Posts tagged SOGO-2019
SOGO | WEEK 30 | 07/21/2019

Metcon (Weight)

4 Round Superset
(rest 30 seconds to 1 minute between movements)

10-12 Bent Over Barbell Row
10-12 DB Bench Press
10-12 Pull Ups
8-10 Ring Dips/feet elevated parallette dips

Rest 3 minutes

8 min alternating tabata
Push Ups
Ring Rows

Score: Weight used for Barbell Row/Bench Press
Should take less than 40 minutes but less than 30 is probably moving too fast. Superset is 4 rounds of the first 4 movements, THEN 3 minute rest before starting the Tabata. Movements should be slow and controlled with a 1 second pause on both ends.

SOGO | WEEK 29 | 07/14/2019

24 minute Clock
Every 2 min for 6 minutes
10-12 DB Curls (not alternating)
10-12 DB Skull Crushers

Every 2 min for 6 minutes
10-12 Alternating Hammer Curls
10-12 Standing DB Tricep Extensions

Every 2 min for 6 minutes
10-12 Concentration Curls
10-12 Bent Over Tricep Extensions
(one arm at a time)

Rest 2 minutes

4 min AMRAP
Max Chin-Ups
Max Diamond Push Ups
Switch movements each time you break

Score: Weight Used for Part 1-3
Goal: Make it all of the way through with at least 9-10 reps but not more than 12 of each movement.

The pump is real on this one. Definitely feel free to adjust the weight for the different curl and tricep variations.

Make sure all the movements are slow and controlled. Pause for 1 second on both ends of each rep. You can move faster during the 4 minute AMRAP but keep the movements strict.

Dumbbell curls will be performed together with palms facing up. Keep the DBs from swinging back behind you on the way down.

On the skull crushers elbow and shoulder stay in a line and the only movement comes from the elbow joint.

Hammer curls will be performed with palms facing each other. Touch one head of the dumbbell to your shoulder and keep your elbows tight to the body the whole time.

For standing tricep extensions, with a dumbbell in each hand, start with biceps by the ears, elbows bent to allow rear head of DB to touch the shoulder. Keep the biceps by the ears and straighten your arms overhead. As with all overhead movements, keep your belly tight!

For concentration curls, you'll be seated and go one arm at a time. Brace yourself by pushing the back of your upper arm into your inner thigh, keep that foot firmly planted so your leg doesn't move. Start with the arm straight and curl your palm up as close to your shoulder as you can. Concentrate on that bicep!

On the bent over tricep extensions, plant one hand and one shin on a bench, DB in the opposite hand. Start with forearm vertical, knuckles down. Keep your elbows in place and extend your arm back until it is straight.

Diamond push ups your thumbs and index fingers will be touching to ensure a close hand position.

Chin ups you'll have an underhand/palm up grip. You can also do this with TRX/Ring or bar in rack rows.


Part 1
100 Strict Press
Every time you break: 15 V-Ups

Goal is to do this in as few sets as possible. Pick something that you can do at least 15 with each time.

Make sure you avoid overextending or leaning back! Keep the belly tight and lower the weight with the elbows in front each time to avoid crashing into your collar bone. Come to complete lock out at the top with the biceps by the ears and the weight over the middle of your body!

Can be done with barbell or dumbbells.

Part 2 (Tricep Pump)
1 Round ONLY
Max Reps Skull Crusher
Max Reps Rolling Tricep Extension
Max Reps Bench Press

For this one you are looking for a weight that you can get at least 10-15 skull crushers before you have to switch.

On the skull crushers you will lie flat on your back either on the ground, a box, or bench with the arms extended over the chest. The elbow and shoulder stay in a line and the only movement comes from the elbow joint. Lower under control and fire up!

On the rolling tricep extension: there will be a slight extension of the shoulder followed by a closing then feeding into a straightening of the elbow. See demo!

You will then use the same weight and rep it out to failure!

SOGO | Week 27

Part 1 - Back and Bis!
Max Set of Strict Pull Ups
As soon as you drop off
10 Barbell or Dumbbell Bent Over Rows

Rest as needed between sets

Score is total number of strict pull ups. (Do NOT go for a score with the scaled options!!!)If you choose the option to do this workout without a scale for the pull ups - you should be able to do a minimum of 5 Strict Pull Ups each time.

For these pull ups - they should be strict - with complete extension of the armpit and elbow at the bottom - chin over the bar at the top. They need to be strict - but that doesn't mean super slow or anything.

Scaling options are either 7 - 10 banded strict pull ups - or 7-10 jump up with a slow negative. Do not exceed those numbers at least for this first session. We want to control the soreness.

As soon as you either can no longer do the regular pull ups - or you complete your 7-10 reps of scaled - you will come over and do either barbell bent over rows or dumbbell bent over rows.

For the barbell you will load it up for men somewhere between 115-185# depending on strength and experience. Ladies between 75-125#. These should be difficult but nowhere near failure and no need to break.

You will keep the back flat and pull the bar to the chest - just below the nipple. Keep the gaze up slightly and belly tight. Pull the elbows back.

If you choose the dumbbell rows - you will not go as heavy - but will do 3 second slow negatives. Men between 50-70# DBs and Women between 30-50# DBs.

Part 2 - Chest and Tris

Max Dumbbell or Barbell Bench
straight into
Max Set Regular Push Ups

Rest as needed between sets

Score is total number from both movements.

RX Men: 115# Bench
RX Women: 65# Bench

RX + Men: 135#+
RX + Women: 85# +If you can not complete at least 8-10 bench reps with those weights (for the first round at least) then scale it down a bit. We also don't want you getting more than 15 per round or so either.

Same for the push ups. If you can't get at least 8-10 - go to the knees.

This is not a "girl" push up - it is a scale push up that will lower the amount of your body weight you are pushing up and allow you to do more reps! That is the POINT of this session.

For the bench reps the hands should not be too wide. Just outside the shoulders. Keep the butt on the bench and pull the shoulder blades back and down as you unrack the bar. Do NOT go to failure - especially if you do not have a spot! Be smart. Come all of the way down and lock out completely for each rep!

Once you can no longer complete any of those you will move on to the push ups.

No rest between movements.

Rest as needed between rounds.

For both - NO sagging or snaking!

Good Luck!

SOGO | Week 26

Part 1:
4 Rounds (or 2 Min)
20 Seconds Max Dynamic Push Ups
10 Seconds Rest

Rest 1 Min

4 Rounds (or 2 Min)
20 Seconds Max Deficit Push Ups
10 Seconds Rest

Rest 1 Min

4 Rounds (or 2 Min)
20 Seconds Max Push Ups
10 Seconds Rest

Score = Total Push Up Reps

Can do all sets from knees if necessary.The dynamic push ups will be a push up with a "jump" of the hands up onto plates! Then a push up on the plates. Then walk the hands back down. Every push up counts as a rep.

For the deficit push ups - all reps will be up on the plates.
The final round is with regular push ups.
Fight to keep a solid torso position. Keep the belly tight to avoid snaking. Make sure the chest touches the ground at the bottom and that you lock out completely at the top.

If you are unable to get at least 3-4 in the 20 seconds at any point. Go to your knees to keep moving!

Part 2:

4 - 5 Rounds
10-12 Seated Reverse Fly
10-12 Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row Right
10-12 Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row Left

You will be able to use a heavier weight for the bent over rows than for the flys. Choose something that will allow you to get at least 8 - but no more than 15.

Score is weight used for single arm rows.For the flys you will sit on the edge of a bench or box. Lean forward slightly by hinging at the hip. You will pull the arms back (almost like wings) with a slight bend in the elbow. Bring the arms roughly parallel to the ground then lower back to your sides. You should not be using a ton of momentum or jerking on the way up or down.

For the bent over row you will do one side at a time. You will lean on the bench or box, or even agains the wall or whatever. You will pull the elbow back and the dumbbell toward the rib cage. Make sure to bring all of the way to straight at the bottom of each rep.

SOGO | Week 25

Bicep Giant Set
3-5 Sets
10 DB Preacher Curls Right
10 DB Preacher Curls Left
20 Alternating Hammer Curls
1 Min Light Weight / Empty Barbell Curls

Minimal Rest Between Movements.  Rest as needed between rounds!

Score is weight used for Preacher CurlsI you don't have something to rest against for the preacher curls, you may sub seated concentration curls - elbow on the inside of the knee!

Make sure for all 3 types of curls you open the elbow joint completely at the bottom of each rep!

Shoulders Super Set
3-5 Rounds
20 Alternating DB Front Raise
10 DB Side Lateral Raise

Use same weight for both if possible.

No rest between movements. Rest as needed between rounds.For the front raise you will alternate arms for each rep.  Bring the dumbbell from the hip pocket position to straight out in front of the shoulder with the palm facing down.  Allow a slight bend in the elbow.

You will also allow a slight bend in the elbow for the lateral raises.  For these you will start with the dumbbells at the pocket position out to the side (and maybe slightly in front).

SOGO | Week 24

Part 1 -
3-5 Rounds

Max Strict Chin Ups
Max Banded Chin Ups

Rest 3 Min Between Rounds

If you are unable to do strict chin ups - no problem.  Scale to 5 Sets of 7 jump and slow lower chin ups.

Even if you can only get like 2-3 strict chin ups per round.  Still do that part.
Choose a band that helps, but not TOO much.  We don't want you getting more than like 10-12 more reps with the band each time.

If you don't have a band you can do the strict chin ups and then a set of kipping regular pull ups OR you can do rows to failure.

Part 2-
3-5 Rounds

Max Strict Dips
Max Skull Crushers

Rest 3 Min between roundsYou can do the dips on a stationary dip station or on the rings.  If you have neither you can try setting up 2 boxes, chairs, your counter tops -whatever.

If you are unable to do any strict dips.  You may sub 5 rounds of 7 jump and slow lower, followed by the max skull crushers.

Choose a weight for the skull crushers that won't allow you to get more than 10-15 reps after the dips.  So light, but not insanely light.

For the dips, make sure you get the shoulder below the elbow at the bottom and complete lockout at the top!

Part 3-
Tabata Strict Press


4 Minutes of
20 Seconds ON
10 Seconds OFF

Barbell Strict Press

Score is total reps.

Rest or OFF portion is at the top locked out!Do this with an EMPTY bar!  If you don't have a barbell you may use dumbbells but go SUPER light.
Bar starts on the shoulder.  When the clock starts you do as many reps strict press (no help from the legs) as possible.
When the clock hits 20 seconds you will "rest" in the lockout position at the top.
Repeat this 8 times or for a total of 4 min.
For each rep you must touch the shoulder at the bottom and get completely locked out with the bar over your head at the top!
Keep the ribs down and fight the urge to overarch!

SOGO | Week 23

3 - 4 Rounds

1 Min DB Floor Press
1 Min DB Floor Hammer Press
1 Min Diamond Push up
Rest 2 Min Between Rounds

Score= Weight used for the Presses

Goal= 12-20+ Reps of Each Per RoundFor the DB Floor Press you will basically be doing bench press but laying on the ground.  Make sure you lower under control and PLEASE don't use the ground to help you bounce back up.  The whole point is starting from a dead stop in that sticky spot.  Lock out a the top completely each time.

The DB Floor Hammer Press is the same idea except you will turn the wrists in throughout the full movement - at the bottom, during the press, and at the top.

A diamond push up is simply a push up with your hands close together under your chest.  When you lower down keep your body rigid.  No worming or snaking.  Touch your chest to your hands and press to lock out at the top.

If you are unable to get at least 10-12 reps of any of these movements lower the weight - or for the push ups - go to the knees.

Metcon (No Measure)

Part 2

3-4 Rounds
15 Dips
15 Plate Skull Crushers

Rest as needed between rounds.  Try not to rest too much between movements.

No Score - just get it done!The dips may be on rings, stationary dip station, high parallettes, between two boxes, or even off the front of a bench.

Make sure you lower until your shoulder is lower than your elbows at the bottom with the elbows kept back and in (not flaring out).  Press to complete lock out at the top.

For the skull crushers you will lay on your back and press the weight up over the chest to start.  Moving only at the elbow you will lower the weight to your forehead under control then press back up to lock out at the top.

You may also use a dumbbell or dumbbells if a plate in unavailable.

SOGO | Week 21

4 Rounds
(Not for Time)

15 Plate Tricep Extensions
10 Around the Worlds
15 Plate Tricep Extensions
10 Around the Worlds (other direction)

Rest 2-3 Min Between Rounds

Score - Weight Used for Plate ExtensionThe Plate Tricep Extension is just as it sounds.  Standing you will hold the plate over head and lower it by bending your elbows only behind your head.  Then by extending at the elbow press back up to lock out.  Keep your belly tight and biceps by your ears throughout.

If you don't have a plate or would prefer doing these with dumbbells - go for it!

For the Around the Worlds, start with the plate at your chest.  Keep the belly tight and elbows bent and basically make a big circle around and behind your head and back to your chest.  Keep the belly tight and butt squeezed.  Do all reps one direction and then on the second set you can go the other way.

These can also be done with a single KB or DB.  Even a medicine ball.



(As Many  Reps as Possible in 3 Min)
Close Grip Empty Barbell Curl
Every Time you Break:
10 Alt Hammer Curls

Hammer Curl Weight -

Men: 40# DBs
Women: 20# DBs

If you don't have a barbell to do the curls with - you may sub plate or single dumbbell curls.

Score:  Total Empty Barbell Curls ONLY.Blame Julian.

Also - Make sure that you start with a straight arm at the bottom each time and bring the curl all of the way up.

If you need to go lighter for the hammer curls - that is fine.

For those reps it's alternating arms - 10 total - or 5 per side.  Palm of hand is rotated in with the dumbbells at the sides.

SOGO | Week 22

4-5 Rounds (Not for Time)
10-15 Strict Pull Ups
10-15 Supine Rows
10 - 15 Pull Overs on Bench
10-15 Single Arm Dumbbell Row Right
10-15 Single Arm Dumbbell Row Left

No real rest between movements.  Rest 3 Min between rounds.

RX Men/Women: Choose a weight for the pull overs and rows that you can get at least 10 but over 15 is a stretch.

Score is dumbbell row weightFor the strict pull ups - if you cannot do 10 in 2 sets or less you may do banded strict pull ups or a jump and slow lower!

For the supine rows- you may do these on the rings or a bar in the rack.  Either way make sure you are starting with a straight arm and bringing your chest all of the way up to touch.

The more parallel to the ground you are - the more difficult these reps will be.

The pull overs may be done with a bar or a dumbbell - even a plate.  Lay across the bench in a position that allows you to open all of the way up with the weight over your head and behind you with a pretty straight arm.  Use your lats (your WINGS) to pull the weight back up.  Fight wanting to use the arms!

For the dumbbell rows you will do one side at a time.  Lean agains the bench or even a wall for support.  Let the dumbbell hang down and then pull it into your ribcage with the elbow going back!

SOGO | Week 20


3-5 Sets

1 Min: Max Alternating DB Row
1 Min : Max DB Crawl
1 Min : Max Plate Row
(Plate touches chest to full extention)


Idea weight for Men: 40-50# DB Rows / 30-40# DB Crawls / 45# Plate

Idea weight for Women: 20-35# DB Rows / 15-25# DB Crawls / 25-35# Plate

Score: Total Reps

Put what weight you used for each in comments.

Part 2:
10 - 1
Lat Raise
Shoulder Press

(So that means 10 Lat Pull Down, 10 Shoulder Press.  9 Lat Raise - 9 Shoulder Press...)

You will probably want to use lighter dumbbells for the lat raises than the shoulder press - but if you want a good burn - go light for both and see how far you can get with out breaking (don't get sloppy).

Not putting a score for this one.  Quality over Time or weight.

SOGO | Week 19

4 Rounds
Not for Time

10 Behind the Neck Press
10 Shoulder Press (from front)
10 Front Raise
10 Upright Rows

No Rest between movements so choose a weight that you can go through the whole thing.  It should be pretty light.

Rest 3-4 Min between sets

For this you may do it with a bar or with dumbbells.  If you are doing it with a dumbbells you will just do 20 press instead of 10 behind and 10 in front.

For the behind the neck press you may need to use a little wider than normal grip if your flexibility isn't great.  Keep the rib cage pulled down and make sure to keep the head out of the way as you press straight up.

For the press from the front the bar will start on the shoulder and you will press straight up by moving your head back this time (out of the way).

For both pressing movements come to a full lockout overhead and bring the bar all the way down to the shoulder at the bottom.

For the front raise you will allow a slight bend of the elbow.  A LITTLE assistance from the hip is allowable but this absolutely should not be a kb swing type movement.  Don't lean back!

For the upright row keep the shoulders pulled back and down.  You will have a narrow grip and as you pull up you will keep the bar close to the body (like you are zipping up your jacket) and the elbows will go high and outside.  Bring the bar up to the sternum or a little higher.

5 Min AMRAP (As Many Round and Reps As Possible)

30 Seconds On
30 Seconds OFF

Wall climbs or pike up on box

Score is total Wall Walks or Pike Ups completed for all 5 rounds

For the wall climb version you will start in the bottom of a push up position with the feet backed up to a wall.  You will climb the feet up the wall while walking the hands back.  Keep going until your chest and hips touch the wall.  Then walk the hands back out as you walk the feet back down.

Do NOT get crazy overextended.  Keep the belly tight!

For the pike up on the box version you will start in the top of a push up position with the feet on a bench or box.  You will walk the hands back toward the box as the hips go up until you are in a 90 degree pike position at the top.  You will then walk yourself back out.

SOGO 04/28/2019

Part 1
4 Supersets

10-15 Reps Dumbbell Bench
10-15 Reps Dumbbell Pull Over

No Rest Between movements.
Rest 2 Min between supersets.

Choose a weight that you know you can get 10, but 15 will start to get tough.
Score is weight for dumbbell bench.

Bring dumbbells down to the chest for each rep of the dumbbell bench.  Make sure to bring dumbbells in and completely lock the elbows at the top!

For the dumbbell pull over you will use one dumbbell and grab it by the head.  Stretch the dumbbell back over your head (while laying on a bench) and use the lats to pull the dumbbell back over the chest.  Work to keep your belly tight throughout so you don't arch too much.

Part 2
4 Rounds

10-12 Reps Dumbbell Pec Flys
10-12 Reps 1 Arm Dumbbell Row Right
10-12 Reps 1 Arm Dumbbell Row Left

Score is weight used for the 1 Arm Rows.

For the Flys you will lay flat on the bench.  Keep a slight bend in your elbow as you bring the arms out to the sided (like a T shape with your body).  Allow them to come in line with your body or a little deeper if your flexibility allows, then bring them back to over your chest.

For the row you will lean on the bench or something for support.  Row one dumbbell from that bent over position.  Start with a straight arm and pull the dumbbell to the chest by having the elbow go BACK and keeping the arm and elbow close to the body.  Return all the way down each time.

SOGO 04/21/2019

Part 1:
4 Rounds

Drop Set
10 DB Lateral Raise (Heavy)
10 DB Lateral Raise (Medium)
10-15 DB Lateral Raise (Light)

No rest between sets

2-3 Min Rest between rounds

Log heaviest set weightDBs are at your sides with a slight bend in the elbow you will raise them out to the side/slighty in front of you.  Bring the dumbbells in line with the shoulders then lower back down.

If you do not have dumbbells for all 3 weights you can even use plates!

Part 2
4 Rounds

DB Seated Shoulder Press 10-12
DB Seated Reverse  Fly 10-12 Reps

No rest between exercises

Rest 2-3 Min between rounds

Mark weight used for pressesYou can also use a barbell for the shoulder press if you need to for weight's sake.

For the shoulder press keep the rib cage down, bring the dumbbells all the way down to the shoulders each time and get them completely locked out overhead with the biceps in the ears!

For the reverse flies you will prob have to use a lighter weight.  You will sit at the edge of your bench and lean forward.  You will then let the dumbbells hang to your sides and raise them with slightly bent elbows like you are flapping your wings!

Part 3
4 Rounds

DB or Barbell Upright Row 10-12 Reps
Plate Front Raise to FAILURE

No rest between exercises

Rest 3-4 Min between rounds

Mark weight used for Upright RowFor upright row you will be standing. Hold the dumbbells or barbell with a narrow grip.  Pull the shoulders back and down and then bring the elbows high and outside as you pull the weight up (like you are zipping up your jacket).  Keep the belly tight!

For the plate front raise allow a slight bend in the elbow.  Bring the plate up to just under face level.  Go to failure or at least until you start feeling you need to add help from your hip in to get the plate up!

SOGO 04/14/2019

3-5 Rounds
As a Circuit

15 Curls (Palms Up)(Alternating)
15 Hammer Curls (Alternating)
200' Curling Carrying Walk
200' Plate Carry at 90 degrees
Max Push Ups
Max Elevated Push Ups

Rest as needed

All of that is one big set.  Try to rest as little as possible between movements.
Rest as needed between sets.

Keep the belly tight through all of the movements.
For the first set go lighter than you think and go from there for subsequent sets.
Post dumbbell weight for curls.

For the Push ups - if you are unable to do at least 10 each round you may go to the knees.

SOGO 04/07/2019


Superset #1
3-5 Rounds
Dumbbell Bench Press 10-15 Reps
Dumbbell Front Raise 10-15 Reps
Max Supine Rows (Ring or Bar)

Rest 2-3 Min Between Rounds

Log weight used for the bench press.For the dummbell bench press, choose a weight that  you can definitely get 10 reps, but 15 will be challenging.  You may sub barbell bench if you do not have appropriate dumbbells.

Go immediately from there into the front raises.  You may do this with a barbell, a plate, or the dumbbells.  Keep the belly tight and allow a slight bend in the elbow.  Bring the weight to 90 degrees.

Immediately after your front raises you will do a max set  supine rows.  Choose an angle that will allow you to get at least 10 - but no more than like 25 or so.


Superset #2
3-5 Rounds
10-15 Dips (Stationary, Ring, or Bench)
10-15 Standing Shoulder Press
10-15 Shrugs

Rest 2-3 Min Between Rounds

Log weight used for shoulder press.

Dip on what you've got.  You may even do bench dips if necessary and can add weight on the lap if you need to make it more difficult.  Make sure the shoulder gets past the elbow at the bottom and lock out completely at the top.

Go immediately into the shoulder press. For the shoulder press you may use barbell or dumbbells.  Choose a weight that will allow you to get 10 for sure, but 15 will be difficult.  Keep the belly tight and get the bar all the way overhead! (Not pressed out in front of you!)

Go immediately into the shrugs!  Shrugs may be done with a bar or with dumbbells!  Who doesn't love shrugs.

SOGO 03/31/2019

Single Arm Dumbbell Row (4 x 12 (each side) (slow lower))

With a dumbbell or KB - basically a bent over row with one arm at a time.For these you will also do a 1 second pause at the top and slow lower to the bottom.

Start with a straight arm.  Pull the elbow back to bring dumbbell to the side of the rib cage.  Avoid too much rotation.

Use a box or bench or something to brace other arm against.  Pull with elbow coming back!

Bent Over Reverse Dumbbell Fly (4 x 15)

Hinged at the hips - like flapping your wings!Hinge at the hips, bend the knees slightly, keep the belly tight.  Allow for a slight bend of the elbow and basically do a motion like you are flapping your wings (SLOWLY though).

Bring dumbbells down to touch basically at the bottom and come in line with your back at the top.

Supine Barbell or Ring Rows (3 x Max Set)

3 x Max SetThe more parallel to the ground you are for these - the more difficult they become.  We want you getting at least 15 or so each time so set up accordingly.

Make sure when you pull that you don't add a little KIP into it.  Make sure that you come to fully extended at the bottom and touch your chest at the top - or at least super close.

Pull your body to the rings or the bar by using your mid back and pulling the elbows BACK!

For this whole workout you can do it as one long circuit or do each piece at a time.   Once piece at a time is how it was designed, but it might be quicker to get through if you break it up!

Either way will work!

SOGO 03/24/2019

Part 1
4 Rounds

3-5 Weighted Pull Ups
5-7 Strict Pull Ups
7-10 Kipping Pull Ups

Rest as needed between rounds.

Scaling below!

If you did weighted you can track your weight.  Otherwise just enter 0 and put what you did in comments!Many of us will need to scale this one!  No problem.  You may try - 5 Strict, 7 Kipping, 10 banded.  Or even further to 1-3-5.

Or you could go as simple as - 5 jump with slow lower, 7 banded, 10 ring row (or even barbell or dumbbell bent over row).

Whatever it is for you - just do: hardest, moderate, easiest version of a pull up type movement and feel free to change reps too!

These DO not have to be one big long unbroken set.  BUT each part should be unbroken.  SO you should do 5 unbroken weighted or difficult pull ups - the 7 of medium difficulty - then  10 of less difficult.

Part 2
3 Rounds


7 Reps Curl from bottom to halfway up
7 Reps Curls from halfway up to top
7 Reps Curls full Range of motion

Go lighter than you think!

Anyone who has spent a lot of time in a conventional gym - knows about 21s right??

So these can be done with a barbell or dumbbells.  Make sure on the bottom to halfway ones you start fully extended at the bottom.

Make sure on the halfway to all of the way up ones that you don't go lower than 90 degrees and come all of the way up.

On the full range ones - ALL of the way down and all of the way up!!

These should be done as 7-7-7 without putting the weight down!

SOGO 03/17/2019

Part 1
5 Sets
2 Push Press Every 15 Seconds for 1 Min.
Resting position is Bar/Dumbbells Locked Out Overhead.

Rest 2 Min Between Sets

So it will start with 2 push press - then rest until 15 seconds.  2 Push Press - rest overhead until 30 seconds.  2 Push Press - rest with bar overhead until 45 seconds.  2 Push Press - hold bar overhead until the 1 min mark.

Rest 2 Minutes.

Your press is going to be super fatigued!  Use that strong leg drive to get the bar overhead.  Do not let go of the belly during the overhead hold.  Keep the rib cage down!

Start light and add weight each set if possible.

Part 2
3 Sets
Max Dips

No rest between moments - rest as needed between rounds.Dips may be ring, stationary, or bench - but should be strict.  Use a band to assist if necessary but no kipping.

Make sure to get the shoulder  below the elbow at the bottom and completely lock the elbows at the top.

Part 3

Arnold Press 3 x 10

Rest as needed between setsDumbells will start at the shoulder with the wrists facing in.  You will press out as you rotate the wrist forward to lockout.

Keep the rib cage down and control the movement.

Finish each rep with the bicep by the ears!

Part 4
Dumbbell Tricep Extension 4 x 12
(Seated or Standing)

Use a single dumbbellDumbbell will be behind the head.  Hold it by the head of the dumbbell.  Keep the biceps by the ears, belly tight as you lock the elbows.  Control the lower back down.

Rest as needed between sets.

SOGO 03/10/2019

12 Min EMOM
Min 1-
8 DB Strict Press with 3 Sec Negative
Min 2-
6 Strict Pull Ups

RX Plus - HSPU in place of Strict Press
L-Pull Ups

If you don't get all 8 reps because it is super heavy - that's ok.  Goal is 5-8 reps so choose a weight that is difficult enough in that rep range.  If you don't have appropriate dumbbells you may sub barbell strict press.

Those strict press may be seated or standing.  Keep the belly tight with the rib cage down.  On lockout biceps should be by the ears.

For the pull ups you may sub banded strict, or even a jump up with slow negative.

Dumbbell Bench Press (4 x 15)

All the way down and touch the dumbbells to shoulder/chest.  All the way locked out at the top.
Go as heavy as possible for 15 reps.
May sub barbell if necessary to make these heavy enough.

2 Part Blaster
4 Rounds
10 DB Single Arm Row Right
10 DB Single Arm Row Left
6 DB/Barbell Tempo Bent Over Rows

Rest as needed between rounds.
Score is Bent Over Row weight.

For the single arm rows you may lean against a bench, your squat rack, or even the wall to brace (see video).  You will start with the arm straight and  by reaching the elbow back and pulling with the mid/upper back pull the dumbbell to the rib cage.  No tempo for these.  Pull and lower under control.  Do all 10 on one side then all 10 on the other.

For the 6 reps of tempo rows you may use dumbbells or a barbell.  Go lighter than you think.  You will hinge at the hips with the bar or dumbbells just lower than the knees - hit a 3 count pull up and a 3 count lower back to the beginning!