SP Experience | Account Management | SP Platforms | App HOW TO | Pregnancy & PostPartum | WHO TO CONTACT

Common questions about the programming, experience, your membership, apparel, info for SP Mamas, and so much more. Check these out and if you still don’t find what you are looking for, email support@streetparking.com

Street Parking Experience

+ What equipment do I need?

  • The minimal equipment needed is a pair of dumbbells to get started. You CAN do a version of every daily Program A workout if you have a pair of dumbbells as we give modifications/substitutions for every movement in our daily programming. Our recommendations for a basic set up are: dumbbells, a jump rope and something to use for pulling (pull up bar, TRX straps, rings, etc.) You can also add in smaller pieces of equipment such as a Kettlebell, wallball and something to jump or step on or over. We program for everything in between the dumbbells to a full gym set up. Check out Rep Fitness for suggested packages that include a variety of equipment that matches our program where you can also use our Street Parking member discount!


  • Any Street Parking workout counts! Programs A-C, SHIFT, and any of the Extra Programs can be logged and count toward your earned rewards! The earned rewards are tracking Days Worked Out as we are shooting for days of consistency. You can do more than 1 workout a day (if you would like) but only one will count towards your earned gear.

+ Are there prescribed WARM UPS or DAILY STRENGTH/SKILL work?

  • We include suggested warm ups with each workout, but we don't program a dedicated strength or skill session with every Daily Workout. This is because we believe the Daily Workout alone is sufficient to build and maintain general fitness. However, if you're interested in adding extra Strength or Skill work, we offer over 60 Extra Programs that you can incorporate into your routine based on your goals.

+ What if I need COACHING help?

  • You can reach out anytime you need coaching help, advice, tips, or input. Post a video on the private Facebook members page, use the #spcoaching and we will give you feedback and answer any questions you may have. You can also email coaches@streetparking.com and we will connect you with a coach!

+ Who do I email when I've logged 75/365/1000 Days Worked Out?

  • When you have completed your 75/365/1000 Days Worked Out Badge, you will receive an automatic email with instructions on how to order your earned gear. If you did not receive that email or have any questions, please email apparel@streetparking.com.

Account Management

+ How do I cancel my membership?

To cancel your membership, please log into my.streetparking.com and go to MY ACCOUNT > MANAGE MEMBERSHIP > MANAGE > MY MEMBERSHIP > ACTIONS > CANCEL MEMBERSHIP

+ Can I change/upgrade the type of membership plan I have?

To change your membership, log into my.streetparking.com and go to MY ACCOUNT > MANAGE MEMBERSHIP > MANAGE > MY MEMBERSHIP > ACTIONS > CHANGE MEMBERSHIP.

The new plan will go into effect immediately and you will be charged a prorated amount based on the remaining time left on your current membership.


To update your payment information, please log into [my.streetparking.com and go to MY ACCOUNT > MANAGE MEMBERSHIP > MANAGE > MY MEMBERSHIP > ACTIONS > EDIT PAYMENT METHOD.

Be sure to select the new card as default and click SAVE.

+ Can I add a spouse to my account and/or do you have a family membership plan?

  • We do offer a discounted rate for any additional family members living in the same household. Please email support@streetparking.com to find out more.

Street Parking Platforms

+ What is my.streetparking.com?

  • It is the web version of our app that allows you to access and log workouts, view your trophy case, etc. It’s also where you can manage your membership profile and account if you joined Street Parking through our website. If you subscribed via the mobile app, your subscription will be managed through your phone's settings.

+ What is the mobile app?

  • The iOS and Android apps are the mobile app version of my.streetparking.com.
  • You can view and log your Daily Workouts on either platform and they will still be associated with your account.
  • If you signed up through the mobile app, you will manage your subscription through your device settings (not on my.streetparking.com).

+ What is the difference between My.streetparking.com and the Members Only website (SPMembersOnly.com)?

  • Two different platforms with two different logins. You can opt to set your password to be the same on both platforms once you set up your account for the Members Only website.

+ How do I login to Members Only website?

  • NEW MEMBERS: In the welcome email you received when you joined, there are instructions for setting up your Members Only account. Since this platform is separate from the app/my.streetparking.com, it requires a different login. You can also set up your account HERE. Once your account is created, access will be approved within 24 hours.
  • RETURNING MEMBERS: You will receive access to the Members Only website within 24 hours of rejoining. Please try logging in there 24 hours after rejoining and use the ‘Forgot Password’ link if you run into any issues.

My.streetparking and App how-to:

+ What is the Logbook?

  • Your Logbook displays all of your logged workouts, including the programmed date, the date you completed it, your rating, and your score. You also have the option to edit or delete your score if needed.

+ How can I edit a workout once I log it??

  • Navigate to Track > Logbook, select the workout you want to edit, click Edit Log, then scroll to the bottom of the workout page and select Edit Score.

+ How can I delete a workout once I log it??

  • Navigate to Track > Logbook, select the workout you want to delete, click Delete Log.

+ What is the Trophy Case?

  • The Trophy Case is a convenient location where we will display all of your badges and consistency counters to see where you are on your way to milestones like 75/365/1000 days of workouts.
  • Logged Workouts vs Days Worked Out - Logged Workouts will count every workout you log. Days Worked Out will only count ONE workout per day. For example - if you do a Butts and Guts followed by a Daily Workout - your Logged Workouts will go up by 2 but your Days Worked Out will only go up by one.

+ How do I log a past workout?

  • Click Log Workout on the workout you want to log, then select the calendar icon at the top of the log page and choose the date the workout was completed.

+ How do I FAVORITE a workout or collection?

  • You can favorite a workout or Extra Program collection by clicking on the heart icon next to the workout or collection.
  • You can view your Favorited workouts or collections by clicking the heart icon at the top of the TRAIN page.

+ Can I repeat workouts sessions and have it count as another logged day/workout?

  • Yes, you can log a workout as many times as you would like - just be sure to change the Completed On date to get credit towards your 75/365/1000 goals.

+ How can I log a custom or non-SP workout?

  • You can log a custom or non-SP workout by going to Track > Logbook, selecting a date on the calendar, and clicking Log Custom Workout. While this won’t count toward your workout total or badges, it will appear in your Logbook so you can track your consistency.

Pregnancy & Postpartum FAQ

+ Where can I find the Postpartum Bundle?

+ I’m pregnant and looking for a way to continue working out from home during my pregnancy. Do you have options for this?

  • Yes! With the approval of your healthcare provider and the understanding that fitness needs are different for every woman and for every pregnancy, we have some really great resources to support you during this transition.
  • As a Street Parking member you would have access to ALL of our daily and weekly programming with additional suggested “Mama Modifications”. These are detailed suggestions for how or when to modify during pregnancy and postpartum created by BIRTHFIT Regional Director and SP Pregnant and Postpartum Moms Coach, Carolina Stone.
  • You can pick and choose from the SHIFT programming or Programs A, B, or C depending on equipment or where you are in your journey and use the Mama Modifications created for each to guide you through safe and effective options. You'll also have access to our SP Pregnant/Postpartum Moms Facebook group with additional links and resources for helpful information during the Motherhood Transition as well as the encouragement and support of our amazing SP Moms Community.
  • And once you give birth, we have continued support and resources for your recovery, rehab, and rebuilding back to your usual workout routine through our Fourth Trimester Bundle.

+ I recently had a baby and am looking for help with strengthening my core. Do you have options to help with this?

  • Yes! At Street Parking, we feel that taking time to intentionally intentionally heal, rehab, and recover in the postpartum period is critical to your long term health and fitness. This is why we created the SP Fourth Trimester Bundle. This includes 3 programs aimed at assisting and supplementing your healing and recovery process after giving birth, and supporting you in a safe and strong transition to the Street Parking Shift or Daily programming.
  • All 3 programs focus on core strengthening, using an intentional and systematic approach- starting with healing and restorative exercises and breathing techniques to get you connected to your core and pelvic floor. You’ll progress at your own pace and gradually learn how to increase the intensity, load, impact, and reps in your workouts while maintaining proper posture, pace, and breath.
  • We also encourage all of our Postpartum Moms to seek out the help and support of a pelvic floor professional trained in pelvic floor health for an in person evaluation. We would be happy to connect you to a professional in your area or someone who can work virtually.

+ How soon after birth can I start the Fourth Trimester Bundle?

  • We believe that the postpartum period is a beautiful opportunity to slow down, reset intentions, relearn movement patterns, and rebuild a super strong foundation for your long term fitness and overall wellness goals. We encourage lots of rest and nourishment during the first few weeks after birth, while also finding simple and gentle ways to support your recovery with intentional movement and breathwork!
  • The Fourth Trimester Bundle includes 3 programs that take a step-by-step approach to postpartum rehab and movement, starting with the Recovery program which is gentle and easy enough to integrate, so you can begin as soon as you’d like. You’ll start with only 2 short sessions a week of safe restorative exercises. After those first 4 weeks, you can move onto the Rehab program and work with your doctor and ideally a pelvic floor professional to move along toward the Rebuild program.

+ I anticipate being cleared by my doctor to work out soon and know about the SHIFT programming but wanted to clarify if there were additional postpartum options?

  • Yes, we do have some options for you! We feel pretty strongly that taking time to heal, rehab, and recover in the immediate postpartum period is critical to long term health and fitness. So if you haven’t yet taken some time to intentionally rehab your core and pelvic floor, we suggest starting with our Postpartum Core Rehab program.
  • During this 4 week online program, we will guide you through specific programming (think 4 sessions per week, 30 minutes or less per session) that will lay a sturdy foundation for your muscles, joints, mechanics and nervous system, all for the sake of getting you prepared to take on the movements coming in the SP Shift programming or the next phase of your exercise. This program gives you the opportunity to rebuild your entire core system in a way that could essentially set you up to become stronger than you were before baby.
  • If you’ve done this rehab already on your own and feel ready to move to the next steps (and ideally, have worked with a pelvic floor professional, too), our Postpartum Rebuild Guide is what we recommend. This comprehensive guide provides a roadmap toward tackling Shift programming and then moving on to Program A/B/C at your own pace. It includes guidance on setting fundamental movement patterns, scaling workouts and making proper modifications, and training with intention in the postpartum period, as well as a Sample Postpartum Workout Timeline with suggested programming and postpartum exercise milestones, and a Suns Out Guns Out Mamas Edition.

+ I had my baby a long time ago but still struggle with diastasis and core strength. Do you have options for me?

  • Yes! We believe that it is never too late to do the intentional rehab work to repair and rebuild your core. The 4 week Postpartum Core Rehab Program is gentle enough for the immediate postpartum period but still effective for women many months or even years postpartum!
  • We also suggest using the Mama Modifications offered with every workout to manage any further symptoms of core dysfunction as well as the Functional Progression Warm Up. This unique series of movements is designed to help you connect to and strengthen the entire system of your core. It is an excellent option for anyone, but especially pregnant and postpartum women who struggle with symptoms of core dysfunction like lower back pain, diastasis, incontinence, etc.
  • The video is about 15 minutes in length and there are a few different options for modifications at the end of each version of the video. Once you get comfortable with the movements you can try the Functional Progression Flow which moves a little more fluidly and is less instructional. This warm up would be great to add into your regular routine, before or even after your workouts, or as a great low impact option for your active recovery days!

+ Do you have options for recovery or mobility during pregnancy or postpartum?

  • Yes! Street Parking members have access to our SP Maintenance Library which includes over 40 videos for stretching and mobility designed by yoga instructors and SP Coaches, Jeb and Carolina Stone. The Maintenance library even includes a Prenatal as well as a Postpartum video that are about 30 minutes each; perfect for moms looking to rest and relax with a little active recovery.

+ Do you have any nutrition support for the postpartum period?

  • We know that navigating the postpartum recovery period is challenging to say the least. The SP Nutrition Template is here to help gently guide you towards healthy, sustainable, and long lasting nutrition habits. The Postpartum Templates are clear, simple, and easy to use. We’ve even had a lot of success with moms using the templates and maintaining or increasing their milk supply! You also have the additional options of one on one coaching and check ins with our SP Nutrition coach, Molly Vollmer! The Nutrition Templates are available to purchase on the Members Only website under the Nutrition tab at the top of the home page.

+ Do I need to buy a regular SP Membership and then also buy the Fourth Trimester Bundle?

  • You don’t need to buy a Street Parking Membership to get the Fourth Trimester Bundle! For non-SP Members, we have The Fourth Trimester All Inclusive Bundle, which includes the bundle of 3 postpartum programs PLUS a 3 months SP Membership!

+ What if I already have an SP Membership? Can I buy the Fourth Trimester Bundle by itself?

  • Yes! You can purchase the SP Fourth Trimester Bundle separately.

+ Do I need to buy the entire Fourth Trimester Bundle or can i only purchase 1 or 2 of the programs?

  • Nope! You can purchase all 3 programs in the bundle, or purchase them separately to personalize your journey. We do recommend following the programs in their intended order (Recovery, Rehab, Rebuild), but understand that each woman’s experiences are unique and you may come to these programs at various stages of your postpartum journey.

+ What's the difference between the 3 programs in the Fourth Trimester Bundle?

  • The 3 programs in the Fourth Trimester Bundle do have some similarities, but are each unique in what they offer and when it’s recommended that you follow each.
  • Recovery guides you through the first month postpartum- that funky period of time between going home with your new baby and getting cleared by your doctor for exercise again. During this 4 week program we will provide you with simple programming for 2 days a week (think 10 mins a day) of gentle, healing and restorative exercises that are safe during this time, as well as practices for the mind, body and soul.
  • Rehab is intended to be followed at any time after you’ve taken the initial 30 day postpartum period to simply recover- whether that’s one month, a few months, or even a year or more postpartum. Rehab supports rehabilitation of the entire system of your core. During this 4 week online program we will guide you through specific programming (think 4 sessions per week, 30 minutes or less per session) that will lay a sturdy foundation for your muscles, joints, mechanics and nervous system, all for the sake of getting you prepared to take on the movements coming in the SP Shift programming or the next phase of your exercise.
  • Rebuild is the next step in your journey. Once you’ve been cleared to exercise by your doctor and have ideally seen a pelvic floor professional for an assessment and any treatment you may need, this guide will help you gradually and intentionally return to your regular workout routine. With guidance on setting fundamental movement patterns, scaling workouts and making proper modifications, and training with intention, this book provides a roadmap toward tackling Shift programming and then moving on to Program A/B/C at your own pace. It includes a Sample Postpartum Workout Timeline with suggested programming and postpartum exercise milestones, and a Suns Out Guns Out Mamas Edition.

+ What do I do if I need more guidance with the exercies or am experiencing symptoms?

  • If at any time you have questions or need support, please email mamas@streetparking.com. You can also ask any questions in the Street Parking Pregnant/Postpartum Moms private Facebook group, our amazing SP Moms Community. This is our safe space to learn from, share with, and uplift one another through supportive, respectful, and fun discussions based on individual experience, strength, and hope.
  • If you’re experiencing troubling symptoms like leaking or peeing during your workouts or specific movements, or have any pain, discomfort, or pressure, we highly suggest seeking out the help and support of a pelvic floor professional trained in pelvic floor health. If you’re unsure of what to look out for, check out this resource: Our Advice On: Warning Signs of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, which also includes resources for finding a pelvic floor professional in your area or someone who can work virtually.

Who to contact for...

+ SP Membership


+ SP Coaches


  • SP Mamas whether pregnant or postpartum, have resources, tools, modifications, and even a private Facebook group! Email mamas@streetparking.com for more information or to connect with Coach Carolina!


  • Nutrition support and guidance, as well as opportunities for additional coaching, is available to anyone with a Street Parking membership! Email nutrition@streetparking.com