 1
4 Rounds

3-5 Weighted Pull Ups
5-7 Strict Pull Ups
7-10 Kipping Pull Ups

Rest as needed between rounds.

Scaling below!

If you did weighted you can track your weight.  Otherwise just enter 0 and put what you did in comments!Many of us will need to scale this one!  No problem.  You may try - 5 Strict, 7 Kipping, 10 banded.  Or even further to 1-3-5.

Or you could go as simple as - 5 jump with slow lower, 7 banded, 10 ring row (or even barbell or dumbbell bent over row).

Whatever it is for you - just do: hardest, moderate, easiest version of a pull up type movement and feel free to change reps too!

These DO not have to be one big long unbroken set.  BUT each part should be unbroken.  SO you should do 5 unbroken weighted or difficult pull ups - the 7 of medium difficulty - then  10 of less difficult.

Part 2
3 Rounds


7 Reps Curl from bottom to halfway up
7 Reps Curls from halfway up to top
7 Reps Curls full Range of motion

Go lighter than you think!

Anyone who has spent a lot of time in a conventional gym - knows about 21s right??

So these can be done with a barbell or dumbbells.  Make sure on the bottom to halfway ones you start fully extended at the bottom.

Make sure on the halfway to all of the way up ones that you don't go lower than 90 degrees and come all of the way up.

On the full range ones - ALL of the way down and all of the way up!!

These should be done as 7-7-7 without putting the weight down!

ENDURANCE 03/24/2019

5 Rounds
2 Min at a moderate pace
20 Seconds Rest
90 Seconds at a moderate/ but faster pace
15 Seconds Rest
1 Min at a fast pace
10 Seconds rest
30 Seconds at a 98% effort pace

3 Min Rest

Score - if you are able to measure TOTAL distance you can mark it. Do NOT mess up paces trying to get a better score!

Doing the proper paces is IMPORTANT.  We must learn how to perform at different paces at different times and learn what is sustainable for us.

The rest - although short - is also important.  Don't skip it.

Rather than worrying about a score.  Try to see if you end up getting around the same distance every time.  That is a good gauge for if you are hitting similar paces each round.

5 Rounds

2 Min at a moderate pace
20 Seconds Rest

90 Seconds at a moderate/ but faster pace
15 Seconds Rest

1 Min at a fast pace
10 Seconds rest

30 Seconds at a 98% effort pace

3 Min Rest

Score - Total distance - but DO NOT screw up the paces trying to get a better score.

Doing the proper paces is IMPORTANT.  We must learn how to perform at different paces at different times and learn what is sustainable for us.

The rest - although short - is also important.  Don't skip it.

Rather than worrying about a score.  Try to see if you end up getting around the same distance every time.  That is a good gauge for if you are hitting similar paces each round.

5 Rounds

2 Min at a moderate pace
20 Seconds Rest

90 Seconds at a moderate/ but faster pace
15 Seconds Rest

1 Min at a fast pace
10 Seconds rest

30 Seconds at a 98% effort pace

3 Min Rest

Score - Total calories - but DO NOT screw up the paces trying to get a better score.

Doing the proper paces is IMPORTANT.  We must learn how to perform at different paces at different times and learn what is sustainable for us.

The rest - although short - is also important.  Don't skip it.

Rather than worrying about a score.  Try to see if you end up getting around the same distance every time.  That is a good gauge for if you are hitting similar paces each round.

SOGO 03/17/2019

Part 1
5 Sets
2 Push Press Every 15 Seconds for 1 Min.
Resting position is Bar/Dumbbells Locked Out Overhead.

Rest 2 Min Between Sets

So it will start with 2 push press - then rest until 15 seconds.  2 Push Press - rest overhead until 30 seconds.  2 Push Press - rest with bar overhead until 45 seconds.  2 Push Press - hold bar overhead until the 1 min mark.

Rest 2 Minutes.

Your press is going to be super fatigued!  Use that strong leg drive to get the bar overhead.  Do not let go of the belly during the overhead hold.  Keep the rib cage down!

Start light and add weight each set if possible.

Part 2
3 Sets
Max Dips

No rest between moments - rest as needed between rounds.Dips may be ring, stationary, or bench - but should be strict.  Use a band to assist if necessary but no kipping.

Make sure to get the shoulder  below the elbow at the bottom and completely lock the elbows at the top.

Part 3

Arnold Press 3 x 10

Rest as needed between setsDumbells will start at the shoulder with the wrists facing in.  You will press out as you rotate the wrist forward to lockout.

Keep the rib cage down and control the movement.

Finish each rep with the bicep by the ears!

Part 4
Dumbbell Tricep Extension 4 x 12
(Seated or Standing)

Use a single dumbbellDumbbell will be behind the head.  Hold it by the head of the dumbbell.  Keep the biceps by the ears, belly tight as you lock the elbows.  Control the lower back down.

Rest as needed between sets.

POWER 03/17/2019

Deficit Deadlift (6 x 5)

Deadlift while standing on plates or something that will add 3-5" to the pull.

Adding a little extra depth to the pull of your deadlift will REALLY get the hamstring and glute GOING!  Just make sure you only do these if you have the flexibility to get your back FLAT in the set up.

You will stand on something like a pair or even a single 45# plate.  Make sure whatever you set up on is super sturdy and safe.

From there the deadlift set up is basically the same as always.  Feet are between hip and shoulder width apart.  Weight is in the heels, the bar is close to the body.  Hands and arms are outside the legs.  Knees are bent.  Chest is over the bar, arms are straight.  Chest UP and back flat!

This is going to feel WAY heavier than normal off of the ground.  Start light if you are new to this movement.  Do NOT let the weight pull you forward as you try to lift.  Really shift and set your weight BACK before you pull.  Drive your heels into the ground and reach the chest up as the bar come off the ground. Stand all of the way up by squeezing your butt to bring you to the top!

Be careful on the lower.  It is common to bang up the shins if you rush this or drop it.  Keep the same good positions on the way down as on the way up.

This is 6 sets of 5 - but don't try to do an aggressive tap and go.  For this we would actually prefer almost a dead stop at the bottom.

Weighted Hip Thrusts (5 x 8 with 3 second pause)

Shoulders on a box or bench - weight on the hip creaseYep these are kinda creepy sounding, looking, and slightly uncomfortable to get into place for - but they really isolate the glutes so let's do it!!

You will place the shoulder blades against a box or bench.  Make sure that the box or bench is against a wall or weighted down somehow so it doesn't tip.

You will place the barbell across the lap or dumbbells or whatever you are using.  From here you will basically drive the heels down and squeeze the glutes to lift the hips UP!  Hold the top position for 3 seconds each time.

Rest as needed between sets.

GYMNASTICS 03/17/2019

Part 1:
2 Rounds

10 Banded Pass Throughs
:30 Bench Shoulder Stretch
10 Low Tuck to Standing Pike Extensions

No Score.  Quality over Speed.

EMOM 12 Min (Alternating Minutes)

Min 1: Hanging Tuck Pulses
Min 2: 30 Seconds Hollow Hold
Min 3: Dumbbell Push-up + Alternating Row (Heavy Weight)

The 12 Min = 4 Rounds Total

Score: Dumbbell Weight used for Push Up + Rows

For the hanging tuck pulses:

1. Begin in an active hang on the pull-up bar: Hands take a shoulder-width grip, lats are engaged (there should be space between your shoulders and ears), quads are squeezed, glues are engaged, hips tucked under, and toes pointed.
2. Using the hip flexors, pull your knees to hip height, reaching a hanging-tuck position.
3. To pulse, allow your knees to slightly drop below hip height (but not to full extension), and quickly lift them back up to your starting position. 
4. You will move quickly through this small range of motion, dropping and lifting the knees in a tucked position.

Subs for the hanging tuck pulses: Small pulses / Static tuck hang / Active bar hang

For the hollow hold:
1. Begin laying on your back with your legs extended forward, and arms set overhead and shoulder width apart
2. Brace your core by pulling your bellybutton into your spine, pushing the lower back into the floor. Your lower back needs to remain in contact with the floor for the duration of the set.
3. Simultaneously lift your shoulders and heels off the ground, while continuing to press the lower back into the floor.

For the Dumbbell Push Up + Alternating Row:

1. Place your dumbbells on the ground, shoulder width apart and parallel to each other.
2. Set up into your plank position by grabbing the dumbbells (palms should be facing each other), positioning your shoulders directly over your wrists, and feet together. 
3. As you squeeze your glutes, tuck your hips under (as if you were a dog with it’s tail between its legs) to engage the core and flatten out the lower back. No sagging allowed.
4. Reinforce shoulder extension at the top each rep by “pushing the dumbbells/floor away”, which will slightly round the upper back. At this point, every muscle should be engaged and working to stay tight.
5. Keeping your body in one line, lower yourself to the dumbbells, until your shoulders make contact. Push back up into full extension. 
6. Keeping the body tight, press through the right shoulder, and lift the left dumbbell until it makes contact with the rib cage. 
7. Return the weight to the ground, and repeat on the right side.
8. The goal is to keep your chest square to the ground as you “row” each dumbbell towards your body.

Subs for the DB push up with alternating row:

Use light weight / Push-up on the floor + no weight / Push-up with knees on the ground

Part 3:
2 Rounds - NOT for Time

1:00 Feet Elevated Plank
10 Tripod + Alternating Leg March
1:00 Headstand Hold

No Score.  QUALITY!

For the feet elevated plank:
1. Set up into your plank position by setting your hands on the floor, shoulder width apart, with your feet on an elevated surface. Shoulders should sit directly over your wrists.
2. As you squeeze your glutes, tuck your hips under (as if you were a dog with it’s tail between its legs) to engage the core and flatten out the lower back. No sagging allowed.
3. Reinforce shoulder extension by "pushing the floor away", which will slightly round the upper back. At this point, every muscle should be engaged and working to stay tight.
4. Continue squeezing your entire body throughout the set.

Scales:  Plank on Ground / Plank with Knees on Ground

Tripod Leg March:
1. Begin by setting up into your tripod position— Your head and both hands will form the three points of an equilateral triangle (all sides are the same length) when set on the floor. Your head will be the top, while your hands will form the base. Hands should be slightly wider than shoulder width distance. Only the top of your head should be in contact with the floor.
2. Slightly angle your fingers out to approximately 45 degrees. This will make it easier to balance and keep stability as we move the legs.
3. Brace the neck by pushing the hands into the floor (you need to feel your triceps light up), and pulling your shoulders towards the ceiling.
4. With your tripod position set, lift your hips into the air and come up onto your toes (legs will be straight at this point).
5. Slowly Walk your toes forward, shifting your hips over the center of your tripod position.
6. Lift one leg off the floor, squeezing your leg to keep it straight, and pointing the toe. You should feel tension throughout the entire leg as you lift and lower back to the floor.

Scales: Tripod Hold / Plank Alternating Leg Marches

For the headstand hold:

1. Begin by setting up into your tripod position— Your head and both hands will form the three points of an equilateral triangle (all sides are the same length) when set on the floor. Your head will be the top, while your hands will form the base. Hands should be slightly wider than shoulder width distance. Only the top of your head should be in contact with the floor. 
2. Slightly angle your fingers out to approximately 45 degrees. This will make it easier to balance and keep stability as we move the legs.
3. Brace the neck by pushing the hands into the floor (you need to feel your triceps light up), and pulling your shoulders towards the ceiling.
4. With your tripod position set, lift your hips into the air and come up onto your toes (legs will be straight at this point). 
5. Slowly Walk your toes forward, shifting your hips over the center of your tripod position.
6. Pull your first knee forward, setting it on the back of your tricep.
7. Keeping the core and neck braced, pull the second knee forward, setting it on the back of the tricep.
8. Slowly lift your knees off your arms, and bring them together in front to create the tucked position.
9. Using the core, continue to lift the hips and straighten the legs, until they are vertical. 
10. NOTE: You should never be completely vertical in headstands, because you do not want all of your bodyweight set over your head and neck. Instead, form a hollowed position, where your hips and glutes are centered over the middle of your tripod.

Scales: Tripod Hold / Single Leg Tripod Hold / Plank hold

ENDURANCE 03/17/2019

2 Rounds

Run 1200 Meters - Moderate
Run 400 Meters - 95% EFFORT
Run 600 Meters - Moderate

Rest 3 Min

Idea here is pre-fatigue - SPRINT - recover while still running.
Crush it.
Score is total time including rest!

2 Rounds

Row 1500 Meters - Moderate
Row 500 Meters - 95% EFFORT
Row 750 Meters - Moderate

Rest 3 Min

Idea here is pre-fatigue - SPRINT - recover while still moving.
Crush it.
Score is total time including rest!

Run - No Measured Distance:
2 Rounds

Run 8 Min Moderate
Run 90 Seconds - 95% Effort!
Run 3:30 Moderate

Idea here is pre-fatigue - SPRINT - recover while still running.
Crush it.
Score is total distance if you end up using a GPS watch or something that you can measure.

2 Rounds

Bike 8 Min Moderate
Bike 90 Seconds - 95% Effort!
Bike 3:30 Moderate

Idea here is pre-fatigue - SPRINT - recover while still running.
Crush it.
Score is total calories.  Do NOT mess up the paces to try and get a better score!

OLY 03/17/2019

Snatch + Overhead Squat (1 Set every 90 Seconds for 12 Min)

1 Snatch
1 Overhead Squat

For this complex you will complete one snatch - go full squat snatch OR power snatch - whichever you want to work on. Then you will go straight into an overhead squat.  Perform that complex every 90 seconds for 8 rounds (or 12 min).

So the bar will start on the ground.  Your feet will be under your hips and your hands will be wide.  Use that hook grip (thumb around bar - fingers around thumb).  Make sure the heels are down, the knees are forward and slightly out, knees are bent with the hips slightly higher than the knees, chest up, arms straight, back flat, bar close.

You will pull the bar from the ground by driving the heels down, and chest up while pulling the bar in close to the body.  Once past the knees you will pick up speed.  Scoop your hips under slightly to allow you to jump straight UP withthe bar (not forward).  Keep the heels down and arms straight as LONG as possible.  Shrug the shoulders and pull the elbows high and outside as you pull yourself DOWN either into a full overhead squat or into a partial overhead squat.  Punch into the bar fast and hard to lock out.

In that catch position your feet will have moved out slightly.  Land with the heels down, belly tight, armpits facing forward with the shoulderblades pulled IN.  The bar should be over the middle of the body.

If catching in the squat your butt should be lower than the knees at the bottom.

If doing a power snatch do NOT land super wide with the feet.  You still need to go DOWN.  For this lift especially watch for the knees caving in.

After standing completely with the bar from the snatch - you will set and perform a full overhead squat.  Reach the butt back and down and keep that bar over the middle of the foot!  Belly tight!

Behind the Neck Shoulder Press (4 x 10)

From the back rack position - using no momentum built from the lower body - press the bar to a locked out position overhead.This is to build strength and stamina in this more rear shoulder driven press.  Bar will be on the back with a grip somewhere between your regular pressing grip and your snatch/ohs grip.

Belly tight, weight in heels, move the head forward slightly as you press.  Using no momentum from the lower body press to lockout.

The weight for these will be light.  As you start to get fatigued if the bar starts coming back down fast - PLEASE make sure you are absorbing the catch with the knees!

Rest as needed between sets.

BUTTS & GUTS 03/17/2019

5 Rounds (No measure)
30 Seconds Weighted Side Step Up Right
30 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Weighted Side Step up Left
30 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Weighted Reverse Lunge Right
30 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Reverse Lunge Left
30 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Right Arm to Left Toe Weighted Crunch
30 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Left Arm to Right Toe Weighted Crunch
30 Seconds Rest

So much work in 30 minutes!!

Score is weight you used for Step Ups/Lunges...this way you don't have to worry about counting the WHOLE time!

For the side step ups you want between 15-20" depending on how tall you are.  You may use dumbbells or a barbell.  Focus on driving off of the heel and standing all the way up.  You don't want the weight to be super heavy for this so you can keep moving the whole 30 seconds.

The reverse lunge is just on the ground (no box).  You will take a big step back, kiss the back knee on the ground, and then drive off of the front foot to stand.

For the opposite arm opposite toe crunches, you may do these weighted or unweighted.  Keep the arms and legs PRETTY straight and actually touch the weight to the toe each time.

GYMNASTICS 03/10/2019

Complete 3 Rounds:
10 Flat to Hollow on Floor
10 Flat to Superman on Floor
10 Kip Swings on Bar
5 Kip/Press Down

Not for time or anything - can add a broomstick/PVC or a little weight to the Flat to HollowSo for the flat to hollow you will lay on your back on the ground with the legs and arms extended.  You will lift the shoulders and legs off of the ground by hollowing out your belly - pulling your low back into the ground.  Hold for 1 second then lower.

For the superman it's basically the opposite.  You will lay on your stomach on the ground with arms and legs extended.  You will lift the arms and legs by squeezing the butt and back.  Hold for 1 second then lower.

For the kip swing you take that hollow and superman and simply perform it on the bar!  Hollow/Arch/Hollow/Arch.  Let it be fluid with no pause in the front or back.  Lead with the shoulders doing most of the work by pressing against the bar then pulling.

From here you - for the last 5 reps you will add a straight arm hard press as you close the hips even more.  Think about trying to PRESS the bar into your hips as you lean back a little to bring you closer to the bar.  DO NOT pull with the arms!

1 Pull Up
1 Toes to Bar
2 Pull Ups
2 Toes to Bar
3 Pull Ups
3 Toes to Bar -
Keep adding 1 per movement per round.

RX +:  Sets of same number must be unbroken.  So the 1+1 / break / 2+2 / break / 3+3 / break and so on.If you are unable to do pull ups and toes to bar - no problem!

You will do 1 kip swing - 1 knees up - 2 kip swings - 2 knees up....

Accumulate Max Hold in 5 min:
Top of Push up on Rings or TRX Bands

For this you will hold the top of a push up position on the rings or TRX bands.  Every time you break just come down and write down how long you held for.  Add up total time at the end.

Keep the belly tight and find that hollow type position again.  Squeeze the cheeks!

Press the through the shoulders by pressing them forward as you hold!

OLY 03/10/2019

COMPLEX: 3 Front Squats - 2 Push Press - 1 Jerk (6 Sets of 6 Reps (3+2+1))

Unbroken Complex:
3 Front Squats
2 Push Press
1 Jerk (Power or Split)Rest as needed between sets. 

Make sure you do some warm up sets and do not count those toward the 6 working sets.

Once the weight feels challenging you can start counting those as working sets.  You may either go up each set from there - or stick with the same weight for each.  Challenge yourself, but make sure to continue to move well!

You may take the bar from the ground or from a rack to get in position for the front squats.

The bar should be on the front of the shoulder with a loose fingertip grip and elbows high.  Feet are about shoulder width apart and belly is tight.  With the weight solidly in the heels and chest up you will reach the butt back and down.  Keep the heels down and drive the knees out.  Fight to keep the chest and elbows up!  Get to where your butt is lower than your knees at the bottom. Stand by driving the heels down, knees out and reaching up with the elbows and the chest.

NO plopping at the bottom or rounding of the back.

Once you finish your 3rd  front squat you will move your feet in - under your hips.  Get more of a full grip on the bar, and lower the elbows slightly (they are still in front just not quite as high).

You will dip by keeping the heels down, allowing the knees to come forward, keeping the chest up and allowing the torso to move straight down.  Bar stays over the middle of the foot.  Butt goes down - avoid the chest dipping forward.

Stand hard and fast out of the dip.  Move the face back.  Keep the belly tight as you press the bar overhead.  For the push press there is no re-bend of the knees.  Rep finishes with the bar locked out over the middle of the body, ribs down.

When lowering the bar absorb with your knees!

For the jerk rep at the end, you may choose power/push jerk or split.  The focus here is to do the same dip and drive as the push press - but this time instead of pushing the bar up, you push YOURSELF down.

Feet will move out as you press down either into your squat stance or split.

POWER 03/10/2019

Pause Bench Press (6 x 5)

3 Second Pause at the Bottom

Rest as needed between sets.  You will definitely need to do some warm up sets.  Start with the empty bar and work up.  Start counting these toward your 6 x 5 once the weight feels challenging.

You want to pause for 3 seconds at the bottom - with the bar touching your chest.  This is not the bar RESTING on your body!!!

Doing this takes the stretch reflex out of the movement and it's ALL pressing power!!!  You will most likely have to go MUCH lighther than a normal set of 5 bench press.

Hands should be roughly outside of the shoulders.  We HIGHLY recommend wrapping the thumb around - no monkey grip!!  This is for your safety!

Before lowering the bar to the chest for the first rep.  Think of pulling your shoulder blades back and down and rooting your heels!  Add plates under your feet if you need to so you can get your heels down.

Lower the bar to the chest - count to 3 - press out!  Use a spotter if you can!!

3 x MAX REPS Push Ups (3 x Max REPS)

Rest as needed between sets.

Choose a push up style that will allow you to get at least 12-15 reps each time (20 for the first set.

Keep the belly tight.  Go all of the way down and touch the chest and thighs at the bottom.  Lock out completely at the top.  No sagging or snaking!  If 12-15 aren't going to happen after the first set - go to the knees!

BUTTS & GUTS 03/10/2019

4 Rounds
Not For Time
20 Elevated Sumo Squats
10 No Touch PAUSE Single Leg DL Right
10 No Touch PAUSE Single Leg DL Left
10 Shoot Throughs
30 Second Plank + Up Down

RX Ideas:
Men: 50-80#
Women: 30-50#

Score is weight used for single leg DL.

For the elevated sumo squats you will hold a db or kb between your legs.  You should be elevated on 2 boxes or on  2 stacks of plates...something like that.

Make sure you are high enough that you can get to a full depth squat while holding the object with straight arms.  Then you will stand completely at the top and squeeze the cheeks.

Single leg deadlifts - we do them a lot - because they are one of the best!  Add pause with a knee raise at the top this week!

For these, you should have a flat back and slight bend in the knee.  The dumbbell or kb should be held in the opposite hand of the working leg.

For the shoot throughs, the higher the boxes or parallettes the easier this will be.  It requires you to really tuck the knees up and in and punch forward, then reverse it on the way back!  If you are using KBs, make sure you stabilize them, so when your weight shifts, they don't fall over!

For the plank, you will start on your elbows and 1 arm at a time come up to the hand (like the top of a push up).  You will then transfer back down - keep repeating of 30 seconds.

SOGO 03/10/2019

12 Min EMOM
Min 1-
8 DB Strict Press with 3 Sec Negative
Min 2-
6 Strict Pull Ups

RX Plus - HSPU in place of Strict Press
L-Pull Ups

If you don't get all 8 reps because it is super heavy - that's ok.  Goal is 5-8 reps so choose a weight that is difficult enough in that rep range.  If you don't have appropriate dumbbells you may sub barbell strict press.

Those strict press may be seated or standing.  Keep the belly tight with the rib cage down.  On lockout biceps should be by the ears.

For the pull ups you may sub banded strict, or even a jump up with slow negative.

Dumbbell Bench Press (4 x 15)

All the way down and touch the dumbbells to shoulder/chest.  All the way locked out at the top.
Go as heavy as possible for 15 reps.
May sub barbell if necessary to make these heavy enough.

2 Part Blaster
4 Rounds
10 DB Single Arm Row Right
10 DB Single Arm Row Left
6 DB/Barbell Tempo Bent Over Rows

Rest as needed between rounds.
Score is Bent Over Row weight.

For the single arm rows you may lean against a bench, your squat rack, or even the wall to brace (see video).  You will start with the arm straight and  by reaching the elbow back and pulling with the mid/upper back pull the dumbbell to the rib cage.  No tempo for these.  Pull and lower under control.  Do all 10 on one side then all 10 on the other.

For the 6 reps of tempo rows you may use dumbbells or a barbell.  Go lighter than you think.  You will hinge at the hips with the bar or dumbbells just lower than the knees - hit a 3 count pull up and a 3 count lower back to the beginning!

ENDURANCE 03/10/2019

Run Version:

Run 1 Mile

Rest 1 Min

4 Rounds
400 Meter Sprint
Rest 1 Min

Run 1 Mile

Score is total time including rest.

Goal is steady and sustainable pace on mile. 

HARD but not all out 400s (all a consistent and painful pace).  Steady and sustainable pace on second mile - second mile faster than the first.

Row Version:

Row 2000 Meters

Rest 1 Min

4 Rounds
500 Meter Sprint
Rest 1 Min

Row 2000 Meters

Score is total time including rest.

Goal is steady and sustainable pace on the 2k. 

HARD but not all out 500s (all a consistent and painful pace).  Steady and sustainable pace on second mile - second 2k faster than the first.

Run Version (no distance)

Run 8 Min

Rest 1 Min

4 Rounds
90 Second Sprint
Rest 1 Min

Run 8 Min

Score is distance if you are able to measure it!

Goal is steady and sustainable pace on 8 min. 

HARD but not all out on the 90 seconds (all a consistent and painful pace).  Steady and sustainable pace on second mile - second 8 min.

Bike Version

Bike 100 Cal (Men) /75 Cal (Women)

Rest 1 Min

4 Rounds
25 Cal Bike (Men)
18 Cal Bike (Women)
Rest 1 Min

Bike 100 Cal (Men) / 75 Cal (Women)

Score is total time including rest!

Goal is steady and sustainable pace on 100/75 Cal. 

HARD but not all out on the 25/18 Cal  (all a consistent and painful pace).  Steady and sustainable pace on second 100/75 Cals.

GYMNASTICS 03/03/2019

7 MIN Headstand Press to Support Practice
Put 7 Min on the clock and practice one of the variations of a controlled raising of the lower body into a headstand position.The ultimate goal of this would be to eventually be able to do all of this stuff in a handstand, but here we are working toward first getting a free standing headstand and learning body control through these drills.

If you have injuries or issues going upside down, be careful with this one and go at your own pace!

Make sure hands and head are in a tri-pod position (Hands more in front of the face as if you had a barbell in the front rack).  All of you yogis out there may also choose to lay the forearms on the ground instead of the hands.

If doing these free standing you will place head and hands on the ground and then pike the feet out straight.  From here you can keep the legs straight and squeeze the butt to bring the feet up - or you may tuck the knees in and then press the legs straight.  Make sure if you are doing these free standing that you are comfortable rolling out of it if possible.

Otherwise you may do one of the variations on the wall.  Do not do these fast and hold the top position for a few seconds before coming down!

7 Min EMOM
3-6 of the following complex performed every minute for 7 min:

2 Second L Hold
1 Kip Swing
1 Toes to Bar

So one time through that is 1 rep.  Repeat for 3-6 reps each minute.You will hang from the bar and lift the legs into an L position.  Hold for 2 seconds.

From here you will lower the legs and pull your head and chest through in an arch position.  Then you will press against the bar and swing the feet forward into a hollow position.  That is 1 kip swing.

From there you will once again pull the head and chest through as the feet go behind and press into the bar as you bring the toes up!

If you are unable to do the L hang you may do a knee tuck hang.

If you are unable to do toes to bar you may do a knee up or knee to elbow.

Your score is how many total reps you did through out.

So if you did 5 per min for 7 min your score is 35.  Write what version you did in the comments.

Accumulate 3 Min in a Pike Plank Hold
Start the clock.  Hold for as long as possible.  Make a note of how long.  Rest as needed.  Go up again and hold...

Once your total "HOLD" time = 3 min you are done.

Your score though is your TOTAL time.

RX + - Put your feet in or on something unstable like in your rings or TRX bands or on a stability ball.For this it is NOT a normal plank.  We want to be even a little more hollow and we want to see the hands more out in front instead of stacked perfectly under the shoulders.  Use the abs to pull UP!  Push the ground away with the shoulders.

BUTTS & GUTS 03/03/2019

7 Rounds
Not Really for Time

10 Jumping Squats
10 DB Snatch to Lunge Right
10 DB Snatch to Lunge Left
10 Slow Negative DB Stiff Legged Deadlift

Idea for weight-
30s-50s for Men
15-35s for Women

Score is what weight dumbbells you use for the booty part of today's Butts and Guts -

You will do 10 jumping squats.  You will lower to the bottom of the squat - heels down, knees out, butt lower than the knees, chest up.  You will jump from that position all the way to extension of hips and knees driving through the heels.

For the dumbbell snatch + lunge - you will start with the dumbbell between your feet.  You will perform a dumbbell snatch by pulling from a slightly bent knee + chest up position.  Once the dumbbell is locked out overhead with the bicep by the ear - you will perform a reverse lunge.  As you get comfortable you can try to combine this 2 parted movement.

Do all reps on one side then all reps on the other.

For the stiff legged deadlifts you will hold 2 dumbbells at the waist.  Hinge at the hips with the back flat and heels down.  Reach the butt back and keep the dumbbells close to the body.  Keep the knees pretty straight but soft (not completely locked out).  Once you hit the middle of the shin.  Squeeze the butt to stand up.

4 Rounds
Not for Time

8 Ring/TRX Band Knee Tucks
16 Love Taps


For the Ring or TRX Band Tucks you will put your feet through the rings with your hands out in a plank position out front.  You will pull the knees to the chest, then back out to plank.

You may try doing one knee at at time if necessary.  If you do not have the TRX Band or Rings to use - you may roll a yoga ball in or do pike ups with feet on the box.

The love taps will be with you sitting on the ground with the feet extended out front.  The kettlebell will be by the feet.  Keeping the legs straight, lift the feet up and over and tap the feet on the other side.  Then pick them up and go back ove to the other side.  Every lift up and over is one rep.

OLY 03/03/2019

Muscle Clean (6 x 2)

This movement is all about the UP portion of the clean.  There is no pull under or rebend of the knees.  Start light and focus on power and speed.  You may add weight as long as the turnover still fast!

The bar will start on the ground with the feet under the hips.  Hinge at the waist, bend the knees slightly, keep the heels down.  Keep the chest up and back flat with the arms straight.  The bar should be very close to the body.

Stand and pull the bar by digging the heels into the ground as you lift your chest and pull the bar in close to the body!  From here, you will finish the up by scooping the hips under and almost JUMPING with the bar once past the knees.  Shrug the shoulders - then pull the elbows high and outside - rotate the elbows back through QUICKLY and get the bar on the shoulder with the elbows high!

No - rebend.

Rest as needed between sets.

Hang Clean (6 x 3)

For this movement you are focusing on the down portion of the movement.  The bar will start at the waist in the hang position.

You will dip the chest forward and reach the hips back and bend the knees slightly keeping the bar close to the body.

From here you will once again stand and JUMP shrug the shoulders and move the elbows around quickly - this time you will pull YOURSELF down instead of focusing on pulling the bar up.

Your feet will move out to your squat stance and you will pull under into a solid front squat.

Weight in heels, knees out, butt lower than the knees, chest up, elbows high, belly tight.