Posts tagged OLY-2019
OLY | WEEK 30 | 07/21/2019

Metcon (Distance)

Seated Box Jumps

Put 10 Min on the clock and work on this movement. Start low and add height as you are comfortable. If you are unable to add much height - try hitting one every 30 Seconds - 1 min at a moderate height.

Score is highest successful jump.
For this one we will start in a seated position at or just below parallel. You can sit on a low box, stack of plates - or whatever you can just to make that happen.

In this seated position you will have the heels down roughly hip width apart. You need to be completely sitting - with the chest up.

Use the ARMS!! Throw arms and jump from that dead stop position!

You will want to think of exploding UP and then pulling the knees up FAST!!

Be careful! No bloody shin pics PLEASE!!

Power Snatch (8 x 1 / 6 x 1 / 4 x 1 / 2 x 1)

The way this will work is 1 rep every 30 seconds x 8.
Then you rest 2 min.
Followed by 1 rep every 30 seconds x 6 at a heavier weight.
Rest 1:30.
Followed by 1 rep every 30 seconds x 4 at a heavier weight.
Rest 1 Min.
Followed finally by 1 rep every 30 seconds x 2 at a heavier weight.

You will add weight during those rest periods.

Start with something you can move well and have room to increase for the 8s. Your score is what you use for the final 2 reps.

The bar will start on the ground. You will use a wide/overhead squat grip. The feet are roughly hip - shoulder width apart with the weight in the heels. The knees are bent but hips are higher than the knees. Chest is over the bar. Arms are straight. Bar is close to the body. Back is flat.

Drive the heels into the ground as you start to lift the chest. The bar comes off the ground - keep it close to the body! Control this first pull.

Once the bar is past the knees you will pick up speed! Scoop the hips underneath a bit but keep the heels down. Think about finishing the up or JUMP with the arms still straight. Jump UP not forward.

Shrug the shoulders, and then start to pull the bar with the elbows - reaching them high and outside like a scarecrow to keep the bar close to the body.

As the bar is going UP - pull YOURSELF under it into a partial squat. Feet can move out a bit - to your squat stance. Punch your head and chest under and through. Punch and press into the bar to lockout. Heels down, knees out, belly tight - butt back slightly.

Stand to finish.

OLY | WEEK 29 | 07/14/2019

Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat 4 x 10
Warm Up weight

These sets will be 5 each side. Go super light at first and add weight if you are able.

To perform this you will press one dumbbell up overhead with the bicep by the ear. You will have the feet about shoulder width apart. Reach the butt back and down and drive the knees out. Keep the heels down and keep pressing UP and BACK with the dumbbell. Try to avoid rotating. This is CHALLENGING. Be patient with yourself. Really press up and pull back. Focus on those heels and knees.

You will almost assuredly be better on one side than the other. Only increase weight if you are successful at going all of the way down in a good position with both sides.

This is meant to be a warm up.

Overhead Squat (20 Min to find Heavy 5 Rep)

Score is heaviest set of 5.

For this you will warm up first and then put 20 Min on the clock. From here you can do as many or as few sets as you like, but your goal is to find a heavy set of 5 for the overhead squat.

If this movement is new for you - don't worry so much about weight and just practice this movement for 20 min.

You may take the bar from the rack or from the ground.

If taken from the rack you will start with the bar on your back. Move the hands to a wide grip and then push press or jerk it overhead.

If taken from the ground you may do a clean and then push press it onto your back - then widen your hands and push press or jerk it up overhead.

The hands should be in a width that you could perform a pass through. This means you could allow the bar to be dropped behind you with straight arms if you need to!

Think about pressing into the bar with your whole back and shoulders. Rotate the armpits forward and keep the belly tight.

Reach the butt back and down. Keep pressing into the bar and pull it back. Your head and chest will come forward slightly as your hips go back, but fight to keep it UP! Bar should stay over the middle of the body! Keep the heels down and drive the knees out. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom with the chest up, no roundness of the back, knees out! Stand by pressing into the bar, pressing the heels down, driving the knees out, and leading with the chest!

At the top of each rep the bar should be over the top of the head. Don't leave it behind you.


Check out the Barbell Warm up and the Clean Warm Up before today's session!

Muscle Clean (5 x 3 (3= ground, below knee, above knee))

This movement is all about the UP portion of the clean. There is no pull under or rebend of the knees. Start light and focus on power and speed. You may add weight as long as the turnover still fast!

For the first rep. The bar will start on the ground with the feet under the hips. Hinge at the waist, bend the knees slightly, keep the heels down. Keep the chest up and back flat with the arms straight. The bar should be very close to the body.

Stand and pull the bar by digging the heels into the ground as you lift your chest and pull the bar in close to the body! From here, you will finish the up by scooping the hips under and almost JUMPING with the bar once past the knees. Shrug the shoulders - then pull the elbows high and outside - rotate the elbows back through QUICKLY and get the bar on the shoulder with the elbows high!

No - rebend.

For rep 2, you will do the exact same thing except you will lower the bar to just below the knee and not to the ground. For rep 3 you will lower the bar to just above the knee.

Start light and only add weight if you are able to maintain SPEED!

Rest as needed between sets.

Power Clean (7 x 2 (Do not need to be touch and go))

Score is heaviest set!
1 Set every 2:30

These do not need to be touch and go. But there should be very minimal time between dropping rep 1 and getting set for rep 2.

For this movement you will pull the bar off of the ground similar to a deadlift. You should have a slight bend in the knee, chest up, heels down with the hands outside of the legs! You will pick the bar up leading with the chest and driving through the heels. Keep the arms straight! Once you are past the knees you will begin to pick up speed and finally finish with the legs and hips fast! Add a shrug (arms still straight).

Then focus on keeping the bar close as you pull yourself under into a partial front squat. Butt goes back, elbows come high, bar on the shoulders. Stand to complete each rep.

The sets of 3s and 2s should be touch and go if possible!

OLY | Week 27

Push Press (4 x 5)

4 Sets of 5 - Start difficult and add weight if you feel you can. Rest as needed between sets.

You will dip by keeping the heels down, allowing the knees to come forward, keeping the chest up and allowing the torso to move straight down. Bar stays over the middle of the foot. Butt goes down - avoid the chest dipping forward.

Stand hard and fast out of the dip. Move the face back. Keep the belly tight as you press the bar overhead. For the push press there is no re-bend of the knees. Rep finishes with the bar locked out over the middle of the body, ribs down.

When lowering the bar absorb with your knees!

Push Jerk (4 x 1)

Pick between the push jerk or split jerk. Don't do both.

Add weight each time if you are successful.

Rest as needed between sets.

The focus here is to do the same dip and drive as the push press - but this time instead of pushing the bar up, you push YOURSELF down.

Feet will move out as you press down either into your squat stance.

Split Jerk (4 x 1)

Pick between the push jerk or split jerk. Don't do both.

Add weight each time if you are successful.

Rest as needed between sets.

The focus here is to do the same dip and drive as the push press - but this time instead of pushing the bar up, you push YOURSELF down.

Feet will move out as you press down either into your split stance.


Accumulate 3 Min in a Double Dumbbell Overhead Hold

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

You can sub barbell if you don't have dumbbells or kbs

Score - Total time it takes you to accrue 3 min in the hold.For this you will hold a dumbbell in each hand, locked out overhead. Elbows locked, biceps by the ears - and the big one - BELLY TIGHT.

Do not overextend the belly! Squeeze the cheeks and pull the ribs down.

So if you hold for 30 seconds to start - you will rest as needed and then hold again. Maybe the second time you get 20 seconds. Now you have 50 seconds total.

Keep doing that until you have 3 min.

OLY | Week 26

Snatch Warm Up

5 Snatch Grip Deadlift
3 High hang shrugs
3 Above knee shrug
3 Mid shin shrug
3 High hang high pull -
3 Above knee high pull
3 Mid shin high pull
3 High hang muscle snatch
3 Above knee muscle snatch
3 Mid shin muscle snatch
3 Behind the neck jerks
3 Overhead squats
3 High hang snatch
3 Above knee snatch
3 Mid shin snatch

Snatch (2 Reps Every 2 Min for 10 Rounds (20 Min))

This is meant to be 2 singles with minimal rest between reps every 2 min. Start with a weight that is challenging but you are confident in. Add weight as you feel you are ready. If you want to work technique a lot on this one - don't go too heavy.

You may do these as power or full - whatever you want to work on. If you are super new to this movement we recommend either going from the hang or doing a power snatch + overhead squat to start to piece the movement together.

The bar will start on the ground with the feet under the hips and the hands wide (overhead squat grip). Make sure to use that hook grip! (Thumbs wrap around the bar, fingers around the thumb.)

Hinge at the hips and bend the knees. Keep the heels down and arms long. Think of raising the chest!

To pull the bar from the ground think about lifting the chest while driving the heels into the ground. Pull the bar back into the body. Once past the knees you will both pick up speed and rotate the torso to an upright position. Keep the arms straight as you finish the UP hard and fast with the hips and knees. From there shrug the shoulders to start to bring the bar up and start to pull YOURSELF down.

Feet will move out to squat stance as you pull yourself down under the bar. Elbows pull high and outside to keep the bar CLOSE to the body. Avoid swinging it out and away. Press yourself down under the bar and land in a solid overhead squat position. Heels down, knees out, belly tight and chest up, armpits forward, shoulders pulled back and pressing up! Elbows should be locked out and the bar should be over the middle of the body.

Stand with the bar locked out overhead. Drop the bar or lower the bar to the ground.

Hip Extensions
4 x 15
Rest as needed between rounds.

If you do not have a GHD you may sub supermans or light good mornings.

The goal for the hip extensions on the GHD are to make sure you are set up with your hips in front of the pad laying face down with the feet between the rollers.

You will keep the legs straight and hinge only at the hips. There should be no movement in the back. Keep the belly tight and hinge until you are at a 90 degree angle. Squeeze the cheeks to bring you back up!

OLY | Week 25


Before getting into the overhead squatting and everything today hit the Bodyweight warm up and the Overhead Warm Up in the Members Only Section of the website!

Every 3 Min for 18 Min
3 Snatch Grip Behind Neck Push Press
2 Overhead Squats
1 Snatch Balance

Go light - start with empty bar even - unless you are extremely comfortable and confident in these movements!

Score is heaviest set.Think about this one as technique work for most of us unless you are already extremely comfortable in these movements.  Start even with an empty bar if you need to - and stay there if you have trouble keeping good squat positions or a good shoulder position.

The bar will start on your back with hands in a wide (overhead squat grip).  Think of lifting the chest and rotating the elbows under the bar.  Dip by keeping the chest up and heels down as the knees come slightly forward. Drive the power from the legs and hips into the bar.  Make sure the head is out of the way and press the bar straight up to lock out.  In that overhead position you want to have the armpits FORWARD - think about rotating your pinky into the bar and - pulling your shoulder blades IN and pressing UP!  Belly tight - squeeze the cheeks!

FOR ALL OF THESE - WHEN LOWERING THE BAR ONTO THE BACK - ABSORB WITH THE KNEES!  LOWER ONTO THE TRAPS AND NOT YOUR NECK!  Pro tip - wear a shirt so it doesn't slide on your sweaty skin.

After the last push press you will keep the bar up and perform 2 overhead squats.

To do this you will keep pressing up into the bar as you reach your butt back and down.  Make sure your feet are now in your squat stance with your heels down.  Focus on driving the knees out, keeping the chest up!  THe bar will have to be pulled slightly behind your head as you go down to keep it over the middle of your foot.  Keep pressing up as you pull it back.  Ideally get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom if possible.  If you need to shorten range of motion slightly - that is ok for today.  Do what you need to do to keep good positions

Stand by driving through the heels and pressing up!

The snatch balance is that same dip but instead of pushing the bar UP you will push yourself down into that overhead squat position.  Stand to complete!

Glute Hamstring Raise
3-5 Sets
8-12 Reps

Can be done on a GHD or with a buddy holding your feet on the ground!  See video for hamstring curl modification.

There is no reason to add weight to these.Glute Hamstring Raise or GHR is one of Julian's favorite movements.  It really isolates the hamstrings, just make sure you are warmed up before doing these.

If you are unable to lift UP you may not go all of the way to parallel or just do the down portion of the movement.

Whether you are in a GHD or kneeling on the ground you will work to keep the hips open.  Do this by squeezing the butt and not allowing your torso to hinge forward. Ideally all movement will come from the knee joint.

Keep the belly tight and fight against overextending as you come up.  If you need to you can use a little assistance with a press up with the arms off of the floor if you are doing the floor version.

If doing on the GHD try to fight going lower than parallel to the ground.  Make sure the feet are in the rollers and think about doing a giant hamstring curl to bring yourself up.

OLY | Week 24

Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat (7 x 3 (3=clean+hang clean+front squat))

To be performed as a complex without breaking.

For this complex you will hold onto the bar for all 3 reps without breaking.  Both cleans are meant to be full cleans which means you will perform them as a squat clean and land in that squat position.

The first clean will start with the bar on the ground.  Feet are about under the hips with the heels down.  The bar is close to the body hands are outside of the legs.  Knees are bent and there is a hinge at the hip so that the chest is just slightly over the bar.  Arms are straight.  Chest is up, belly tight and back is flat!

To pull the bar from the ground you will drive the heels into the ground as you lift your chest.  Pull the bar back into the body and keep the arms straight.  Once past the knees you will want to increase speed until you eventually stand up hard and fast / jump with the bar as you fully extend the hips and the knees.  Arms are still straight.  Pass the hip and knee extension off to a shoulder shrug to continue to elevate the bar.  NOW you may bend the elbows.  They will go high and outside pull the bar UP the body as you pull yourself down and keeping it CLOSE to you.  The arms are pulling YOU under.  Your elbows will come around and through FAST so that the bar lands on the shoulders with the elbows high in a good front squat position.  This means, feet are now shoulder width apart.  Heels down, knees out, chest up, no roundness in the lower or upper back, butt below the knee, bar on the shoulders with the elbows high.  Stand to complete the rep with the bar still on the shoulder.

Lower the bar to the waist (top of the deadlift). This is where you will start the hang clean.  Dip the chest forward slightly.  Bend the knees slightly.  Keep the heels down, arms straight, back flat and pull the bar into the body as it slides down the thigh.  From here perform the clean the same as the previous rep - jump-shrug-pull under - stand.

After that rep you will perform an additional front squat.

Clean (5 x 5 (as an EMOM))


If you are comfortable with the squat clean - do them as full squat cleans.  If you would like to work power cleans that is ok too.

Put which you did in comments!

OLY | Week 23

Hang Snatch + Overhead Squats (Every 2 Min for 20 Min + weight each time)

1 Full or Power Snatch from the Hang + 1 Overhead SquatMake sure to warm this up before you start the clock.  The first set should be manageable but more than a warm up weight for you.

The goal is to add weight with each successful lift.  You have a FULL 2 min to hit this each time so you should be able to go pretty heavy.  This also allows you to try again if you fail a rep at some point.  If you fail twice at any weight - go back down to the previous successful weight.

For the hang snatch you will have a wide grip (overhead squat grip). Feet are generally under the hips.  You will stand (deadlift) the bar to the hips.  You will initiate the movement by reaching the chest forward slightly, pulling the bar into the body as the bar travels slightly down the leg.  Keep the weight in the heels and bend the knees slightly - keep the arms STRAIGHT.  Once the bar is just above the knee you will re-direct!  You will keep the heels down and arms straight as you scoop the hips underneath  (so that the torso is in a more upright position) and the jump (straight up) SHRUG and pull the elbows high and outside.  The bar will travel UP the body as you actively pull yourself DOWN to land in a locked out overhead squat position!  Think of punching yourself down underneath the weight!

The overhead squat position should have the feet shoulder width apart, heels down, knees out, butt below the knees, chest up, back flat (no plopping) arms locked with the bar over the middle of the body and armpits forward (no forward rotated shoulders!).

You may also do the snatch as a power snatch - suggested if this movement is new for you.  For that you land only in a partial squat.

Stand from the snatch and perform an additional overhead squat.

Behind Neck Snatch Grip Push Press (5 x 8)

These are not meant to be SUPER heavy.  Make sure you are comfortable lowering the weight to your back at lighter loads before loading up too much.  ABSORB the lower with the legs!

These are just like a normal push press, just with a wide grip and from the back.

The bar will start on the back with the hands in your snatch/overhead squat grip.  You will dip by keeping the heels down, allowing the knees to travel slightly forward, reaching the butt back SLIGHTLY but keeping the chest tall (don't dip forward).  You will stand fast and hard to pop the bar off of the shoulders (make sure the head is out of the way) and finish with a press.

Keep the rib cage down and belly tight!  Lock the elbows completely with the armpits forward and the bar over the middle of the body.

OLY | Week 21

Hang Power Clean (6 x 2)

Rest as needed between sets.  Add weight if technique is sound and lifts are successful.

These reps should be a "double" meaning you are not allowed to drop the bar between reps.

For the hang power cleans the barbell will start at the hip (top of the deadlift).  You will dip by allowing the chest to come forward slightly and bending the knees.  Keep the heels down and arms straight.  Think JUMP and SHRUG and then pull yourself under as the bar travels up the body to catch in a partial front squat with the bar on the shoulders and elbows high.  Make sure in the catch position that the heels are down and the knees are out.  You do go DOWN but stay above parallel.  Do not allow your feet to land any wider than your squat stance.  Allow your grip to loosen slightly to get the elbows around fast and as high as possible!  Stand completely to finish each rep.

Lower back to the hip to initiate rep 2.   You can feed the lower into the next clean OR what you will probably need to do once its heavy - lower - re-set - then dip again.

Make sure to check up some of the barbell warm up options in the members only section of the website!

For Time
20 Power Cleans with 70-80% of your last successful double from part 1
Score is time - list weight in comments.

This movement is the same as the "HANG" power clean except you will pull each rep from the floor.

The bar will start on the ground.  Your feet are under your hips.  Heels down.  Bar close to the body.  Knees bent, but hips higher than the knees.  Chest up.  Back flat.  Arms straight.  Use that hook grip! (Thumb around the bar - fingers around your thumb).

In a controlled pull - start to pull the bar off of the ground by raising the chest but also driving through the heels!  Keep the bar close to the body as you do this!

Once you get past the knees and about midway up the thigh, pick up speed!  Keep those heels down as you get the chest up and JUMP UP - not forward and shrug the shoulders with the arms still straight.  Keep the bar close as you pull the bar up the body with the elbows going high and outside  (like you are zipping up your jacket).  As you are pulling up - start to pull yourself down.

Since the weight will be heavy you wil allow the feet to move out slightly - to your squat stance.  As you pull under - you will shoot those elbows around and thorugh QUICKLY - allowing the bar to land in a solid position on the shoulder with a loose grip.  Butt reaches back and knees go out - as you catch in a partial front squat.

Stand completely to finish the rep.

OLY | Week 22

Push Jerk (6 x 3)

You may also do split for these if you would like - there is a separate place to score it if you do.

For the push jerk it's all about driving the bar off of the body using the legs and hips - and then as it's traveling up pressing yourself down under.

For this movement you may go from the floor (you will just have to clean it) or from the rack.  The bar will start on your shoulders with the elbows slightly in front and belly tight.  Feet are under the hips with the heels down.  You will perform a dip by allowing the knees to come forward, keeping the chest up, and sitting back slightly with the hips.  Try to keep the shoulders stacked over the hip and heel.  The dip is shallow.

The turnaround for the dip must be FAST!  Stand up hard and fast and almost think about JUMPING with the bar.  Move the face out of the way as the bar elevates off of the shoulder.  From here, think about pressing yourself under the bar.  You may allow your feet to move out to a wider stance for the catch - but no wider than your squat stance.  You will basically catch in a partial overhead squat.  Bar locked out overhead.  Weight in heels.  Knees out.  Chest up.

Stand to complete the rep.

Split Jerk (6 x 3)


For the split jerk the movement is exactly the same until you are pressing yourself down.  This time one foot will go forward and the other will go back. Your front heel must be down on the catch and the back knee bent.

To stand out of this position (with the bar still overhead) you will bring the front foot back and THEN the back foot forward.

Front Squat (5 x 5 )

For these reps you can start with the final weight you used for the 6 x 3 Jerk - or if your squat is not as strong yet - you may choose to go down.

Rest as needed between sets.

The bar will start on the shoulder with the elbows high.  Allow it to roll back into the fingertips if you need it to in order to get them as high as possible.  Keep the belly tight.

Feet are shoulder width apart.  Reach the butt back and down.  Keep the heels down.  Drive the knees out.  Fight to keep the belly tight,  chest and elbows UP!

Get the butt below the knees at the bottom.

Reach the chest and elbows UP to stand completely.

OLY | Week 20

Muscle Snatch (4 x 3 (Light and Building))

This is meant to be more of a warm up and you will add weight each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

The muscle snatch is all about the UP portion of the snatch!  It will start with a controlled pull off the floor, followed by a powerful jump, shrug - and then pulling the bar up the body and punching to lock out.  There is no pull under or re-bend of the knees on this movement.

The bar will start on the ground.  You will use a wide/overhead squat grip.  The feet are roughly hip - shoulder width apart with the weight in the heels.  The knees are bent but hips are higher than the knees.  Chest is over the bar.  Arms are straight.  Bar is close to the body. Back is flat.

Drive the heels into the ground as you start to lift the chest.  The bar comes off the ground - keep it close to the body!  Control this first pull.

Once the bar is past the knees you will pick up speed!  Scoop the hips underneath a bit but keep the heels down.  Think about finishing the up or JUMP with the arms still straight.  Jump UP not forward.

Shrug the shoulders, and then start to pull the bar with the elbows - reaching them high and outside like a scarecrow to keep the bar close to the body.

Once you have pulled the bar as high as possible with the elbows high - you will turn the bar over and punch into it as you punch your head through.  Lock out with the bar over the middle of your body.  Belly is tight.  Knees and hips are extended.

Power Snatch (10 Min EMOM x 1 Rep)

Goal for this is to go up in weight each time but not to miss.  Start in the right spot and make smart jumps!  If you want to keep going every minute past 10 min until you miss - that is fine too.

The power snatch is exactly like that muscle snatch you did in the beginning, but this time you will pull yourself UNDER instead of pulling the bar up.

POWER - means you will not pull all of the way into a full squat - just a partial squat when you pull under.

So, once you finish the UP part and the elbows come high and outside you will pull yourself under slightly.  Allow your feet to move out a bit.  Drive your knees out and punch yourself under the bar to lockout.  Stand to finish the lift before lowering or dropping the bar!

OLY | Week 19

Overhead Squat (6 x 3)

For these reps you will add weight each set if you are still moving well and hitting range of motion.  If this movement is new for you and you simply can't add much weight - you may do sets of 5 so that you get more total reps in.

For this movement you may get the bar over your head however you want.  We recommend (if you have a rack) unracking it on your back - placing your hands wide.  You will need to have your hands wide enough that you will be able to pull the bar back behind you and potentially even dump in behind you with your elbows still locked.  This is usually about 6" above the head - but maybe less if your shoulders are super tight.

From there you will dip and drive the bar off of the back using either a push press or jerk.  Focus here is to rotate the shoulders lock them into place with the armpits forward - no eagle wings.  Press into the bar with the upper back.  Elbows are locked and belly is tight.

From here you will begin the movement by reaching your butt back and down.  Keep the heels down.  Drive the knees out.  As you start to squat your head will come forward slightly and your butt will go back slightly.  Your goal is to keep the chest up as this happens but you will need to pull the bar back to keep it over the heel!  Do not let it dump forward!  Keep pressing up!

Once you get all of the way to where your butt is below your knee at the bottom you will stand. Keep the heels down - lead with that chest - drive the heels out and keep the belly tight as you press into the bar.

When you lower the bar down after your final rep of each set - ABSORB with your knees as you lower onto the back or just drop it completely.

Rest as needed between sets.

Behind the Neck Push Press (5 x 5)

Bar starts on the back rack - perform a dip - drive - pressYou may use the same weight for all of these sets.  Something challenging but manageable and one you are comfortable lowering each time.

For these reps you will do them once again with that wide overhead squat grip.

The bar starts on the back and the feet are under the hips.

You will dip by keeping the chest tall (no dipping forward).  Keep the heels down and allow the knees to dip forward as the butt dips back SLIGHTLY.  The dip is shallow - a few inches only.

From here you will stand hard and fast using the power from your legs to pop the bar off of the shoulders (make sure youre head is out of the way).  Finish with a strong press up to lock out.  Hold the lock out for a split second - armpits forward, belly tight - before you lower.

Lower by bringing the bar back to the back and ABSORBING with the knees!

Rest as needed between sets.

OLY 04/28/2019

Tall Jerk (4 x 4)

Starting with the bar just above the head - push under to lockout - stand.For this movement you will use a pretty light - for the first set even empty - bar.  You will press it about half way up - just above the forehead.  Then you will pause and then BAM!!!  Press yourself down SUPER fast to lockout!

You may choose to practice this with a push or a split jerk.  This is really training speed under the bar and the concept of you pressing YOURSELF down and not the bar up.

When you land the bar should be locked out over the middle of the body with the belly tight and the elbows locked.

If you do a split the front heel should be down.  Make sure the back foot doesnt turn out excessively. Both front and back knees should be bent.

Clean and Jerk (7 x 2 (singles <10 sec rest between singles))

Rest as needed between sets.  Add weight as technique allows.  Clean may be power or full.
For this you are doing 7 x 2 (1-1) so that means you don't have to hold onto the bar as touch and go sets.

The bar will start on the ground.  Heels are down, knees are bent slightly, arms are long and straight, bar is close to the body, back is flat and chest is up. You will clean it by driving the heels into the ground as you lift your chest.  Keep the arms straight!  Once past the knees you will pick up speed.  Keep the heels down as you stand hard and fast and finally almost JUMP with the bar as you shrug the shoulders.  Elbows will pull up and out to keep the bar close as you pull yourself under the bar.  You may catch in a full squat or a partial squat with the bar on the shoulders and elbows high.  Heels should be down and knees out in the catch.

Since these will be heavy you should stand with the bar out of the clean and then re-set the feet and anything else before the jerk.

For the jerk you will dip by keeping the heels down, allowing the knees to come forward and out.  Keeping the chest up and not dropping it forward.  Let the hips sink straight down.  The dip is shallow.  From the dip you will stand up hard and fast jumping the power from the legs into the bar.  Pop the bar off of the shoulder and continue pressing it up, but also YOURSELF DOWN!  You may catch in a power or split position.  Stand to finish.

OLY 04/21/2019

Hang Snatch (6 x 3)

Rest as needed between sets.  Do not count warm up sets.  Make sure you get at least 6 sets in that are challenging for you, but only go as heavy as you can move WELL.

For this movement you will lift the bar safely with a wide (overhead squat) grip up to a full standing position.  You will use that hook grip if possible!

Feet should be under the hips.  Heels down.  Belly tight.  Arms long and straight.  Bar close to the body.

You will dip the chest forward slightly and bend the knees.  Allow the bar to slide down the leg as you pull it in close to the body.  Keep the chest and eyes up. Back Flat.  Heels down.

Once part of the way down the thigh but still above the knee you will scoop the hips under to jump straight UP and shrug with the bar keeping the arms straight.  Keep those heels down as long as possible.

From here you will pull the elbows high and outside to keep the bar close as you start to pull yourself under and press to lock out in the bottom of a solid overhead squat.

In the bottom the heels should be down about shoulder width apart with the knees out.  Butt should be lower than the knees and chest up.  No plopping or rounding of the back in the bottom.  Keep the belly tight.  Bar is over the middle of the body.  Press up into the bar and rotoate the armpits forward.  Stand to finish!

Lower back to the hip to start next rep!

If this movement is new for you - you are welcome to do a hang power snatch + and overhead squat.  Do NOT land with your feet super wide.  No wider than your squat stance.

Snatch Balance (5 x 2)

Lower the weight back down to roughly the weight you counted as your first working set for Part 1.  This will be HIGHLY dependent on your comfortability with this movement.

We care more about speed and good movement for this than weight.

The bar will start on the back with that same wide grip.  You will dip keeping the chest up and the shoulder over the hip over the heel.  The knees will shoot slightly forward in the dip.

You will drive the power from the legs into the bar and once it is weightless and moving up you will press against it - to move your body DOWN once again into the bottom of the overhead squat.

Stand to finish.

Lower the bar back to the back SAFELY.  Absorb with the knees and do not do this more heavy than you are comfortable lowering back onto the back.

If this movement is new for you - you may go LIGHT and not press ALL of the way down to the bottom but just part of the way down and then slowly and under control finish the overhead squat.

OLY 04/14/2019

Hang Clean (6 x 2)

Rest as needed between sets. 

Every set should be heavy, go up as you are successful and moving well.
The purpose of the hang clean is to work on pulling under the weight fast!!

The bar will start at the hip.  The feet start under the hips.  You dip the chest forward and pull the bar into the body.  Allow the knees to bend slightly on the dip and keep the heels down.  The arms stay long.

From the dip position you will stand up hard and fast.  Think of FINISHING with the legs and squeezing the butt.  Almost JUMP.  Add a shoulder shrug and then start to pull yourself DOWN.

During this portion you will let the elbows come high and outside to keep the bar close.  Rotate the elbows around FAST and catch the bar in a full front squat with the bar on the shoulders and the elbows high.  Butt should be lower than the knees.  Feet will have moved out into the squat stance.  Heels are down.  Knees are out.  Chest is up with no rounding or collapsing of the back.  Belly tight!  Stand up leading with the chest and the elbows to finish the rep.  Lower the weight back to the waist to start rep #2!

Clean Pull (5 x 3)

Use the weight that you finished your heaviest set of 2 hang cleans.

This part of the movement is just the UP part of the clean.  It is basically a clean deadlift and a shrug.

Bar starts on the ground.  Heels are down.  Hands are just outside of the legs.  Knees are bent slightly.  Hinge at the hips so that the chest is just over/slightly behind the bar.

Stand by driving the heels in the ground and lifting the chest.  Also focus on pulling the bar into the body.  Once past the knees think about scooping the hips under and then finishing or JUMPING straight up and shrugging the shoulders to allow the bar to start to travel up the body.

Re-set back down at the bottom for the next rep.

Rest as needed between sets.

OLY 04/07/2019

2 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk (6 x 3 (3=2 Push + 1 Split))

Done as an unbroken complex.

For this one we want to see GOOD technique.  So only add weight if you are confident in your movement.


For the push jerks the bar will start on the shoulders with the belly tight, elbows slightly in front, feet under the hips with the heels down.

You will dip slightly.  Keep the heels down.  Allow the knees to come forward slightly, butt goes down and SLIGHTLY back.  Keep the shoulder over the top of the heel.  The dip is shallow.  Make sure the knees track forward and out - no caving in!

From the dip you will stand hard and fast driving the power from the legs into the bar.  Instead of thinking of pushing the bar up - think of pushing YOURSELF down.  Allow the feet to move out slightly.  Catch with the heels down, knees out, butt back, in a partial squat,  belly tight and the bar locked out over the head and over the middle of the body!  Stand to complete the movement.

For the split jerk you will move one foot forward and one back into a lunge position as you press yourself under.  Make sure the back knee is bent and that the front heel is down!  Stand by bringing front foot back first then back foot forward.

Front Squat (5 x 3)

Start with the weight from your last jerks!  Add weight as you are able.

Rest 2-3 min between sets.

For this movement the bar is once again on the shoulder.  This time you have a loose fingertip grip and the elbows are even higher.  Belly tight.  Feet shoulder width apart with heels down.

Reach the butt back and down.  Drive the knees out.  Keep the chest up.  Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom.  Lead with the chest and elbows to stand.  Keep the heels down and knees out!

OLY 03/31/2019

Muscle Snatch (5 x 3 (Moderate Weight))

The muscle snatch is all about the UP portion of the snatch!  It will start with a controlled pull off the floor, followed by a powerful jump, shrug - and then pulling the bar up the body and punching to lock out.  There is no pull under or re-bend of the knees on this movement.

The bar will start on the ground.  You will use a wide/overhead squat grip.  The feet are roughly hip - shoulder width apart with the weight in the heels.  The knees are bent but hips are higher than the knees.  Chest is over the bar.  Arms are straight.  Bar is close to the body. Back is flat.

Drive the heels into the ground as you start to lift the chest.  The bar comes off the ground - keep it close to the body!  Control this first pull.

Once the bar is past the knees you will pick up speed!  Scoop the hips underneath a bit but keep the heels down.  Think about finishing the up or JUMP with the arms still straight.  Jump UP not forward.

Shrug the shoulders, and then start to pull the bar with the elbows - reaching them high and outside like a scarecrow to keep the bar close to the body.

Once you have pulled the bar as high as possible with the elbows high - you will turn the bar over and punch into it as you punch your head through.  Lock out with the bar over the middle of your body.  Belly is tight.  Knees and hips are extended.

Power Snatch (6 x 1 (One every 90 seconds for 9 min))

Pick a weight you can hold across all 6.

Rest 1 min to change weight before the next part.

Power Snatch (4 x 1 (One every 90 seconds for 6 Min))

Add weight for the next 4.  Still one every 90 seconds.

Rest 1 min and add weight before the next part.

Power Snatch (2 x 1 (One every 90 Seconds for 3 Min))

Go up in weight one more time for these last 2 reps.  If you are feeling it you can go up between these 2 also.

The power snatch is exactly like that muscle snatch you did in the beginning, but this time you will pull yourself UNDER instead of pulling the bar up.

POWER - means you will not pull all of the way into a full squat - just a partial squat when you pull under.

So, once you finish the UP part and the elbows come high and outside you will pull yourself under slightly.  Allow your feet to move out a bit.  Drive your knees out and punch yourself under the bar to lockout.  Stand to finish the lift before lowering or dropping the bar!

OLY 03/24/2019

Power Clean + Hang Power Clean (7 x 2 (2=ground+hang))

First Power Clean rep is from the ground - lower to the hang - complete Hang Power CleanPower means that you don't have to go all of the way down into the squat for this movement.

You may choose a weight that will be challenging for all 7 sets or you may add weight as you go and feel good.

Rest as needed between sets - but not TOO long.  Roughly 2 min between is a good marker.

For the first rep the bar will start on the ground.  Your feet are under your hips.  Heels down.  Bar close to the body.  Knees bent, but hips higher than the knees.  Chest up.  Back flat.  Arms straight.  Use that hook grip! (Thumb around the bar - fingers around your thumb).

In a controlled pull - start to pull the bar off of the ground by raising the chest but also driving through the heels!  Keep the bar close to the body as you do this!

Once you get past the knees and about midway up the thigh, pick up speed!  Keep those heels down as you get the chest up and JUMP UP - not forward and shrug the shoulders with the arms still straight.  Keep the bar close as you pull the bar up the body with the elbows going high and outside  (like you are zipping up your jacket).  As you are pulling up - start to pull yourself down.

Since the weight will be heavy you wil allow the feet to move out slightly - to your squat stance.  As you pull under - you will shoot those elbows around and thorugh QUICKLY - allowing the bar to land in a solid position on the shoulder with a loose grip.  Butt reaches back and knees go out - as you catch in a partial front squat.

Stand completely to finish the rep.

From here you will lower the bar back to the hang position (at the hip/waist).  Move the feet back under the hips.  Dip the chest forward slightly, bend the knees slightly, keep the arms straight and heels down.  From here you will re-direct and jump UP again - performing another power clean.

Clean Pull (5 x 4)

You will do this at 125% of your heaviest lift from the complex before.

Here you do the portion of the clean from the ground to when you jump.  No pull with the arms or elbows.  Basically you are doing the deadlift and shrug portion.

Focus on the big UP part of this movement.  Control off of the ground and explode once you are in the middle of the thigh!  Keep those heels down as long as possible.

Glute-Ham Raises (4 x 6 May sub with good mornings if necessary )

Really what we are looking for here are TEMPO GHRs or Good Mornings.  GHR if you have a buddy to hold the feet on the ground or if you have a GHD.  Otherwise you are doing good mornings with the bar on your back (light since these are tempo).

We want a 5 second lower, 2 second pause at the bottom, and explode up!

For GHRs you may use the ground or a box to push off of.  If you need to scale the distance for your level of strength - that is ok.  Main focus is try not to shoo the butt up to help you come up.  This is like a giant hamstring curl!  Make sure you are doing this at at the END of your workout and that you are sufficiently warm.  Start easy and build range of motion as you feel comfortable.

For the good mornings the bar is on your back.  You will hinge at the hips and allow a SLIGHT softening of the knees.  Only go as low as you can keep a flat back position.  Squeeze the butt to come up!

OLY 03/17/2019

Snatch + Overhead Squat (1 Set every 90 Seconds for 12 Min)

1 Snatch
1 Overhead Squat

For this complex you will complete one snatch - go full squat snatch OR power snatch - whichever you want to work on. Then you will go straight into an overhead squat.  Perform that complex every 90 seconds for 8 rounds (or 12 min).

So the bar will start on the ground.  Your feet will be under your hips and your hands will be wide.  Use that hook grip (thumb around bar - fingers around thumb).  Make sure the heels are down, the knees are forward and slightly out, knees are bent with the hips slightly higher than the knees, chest up, arms straight, back flat, bar close.

You will pull the bar from the ground by driving the heels down, and chest up while pulling the bar in close to the body.  Once past the knees you will pick up speed.  Scoop your hips under slightly to allow you to jump straight UP withthe bar (not forward).  Keep the heels down and arms straight as LONG as possible.  Shrug the shoulders and pull the elbows high and outside as you pull yourself DOWN either into a full overhead squat or into a partial overhead squat.  Punch into the bar fast and hard to lock out.

In that catch position your feet will have moved out slightly.  Land with the heels down, belly tight, armpits facing forward with the shoulderblades pulled IN.  The bar should be over the middle of the body.

If catching in the squat your butt should be lower than the knees at the bottom.

If doing a power snatch do NOT land super wide with the feet.  You still need to go DOWN.  For this lift especially watch for the knees caving in.

After standing completely with the bar from the snatch - you will set and perform a full overhead squat.  Reach the butt back and down and keep that bar over the middle of the foot!  Belly tight!

Behind the Neck Shoulder Press (4 x 10)

From the back rack position - using no momentum built from the lower body - press the bar to a locked out position overhead.This is to build strength and stamina in this more rear shoulder driven press.  Bar will be on the back with a grip somewhere between your regular pressing grip and your snatch/ohs grip.

Belly tight, weight in heels, move the head forward slightly as you press.  Using no momentum from the lower body press to lockout.

The weight for these will be light.  As you start to get fatigued if the bar starts coming back down fast - PLEASE make sure you are absorbing the catch with the knees!

Rest as needed between sets.

OLY 03/10/2019

COMPLEX: 3 Front Squats - 2 Push Press - 1 Jerk (6 Sets of 6 Reps (3+2+1))

Unbroken Complex:
3 Front Squats
2 Push Press
1 Jerk (Power or Split)Rest as needed between sets. 

Make sure you do some warm up sets and do not count those toward the 6 working sets.

Once the weight feels challenging you can start counting those as working sets.  You may either go up each set from there - or stick with the same weight for each.  Challenge yourself, but make sure to continue to move well!

You may take the bar from the ground or from a rack to get in position for the front squats.

The bar should be on the front of the shoulder with a loose fingertip grip and elbows high.  Feet are about shoulder width apart and belly is tight.  With the weight solidly in the heels and chest up you will reach the butt back and down.  Keep the heels down and drive the knees out.  Fight to keep the chest and elbows up!  Get to where your butt is lower than your knees at the bottom. Stand by driving the heels down, knees out and reaching up with the elbows and the chest.

NO plopping at the bottom or rounding of the back.

Once you finish your 3rd  front squat you will move your feet in - under your hips.  Get more of a full grip on the bar, and lower the elbows slightly (they are still in front just not quite as high).

You will dip by keeping the heels down, allowing the knees to come forward, keeping the chest up and allowing the torso to move straight down.  Bar stays over the middle of the foot.  Butt goes down - avoid the chest dipping forward.

Stand hard and fast out of the dip.  Move the face back.  Keep the belly tight as you press the bar overhead.  For the push press there is no re-bend of the knees.  Rep finishes with the bar locked out over the middle of the body, ribs down.

When lowering the bar absorb with your knees!

For the jerk rep at the end, you may choose power/push jerk or split.  The focus here is to do the same dip and drive as the push press - but this time instead of pushing the bar up, you push YOURSELF down.

Feet will move out as you press down either into your squat stance or split.