Posts tagged GYM-2019
GYMNASTICS | WEEK 30 | 07/21/2019

Warm Up

2 Rounds:
10 Scapular Pull-Ups
0:30 Bench Tricep Stretch
10 Kip Swings
5 Push-UpsScapular Pull-Ups

1. Begin in a dead hang on the bar, with your hands shoulder width apart. You should be sinking down, with your shoulders in contact with your ears.
2. Engage the lats by "pulling down on the bar", creating as much space as possible between your shoulders and ears.
3. Hold for two seconds.
4. Lower back down into your dead hang position.

Bench Tricep Stretch

1. Begin sitting glutes-to-heels on the ground, facing your bench (or, any apparatus you are using: Chair, couch, desk, etc.)
2. Place your hands on the bench, palms down, and slide them forward until your elbows are supported. The goal is to keep the joint as comfortable and safe as possible.
3. Arms should be shoulder width apart.
4. With your knees together, lift your glutes and set your hips directly over your knees. Both legs should be together and creating aa 90 degree angle.
5. Allow your head to fall through your arms, and press your chest towards the floor.
6. Bend your elbows and pull your thumbs to shoulder blades. This will intensify the stretch in the triceps.
7. Engage your core by pulling the belly button into your spine. This will flatten out and protect the lower back. No sagging.

Kip Swings

1. Begin standing under the bar.
2. Jump to the bar, landing in a hollow position.
3. Drive your heels back and push your chest forward into an arch position.
4. Continuously move back and forth between the hollow and arch, keeping the glutes and legs tight.
5. Note: Smaller and tighter positions are better than larger, out of control positions! Make sure you are fully engaged.

EMOM x 12
(Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Min)
Min 1: 2-5 Bar Muscle-Up
Min 2: 12 Single Arm Medball Push-Ups

Subs and Modifications
Less reps / Jumping transitions
Regular push-ups / Push-ups from the knees

Score: Total Reps of Both

So if you do 2 Bar Muscle Up and 12 MB Push UPs per round your score would be 12 BM + 72 Push Ups=84Bar Muscle Up

1. Begin standing behind the bar
2. Jump to the bar and catch in a hollow position
3. Allow yourself to patiently swing forward, opening into an arch position as you pass to the front of the bar
4. Hit the full range of motion in your arch position
5. Once you start swinging backwards, drive your knees towards the ceiling
6. (Aggressively!) Squeeze your glutes to produce as much power as possible, driving your hips towards the bar
7. As you come close to the bar, sit up quickly using your core, and shift your hands over the top of the bar
8. Land in a front support

Med Ball Push Ups

1. Set up in a plank position, with your left hand on top of the Medball, right hand on the floor. Your left arm will be bent, so your body remains parallel to the ground.
2. Lower yourself towards the ground, making sure your elbows track backwards.
3. Push back up into your starting position.
4. Staying in your plank position, roll your Medball towards your right hand.
5. Set up in your plank position with your right hand on the Medball, left hand on the ground.
6. Perform a push-up.
7. Continue alternating the Medball back and forth between both sides.

Skill Focus: Spacial Awareness
3 Rounds for Quality:

5 Jump Full Turn to the Right
5 Candlestick to Forward Roll
5 Jump Full Turn to the Left

Subs and Modifications

Jump Half Turn / Jump Quarter Turn
Candlestick with Bent Legs / Slow Forward RollJump Full Turn

1. Begin standing with your feet hip width apart.
2. Using your arms to help with momentum, jump and spin 360 degrees to the right, landing in the same position, facing the same direction.
3. Make sure to land with bent knees, and try not to move your feet.

Candlestick to Forward Roll

1. Begin standing with feet hip width apart.
2. Sit back, getting your glutes as close to your heels as possible.
3. Roll back onto your shoulder blades, with your arms extended overhead and pressing into the ground.
4. Your toes should come up, pointing towards the ceiling.
5. At the top of the rep, squeeze your glutes to open your hip angle.
6. As you roll forward, pull your heels close to your glutes, and sit-up quickly, getting your shoulders over your toes.
7. Set your hands on the floor, and go immediately into a forward roll.
8. Make sure to tuck your chin into your chest, and stare at your bellybutton for the entire rotation.

GYMNASTICS | WEEK 29 | 07/14/2019

2 Rounds
20 Forward to Backward Swinging Kicks
1:00 Passive Bar Hang
10 Low Squat to Standing Straddle Extensions

Forward to Backward Swinging Kicks
1. Begin standing on both feet, grabbing a sturdy object for support with your right hand (I recommend the post of a rig).
2. Extend your left arm directly out to the side, keeping it parallel to the floor for the entire set.
3. Keeping a straight leg, lift your left foot up in the air as high as possible.
4. Once you reach your full range of motion, drive the heel backward, using momentum to swing your eft leg behind you.
5. Continue swinging your left leg front to back, focusing on keep both legs locked out at all times.
6. Repeat steps for the right side.

Passive Bar Hang
1. Jump to the bar, taking a shoulder width grip with your hands.
2. Wrap your thumbs fully around the bar for safety.
3. Completely relax your body, allowing yourself to hang down towards the floor as much as possible. No muscle engagement during passive hangs.

Low Squat to Standing Straddle Extensions
1. Begin in a low, wide squat. Hands on the floor in front of you.
2. Slowly, lift the glutes into the air, until you straighten out the legs.
3. The goal is to keep your hands on the floor for the entire set, but, if they need to come off in order to lock the knees out, that is fine.
4. Allow the chest to hang between the legs as much as possible.
5. Hold at the top.
6. Return to your low squat starting position, moving slowly through each rep.

(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible - with GOOD QUALITY in 15 Min)
5 Wall Walks
40 Hollow Rocks
40 Alternating Rebounding High Kicks

Subs and Modifications
Only walk up the wall as high as you feel comfortable / Plank Shoulder Taps
Tucked hollow rocks / Hollow pulses
Rebounding straight jumps / Alternating standing kicks (no jumping)

Wall Walk
1. Begin in the bottom of a push-up position, with your feet by the wall.
2. Push-up into a plank. Extend the shoulders by "pushing the floor away", which will slightly round the upper back, giving you a sturdy base in which to begin your wall walk.
3. Lift your first foot and press it into the wall.
4. As you lift your second foot to the wall, you will simultaneously step your opposite hand backwards.
5. Continue walking your feet up the wall, while stepping your hands back, towards the wall, until you finish in a handstand.
6. Be as tight as possible at the top of your handstand, pushing your shoulders into your ears and squeezing your glutes .
7. Walk back down the wall by retracing the same "stepping" movement pattern you used to climb up the wall.
8. Once you bring your feet to the ground, move through your plank position, and lower all the way to the floor to complete.

Hollow Rocks
1. Begin laying on your back with your legs extended forward, and arms extended overhead by your ears. Your arms need to stay shoulder width apart for the entire set.
2. Brace your core by sucking your belly button into your spine, pushing the lower back into the floor. Your lower back needs to remain flat, so it makes contact with the floor during every rep.
3. To initiate the rock, lift your toes up in the air while you press your shoulder blades into the ground. While maintaining the hollowed position, allow the momentum to rock you forward as the toes come towards the ground, and shoulders lift off the ground.

Alternating Rebounding High Kicks
1. Staying in one spot, you’re going to rebound back and forth between legs, lifting each as high as possible off the floor.
2. You want to keep your front leg (the one you’re lifting) straight, with pointed toes (to further reinforce muscular engagement).
3. Try to stay only on the balls of your feet, without letting your heels touch the ground.
4. The goal is to be light on your feet, explosive

3 Rounds for Quality
10 Candlestick Roll + Alternating Pistols
10 Box Handstand + Forward Rocks
5 Cartwheels: Left + Right

Subs and Modifications
Candlestick Roll standing up with both feet on the ground
Box Handstand Static Hold
Swing legs around the side / Keep legs close to the floor

Candlestick Roll + Alternating Pistols
1. Begin standing with both feet together, arms by your sides.
2. Sit back to the floor, getting your glutes close to your heels.
3. As you roll backwards, extend your arms overhead, pressing them into the floor behind you, and lift your toes to the ceiling. Legs are straight and glutes squeezed (make sure your hips are fully open).
4. Using the momentum from the roll forward, pull your right heel as close to your glute as possible, and shift your arms and chest forward over your right foot. Left leg should be extended straight out in front, off the floor.
5. Stand up on your right leg.
6. Once fully standing, you can set your left foot down, and move into the next candlestick roll.
7. Continue alternating sides used to stand up.

Box Handstand + Forward Rocks

1. Set up in your Box Handstand Hold.
2. Moving VERY slowly, press your toes into the box, allowing your shoulders to shift forward over your finger tips. Or, as far as possible.
3. Really use your fingers to grip the floor and keep you from falling forward.
4. Return to your starting handstand position by pushing your hands into the floor, shifting your bodyweight back towards the box.
5. Only shift forward as far as you feel comfortable, and work your way into it. Do not try to go too far on your first attempt.

1. Begin in the universal gymnastics starting position: Stand with your full weight on your non-dominant (“bad”) leg, with your dominant leg extended forward, quad squeezed with toes pointed and in contact with the ground. Set arms overhead, shoulder-width apart, and extend the shoulders into the ears (there should be no space between the two). Squeeze your glutes and round your hips under to engage the core and flatten out the lower back. You should be completely tight from head to toe in this position.
2. Carefully shift your weight forward, into your dominant leg. Your front knee will dramatically bend, as your bodyweight travels forward, over the front of the toes. You want a big bend in the front leg in order to better control your speed as you approach the floor.
3. Keeping your arms shoulder-width apart, continue reaching your hands towards the floor. Here, your body will act similarly to a teeter-totter. As your hands approach the floor, your back leg (non-dominant) will rise off the floor, preparing for the “kick” to generate the full rotation over your hands.
4. When your hands are within 1-2 inches of the floor, externally rotate your fingers to 45 degrees, and drive your back heel (non-dominant leg) vertical.
5. Your back leg will initiate the the full rotation of your body in the cartwheel. You need an explosive kick-up that generates enough power to help you fully rotate in the movement.
6. As your first hand (dominant hand) reaches the floor, your first foot (non-dominant foot) will drive over the top. As your second hand (non-dominant hand) reaches the floor, your second foot (dominant foot) will push off the floor, and drive over the top. At this point, your body should be in an upside down “X” position.
7. Maintaining this X-position, pull your first foot (non-dominant foot) to the floor, and lift your first hand (dominant hand) off the floor. When your second foot (dominant foot) reaches the floor, lift your second hand (non-dominant hand) off the floor.
8. Control your landing, and make sure you are fully balanced before moving on.


Street Parking Gymnastics is programmed once a week, on Sunday. This workout is great for anyone looking to build more strength, stamina, and body awareness by using the gymnastics movements and fundamentals. These workouts are programmed by Street Parking Coach and former National Level Gymnast - Kati Breazeal. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule!

Have something specific you want to work on? Check out the progression programs we have for movements like pull ups, push ups, and more!

2 Rounds
30 Seconds Box Pigeon (Right + Left)
30 Seconds Standing Straddle with Alternating Bent Knees
30 Seconds Bench Shoulder Stretch

No Score!

Box Pigeon (30 Sec per Side):
1. Begin standing in front of your box, toes face forward. The height of the box may vary— The taller the box, the more challenging the stretch.
2. Lift your right foot, and set it flat on top of the box.
3. Shift your right foot to the left, until it sits even with your left hip.
4. Allow your right knee to gently fall to the right, pressing towards the box.
5. Use your right hand to apply more pressure to the right knee, if a greater stretch is desired.
6. Make sure to keep the bottom (left) leg straight, and hips open. Your chest may fold forward, over the right leg, in order to increase the stretch.
7. Repeat on the opposite side.

Standing Straddle with Alternating Bent Knees:
1. Begin standing with your feet outside the hips; soft bend in the knees.
2. Hinging at the hips, allow your chest to fall forward, between your legs as much as possible. Allow the arms to extend down, hanging the hands towards the floor.
3. Keeping the left leg straight, bend the right knee and lift only the right heel off the ground.
4. Sink deeper into the stretch (chest between the legs). You should feel the left hamstring stretching, while the right hamstring relaxes.
5. Switch legs: Lock out the right leg, and bend the left knee, lifting the left heel off the ground.
6. Sink into the stretch as much as possible.
7. Continue alternating back and forth between both sides.

Bench Shoulder Stretch:
1. Begin sitting glutes-to-heels on the ground, facing your bench (or, any apparatus you are using: Chair, couch, desk, etc.)
2. Place your hands on the bench, palms down, and slide them forward until your elbows are supported. The goal is to keep the joint as comfortable and safe as possible.
3. Arms should be shoulder width apart.
4. With your knees together, lift your glutes and set your hips directly over your knees. Both legs should be together and creating a 90 degree angle.

12 Min EMOM
(Every Min on the Min for 12 Min):
Move continuously for 40 seconds of each:
Min 1: 40 Seconds Alternating Jumping Lunges
Min 2: 40 Seconds Hollow Pulses
Min 3: 40 Seconds Overhead Dumbbell Alternating Shoulder Extensions (Moderate weight)

Put weight used as your score.

Subs and modifications:
Small jump
Tucked hollow pulses
Use light weight

Alternating Jumping Lunges
1. Begin in a split stance, with your dominant foot forward. Both of your knees should have a soft bend.
2. Using your arms to generate power, jump off the ground, and switch your feet before landing (you should land in the same lunge position, with your opposite foot forward).
3. You want to think about being as explosive off the ground as possible, being quick and powerful.

Hollow Pulses:

1. Begin in a hollow hold with your arms by your sides, focusing on pulling the belly button in, to press the lower back to the floor.
2. To pulse, engage the core and simultaneously lift the shoulders and toes a few inches higher.
3. Return to your starting hollow position.
4. Repeat pulses without letting your shoulders or heels hit the ground.

Overhead Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Extensions:

1. Hold one dumbbell per hand.
2. With your feet underneath your hips, lift the dumbbells overhead, holding them shoulder width apart. Your palms should be facing in, with the weights parallel to each other.
3. Extend your right shoulder first, by pushing it up into your ear, as much as possible. You want to feel contact between the shoulder and ear.
4. Relax the right shoulder and allow it to drop back to your neutral starting position.
5. Next, extend your left shoulder, pushing it up into your ear, as much as possible. You want to feel contact between the shoulder and ear.
6. Relax the left shoulder and allow it to drop back to your neutral starting position.
7. Continue alternating back and forth between both sides.

3 Rounds for Quality:
2 Min: Handstand Walk Practice
5 Straddle Toe Press

No Score

Subs and modifications:
Box handstand shoulder taps / Kick-up to handstand hold
Only lift heels off the ground / Only lift one foot off the ground at a time.

Handstand Walk:
1. Kick-up to a handstand hold, making sure to keep a tight, stacked body position: Your body should be in one line, with your ankles over your hips, hips over your shoulders, and shoulders over your wrists.
2. Allow your body to tip over, producing the forward momentum needed to start walking your hands.
3. Make sure to keep your hips and glutes set over your finger tips for the walk (this will make sure you continue moving forward, rather than falling backwards).
4. To step, plant each hand and extend through the shoulder, getting as tall as possible. It’s this shoulder extension that will naturally shift your bodyweight from side to side, making your handstand walk much easier.

Straddle Toe Press:

1. Begin standing with your feet set outside your hips, toes pointed outward to 45 degrees.
2. Hinging at the hips, drop your chest down, towards your legs. Set your hands on the ground. Pull your chest between your legs as much as possible. Hamstring mobility will be the limiting factor here.
3. Spread your fingers and grip the floor to help with stability as you begin to press. “Pushing the floor away” will extend the shoulders, giving you a strong base in which to press. If your shoulders are relaxed, you will feel yourself collapsing when trying to shift forward. Extend strong!
4. To shift forward, lift both heels off the ground, and come forward onto your toes. Your shoulders will track over the front of your finger tips. Continue “pushing the floor away” to keep the shoulders engaged and your base strong.
5. As you shift forward farther (your shoulders should be completely in front of your finger tips), you will continue lifting the heels, until the toes peel off the ground, and your full bodyweight is shifted into your hands.
6. Hold your legs off the floor as long as possible, before carefully lowering them back to the ground, landing back in your starting position.
7. *Note: The closer you can walk your feet to your hands, the easier it will be to shift your weight forward. Try to start the press with your feet right outside the hands.


These workouts are great for those who are interested in gaining strength, body awareness, and body control in the gymnastics movements. These workouts were created by Street Parking Coach / former National Level Gymnast - Kati Breazeal. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

If you find the drills in this workout to be too advanced - don't worry they are a progression! We started this specific cycle 15 weeks ago and you can go all of the way back to the beginning and follow along from there if you like!

2 Rounds:
10 Banded Pass Throughs
30 Seconds Low Tuck to Standing Pike Extensions
1:00 Box Pigeon (Right + Left)

Banded Pass Through:
1. Begin standing with your feet together, quads squeezed, and glutes engaged. Round your hips under (think of yourself as a dog with its tail between its legs) to ‘turn on’ your core. Practicing this total body tension from your warm-up is going to transfer into higher level skills.
2. Grip your band (any thickness) in a wide set up for the first few reps. Usually near the ends.
3. Using straight arms, lift the band overhead and backwards, until it hits the back of your glutes.
4. Hold to maximize the stretch.
5. Return to your front starting position by repeating the same motion forward.
6. As you get comfortable, begin walking your hands in to a more narrow grip for increased difficulty.

Low Tuck to Standing Pike:
1. Begin in a low, tucked position on the ground: Feet together, glutes to heels, hands on the floor near your toes for support. Only your fingers and the balls of your feet will be in contact with the floor.
2. Press your heels to the ground to intensify the stretch through the achilles and calves.
3. Slowly, lift the glutes into the air, beginning to straighten out the legs.
4. Continue rising until you reach straight legs. The goal is to keep your hands on the floor for the entire set, but, if they need to come off in order to lock the knees out, that is fine.
5. Allow the chest to hang towards the floor as much as possible.
6. Hold at the top to maximize the stretch.
7. Return to your low tuck starting position.

Box Pigeon:
1. Begin standing in front of your box, toes face forward. The height of the box may vary— The taller the box, the more challenging the stretch.
2. Lift your right foot, and set it flat on top of the box.
3. Shift your right foot to the left, until it sits even with your left hip.
4. Allow your right knee to gently fall to the right, pressing towards the box.
5. Use your right hand to apply more pressure to the right knee, if a greater stretch is desired.
6. Make sure to keep the bottom (left) leg straight, and hips open. Your chest may fold forward, over the right leg, in order to increase the stretch.
7. Repeat on the opposite side.

EMOM 12 Min
Every Minute on the Minute - Move at a continuous pace for the entire minute:

Min 1: Rebounding Straight Jumps
Min 2: Hollow Leg Lifts with Dumbbell
Min 3: Candlestick Roll + Alternating Pistols
Score: Total number of candlestick roll + pistol or sub.

Quality over quantity guys!
Subs and Modifications:
Single jumps with pause between reps (no rebound)
No weight
Stand up with both feet (no pistol)

Rebounding Straight Jumps:
1. Begin standing with your feet together, arms bent to 90 degrees and close to your sides.
2. As you jump, make sure to only push from the balls of your feet. Do not let your heels touch the ground.
3. The goal is to be explosive off the floor, fully pointing your toes in the air, while keeping the entire body tight.
4. You want to spend as little time on the floor as possible— Be quick and bouncy.

Hollow Leg Lifts with Dumbbell:
1. Begin laying with your back on the floor, holding your dumbbell with two hands and straight arms.
2. Press your lower back into the floor to engage the core, and bring the dumbbell backwards towards your ears, behind your head as far as possible. The farther backwards you can hold it, the more challenging the drill will be.
3. Keeping the legs tight, lift them until your toes point straight towards the ceiling.
4. Keeping the lower back pressed into the ground, control your legs back towards the floor, but do not let your feet touch the floor at the bottom of the rep. The heels should only come to approximately 2-3 inches above the ground.
5. Lift the legs back up to vertical.

Candlestick Roll + Alternating Pistols:
1. Begin standing with both feet together, arms by your sides.
2. Sit back to the floor, getting your glutes close to your heels.
3. As you roll backwards, extend your arms overhead, pressing them into the floor behind you, and lift your toes to the ceiling. Legs are straight and glutes squeezed (make sure your hips are fully open).
4. Using the momentum from the roll forward, pull your right heel as close to your glute as possible, and shift your arms and chest forward over your right foot. Left leg should be extended straight out in front, off the floor.
5. Stand up on your right leg.
6. Once fully standing, you can set your left foot down, and move into the next candlestick roll.
7. Continue alternating sides used to stand up.

3 Rounds for Quality:
10 Headstand + Pike Extensions
10 Box Handstand + Forward Rocks
5 Cartwheels

Score: No Score

Subs and Modifications:
Headstand Hold / Tuck Extensions / Crow Pose
Box Handstand + Forward Rocks Progression
Cartwheel Progression Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced

Headstand + Pike Extensions:

1. Begin in a Headstand Hold.
2. Keeping the legs together and straight, carefully lower the toes to the floor until they make light contact.
3. As soon as the toes touch the floor, use your core to lift your straight legs back to your starting Headstand Hold.

Box Handstand + Forward Rocks:

1. Set up in your Box Handstand Hold.
2. Moving VERY slowly, press your toes into the box, allowing your shoulders to shift forward over your finger tips. Or, as far as possible.
3. Really use your fingers to grip the floor and keep you from falling forward.
4. Return to your starting handstand position by pushing your hands into the floor, shifting your bodyweight back towards the box.
5. Only shift forward as far as you feel comfortable, and work your way into it. Do not try to go too far on your first attempt.


1. Begin in the universal gymnastics starting position: Stand with your full weight on your non-dominant (“bad”) leg, with your dominant leg extended forward, quad squeezed with toes pointed and in contact with the ground. Set arms overhead, shoulder-width apart, and extend the shoulders into the ears (there should be no space between the two). Squeeze your glutes and round your hips under to engage the core and flatten out the lower back. You should be completely tight from head to toe in this position.
2. Carefully shift your weight forward, into your dominant leg. Your front knee will dramatically bend, as your bodyweight travels forward, over the front of the toes. You want a big bend in the front leg in order to better control your speed as you approach the floor.
3. Keeping your arms shoulder-width apart, continue reaching your hands towards the floor. Here, your body will act similarly to a teeter-totter. As your hands approach the floor, your back leg (non-dominant) will rise off the floor, preparing for the “kick” to generate the full rotation over your hands.
4. When your hands are within 1-2 inches of the floor, externally rotate your fingers to 45 degrees, and drive your back heel (non-dominant leg) vertical.
5. Your back leg will initiate the the full rotation of your body in the cartwheel. You need an explosive kick-up that generates enough power to help you fully rotate in the movement.
6. As your first hand (dominant hand) reaches the floor, your first foot (non-dominant foot) will drive over the top. As your second hand (non-dominant hand) reaches the floor, your second foot (dominant foot) will push off the floor, and drive over the top. At this point, your body should be in an upside down “X” position.
7. Maintaining this X-position, pull your first foot (non-dominant foot) to the floor, and lift your first hand (dominant hand) off the floor. When your second foot (dominant foot) reaches the floor, lift your second hand (non-dominant hand) off the floor.
8. Control your landing, and make sure you are fully balanced before moving on.


This series of workouts has been a progression. If you feel you aren't ready for any of it - see the options for subs/modifications or go back 14 weeks to where we started!

Want specific gymnastics help? Check out the extra programs here on Members Only where you can find specific programs for push ups, pull ups and more!

2 Rounds
10 Forward to Backward Swinging Kicks
30 Seconds Weighted Back to Bench Shoulder Stretch
10 Banded Pass Throughs

Forward to Backward Swinging Kicks:
1. Begin standing on both feet, grabbing a sturdy object for support with your right hand (I recommend the post of a rig).
2. Extend your left arm directly out to the side, keeping it parallel to the floor for the entire set.
3. Keeping a straight leg, lift your left foot up in the air as high as possible.
4. Once you reach your full range of motion, drive the heel backward, using momentum to swing your eft leg behind you.
5. Continue swinging your left leg front to back, focusing on keep both legs locked out at all times.
6. Repeat steps for the right side.

Weighted Back to Bench Shoulder Stretch:
1. Lay length-wise on the bench, with your shoulders at the very edge. Feet can be flat on the floor for support.
2. Press your weight towards the ceiling, straightening out the arms.
3. Keeping straight arms, allow the weight to come overhead, towards the floor. The goal is to hold your weight as close to the ground as possible.
4. Relax the shoulders as much as possible, to get a better stretch. Breathe!

Banded Pass Throughs:
1. Begin standing with your feet together, quads squeezed, and glutes engaged. Round your hips under (think of yourself as a dog with its tail between its legs) to ‘turn on’ your core. Practicing this total body tension from your warm-up is going to transfer into higher level skills.
2. Grip your band (any thickness) in a wide set up for the first few reps. Usually near the ends.
3. Using straight arms, lift the band overhead and backwards, until it hits the back of your glutes.
4. Hold to maximize the stretch.
5. Return to your front starting position by repeating the same motion forward.
6. As you get comfortable, begin walking your hands in to a more narrow grip for increased difficulty.

3 Rounds for Quality
20 Overhead Dumbbell Alternating Shoulder Extensions
10 Zombie Sit-Up + Toes to Sky
5 Candlestick Roll + Tuck Jump

Subs and Modifications:
Use light weight
Keep hips on the floor / Swing arms forward to help with the sit-up
Straight jump / No jump
Use weight used for Shoulder Extensions for Score.

Overhead DB Alt Shoulder Extensions:
1. One dumbbell per hand. Press overhead, keeping the dumbbells stacked directly over the shoulders for the entire set (don't let them fall out to the side).
2. Beginning on the right side, press your right shoulder into your right ear as much as possible. Return to netural.
3. Press your left shoulder into your left ear as much as possible. Return to neutral.
4. Continue alternating back and forth, keeping your midline engaged, and pressing through each shoulder as high as possible.

Zombie Sit Up + Toes to Sky:
1. Begin in a seated pike position, with your legs together and extended straight in front of you. Toes will be pointed, and the palms of your hands in contact with the ground (ideally for the entire movement).
2. Keeping the palms flat on the floor, lay backward, thinking of rolling down “one vertebrae at a time” to make sure the lower back comes in full contact with the ground.
3. Once fully extended, lift your legs off the ground, until your toes are positioned over your hips.
4. Using your lower core, roll back onto your shoulders and lift your hips off the ground. Ideally, your hips will fully open (by squeezing your glutes), and toes will point directly to the ceiling.
5. Return your legs back to the floor, and re-engage the core to prepare for the sit-up.
6. Keep your palms flat on the floor as you use your abs and hip flexors to sit back up, finishing in your starting position.

Candle Stick Roll + Tuck Jump:
1. Begin standing with your feet together, legs straight, and arms extended overhead, shoulder-width apart.
2. To sit back, act as if you were sitting into a chair, directing your glutes towards your heels. You will “sit back” into a position very similar to a deep squat. At this time, you want to begin rounding your back by pulling your belly button into your spine, reinforcing a smooth, hollow position.
3. As your glutes come to the floor (ideally right behind your heels), allow yourself to carefully roll backward, making contact with the floor one vertebrae at a time. No flat backs! Your arms will still be extended overhead.
4. When your shoulders and arms come in contact with the floor, you will press the backs of your hands into the ground for stability.
5. With pointed toes, lift your feet towards the ceiling, allowing the legs to fully extend and straighten. Here you will squeeze your glutes, so your body makes a straight line from your shoulders to your toes (vertical line). Do not allow your hips to close (creating a piked position with the legs coming towards your face).
6. Be as tight as possible in the top of your candlestick position.
7. To stand up, you will aggressively pull your heels into your glutes as you roll forward (getting them as close as possible), which will make for a much easier time standing.
8. As your feet hit the floor, engage the core and “sit-up”, shifting your shoulders over the front of your toes as quickly as possible.
9. Once balanced, begin standing up.
10. When you stand, you want to move straight into your tuck jump (no resting or stalling between these two movements.)
11. As you jump pull your knees into your chest as high as possible.
12. Land with soft knees, absorbing the force of the jump.
13. Straighten the legs, and stand tall in your starting position, prepared for the next rep.

3 Rounds for Quality
Rest as Needed Between Rounds
20 Toes to Bar
10 Headstand + Straddle Extensions
5 Forward Rolls from a Handstand against the wall

Subs and Modifications:
Only lift legs as high as possible while maintaining rhythm / Banded kip swings / Kip swings
Small range of motion with the legs / Static straddle headstand / Static regular headstand hold
Forward roll from a high box / Forward roll from a short box / Forward roll

No Score

Toes to Bar:
1. Begin standing directly underneath the pull-up bar, and jump. When catching the bar, land in a hollow position.
2. Immediately drive your heels back, into a superman (arch) position, and you will be ready for your first toes to bar rep.
3. Using your core and hip flexors, swing your legs towards the bar, making contact with your toes. Simultaneously, press the bar towards the floor to help engage your lats.
4. Once your toes make contact, allow your legs to swing back down, gaining momentum, and helping to reposition you back into your superman position.
5. Continue to connect reps using the swing and momentum to your advantage.
6. For additional help, check out the Toes to Bar program under Extra Programs on the member’s website.

Headstand Straddle Extensions:
1. Begin in a Headstand Hold.
2. Keeping the legs tight and straight, carefully lower the toes to the floor, moving through a full straddle (legs out to the side as wide as possible), until they make light contact.
3. As soon as the toes touch the floor, use your core to lift your straight legs back through your straddle, until you pull them together and finish in your starting Headstand Hold.

Forward Rolls From a Handstand Against the Wall:
1. Begin in a handstand agains the wall, with your stomach facing the wall.
2. To initiate the roll, tuck your chin into your chest (which will fave the shoulders and help round the back), and allow your elbows to slightly bend.
3. From here, your elbows will continue to bend (Slowly and under control), while your toes will slide down the wall. Sliding the toes down the wall is important to help slow the roll down.
4. As you near the floor, tuck your chin even more. Only the back of your head should ever come in contact with the ground. Remind yourself to stare at your belly button, to help keep everything rounded.
5. As you finish the roll, pull your heels into your glutes, and sit your chest up, over your toes to stand.


30 Seconds Per Side: Box Pigeon
30 Seconds Bench Tricep Stretch
30 Seconds Low Squat to Standing Straddle Extensions

Box Pigeon:
1. Begin standing in front of your box, toes face forward. The height of the box may vary— The taller the box, the more challenging the stretch.
2. Lift your right foot, and set it flat on top of the box.
3. Shift your right foot to the left, until it sits even with your left hip.
4. Allow your right knee to gently fall to the right, pressing towards the box.
5. Use your right hand to apply more pressure to the right knee, if a greater stretch is desired.
6. Make sure to keep the bottom (left) leg straight, and hips open. Your chest may fold forward, over the right leg, in order to increase the stretch.
7. Repeat on the opposite side.

Bench Tricep Stretch:
1. Begin sitting glutes-to-heels on the ground, facing your bench (or, any apparatus you are using: Chair, couch, desk, etc.)
2. Place your hands on the bench, palms down, and slide them forward until your elbows are supported. The goal is to keep the joint as comfortable and safe as possible.
3. Arms should be shoulder width apart.
4. With your knees together, lift your glutes and set your hips directly over your knees. Both legs should be together and creating aa 90 degree angle.
5. Allow your head to fall through your arms, and press your chest towards the floor.
6. Bend your elbows and pull your thumbs to shoulder blades. This will intensify the stretch in the triceps.
7. Engage your core by pulling the belly button into your spine. This will flatten out and protect the lower back. No sagging.

Low Squat to Standing Straddle Extensions:
1. Begin in a low, wide squat. Hands on the floor in front of you.
2. Slowly, lift the glutes into the air, until you straighten out the legs.
3. The goal is to keep your hands on the floor for the entire set, but, if they need to come off in order to lock the knees out, that is fine.
4. Allow the chest to hang between the legs as much as possible.
5. Hold at the top.
6. Return to your low squat starting position, moving slowly through each rep.

EMOM 15 Min
(Every Minute on the Minute for 15 Min)
Min 1: Tucked Hollow Heel Touches
Min 2: Inchworm + Push-Up
Min 3: Jumping Squats

Subs / Scales

Min 1: Static tucked hollow hold
Min 2: Push-up with knees on the ground
Min 3: Bodyweight squats only / Bodyweight squats to a box

Score: Put how many TOTAL jumping / air squats you got throughout

Tucked Hollow Heel Touches:
1. Begin in a tucked hollow hold, with your knees bent at 90 degrees and shins parallel to the ground, arms extended down by your sides. Lower back is actively pressing into the ground.
2. Touch your right hand to the side of your right heel. Continue pressing your lower back into the ground.
3. Touch your left hand to your left heel. Continue pressing your lower back into the ground.
4. Alternate touching each heel, while maintaining a tight tucked position.

Inchworm + Push Up:
1. Begin standing with your feet hip width apart, and relaxed legs.
2. Allow your chest to fall forward, bringing it as close to your quads as your mobility allows. Arms will hang forward towards the floor, with a goal of touching the floor.
3. Keeping your feet in the same spot for the entire set, begin walking your hands forward, until extend yourself into a plank position. Your shoulders should be positioned directly over your wrists
4. Squeeze your glutes, tuck your hips under (as if you were a dog with it’s tail between its legs) to engage the core and flatten our the lower back. No sagging allowed.
5. Reinforce shoulder extension at the top each rep by "pushing the floor away", which will slightly round the upper back. At this point, every muscle should be engaged and working to stay tight.
6. Keeping your body in one line, lower yourself to the floor, until your chest makes contact. Your elbows should track backwards as you lower and lift.
7. Push back up into full extension at the top.
8. Begin walking your hands back in towards your feet. Getting them as close to your toes as possible to maximize the hamstring stretch.


Every 30 Seconds for 10 Rounds Complete:
Cartwheel + Forward Roll + Candlestick Roll

Subs / Scales:
Small Cartwheel / Slow Forward Roll / Candlestick with Bent Knees

No Score

Cartwheel + Forward Roll + Candlestick Roll:

1. In this series, you will connect three foundational gymnastics skills.
2. First, complete one cartwheel, smoothly stepping your feet together at the end, to set up for your forward roll.
3. Next, move straight into one forward roll, standing up fully at the top.
4. Last, sit your glutes back to your heels, and roll into your candlestick position. To stand, pull your heels towards your glutes, and shift your shoulders over your toes.
5. Finish in a full stand.


2 Rounds:

30 Sec Standing Pike with Alternating Bent Knees

10 Scapular Pull-Ups

10 Kip Swings

3 Rounds For Quality:

10 Hollow Hold + Banded Lat Pull Downs

5 Inchworm + 2 Push-Ups

10 V-Ups


Banded lat pull downs in tucked hollow hold / Use a light band

Push-up with knees on the ground


Hollow Hold + Banded Lat Pull Downs

1. Secure a band to a sturdy object (I recommend the post of a rig), making sure you have enough space to stretch the band while fully extended on the ground. The thicker the band, the more difficult the exercise.

2. Lying with your back to the floor, grab the band with both hands and slowly move away from the rig. The farther you move away, the more tension will be on the band, I.e., the more difficult the exercise.

3. Once you have enough tension on the band, extend your body and lift into a hollow hold: Pointed toes, straight legs, squeezed glutes, hips rounded under and pushing the lower back into the ground, shoulders off the floor, arms shoulder-width apart gripping the band.

4. With control, pull the band from overhead, down towards your hips. Your hands should make contact with the tops of your legs.

5. Slowly return your arms to the overhead starting position: Do not allow the band to snap your arms back, train the eccentric (negative) by extending the arms as slowly as possible.

Inchworm + 2 Push-Ups

1. Begin standing with your feet hip width apart.

2. Keeping the legs as straight as possible, bring your chest towards your quads for a hamstring stretch. Hands come onto the floor.

3. Walk your hands forward, until you end in a plank position.

4. Complete two push-ups, focusing on keeping a tight midline, with elbows tracking backward.

5. Walk your hands back towards your feet, getting them as close as possible to intensify the hamstring stretch.

6. Lift your chest, and end each rep in a full stand.


1. Begin laying on the ground, with arms extended overhead, legs straight, and lower back pressing into the floor.

2. Simultaneously lift your upper and lower body off the floor as high as possible, with the goal of tapping your fingertips to your toes. Only your glutes and tailbone will remain on the ground.

3. Control yourself back down to the floor, returning to your active, starting position.

9 Min EMOM (Every minute on the minute):

30 Sec Hanging Leg Lifts to Horizontal

30 Sec Toes to Bar


Lift legs only as high as possible

Only lift legs as high as possible while maintaining rhythm / Kip swings

Hanging Leg Lifts to Horizontal

1. Begin in an active hang on the bar, there should be space between your shoulders and ears.

2. Keeping your legs straight and toes pointed, lift until they become parallel to the ground, or, as high as you can lift them.

3. Control your legs on the way down, back to your active hang, to prevent developing any swinging momentum. You want these leg lifts to be as controlled, and strict, as possible.

Toes to Bar

1. Begin standing directly underneath the pull-up bar, and jump. When catching the bar, land in a hollow position.

2. Immediately drive your heels back, into a superman (arch) position, and you will be ready for your first toes to bar rep.

3. Using your core and hip flexors, swing your legs towards the bar, making contact with your toes. Simultaneously, press the bar towards the floor to help engage your lats.

4. Once your toes make contact, allow your legs to swing back down, gaining momentum, and helping to reposition you back into your superman position.

5. Continue to connect reps using the swing and momentum to your advantage.

6. For additional help, check out the Toes to Bar program under Extra Programs.


2 Rounds
10 Low Squat to Standing Straddle Extensions
10 Cat + Cow
10 Forward + Backward Arm Circles

Low Squat to Standing Straddle Extensions
1. Begin in a low, wide squat. Hands on the floor in front of you.
2. Slowly, lift the glutes into the air, until you straighten out the legs.
3. The goal is to keep your hands on the floor for the entire set, but, if they need to come off in order to lock the knees out, that is fine.
4. Allow the chest to hang between the legs as much as possible.
5. Hold at the top.
6. Return to your low squat starting position, moving slowly through each rep.

Cat + Cow
1. Begin in a tabletop position on the floor, with your knees under your hips, and hands under your shoulders.
2. Inhale a deep breath as you arch your back (stomach drops toward the floor), and lift your chin to the sky.
3. As you exhale all of your air, press your hands and knees into the ground, and contract your core to round the back as much as possible. Tuck your chin into your chest.
4. Repeat, moving slowly through each position, and inhaling/exhaling as much as possible.

Forward and Backward Arm Circles
1. Begin standing with your feet under your hips, arms hanging to your sides.
2. Start with the right arm: Keeping your arm straight, trace a circle in the air with your hand (moving first in a backward motion, then forward), making the circle as big as possible. Think of trying to rub your right bicep against your right ear at the top of the circle, and right hand against the side of your right quad a the bottom of the circle (You want to move the shoulder joint through as large of a range of motion as possible).
3. Repeat on the left side.

3 Rounds for Quality
1 Min Dual Dumbbell Overhead Hold
10 Push-Up + Full Extension
20 Hollow Leg Lifts with Dumbbell

Subs and Modifications:
Use light weight
Push-ups with knees on the ground
No weight

Score: Weight used for overhead holds.

Dual Dumbbell Overhead Hold:
1. One dumbbell per hand.
2. With your feet hip width apart, lift the dumbbells overhead, holding them shoulder width apart. Your palms should be facing in, with the weights parallel to each other.
3. Extend your shoulders by pushing them up into your ears, as high as possible. Hold.

Push Up + Full Extension:
1. Begin in an extended plank position: Activate the shoulders by "pushing the floor away", getting as tall as possible. The upperback should be slightly rounded.
2. Lower yourself to the floor until your chest makes contact. Elbows track backwards.
3. Push back up into your starting position.
4. The Key: You should be actively pressing the floor away at the top of every rep.

Hollow Leg Lifts with Dumbbell:
1. Begin laying with your back on the floor, holding your dumbbell with two hands and straight arms.
2. Press your lower back into the floor to engage the core, and bring the dumbbell backwards towards your ears, behind your head as far as possible. The farther backwards you can hold it, the more challenging the drill will be.
3. Keeping the legs tight, lift them until your toes point straight towards the ceiling.
4. Keeping the lower back pressed into the ground, control your legs back towards the floor, but do not let your feet touch the floor at the bottom of the rep. The heels should only come to approximately 2-3 inches above the ground.
5. Lift the legs back up to vertical.

3 Rounds for Quality
10 Headstand + Straddle Extension
3 Connected Forward Roll
3 Wall Walk + 0:05 Handstand Hold

Subs and Modifications:
Small range of motion with the legs / Static straddle headstand / Static regular headstand hold
Single forward rolls with pause between each
Only walk up the wall as high as you feel comfortable and hold

Score: No Score.

Headstand + Straddle Extension:
1. Begin in a Headstand Hold.
2. Keeping the legs tight and straight, carefully lower the toes to the floor, moving through a full straddle (legs out to the side as wide as possible), until they make light contact.
3. As soon as the toes touch the floor, use your core to lift your straight legs back through your straddle, until you pull them together and finish in your starting Headstand Hold.

Forward Roll:
1. Begin standing with your feet hip-width apart, arms by your sides.
2. Squat down to the floor, and set your hands on the floor in front of you.
3. Lift your glutes into the air, and start walking your toes forward, towards your hands. The goal is to get your feet as close to your hands as possible, in order to make the roll a very smooth, "tip-over" type movement.
4. Tuck your chin into your chest as much as possible. You will stare are your belly button for the entire rotation, which will protect the head and neck. Do not keep a straight neck during the forward roll. Only the back of your head (Ladies, think of where your ponytail is) should touch the floor as you roll. The more you tuck your head in, the safer your neck will be.
5. To initiate the roll, your elbows will have a slow, constant bend, until you find yourself rolling down one vertebrae at a time. Make sure the elbows continuously bend, slowly lowering your body to the floor. Do not keep straight arms.
6. As your elbows bend, your hips will tip forward, allowing you to effortlessly roll. Your feet will land on the floor in front of you, promoting a safe, seated position.
7. Once comfortable, you may increase speed, by moving faster through the steps.

Wall Walk + :05 Handstand Hold:
1. Begin in the bottom of a push-up position, with your feet by the wall.
2. Push-up into a plank. Extend the shoulders by “pushing the floor away”, which will slightly round the upper back, giving you a sturdy base in which to begin your wall walk.
3. Lift your first foot and press it into the wall. 
4. As you lift your second foot to the wall, you will simultaneously step your opposite hand backwards.
5. Continue walking your feet up the wall, while stepping your hands back, towards the wall, until you finish in a handstand.
6. Being as tight as possible, hold for five seconds.
7. Walk back down the wall by retracing the same “stepping” movement pattern you used to climb up the wall.
8. Once you bring your feet to the ground, move through your plank position, and lower all the way to the floor to complete.


2 Rounds:

30 Sec Standing Pike with Alternating Bent Knees

30 Sec Lying Twist

10 Forward + Backward Arm Circles

EMOM x 12:

30 Sec Max Effort Push-Ups with Feet Elevated

1 Min  Max Effort Dual Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead Press

30 Sec Max Effort Hollow Rocks


Regular push-ups / Push-ups with knees on the ground

No weight

Tucked hollow rocks / Static tucked hollow hold

Push-Ups with Feet Elevated:

1. Begin in an extended plank position with feet on an elevated surface (can use plates, bench, etc.): Activate the shoulders by “pushing the floor away”, getting as tall as possible. The upperback should be slightly rounded.
2. Lower yourself to the floor until your chest makes contact. Elbows track backwards.
3. Push back up into your starting position.

Dual Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead Press:

1. Begin standing, with your feet hip width apart. 
2. Brace your core by pulling your belly button into your spine, flattening out the lower back. Squeeze your glutes and tighten the quads to create a strong support base.
3. Bring the dumbbells to your shoulders, with your palms facing in towards each other. As you press the weight overhead, keep the dumbbells shoulder width apart. 
4. Fully extend the shoulders at the top of each rep, by pushing them into your ears as much as possible. 
5. Return the dumbbells to your shoulders.

Hollow Rocks:

1. Begin laying on your back with your legs extended forward, and arms extended overhead by your ears. Your arms need to stay shoulder width apart for the entire set.
2. Brace your core by sucking your belly button into your spine, pushing the lower back into the floor. Your lower back needs to remain flat, so it makes contact with the floor during every rep. 
3. To initiate the rock, lift your toes up in the air while you press your shoulder blades into the ground. While maintaining the hollowed position, allow the momentum to rock you forward as the toes come towards the ground, and shoulders lift off the ground. 

For Quality: Rest as needed between rounds

20 Sec Box Handstand Alternating Leg Lifts

1 Min Headstand

20 Sec Box Handstand Shoulder Shrugs


Bring your knees to the box / Perform in a Plank (hands and feet on the floor)

Tripod Hold / Single Leg Up / Plank hold

Scapular push-ups

Box Handstand Alternating Leg Lifts:

1. Choose a box/chair/etc. at a height you are comfortable with. The higher the box, the less strain on hamstring mobility. 
2. Begin by standing in front of your box, and setting your hands on the ground. Hands should be initially placed a few feet away. 
3. Carefully step one foot onto the box at a time. You should find yourself in a position similar to the Elevated Plank. 
4. Keeping your legs straight (for the RXed version), walk your hands in, towards the box, until they are set directly under the hips (putting you into a ‘stacked position’).
5. Spread your fingers apart, and actively grip the floor. Engaging the fingers will help maintain balance while inverted.
6. Extend your shoulders by “pushing the floor away”. You should feel contact between your shoulders and ears.
7. Tilt your head to approximately 45 degrees, and lift your eyes to look at the floor. Do not stick your head out and explore your ears (as this will compromise your position), bur rather, keep your ears hidden between your shoulders. You should be able to see the ground space between your palms.
8. Slowly, lift your right leg until it reaches vertical. Squeeze your quad and point your toe to maintain tension (tightness). Your body should be in a straight line from your top foot to your hands. The left foot remains on the box for stability.
9. Return the right leg back to the box.
10. Lift your left leg until it reaches vertical. Squeeze your quad and point your toe to maintain tension. Your body should be in a straight line from your top foot to your hands. The right foot remains on the box for stability.
11. Return the left leg back to the box.


1. Begin by setting up into your tripod position— Your head and both hands will form the three points of an equilateral triangle (all sides are the same length) when set on the floor. Your head will be the top, while your hands will form the base. Hands should be slightly wider than shoulder width distance. Only the top of your head should be in contact with the floor. 
2. Slightly angle your fingers out to approximately 45 degrees. This will make it easier to balance and keep stability as we move the legs.
3. Brace the neck by pushing the hands into the floor (you need to feel your triceps light up), and pulling your shoulders towards the ceiling.
4. With your tripod position set, lift your hips into the air and come up onto your toes (legs will be straight at this point). 
5. Slowly Walk your toes forward, shifting your hips over the center of your tripod position.
6. Pull your first knee forward, setting it on the back of your tricep.
7. Keeping the core and neck braced, pull the second knee forward, setting it on the back of the tricep.
8. Slowly lift your knees off your arms, and bring them together in front to create the tucked position.
9. Using the core, continue to lift the hips and straighten the legs, until they are vertical. 
10. NOTE: You should never be completely vertical in headstands, because you do not want all of your bodyweight set over your head and neck. Instead, form a hollowed position, where your hips and glutes are centered over the middle of your tripod.

Box Handstand Shoulder Shrugs:

1. Choose a box/chair/etc. at a height you are comfortable with. The higher the box, the less strain on hamstring mobility. 
2. Begin by standing in front of your box, and setting your hands on the ground. Hands should be initially placed a few feet away. 
3. Carefully step one foot onto the box at a time. You should find yourself in a position similar to the Elevated Plank. 
4. Keeping your legs straight (for the RXed version), walk your hands in, towards the box, until they are set directly under the hips (putting you into a ‘stacked position’).
5. Spread your fingers apart, and actively grip the floor. Engaging the fingers will help maintain balance while inverted.
6. Extend your shoulders by “pushing the floor away”. You should feel contact between your shoulders and ears.
7. Tilt your head to approximately 45 degrees, and lift your eyes to look at the floor. Do not stick your head out and explore your ears (as this will compromise your position), bur rather, keep your ears hidden between your shoulders. You should be able to see the ground space between your palms.
8. To shrug, relax your shoulders and allow your entire body to sink down. Your shoulders should be the only muscle group to deactivate. The core and legs should remain tight. 
9. Re-activate the position by “pushing the floor away” to return back into an extended handstand.


2 Rounds
10 Low Tuck to Standing Pike Extensions
30 Seconds Weighted Wrist Extensions - Palm Down (Right Arm)
30 Seconds Weighted Wrist Extensions - Palm Down (Left Arm)
30 Seconds Bench Tricep Stretch

Low Tuck to Standing Pike Extensions:
1. Begin in a low, tucked position on the ground: Feet together, glutes to heels, hands on the floor near your toes for support. Only your fingers and the balls of your feet will be in contact with the floor.
2. Press your heels to the ground to intensify the stretch through the achilles and calves.
3. Slowly, lift the glutes into the air, beginning to straighten out the legs.
4. Continue rising until you reach straight legs. The goal is to keep your hands on the floor for the entire set, but, if they need to come off in order to lock the knees out, that is fine.
5. Allow the chest to hang towards the floor as much as possible.
6. Hold at the top to maximize the stretch.
7. Return to your low tuck starting position.

Weighted Wrist Extensions:
1. Grab a light dumbbell in one hand, and set your forearm on your box, palm facing the floor. Your wrist will be hanging clear of the edge.
2. Fully relax your wrist to start, allowing the dumbbell to hang towards the floor.
3. Hinging only at the wrist, lift the dumbbell as high as possible, while still keeping your forearm on the box.
4. Hold at the top before slowly lowering back down.

Bench Tricep Stretch:
1. Begin sitting glutes-to-heels on the ground, facing your bench (or, any apparatus you are using: Chair, couch, desk, etc.)
2. Place your hands on the bench, palms down, and slide them forward until your elbows are supported. The goal is to keep the joint as comfortable and safe as possible.
3. Arms should be shoulder width apart.
4. With your knees together, lift your glutes and set your hips directly over your knees. Both legs should be together and creating aa 90 degree angle.
5. Allow your head to fall through your arms, and press your chest towards the floor.
6. Bend your elbows and pull your thumbs to shoulder blades. This will intensify the stretch in the triceps.
7. Engage your core by pulling the belly button into your spine. This will flatten out and protect the lower back. No sagging. 

4 Rounds for Max Reps Each Movement:

30 Seconds V-Ups
30 Seconds Dumbbell Push-Up + Alternating Row
30 Seconds Hollow Leg Lifts with Dumbbell
30 Seconds Rest

Sub Options:
Use light weight / Push-ups with knees on the ground
No weight

1. Begin laying on the ground, with arms extended overhead, legs straight, and lower back pressing into the floor.
2. Simultaneously lift your upper and lower body off the floor as high as possible, with the goal of tapping your fingertips to your toes. Only your glutes and tailbone will remain on the ground.
3. Control yourself back down to the floor, returning to your active, starting position.

Dumbbell Push Up + Alternating Row
1. Place your dumbbells on the ground, shoulder width apart and parallel to each other.
2. Set up into your plank position by grabbing the dumbbells (palms should be facing each other), positioning your shoulders directly over your wrists, and feet together.
3. As you squeeze your glutes, tuck your hips under (as if you were a dog with it’s tail between its legs) to engage the core and flatten out the lower back. No sagging allowed.
4. Reinforce shoulder extension at the top each rep by "pushing the dumbbells/floor away", which will slightly round the upper back. At this point, every muscle should be engaged and working to stay tight.
5. Keeping your body in one line, lower yourself to the dumbbells, until your shoulders make contact. Push back up into full extension.
6. Keeping the body tight, press through the right shoulder, and lift the left dumbbell until it makes contact with the rib cage.
7. Return the weight to the ground, and repeat on the right side.
8. The goal is to keep your chest square to the ground as you "row" each dumbbell towards your body.

Hollow Leg Lifts with Dumbbell:
1. Begin laying with your back on the floor, holding your dumbbell with two hands and straight arms.
2. Press your lower back into the floor to engage the core, and bring the dumbbell backwards towards your ears, behind your head as far as possible. The farther backwards you can hold it, the more challenging the drill will be.
3. Keeping the legs tight, lift them until your toes point straight towards the ceiling.
4. Keeping the lower back pressed into the ground, control your legs back towards the floor, but do not let your feet touch the floor at the bottom of the rep. The heels should only come to approximately 2-3 inches above the ground.
5. Lift the legs back up to vertical.

3 Rounds for Quality
5 Box Handstand Inchworm Walks
5 Kick-Up to Handstand Hold
20 Handstand Shoulder Taps Against the wall
Rest as Needed Between Rounds

Buy Out:
5 Min Handstand Walk (Practice)

Sub Options:
Static box handstand hold / Inchworm walks on the ground
Box Progression Shoulder Taps (Feet or knees on a box, couch, chair, etc.) / Plank Shoulder Taps
Box Handstand Shoulder Taps / Plank Shoulder Touches
Practice kicking up to handstand against the wall / Practice pressing to handstand against the wall

Box Handstand Inchworm Walks:
1. Begin in a 90 degree box handstand hold.
2. Taking very small steps, walk your hands forward as far as possible. You will be in more of an extended position, feeling your core light up immediately. Make sure to keep your lower back flat by squeezing the glutes and rounding the hips under.
3. Once you reach your farthest point, walk your hands back in to your starting handstand position.
4. You may separate your feet on the box (approximately 10 inches between each foot), to give you more stability.

Handstand Shoulder Taps Against the Wall:
1. Begin in a Handstand Hold against the wall, with your back facing the wall.
2. To initiate the shift, press your left hand into the ground, with the goal of pushing your left shoulder into your left ear until they make contact. This will shift your body to be centered over your left hand.
3. Carefully lift your right hand off the floor, tap your right shoulder, and return to your normal handstand.
4. Press your right hand into the ground, and push your right shoulder into your right ear.
5. Once your body is centered over the right hand, lift the left hand, tap your left shoulder, and return to your normal handstand.
6. Once you’re comfortable with extending through the shoulders, you can increase speed.

Handstand Walk:
1. Kick-up to a handstand hold, making sure to keep a tight, stacked body position: Your body should be in one line, with your ankles over your hips, hips over your shoulders, and shoulders over your wrists.
2. Allow your body to tip over, producing the forward momentum needed to start walking your hands.
3. Make sure to keep your hips and glutes set over your finger tips for the walk (this will make sure you continue moving forward, rather than falling backwards).
4. To step, plant each hand and extend through the shoulder, getting as tall as possible. It’s this shoulder extension that will naturally shift your bodyweight from side to side, making your handstand walk much easier.


2 Rounds:
30 Seconds Standing Pike with Alternating Bent Knees
10 Side to Side Swinging Kicks (Right + Left)
10 Banded Pass Throughs

Standing Pike with Alternating Bent Knees:
1. Begin standing with both feet together, legs locked out.
2. Hinging at the hips, allow your chest to fall forward, towards your knees. Allow the arms to extend down, hanging the hands towards the floor.
3. Keeping the left leg straight, bend the right knee and lift only the right heel off the ground.
4. Sink deeper into the stretch (chest to quads). You should feel the left hamstring stretching, while the right hamstring relaxes.
5. Switch legs: Lock out the right leg, and bend the left knee, lifting the left heel off the ground.
6. Sink into the stretch as much as possible.
7. Continue alternating back and forth between both sides

Banded Pass Through:
1. Begin standing with your feet together, quads squeezed, and glutes engaged. Round your hips under (think of yourself as a dog with its tail between its legs) to ‘turn on’ your core. Practicing this total body tension from your warm-up is going to transfer into higher level skills.
2. Grip your band (any thickness) in a wide set up for the first few reps. Usually near the ends.
3. Using straight arms, lift the band overhead and backwards, until it hits the back of your glutes.
4. Hold to maximize the stretch.
5. Return to your front starting position by repeating the same motion forward.
6. As you get comfortable, begin walking your hands in to a more narrow grip for increased difficulty.

EMOM 6 Minutes
(Every Minute on the Minute for 6 Minutes)
Min 1: Continuous Effort Plank Dumbbell Rows (Use heavy weight)
Min 2: Continuous Effort Toes to Sky

Enter weight used for Plank Dumbbell Rows as your score (As always focus is on quality over score though!)

Sub or Scaling Options:
Use lighter weight
Keep your back on the floor and only move the legs

Plank Dumbbell Rows:

1. Begin in a plank position, with each hand grasping a dumbbell.
2. Plank Keys: Hands/Dumbbells sit directly under the shoulders, squeeze your glutes and round the hips under to flatten out the lower back, legs tight and locked out.
3. Extend through the left shoulder by pushing the dumbbell into the ground, and trying to get as “tall” as possible through that left shoulder. This will make sure your upper body is engaged, and ready to support the movement.
4. Pick up the right dumbbell, and pull it towards your rib cage, with your elbow tracking backwards.
5. Return to your plank and repeat on the left side.

Toes to Sky:

1. Begin lying on your back, with your arms straight down, by your sides. Glutes are squeezed, lower back is pressing into the ground, and legs are tight.
2. Keeping the legs together, lift them up, pointing the toes towards the ceiling. At the point, your body will be in a 90 degree angle.
3. Press your palms into the floor for stability, and use your core to lift your lower back and hips completely off the floor, so that you’re balancing on your upper back. Squeeze your glutes as your legs come into the air.
4. At the top of the rep, your body should be in a straight line from toes to shoulders (with the toes pointing towards the sky). Do not break at the hips.
5. Control yourself back down.
6. Now, lower your legs to the floor, but avoid making contact. You want your heels to only hover 2-3 inches above the floor.
7. Once they are lowered, use the core to pull the legs back to the 90 degree position, and repeat lifting your hips off the floor.

One time through for QUALITY
5 Quality Cartwheels
Rest as Needed
5 Minutes of Practice: Handstand Shoulder Taps Against the Wall
Rest as Needed
5 Quality Forward Rolls from a Handstand against the wall


1. Begin in the universal gymnastics starting position: Stand with your full weight on your non-dominant (“bad”) leg, with your dominant leg extended forward, quad squeezed with toes pointed and in contact with the ground. Set arms overhead, shoulder-width apart, and extend the shoulders into the ears (there should be no space between the two). Squeeze your glutes and round your hips under to engage the core and flatten out the lower back. You should be completely tight from head to toe in this position. 
2. Carefully shift your weight forward, into your dominant leg. Your front knee will dramatically bend, as your bodyweight travels forward, over the front of the toes. You want a big bend in the front leg in order to better control your speed as you approach the floor.
3. Keeping your arms shoulder-width apart, continue reaching your hands towards the floor. Here, your body will act similarly to a teeter-totter. As your hands approach the floor, your back leg (non-dominant) will rise off the floor, preparing for the “kick” to generate the full rotation over your hands. 
4. When your hands are within 1-2 inches of the floor, externally rotate your fingers to 45 degrees, and drive your back heel (non-dominant leg) vertical. 
5. Your back leg will initiate the the full rotation of your body in the cartwheel. You need an explosive kick-up that generates enough power to help you fully rotate in the movement.
6. As your first hand (dominant hand) reaches the floor, your first foot (non-dominant foot) will drive over the top. As your second hand (non-dominant hand) reaches the floor, your second foot (dominant foot) will push off the floor, and drive over the top. At this point, your body should be in an upside down “X” position. 
7. Maintaining this X-position, pull your first foot (non-dominant foot) to the floor, and lift your first hand (dominant hand) off the floor. When your second foot (dominant foot) reaches the floor, lift your second hand (non-dominant hand) off the floor. 
8. Control your landing, and make sure you are fully balanced before moving on. 

Handstand Shoulder Taps Against the Wall
1. Begin in a Handstand Hold against the wall, with your back facing the wall.
2. To initiate the shift, press your left hand into the ground, with the goal of pushing your left shoulder into your left ear until they make contact. This will shift your body to be centered over your left hand.
3. Carefully lift your right hand off the floor, tap your right shoulder, and return to your normal handstand.
4. Press your right hand into the ground, and push your right shoulder into your right ear.
5. Once your body is centered over the right hand, lift the left hand, tap your left shoulder, and return to your normal handstand.
6. Once you’re comfortable with extending through the shoulders, you can increase speed.

Forward Rolls from a Handstand against the wall
1. Begin in a handstand agains the wall, with your stomach facing the wall.
2. To initiate the roll, tuck your chin into your chest (which will fave the shoulders and help round the back), and allow your elbows to slightly bend.
3. From here, your elbows will continue to bend (Slowly and under control), while your toes will slide down the wall. Sliding the toes down the wall is important to help slow the roll down.
4. As you near the floor, tuck your chin even more. Only the back of your head should ever come in contact with the ground. Remind yourself to stare at your belly button, to help keep everything rounded.
5. As you finish the roll, pull your heels into your glutes, and sit your chest up, over your toes to stand.

No Score

Subs or Scaling Options
Cartwheels: Smaller range of motion by swinging the legs around the side (keep them close to the floor), instead of kicking directly overhead / Slowly build your way up as you feel comfortable
Shoulder Taps: Can complete using the Box Position (Feet or knees on a box) / Plank shoulder taps
Forward Rolls: Roll from a high box / Roll from short box / Roll on the floor only / Roll on pillowsIf you are new to SP a lot of these skills have been developed over the past few weeks of this programming.  Don't be afraid to go back and see/try some of the previous workouts to work up to this stuff!

GYMNASTICS 04/28/2019

Street Parking GYMNASTICS is programmed by national level gymnast Kati Breazeal.  This workouts are designed to help you learn and gain control of your body.  If you are interested in adding strength and coordination in the gymnastics movments - these are for you!

2 Rounds
30 Seconds Standing Straddle with Alternating Bent Knees
30 Seconds Lying Twist (Right + Left)
10 Backward Single Arm Circles (Right + Left)

Standing Straddle with Alternating Bent Knees:
1. Begin standing with your feet outside the hips; soft bend in the knees.
2. Hinging at the hips, allow your chest to fall forward, between your legs as much as possible. Allow the arms to extend down, hanging the hands towards the floor.
3. Keeping the left leg straight, bend the right knee and lift only the right heel off the ground.
4. Sink deeper into the stretch (chest between the legs). You should feel the left hamstring stretching, while the right hamstring relaxes.
5. Switch legs: Lock out the right leg, and bend the left knee, lifting the left heel off the ground.
6. Sink into the stretch as much as possible.
7. Continue alternating back and forth between both sides.

Lying Twist:
1. Begin lying on the floor, stomach to ground, legs together, arms extended out to the sides.
2. Press your left hand into the floor, and use it to help lift your left shoulder, and twist your torso towards the right arm. The left side of your chest should slowly peel off the floor.
3. As you are twisting your upper body, take your left foot, and place it on the side of your right knee. Allow your left knee to drop to the floor towards your right arm, which will help you twist (and thus, stretch) a little more.
4. Return to your starting position, and repeat on the right side.

EMOM 12 Minutes
(Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes)
Min 1: 30 Seconds Planché Plank
Min 2: 30 Seconds Dual Dumbbell Lat Raises (Moderate weight)
Min 3: 30 Seconds Bicycles

**Enter weight used for Lat Raises for score.

Planché plank with knees on the ground / Regular plank / Regular plank with knees on the ground
Use light weight
Do not extend the leg forward

Planche Plank:
1. Begin with your hands shoulder width apart on the floor. Fingers should be spread and gripping the ground for stability.
2. Set your shoulders directly over your wrists.
3. Your legs will be extended straight behind you, with your feet together, and only the toes/balls of your feet in contact with the ground (heels will the off the ground).
4. Squeeze your glutes and tuck your hips under (as if you were a dog with it’s tail between its legs) to engage the core and flatten out the lower back. No sagging allowed.
5. Reinforce shoulder extension by "pushing the floor away", which will slightly round the upper back. At this point, every muscle should be engaged and working to stay tight.
6. Once set, press your toes into the ground and lift your heels higher to shift your weight forward. You want move your shoulders from being stacked over your wrists, to being farther forward, over your fingertips.

Dual Dumbbell Lat Raises:
1. Begin standing with your feet together, dumbbells in hand with your arms hanging down. The dumbbells should be resting on the front of your quads.
2. Keeping the arms straight, lift the dumbbells overhead to reach full extension.
3. Slowly bring the dumbbells back down, keeping the arms straight.
4. The goal is to keep the midline engaged and tight during each rep, and only use the lats to raise and lower the arms.

1. Begin in a hollow position on the ground, with your hands behind your head.
2. Bend your right knee.
3. Twist your torso until your left elbow hits the top of your right knee.
4. Return to your hollow position.
5. Bend the left knee, and twist your torso until you touch your right elbow to the left knee.
6. Return to your hollow position and continue alternating sides.
7. Make sure to keep your lower back pressing into the ground at all times throughout the set.

3 Rounds for Quality
Rest as Needed Between Rounds

30 Seconds Continuous Work: Box Handstand Shoulder Taps
3 Forward Rolls from High Box
10 Headstand + Pike Extensions

Regular Plank / Drop knees to the floor
Roll from short box / Roll on the floor only / Roll on pillows
Less range of motion (feet do not come down to the floor) / Tuck to Headstand Extensions / Static headstand hold / Static tucked headstand hold

Box Handstand Shoulder Taps:
1. Begin in a Box Handstand Hold, with your legs straight and toes on the box.
2. To initiate the shift, press your left hand into the ground, with the goal of pushing your left shoulder into your left ear until they make contact. This will shift your body to be centered over your left hand.
3. Carefully lift your right hand off the floor, tap your right shoulder, and return to your normal handstand.
4. Press your right hand into the ground, and push your right shoulder into your right ear.
5. Once your body is centered over the right hand, lift the left hand, tap your left shoulder, and return to your normal handstand.

Forward Rolls from High Box:
1. Begin standing in front of your tall box, with your feet hip-width apart, arms by your sides.
2. Squat down to the floor, and set your hands on the floor in front of you. Step each foot onto the box, and bring your hips over your hands as much as possible, as this will help create a very easy "tip over".
3. Tuck your chin into your chest as much as possible. You will stare are your belly button for the entire rotation, which will protect the head and neck. Do not keep a straight neck during the forward roll. Only the back of your head (Ladies, think of where a ponytail is) should touch the floor as you roll. The more you tuck your head in, the safer your neck will be.
4. To initiate the roll, your elbows will have a slow, consistent bend, until you find yourself rolling down one vertebrae at a time from the box to the floor. Make sure the elbows continuously bend, slowly lowering your body to the floor. Do not keep straight arms.
5. Your feet will land on the floor in front of you, setting you in a safe, seated position.
6. Once comfortable, you may increase speed, by moving faster through the steps.
7. To stand more quickly, pull your heels into your glutes, and shift your shoulders forward, fully over your toes to land in a low squat. Stand.

Headstand + Pike Extensions:

1. Begin in a Headstand Hold.
2. Keeping the legs together and straight, carefully lower the toes to the floor until they make light contact.
3. As soon as the toes touch the floor, use your core to lift your straight legs back to your starting Headstand Hold.

GYMNASTICS 04/21/2019

2 Rounds
10 Cat + Cow
30 Second Bench Tricep Stretch
30 Second Floor Pigeon Right
30 Second Floor Pigeon Left

Cat + Cow:
1. Begin in a tabletop position on the floor, with your knees under your hips, and hands under your shoulders.
2. Inhale a deep breath as you arch your back (stomach drops toward the floor), and lift your chin to the sky.
3. As you exhale all of your air, press your hands and knees into the ground, and contract your core to round the back as much as possible. Tuck your chin into your chest.
4. Repeat, moving slowly through each position, and inhaling/exhaling as much as possible.

Bench Tricep Stretch:
1. Begin sitting glutes-to-heels on the ground, facing your bench (or, any apparatus you are using: Chair, couch, desk, etc.)
2. Place your hands on the bench, palms down, and slide them forward until your elbows are supported. The goal is to keep the joint as comfortable and safe as possible.
3. Arms should be shoulder width apart.
4. With your knees together, lift your glutes and set your hips directly over your knees. Both legs should be together and creating aa 90 degree angle.
5. Allow your head to fall through your arms, and press your chest towards the floor.
6. Bend your elbows and pull your thumbs to shoulder blades. This will intensify the stretch in the triceps.
7. Engage your core by pulling the belly button into your spine. This will flatten out and protect the lower back. No sagging.

Floor Pigeon Stretch Right:

1. Begin on the floor, hands planted flat for support.
2. Send your right knee forward (heel close to glute), and extend the left leg straight behind you. This will be similar to a split with a front, bent knee.
3. Once comfortable, sit your right hip towards the floor, until the entire outside of your right leg is in contact with the ground.
4. You can play with keeping a tall chest, or bending forward over the right knee, for variations of the stretch.
5. Repeat on the left side.

3 Rounds for QUALITY
10 Alternating Dumbbell Curl + Overhead Press (As heavy as possible)
10 Zombie Sit-Ups + Backward Fold
20 Hollow Pulses
(Enter weight used for Overhead Press as your score)

Use lighter weight
Swing your arms forward to help with the sit-up
Tucked Hollow Pulses

Zombie Sit Up + Backward Fold:
1. Begin in a seated pike position, with your legs together and extended straight in front of you. Toes will be pointed, and the palms of your hands in contact with the ground (ideally for the entire movement).
2. Engage the core, and begin to lay backwards, rounding your back to the ground.
3. Once fully extended, laying on the floor, use your core and hip flexors to pull your heels off the floor. The legs will remain straight for the entire movement.
4. With your palms and back remaining in contact with the floor, continue piking the hips, pulling your legs towards your face, and pushing the toes towards the ground behind your head (you should be staring at the tops of your knees). At this point, most of your back will peel off the floor as you roll onto the back of your shoulders. You will end in what feels like an upside-down pike stretch.
5. To roll forward, lift your toes off the ground, begin pressing your entire back, back into the floor one vertebrae at a time (think of rolling down through your spine), and slowly directing the heels back to towards the floor. Your palms will still be in contact with the ground.
6. Once your legs are fully extended on the floor, once again, engage your core and sit-up. Your palms and entire lower body should remain on the ground. Do not allow your legs to lift off.
7. Sliding your palms along the sides of your calves, reach them as far forward (towards the heels) as your hamstring mobility allows. You should be moving through a seated pike stretch, pressing your chest into the tops of your quads.
8. Reach your full range of motion in the pike stretch, and repeat.

Hollow Pulses:
1. Begin in a hollow hold with your arms by your sides, focusing on pulling the belly button in, to press the lower back to the floor.
2. To pulse, engage the core and simultaneously lift the shoulders and toes a few inches higher.
3. Return to your starting hollow position.
4. Repeat

EMOM x 6:

Every Minute on the Minute for 6 Minutes. Move at a moderate pace the entire time.
40 Seconds: Continuous Work: 1 Wall Walk + 0:10 Handstand Hold
40 Seconds: Continuous Work: Kick-Up to Handstand Hold Practice

Regular Plank / Drop knees to the floor
Roll from short box / Roll on the floor only / Roll on pillows
Small kick-ups to a point you feel comfortable and safe

After you have completed the EMOM:
Buy Out:

10 Forward Roll from High Box

Wall Walk + Handstand Hold:

1. Begin in the bottom of a push-up position, with your feet by the wall.
2. Push-up into a plank. Extend the shoulders by "pushing the floor away", which will slightly round the upper back, giving you a sturdy base in which to begin your wall walk.
3. Lift your first foot and press it into the wall.
4. As you lift your second foot to the wall, you will simultaneously step your opposite hand backwards.
5. Continue walking your feet up the wall, while stepping your hands back, towards the wall, until you finish in a handstand.
6. Being as tight as possible, hold for ten seconds.
7. Walk back down the wall by retracing the same "stepping" movement pattern you used to climb up the wall.
8. Once you bring your feet to the ground, move through your plank position, and lower all the way to the floor to complete.

Kick Up to Handstand Hold
1. Begin in a wide split lunge, with your dominant leg out front. Both knees need to be bent— You want to be able to bounce up and down comfortably.
2. Arms are extended in front of you, with your hands at hip height. Fingers need to be spread and prepared to grip the floor.
3. Slow shift your weight forward as you approach the floor. Try to lay your stomach on the top of your quad.
4. As you set your hands on the floor, use your front (dominant) leg to gently push off the floor, initiating the press towards a handstand. This should feel slow, and ""strength-based"".
5. Focus on getting your non-dominant leg to the wall, and slowly bringing the legs together into a full handstand. Empahsis on ""slow""!

GYMNASTICS 04/07/2019

Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week, on Sunday.  These workouts are programmed by former collegiate level and national level gymnast Kati Breazeal.  These workouts are great for those interested in adding in additional work gaining body control, strength, and general skill in the gymnastics movements.  Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.


2 Rounds:
10 Standing Straddle with Alternating Bent Knees
30 Seconds per Side Wall Pec Stretch (Right + Left)
30 Seconds Bench Shoulder Stretch



3 Rounds for Quality
1 Minute Overhead Dumbbell Alternating Shoulder Extensions
10 Box Pistols (Right + Left = 1)
30 Hollow Rocks

Sub Options:
Use light weight
For Pistols: The taller your piece of equipment (i.e., bench, chair, couch, etc.), the easier the pistols will be
Tucked hollow rocks

No SCORE!  Do this for quality not for time!

Overhead Dumbbell Shoulder Extensions:
1. One dumbbell per hand.
2. With your feet hip width apart, lift the dumbbells overhead, holding them shoulder width apart. Your palms should be facing in, with the weights parallel to each other.
3. Extend your shoulders by pushing them up into your ears, as high as possible.
4. Relax your shoulders and drop them back to a neutral position.

Box Pistols:
1. Begin with your feet together, standing a few inches in front of your box/chair. You may do these weighted or unweighted.
2. Lift your first leg off the floor, extending it straight out in front, pointing the toe. The front leg should be as tight as possible.
3. Lower yourself down to the box/chari, until you find yourself in a sitting position. The front leg should be hovering above the floor, do not let it touch.
4. To stand, shift your weight forward, and press through your mid foot. Your toes should be working to grip the ground, and help maintain balance.
5. Once fully extended, bring your front foot back to the ground, and repeat on the opposite side.

Hollow Rocks:
1. Begin laying on your back with your legs extended forward, and arms extended overhead by your ears. Your arms need to stay shoulder width apart for the entire set.
2. Brace your core by sucking your belly button into your spine, pushing the lower back into the floor. Your lower back needs to remain flat, so it makes contact with the floor during every rep.
3. To initiate the rock, lift your toes up in the air while you press your shoulder blades into the ground. While maintaining the hollowed position, allow the momentum to rock you forward as the toes come towards the ground, and shoulders lift off the ground.



6 Minute EMOM
(Every Minute on the Minute for 6 Minutes)

Perform as 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off:
Toes to Bar Practice: Focus on form rather than numbers (Straight legs, pointed toes, staying tight)

Sub Option:
Toes to Bar with a Box / Kip Swings / Slowly lift your legs as high as possible while still maintaining rhythm

Score: Total Reps, but do NOT sacrifice form to be on top of the leaderboard!

GYMNASTICS 03/31/2019


2 Rounds for Quality

30 Seconds Pigeon on High Box Right
30 Seconds Pigeon on High Box Left
30 Seconds Alternating Wrist Stretches
10 Banded Pass ThroughsPigeon on High Box:

1. Begin standing in front of your box, toes face forward. The height of the box may vary— The taller the box, the more challenging the stretch.
2. Lift your right foot, and set it flat on top of the box.
3. Shift your right foot to the left, until it sits even with your left hip.
4. Allow your right knee to gently fall to the right, pressing towards the box.
5. Use your right hand to apply more pressure to the right knee, if a greater stretch is desired.
6. Make sure to keep the bottom (left) leg straight, and hips open. Your chest may fold forward, over the right leg, in order to increase the stretch.
7. Repeat on the opposite side.

Banded Pass Throughs:

1. Begin standing with your feet together, quads squeezed, and glutes engaged. Round your hips under (think of yourself as a dog with its tail between its legs) to ‘turn on’ your core. Practicing this total body tension from your warm-up is going to transfer into higher level skills.
2. Grip your band (any thickness) in a wide set up for the first few reps. Usually near the ends.
3. Using straight arms, lift the band overhead and backwards, until it hits the back of your glutes.
4. Hold to maximize the stretch.
5. Return to your front starting position by repeating the same motion forward.
6. As you get comfortable, begin walking your hands in to a more narrow grip for increased difficulty.


EMOM 9 Minutes:

Min 1: Rebounding Straight Jumps (As high as possible + pointed toes)
Min 2: Tucked Hollow Hold
Min 3: Inchworm + 1 Push-Up

Sub Options:

Min 1: Single jumps with pause between reps (no rebound)
Min 2: Break as Needed
Min 3: Push-up with knees on the ground

All movement for quality not for speed!

Rebounding Straight Jumps:
1. Begin standing with your feet together, arms bent to 90 degrees and close to your sides.
2. As you jump, make sure to only push from the balls of your feet. Do not let your heels touch the ground.
3. The goal is to be explosive off the floor, fully pointing your toes in the air, while keeping the entire body tight.
4. You want to spend as little time on the floor as possible— Be quick and bouncy.

Tucked Hollow Hold:

1. Begin laying on your back with your legs extended forward, and arms down by your side.
2. Brace your core by sucking your bellybutton into your spine, pushing the lower back into the floor. Your lower back needs to remain in contact with the floor for the duration of the set.
3. Keeping your legs together, pull your knees off the ground, until they are positioned over your hips. Your shins should be parallel to the floor, creating a 90 degree angle with your legs.
4. Lift your shoulders off the ground as high as possible. Arms will remain extended forward, parallel to the floor.
5. Focus on pushing your lower back into the floor at all times.

Inchworm + 1 Push Up:

1. Begin standing with your feet hip width apart, and relaxed legs.
2. Allow your chest to fall forward, bringing it as close to your quads as your mobility allows. Arms will hang forward towards the floor, with a goal of touching the floor. 
3. Keeping your feet in the same spot for the entire set, begin walking your hands forward, until extend yourself into a plank position. Your shoulders should be positioned directly over your wrists
4. Squeeze your glutes, tuck your hips under (as if you were a dog with it’s tail between its legs) to engage the core and flatten our the lower back. No sagging allowed.
5. Reinforce shoulder extension at the top each rep by “pushing the floor away”, which will slightly round the upper back. At this point, every muscle should be engaged and working to stay tight.
6. Keeping your body in one line, lower yourself to the floor, until your chest makes contact. Your elbows should track backwards as you lower and lift.
7. Push back up into full extension at the top.
8. Begin walking your hands back in towards your feet. Getting them as close to your toes as possible to maximize the hamstring stretch.

3 Rounds for Quality

Rest as Needed Between Rounds
10 Alternating Box Handstand Leg Lifts
10 Straddle Headstand to Extension
5 Forward Rolls

Sub Options:

10 Knees on box / Plank leg marches
10 Small range of motion with the legs / Static straddle headstand / Static regular headstand hold
5 Move through the mechanics of the roll / Roll on a soft surface: Foam mat, pillow, mattressAlternating

Box Handstand Leg Lifts:
1. Choose a box/chair/etc. at a height you are comfortable with. The higher the box, the less strain on hamstring mobility.
2. Begin by standing in front of your box, and setting your hands on the ground. Hands should be initially placed a few feet away.
3. Carefully step one foot onto the box at a time. You should find yourself in a position similar to the Elevated Plank.
4. Keeping your legs straight (for the RXed version), walk your hands in, towards the box, until they are set directly under the hips (putting you into a ‘stacked position’).
5. Spread your fingers apart, and actively grip the floor. Engaging the fingers will help maintain balance while inverted.
6. Extend your shoulders by "pushing the floor away". You should feel contact between your shoulders and ears.
7. Tilt your head to approximately 45 degrees, and lift your eyes to look at the floor. Do not stick your head out and explore your ears (as this will compromise your position), bur rather, keep your ears hidden between your shoulders. You should be able to see the ground space between your palms.
8. Slowly, lift your right leg until it reaches vertical. Squeeze your quad and point your toe to maintain tension (tightness). Your body should be in a straight line from your top foot to your hands. The left foot remains on the box for stability.
9. Return the right leg back to the box.
10. Lift your left leg until it reaches vertical. Squeeze your quad and point your toe to maintain tension. Your body should be in a straight line from your top foot to your hands. The right foot remains on the box for stability.
11. Return the left leg back to the box.

Straddle Headstand to Extension:
1. Begin by setting up into your tripod position— Your head and both hands will form the three points of an equilateral triangle (all sides are the same length) when set on the floor. Your head will be the top, while your hands will form the base. Hands should be slightly wider than shoulder width distance. Only the top of your head should be in contact with the floor. 
2. Slightly angle your fingers out to approximately 45 degrees. This will make it easier to balance and keep stability as we move the legs.
3. Brace the neck by pushing the hands into the floor (you need to feel your triceps light up), and pulling your shoulders towards the ceiling.
4. With your tripod position set, lift your hips into the air and come up onto your toes (legs will be straight at this point). 
5. Slowly Walk your toes forward, shifting your hips over the center of your tripod position.
6. Pull your first knee forward, setting it on the back of your tricep.
7. Keeping the core and neck braced, pull the second knee forward, setting it on the back of the tricep.
8. Slowly lift your knees off your arms, and bring them together in front to create the tucked position.
9. Using the core, continue to lift the hips and straighten the legs, until they are vertical. 
10. NOTE: You should never be completely vertical in headstands, because you do not want all of your bodyweight set over your head and neck. Instead, form a hollowed position, where your hips and glutes are centered over the middle of your tripod.
11. Once vertical, straddle your legs out to the side as far as possible (mobility will play a big factor here— The farther you can relax your legs to the sides, versus the front, the easier the movement will be). 
12. Rounding your hips under, control your toes as you lower them to the floor.
13. Allow the tops of your toes to lightly tap the ground, and immediately re-engage the core, and pull the legs back up, until you reach your vertical position. Think of this movement as a big open-and-closing of the legs.

GYMNASTICS 03/24/2019

2 Rounds:
10 Forward to Backward Swinging Kicks (On right + left)
30 Seconds Tricep Bench Stretch
30 Seconds Standing Pike with Alternating Bent Knees

Forward to Backward Swinging Kicks :
1. Begin standing on both feet, grabbing a sturdy object for support with your right hand (I recommend the post of a rig).
2. Extend your left arm directly out to the side, keeping it parallel to the floor for the entire set.
3. Keeping a straight leg, lift your left foot up in the air as high as possible.
4. Once you reach your full range of motion, drive the heel backward, using momentum to swing your eft leg behind you.
5. Continue swinging your left leg front to back, focusing on keep both legs locked out at all times.
6. Repeat steps for the right side.

Tricep Bench Stretch:
1. Begin sitting glutes-to-heels on the ground, facing your bench (or, any apparatus you are using: Chair, couch, desk, etc.)
2. Place your hands on the bench, palms down, and slide them forward until your elbows are supported. The goal is to keep the joint as comfortable and safe as possible.
3. Arms should be shoulder width apart.
4. With your knees together, lift your glutes and set your hips directly over your knees. Both legs should be together and creating aa 90 degree angle.
5. Allow your head to fall through your arms, and press your chest towards the floor.
6. Bend your elbows and pull your thumbs to shoulder blades. This will intensify the stretch in the triceps.
7. Engage your core by pulling the belly button into your spine. This will flatten out and protect the lower back. No sagging.

Standing Pike with Alternating Bent Knees
1. Begin standing with both feet together, legs locked out.
2. Hinging at the hips, allow your chest to fall forward, towards your knees. Allow the arms to extend down, hanging the hands towards the floor.
3. Keeping the left leg straight, bend the right knee and lift only the right heel off the ground.
4. Sink deeper into the stretch (chest to quads). You should feel the left hamstring stretching, while the right hamstring relaxes.
5. Switch legs: Lock out the right leg, and bend the left knee, lifting the left heel off the ground.
6. Sink into the stretch as much as possible.
7. Continue alternating back and forth between both sides.

3 Rounds for Quality
10 Hollow Hold + Banded Lat Pull Downs
10 Zombie Sit-Up + Backward Fold
10 Candlestick Roll + Tuck Jump

Sub Options:
Tucked Hollow Hold + Banded Lat Pull Downs / Feet on the Ground + Banded Lat Pull Downs with Thinner Band
Toes come backward as far as possible / Swing arms forward to help with the sit-up
Bend the knees & do not lift the hips high off the ground

You will put your time for a score - but really this is not about speed but quality.

Hollow Hold + Banded Lat Pull Down
1. Secure a band to a sturdy object, making sure you have enough space to stretch the band while fully extended on the ground. Thicker band = more difficult.
2. Lying with your back to the floor, grab the band with both hands and slowly move away from the rig.
3. Once you have enough tension on the band, extend your body and lift into a hollow hold: Pointed toes, straight legs, squeezed glutes, hips rounded under and pushing the lower back into the ground, shoulders off the floor, arms shoulder-width apart gripping the band.
4. With control, pull the band from overhead, down towards your hips. Your hands should make contact with the tops of your legs.
5. Slowly return.

Zombie Sit Up + Backward Fold
1. Begin in a seated pike position, with your legs together and extended straight in front of you. Toes will be pointed, and the palms of your hands in contact with the ground (ideally for the entire movement).
2. Engage the core, and begin to lay backwards, rounding your back to the ground.
3. Once fully extended, laying on the floor, use your core and hip flexors to pull your heels off the floor. The legs will remain straight for the entire movement.
4. With your palms and back remaining in contact with the floor, continue piking the hips, pulling your legs towards your face, and pushing the toes towards the ground behind your head (you should be staring at the tops of your knees). At this point, most of your back will peel off the floor as you roll onto the back of your shoulders. You will end in what feels like an upside-down pike stretch.
5. To roll forward, lift your toes off the ground, begin pressing your entire back, back into the floor one vertebrae at a time (think of rolling down through your spine), and slowly directing the heels back to towards the floor. Your palms will still be in contact with the ground.
6. Once your legs are fully extended on the floor, once again, engage your core and sit-up. Your palms and entire lower body should remain on the ground. Do not allow your legs to lift off. 
7. Sliding your palms along the sides of your calves, reach them as far forward (towards the heels) as your hamstring mobility allows. You should be moving through a seated pike stretch, pressing your chest into the tops of your quads.
8. Reach your full range of motion in the pike stretch, and repeat. 

Candlestick Roll to Tuck Jump
1. Begin standing with your feet together, legs straight, and arms extended overhead, shoulder-width apart.
2. To sit back, act as if you were sitting into a chair, directing your glutes towards your heels. You will “sit back” into a position very similar to a deep squat. At this time, you want to begin rounding your back by pulling your belly button into your spine, reinforcing a smooth, hollow position.
3. As your glutes come to the floor (ideally right behind your heels), allow yourself to carefully roll backward, making contact with the floor one vertebrae at a time. No flat backs! Your arms will still be extended overhead.
4. When your shoulders and arms come in contact with the floor, you will press the backs of your hands into the ground for stability.
5. With pointed toes, lift your feet towards the ceiling, allowing the legs to fully extend and straighten. Here you will squeeze your glutes, so your body makes a straight line from your shoulders to your toes (vertical line). Do not allow your hips to close (creating a piked position with the legs coming towards your face).
6. Be as tight as possible in the top of your candlestick position.
7. To stand up, you will aggressively pull your heels into your glutes as you roll forward (getting them as close as possible), which will make for a much easier time standing. 
8. As your feet hit the floor, engage the core and “sit-up”, shifting your shoulders over the front of your toes as quickly as possible.
9. Once balanced, begin standing up. 
10. When you stand, you want to move straight into your tuck jump (no resting or stalling between these two movements.) 
11. As you jump pull your knees into your chest as high as possible. 
12. Land with soft knees, absorbing the force of the jump. 
13. Straighten the legs, and stand tall in your starting position, prepared for the next rep.

3 Rounds for Quality
5 Wall Walk + 5 Second Hold at the Top
10 Box Handstand Shoulder Shrugs (Hold 2 seconds at top and bottom)
5 Cartwheels

Sub Options:
Wall Walk to a height you feel comfortable holding
Knees on the box / Plank shrugs

Level 1 Cartwheel (Swing legs around the side, close to the ground + slowly build)

Wall Walk + Hold
1. Begin in the bottom of a push-up position, perpendicular to the wall. Feet should be nearly touching the wall, with your hands on the outside of your rib cage, and elbows tracking backward (pointing towards the wall behind you). 
2. Push-up into a plank position with shoulder extension. Think, “push the floor away”, which will activate the shoulders, slightly rounding the upper back, giving you a sturdy base in which to begin your wall walk. In this plank position, make sure to squeeze your glutes and round your hips under, flattening out the lower back. A flat lower back is proof that the core is engaged and working. Do not allow your back to sag.
3. Aggressively press your hands into the floor to reinforce your shoulder extension, and lift your first foot to the wall. Press the ball of your foot into the wall, squeezing the quad, in order to set up a strong position. You should feel your hands pressing down, into the floor, and foot pressing backwards, into the wall. 
4. Carefully lift your second foot to the wall, now pressing outward through both hands, and both feet. You will be in a position similar to the elevated plank. 
5. To walk up the wall, you will move one hand, and one foot simultaneously: Right hand + left foot, or, left hand + right foot.
6. For the first step, channel all your energy into pressing through the left shoulder and hand. This will naturally begin to shift your bodyweight to the left, so we can easily lift the right hand to take a step. 
7. Once you have shifted your weight slightly to the left, lift the right hand off the floor, and step it backwards, towards the wall. Pressing your right foot into the wall, lift your left foot and move it vertically, higher up the wall. 
8. Press through the right hand, shift your weight to the right side, and repeat on the opposite side. 
9. Continue shifting your weight, stepping one hand and one foot at a time, until you reach a fully extended handstand, parallel to the wall. 
10. Being as tight as possible, hold for five seconds. 
11. Descend from the handstand by shifting your weight side to side, and walking your hands forward, away from the wall. Your feet will simultaneously step down the wall, as your hands move forward.
12. Once your feet are close to the floor, return each to the ground, setting yourself back into a plank position.
13. Lower your body into the bottom of a push-up position, preparing for the next rep.

Box Handstand Shoulder Shrugs:
1. Choose a box/chair/etc. at a height you are comfortable with. The higher the box, the less strain on hamstring mobility. 
2. Begin by standing in front of your box, and setting your hands on the ground. Hands should be initially placed a few feet away. 
3. Carefully step one foot onto the box at a time. You should find yourself in a position similar to the Elevated Plank. 
4. Keeping your legs straight (for the RXed version), walk your hands in, towards the box, until they are set directly under the hips (putting you into a ‘stacked position’).
5. Spread your fingers apart, and actively grip the floor. Engaging the fingers will help maintain balance while inverted.
6. Extend your shoulders by “pushing the floor away”. You should feel contact between your shoulders and ears.
7. Tilt your head to approximately 45 degrees, and lift your eyes to look at the floor. Do not stick your head out and explore your ears (as this will compromise your position), bur rather, keep your ears hidden between your shoulders. You should be able to see the ground space between your palms.
8. To shrug, relax your shoulders and allow your entire body to sink down. Your shoulders should be the only muscle group to deactivate. The core and legs should remain tight. 
9. Re-activate the position by “pushing the floor away” to return back into an extended handstand.


1. Begin in the universal gymnastics starting position: Stand with your full weight on your non-dominant (“bad”) leg, with your dominant leg extended forward, quad squeezed with toes pointed and in contact with the ground. Set arms overhead, shoulder-width apart, and extend the shoulders into the ears (there should be no space between the two). Squeeze your glutes and round your hips under to engage the core and flatten out the lower back. You should be completely tight from head to toe in this position. 
2. Carefully shift your weight forward, into your dominant leg. Your front knee will dramatically bend, as your bodyweight travels forward, over the front of the toes. You want a big bend in the front leg in order to better control your speed as you approach the floor.
3. Keeping your arms shoulder-width apart, continue reaching your hands towards the floor. Here, your body will act similarly to a teeter-totter. As your hands approach the floor, your back leg (non-dominant) will rise off the floor, preparing for the “kick” to generate the full rotation over your hands. 
4. When your hands are within 1-2 inches of the floor, externally rotate your fingers to 45 degrees, and drive your back heel (non-dominant leg) vertical. 
5. Your back leg will initiate the the full rotation of your body in the cartwheel. You need an explosive kick-up that generates enough power to help you fully rotate in the movement.
6. As your first hand (dominant hand) reaches the floor, your first foot (non-dominant foot) will drive over the top. As your second hand (non-dominant hand) reaches the floor, your second foot (dominant foot) will push off the floor, and drive over the top. At this point, your body should be in an upside down “X” position. 
7. Maintaining this X-position, pull your first foot (non-dominant foot) to the floor, and lift your first hand (dominant hand) off the floor. When your second foot (dominant foot) reaches the floor, lift your second hand (non-dominant hand) off the floor. 
8. Control your landing, and make sure you are fully balanced before moving on. 

GYMNASTICS 03/17/2019

Part 1:
2 Rounds

10 Banded Pass Throughs
:30 Bench Shoulder Stretch
10 Low Tuck to Standing Pike Extensions

No Score.  Quality over Speed.

EMOM 12 Min (Alternating Minutes)

Min 1: Hanging Tuck Pulses
Min 2: 30 Seconds Hollow Hold
Min 3: Dumbbell Push-up + Alternating Row (Heavy Weight)

The 12 Min = 4 Rounds Total

Score: Dumbbell Weight used for Push Up + Rows

For the hanging tuck pulses:

1. Begin in an active hang on the pull-up bar: Hands take a shoulder-width grip, lats are engaged (there should be space between your shoulders and ears), quads are squeezed, glues are engaged, hips tucked under, and toes pointed.
2. Using the hip flexors, pull your knees to hip height, reaching a hanging-tuck position.
3. To pulse, allow your knees to slightly drop below hip height (but not to full extension), and quickly lift them back up to your starting position. 
4. You will move quickly through this small range of motion, dropping and lifting the knees in a tucked position.

Subs for the hanging tuck pulses: Small pulses / Static tuck hang / Active bar hang

For the hollow hold:
1. Begin laying on your back with your legs extended forward, and arms set overhead and shoulder width apart
2. Brace your core by pulling your bellybutton into your spine, pushing the lower back into the floor. Your lower back needs to remain in contact with the floor for the duration of the set.
3. Simultaneously lift your shoulders and heels off the ground, while continuing to press the lower back into the floor.

For the Dumbbell Push Up + Alternating Row:

1. Place your dumbbells on the ground, shoulder width apart and parallel to each other.
2. Set up into your plank position by grabbing the dumbbells (palms should be facing each other), positioning your shoulders directly over your wrists, and feet together. 
3. As you squeeze your glutes, tuck your hips under (as if you were a dog with it’s tail between its legs) to engage the core and flatten out the lower back. No sagging allowed.
4. Reinforce shoulder extension at the top each rep by “pushing the dumbbells/floor away”, which will slightly round the upper back. At this point, every muscle should be engaged and working to stay tight.
5. Keeping your body in one line, lower yourself to the dumbbells, until your shoulders make contact. Push back up into full extension. 
6. Keeping the body tight, press through the right shoulder, and lift the left dumbbell until it makes contact with the rib cage. 
7. Return the weight to the ground, and repeat on the right side.
8. The goal is to keep your chest square to the ground as you “row” each dumbbell towards your body.

Subs for the DB push up with alternating row:

Use light weight / Push-up on the floor + no weight / Push-up with knees on the ground

Part 3:
2 Rounds - NOT for Time

1:00 Feet Elevated Plank
10 Tripod + Alternating Leg March
1:00 Headstand Hold

No Score.  QUALITY!

For the feet elevated plank:
1. Set up into your plank position by setting your hands on the floor, shoulder width apart, with your feet on an elevated surface. Shoulders should sit directly over your wrists.
2. As you squeeze your glutes, tuck your hips under (as if you were a dog with it’s tail between its legs) to engage the core and flatten out the lower back. No sagging allowed.
3. Reinforce shoulder extension by "pushing the floor away", which will slightly round the upper back. At this point, every muscle should be engaged and working to stay tight.
4. Continue squeezing your entire body throughout the set.

Scales:  Plank on Ground / Plank with Knees on Ground

Tripod Leg March:
1. Begin by setting up into your tripod position— Your head and both hands will form the three points of an equilateral triangle (all sides are the same length) when set on the floor. Your head will be the top, while your hands will form the base. Hands should be slightly wider than shoulder width distance. Only the top of your head should be in contact with the floor.
2. Slightly angle your fingers out to approximately 45 degrees. This will make it easier to balance and keep stability as we move the legs.
3. Brace the neck by pushing the hands into the floor (you need to feel your triceps light up), and pulling your shoulders towards the ceiling.
4. With your tripod position set, lift your hips into the air and come up onto your toes (legs will be straight at this point).
5. Slowly Walk your toes forward, shifting your hips over the center of your tripod position.
6. Lift one leg off the floor, squeezing your leg to keep it straight, and pointing the toe. You should feel tension throughout the entire leg as you lift and lower back to the floor.

Scales: Tripod Hold / Plank Alternating Leg Marches

For the headstand hold:

1. Begin by setting up into your tripod position— Your head and both hands will form the three points of an equilateral triangle (all sides are the same length) when set on the floor. Your head will be the top, while your hands will form the base. Hands should be slightly wider than shoulder width distance. Only the top of your head should be in contact with the floor. 
2. Slightly angle your fingers out to approximately 45 degrees. This will make it easier to balance and keep stability as we move the legs.
3. Brace the neck by pushing the hands into the floor (you need to feel your triceps light up), and pulling your shoulders towards the ceiling.
4. With your tripod position set, lift your hips into the air and come up onto your toes (legs will be straight at this point). 
5. Slowly Walk your toes forward, shifting your hips over the center of your tripod position.
6. Pull your first knee forward, setting it on the back of your tricep.
7. Keeping the core and neck braced, pull the second knee forward, setting it on the back of the tricep.
8. Slowly lift your knees off your arms, and bring them together in front to create the tucked position.
9. Using the core, continue to lift the hips and straighten the legs, until they are vertical. 
10. NOTE: You should never be completely vertical in headstands, because you do not want all of your bodyweight set over your head and neck. Instead, form a hollowed position, where your hips and glutes are centered over the middle of your tripod.

Scales: Tripod Hold / Single Leg Tripod Hold / Plank hold

GYMNASTICS 03/10/2019

Complete 3 Rounds:
10 Flat to Hollow on Floor
10 Flat to Superman on Floor
10 Kip Swings on Bar
5 Kip/Press Down

Not for time or anything - can add a broomstick/PVC or a little weight to the Flat to HollowSo for the flat to hollow you will lay on your back on the ground with the legs and arms extended.  You will lift the shoulders and legs off of the ground by hollowing out your belly - pulling your low back into the ground.  Hold for 1 second then lower.

For the superman it's basically the opposite.  You will lay on your stomach on the ground with arms and legs extended.  You will lift the arms and legs by squeezing the butt and back.  Hold for 1 second then lower.

For the kip swing you take that hollow and superman and simply perform it on the bar!  Hollow/Arch/Hollow/Arch.  Let it be fluid with no pause in the front or back.  Lead with the shoulders doing most of the work by pressing against the bar then pulling.

From here you - for the last 5 reps you will add a straight arm hard press as you close the hips even more.  Think about trying to PRESS the bar into your hips as you lean back a little to bring you closer to the bar.  DO NOT pull with the arms!

1 Pull Up
1 Toes to Bar
2 Pull Ups
2 Toes to Bar
3 Pull Ups
3 Toes to Bar -
Keep adding 1 per movement per round.

RX +:  Sets of same number must be unbroken.  So the 1+1 / break / 2+2 / break / 3+3 / break and so on.If you are unable to do pull ups and toes to bar - no problem!

You will do 1 kip swing - 1 knees up - 2 kip swings - 2 knees up....

Accumulate Max Hold in 5 min:
Top of Push up on Rings or TRX Bands

For this you will hold the top of a push up position on the rings or TRX bands.  Every time you break just come down and write down how long you held for.  Add up total time at the end.

Keep the belly tight and find that hollow type position again.  Squeeze the cheeks!

Press the through the shoulders by pressing them forward as you hold!

GYMNASTICS 03/03/2019

7 MIN Headstand Press to Support Practice
Put 7 Min on the clock and practice one of the variations of a controlled raising of the lower body into a headstand position.The ultimate goal of this would be to eventually be able to do all of this stuff in a handstand, but here we are working toward first getting a free standing headstand and learning body control through these drills.

If you have injuries or issues going upside down, be careful with this one and go at your own pace!

Make sure hands and head are in a tri-pod position (Hands more in front of the face as if you had a barbell in the front rack).  All of you yogis out there may also choose to lay the forearms on the ground instead of the hands.

If doing these free standing you will place head and hands on the ground and then pike the feet out straight.  From here you can keep the legs straight and squeeze the butt to bring the feet up - or you may tuck the knees in and then press the legs straight.  Make sure if you are doing these free standing that you are comfortable rolling out of it if possible.

Otherwise you may do one of the variations on the wall.  Do not do these fast and hold the top position for a few seconds before coming down!

7 Min EMOM
3-6 of the following complex performed every minute for 7 min:

2 Second L Hold
1 Kip Swing
1 Toes to Bar

So one time through that is 1 rep.  Repeat for 3-6 reps each minute.You will hang from the bar and lift the legs into an L position.  Hold for 2 seconds.

From here you will lower the legs and pull your head and chest through in an arch position.  Then you will press against the bar and swing the feet forward into a hollow position.  That is 1 kip swing.

From there you will once again pull the head and chest through as the feet go behind and press into the bar as you bring the toes up!

If you are unable to do the L hang you may do a knee tuck hang.

If you are unable to do toes to bar you may do a knee up or knee to elbow.

Your score is how many total reps you did through out.

So if you did 5 per min for 7 min your score is 35.  Write what version you did in the comments.

Accumulate 3 Min in a Pike Plank Hold
Start the clock.  Hold for as long as possible.  Make a note of how long.  Rest as needed.  Go up again and hold...

Once your total "HOLD" time = 3 min you are done.

Your score though is your TOTAL time.

RX + - Put your feet in or on something unstable like in your rings or TRX bands or on a stability ball.For this it is NOT a normal plank.  We want to be even a little more hollow and we want to see the hands more out in front instead of stacked perfectly under the shoulders.  Use the abs to pull UP!  Push the ground away with the shoulders.


7 Rounds

3 Hollow Arch on Bar with Box Blocking Legs
5 Kip Swings

Watch video for best description of the box hollow/arch drill.

You will basically hang from the bar with a box or bench RIGHT in front of(like touching) your legs.  Keeping the arms straight and engaging from the core, shoulders, and lats - press against the bar so that your body goes back.  Point your toes forward so they stay in contact with the box.  Hold for 1-2 seconds.  Then pull THROUGH the bar so that your knees are in contact but toes are behind.  Head and chest are in front of the bar.  Arms are still straight.  Hold for 1-2 seconds.  Back and forth 3 total times per set.

Then you will either move the box or move to a different spot on the bar and complete 5 kip swings. This time no pause in the front or back.  Pull Through, Push Back - 5 times.


2 Strict Pull Ups
3 Kipping Pull Ups

If you are CAPABLE of doing this unbroken (more than once) you will do the

RX+ Version: All sets must be unbroken.

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps

Goal: Quality over QuantitySo you have some options for this.  If you are able to do at least 5-7 sets unbroken.  Go for that.  If you are unable to try doing 2 single strict pull ups and THEN 3 kipping pull ups or something like that.

If you need to go down to 1 strict + 3 kipping to get 5-7 rounds total.  That is fine.

You can also do the strict part as a jump and slow lower or banded.  You can also do the whole thing banded, or the whole thing jumping.

Find something that is difficult for you though and that you won't bang out more than 10-11 rounds or so.

4 Rounds

30 Seconds Hollow Plank
30 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Weighted Hollow Hold
30 Seconds Rest

For the hollow plank you will start in the top of a push up position and spread the shoulders and contract the abs even more to find a hollow position.  Make sure to keep the butt down.  Try to hold for 30 but you can break up the 30 seconds into 15-15 seconds if you need to.

For the weighted hollow hold you will hold a LIGHT weight in your hands.  Lie on your back and bring your hands all of the way above your head.  Legs are straight.  Contract the abs to press the lower back into the ground.  Use the hip flexors and lower abs to raise the feet off of the floor keeping the legs as straight as possible.  Raise the hands, arms, and shoulders off of the floor as well keeping the biceps by the ears.

You may break this into 15-15 or even 10-10-10.  You may also want to do this weightless if you are having to break.