As much as you are going to hear that consistency and intensity are key, we know you can’t go HARD every day - your body needs recovery to be able to stay consistent and healthy! To help with this, we have Street Parking Maintenance – easy to follow yoga flow videos that target specific needs and areas of the body, ranging from 5-25 minutes in length that you can do anytime you want to relax, mobilize, stretch or refresh mentally and physically.
Complete Practice

Props: Moderate to Heavy Dumbbell, Yoga Strap or Resistance Band
Using mostly dumbbells for your workouts can tax your body in a different way than you might be used to. Use this sequence to target those unique areas like the shoulders, forearms, and wrists.

Props: Towel
Want to try a full yoga class from the comfort of your own living room? This is a classic Hatha style full body sequence, excellent for all levels including beginners!

Props: Yoga Block, Towel
Looking for a slightly more advanced version of Maintenance? Check out this full-length Vinyasa sequence and get your flow on!

Props: Yoga Block, Wall Ball or Pillow
A gentle, full body practice for expecting mamas to release tension in the hips and shoulders and deepen the connection with your breath and your baby. Good for all stages of pregnancy with plenty of options for modifications.

Props: Yoga Block, Towel
Looking for a slightly more advanced version of Maintenance? Check out this full-length Vinyasa sequence and get your flow on!

Props: Yoga Block, Towel
Full body, intro to Vinyasa style sequence to lift your energy, challenge your balance, and practice deepening your flexibility!

Props: Chair, Bench, or Box, Yoga Strap or Band
This is a great flow designed for our new moms! With approval from your healthcare provider, it's good for any stage postpartum.

Props: Yoga Strap/Band, Towel
Follow along as Coach Jeb takes Julian and Miranda through this full body sequence! This is a great combination of movements for beginners or days when you really want to give your body and your mind a break from any intensity of any kind.
Energy Specific

Hips, hips, and more hips! This flow is awesome for rest days or after a couple of intense leg days. It's great for anyone struggling with mobility and proper positions in the squat or deadlift movements.

Props: Yoga Block or Towel
This restorative flow starts with some basic shoulder openers and gets into a few deeper variations so it is great for all levels of experience and ranges of motion.

Props: Chair
A gentle option to help you get grounded in the moment and connected to your breath. Accessible to beginners, people navigating injuries, seniors, pregnant/postpartum women, and anyone looking for a quick way to relieve some stress.

Props: Yoga strap/resistance band, wall
This gentle sequence is designed to help relieve the tension and stress that builds up in the chest, upper back, neck, and shoulders while feeding and caring for small children. It can be performed almost entirely from a seated position and is a great way to take a short break and practice some self-care.

Props: Towel/Blanket, Yoga Strap or Resistance Band
Designed to accompany the Military/ACFT Test Prep program but accessible to anyone, this gentle, full body sequence will help relieve tension from repetitive running, upper body pushing, and hip hinging movements.

Grab a buddy and partner up for this great team stretch! Have fun working together to get just the right amount of intensity for each of you to get the perfect stretch!

Target the trunk and the organs of the belly to help ease tension in the gut and encourage healthy digestion.

Props: Towel, Pillow or Wall Ball, Box/Chair/Wall
Unwind from the day and set yourself up for a good night's sleep with this simple sequence. Great for down-regulating the nervous system and preparing your body and your brain for more efficient rest and recovery.

The perfect way to start the day with deep breaths and good vibes. This sequence is simple, energizing and great to do while your morning coffee brews!

A quick and dynamic vinyasa flow to warm up and prepare the whole body and mind for a WOD or “the best day ever!”

Props: Yoga Block, Towel
Great Post workout flow for down-regulating the nervous system, flushing out the larger muscle groups and slowing everything down. Use this video to promote faster recovery, less soreness, and stiffness, and assist your body in the repair process.

Props: Chair, Bench, or Box
This video can be done anywhere, anytime. The office, your home gym, the lobby of your doctor's office, anywhere.

A long day of travel? Work keeping you at a desk all day? Use this quick video to release the build-up of tension from sitting for long periods of time.

We'll show you this quick full body series of movements that you can cycle through whenever you want!

This session is designed to help you recover while getting the blood flowing and raising the heart rate just a bit. We’ll finish with a couple of passive, more restorative postures. This is a full-body sequence with some extra attention on the hips, shoulders, glutes, and low back.
Upper Body

Props: Yoga Strap/Band
Let go of all the tension and stress that builds in the shoulders, neck, and chest with this sequence of upper body specific poses.

Props: Foam Roller, Large Towel, or 1 or 2 Yoga Blocks
The perfect prescription for Chronic Text Neck or as a counter stretch for long hours over a computer. Use this to open up your upper back and chest and finish off with some of the deepest breaths of your life!

Props: Yoga Strap/Band
This restorative flow starts with some basic shoulder openers and gets into a few deeper variations so it is great for all levels of experience and ranges of motion. We will open up the chest, lats, triceps, traps, and all of the muscles that can make the upper back, neck, and shoulders feel like blocks of stress.

Props: Yoga Strap/Band
Follow along as Coach Carolina takes Miranda through the Shoulder Flow!

This sequence focuses on the shoulders, neck, chest, and upper back. These restorative poses are designed to relieve tension from upper body training like pressing and pulling movements. As always, there are options to modify or scale the stretches but feel free to adapt as needed so that you are always moving in a pain free range of motions.
Lower Body

Props: Kettlebell or Lacrosse Ball, Bumper Plate or Thick, Hardcover Book
Perfect for those post Double Under and Running workouts! Use this video to mobilize your ankles and calves.

Props: Towel, Band/Strap
Balance out all the strength you're building from squatting, lunging, and jumping with these simple stretches!

Props: Yoga Strap/Band
This is an awesome tool for lengthening and stretching the back of your legs. Great for the end of a heavy deadlift day or even helpful if you struggle with good positions when picking up your weights from the floor.

Use this sequence to release tension from and create mobility in the inner thighs and groin area. A great option for working on your squat mobility!

Props: Box, Bench, or Chair, Yoga Strap/Band
Target the IT band, glutes, and piriformis with these great stretches and find some sweet relief for your sciatica or lower back pain.

Props: Bench/Chair/Box, Yoga Strap or Band, Towel
Quick explanation and demo of how to modify "pigeon pose" to work for you! This is a pretty common stretch for the hips that doesn't always work for everybody. We'll show you some other great options to achieve the same results!

Props: Towel, Yoga Block or Kettlebell
Deep stretch for hips flexors and quads! Use this quick video by itself pre-or post WOD or combine it with any of the other videos for a good release from lots of sitting or squatting!

Props: Yoga Block, Towel, Yoga Strap or Band
Follow along as Coach Carolina takes Julian through this Hips Flow! This sequence is awesome for rest days or after a couple of intense leg days. It's great for anyone struggling with mobility and proper positions in the squat or deadlift movements.

This session focuses on opening up the hips with the goal of providing a nice release in the lower back. We’ll provide different options for the poses. Make sure you choose an option that allows you to move pain-free, comfortable and able to focus on deep breaths.

Props: Yoga Block
Try out a few different versions of forward folds to lengthen out and release tension from the entire backside of your body especially the hamstrings, lower back, and neck.

Props: Box, Bench, or Chair, Foam Roller, Yoga Block, or Large Towel
Start with some great chest and shoulder openers and work towards a mid/upper back release. Use this for help with mobility in your overhead positions like Snatches and Pull-ups!

Props: Kettlebell or Lacrosse Ball, Foam Roller or Yoga Block, Towel
Deep stretches and mobility tools to stretch and smash the hip flexors and psoas muscles. This video is great after a long day of sitting at a desk, before or after all your regular SP workouts and even after the Endurance or Aerobic Capacity programming!

Props: Foam Roller, Yoga Block, or Large Towel
Start with a few quick hip stretches to release tension from the bigger muscle groups connected to the lower back and then finish with an awesome supported lower back release!

Connect to and strengthen all of the stabilizing muscles that support your spine. This is great as a supplement to prehab or rehab for achy back issues.

Props: Yoga Block, Band/Strap
Use this to create space and release tension around the sacroiliac joint. Also helpful for relief from symptoms of piriformis syndrome.

This sequence is designed to promote spine health. We will go through some gentle bends and folds along with several twist variations. Make sure that you are very gentle and are able to breathe freely in how deep you choose to go with these.
Daily Tune Up
Props: Lacrosse Ball
Time: 14 Minutes
Use this sequence if you’re looking to dive a little deeper into relieving shoulder, neck, and upper body tension or to improve your overhead mobility. We recommend using this Tune Up on your rest day or as a part of a long warm up.
Props: Foam Roller
Time: 8-10 Minutes
Oh my quad! Use this short sequence pre or post workout to help you get the blood flowing in your quads so you can minimize knee pain, improve your recovery, and be more effective with your legs and lower body.
Props: None
Time: 8-10 Minutes
This would be a great one to use as a part of your morning routine, at the end of a long day, or anytime you’re looking to relieve tension from the neck, shoulders, chest, and upper back.
Props: None
Time: 6 Minutes
Use this to help you open up your hips and help improve your range of motion for the movements in your workouts or as a great way to cool down after your workout and help your body recover better.
Props: 2 Light Dumbbells, 2 Yoga Blocks or Bumper Plates, Towel or Blanket
Check out this video for some tips on how to deepen your stretch with a little extra weight and take your recovery to the next level!