Posts tagged POWER-2019
POWER | WEEK 30 | 07/21/2019

Bench Press (6 x 4 (Building Sets))

Rest 2 Min between sets.

Each set should be heavier than the last. Start with something heavy but that you are confident in.

As always don't go too heavy if you don't have a spot or a SAFE way to bail.

For the bench you should try to get set up so that your feet and heels are down. If you have a tall bench or if you are short - you can put plates where your feet will be! Keep the butt on the bench. Before you unrack the bar think of pulling the shoulders back and down and pinching a pack of playing cards in your armpits.

Hands should be just outside the shoulders with a full grip around the bar. As you lower the bar, keep the elbows IN.

Touch the chest (not BOUNCE on the chest) and press to lock out at the top.

Single Arm Dumbbell Press (4 x 8-12 Each Side)

Choose a weight that you can do 8 for sure, but 12 is pushing it.

You can do these seated or standing. Either way keep the belly tight and rib cage pulled in.

Start with the dumbbell at the shoulder, press to lockout getting the bicep by the ear.

Do 8-12 on one side and the same on the other.

Rest about 30 seconds between arms and 1-2 min between rounds.

POWER | WEEK 29 | 07/14/2019

Back Rack Reverse Lunge (6 x 6 (3 + 3))

Barbell on the Back - Backwards Stepping LungeFor this you will have the barbell on the back in the same position it would be for a back squat.

You will do 3 reps on one side and then 3 reps on the other.
You will perform these lunges as a REVERSE LUNGE so stepping backwards.

You want to focus on a few things. Keep the front heel DOWN. Take a far back enough step that when your back knee touches you can keep that front heel down and that the knee doesn't cave in. Keep the torso upright. And finally do not CRASH down. Show control and KISS the ground with the back knee.

Come all of the way back up to standing with feet together between reps.
Complete all 3 on one side and then 3 on the other.

The goal is to go heavy as long as you can control the down and keep good positions. You may have one side that is much stronger than the other.

Do these as one big set though - so no re-racking until you have done 3 on each side.

Rest 2-3 Min between sets.

Odd Object Ground to Shoulder
Rest 3 Min
Odd Object Ground to Shoulder

This could be - Sandbag, DBall, Tire Flip, Bag of Dog Food - whatever you have

Score is total reps - put in comments what you did!Choose something that you can get at least 5 per min - but not more than around 10-15.

Sub if you don't have an odd object - 15 Deadlift with drop from the top - reset at bottom each time at a weight that is moderately heavy for you.

If you do this sub your score should be 30 and just put what weight you used in comments.


Shoulder Press (5 x 7)

Rest as needed between sets. Go up if you can!

The strict shoulder press is a press overhead without using the legs or hips to assist the upper body. You will squeeze the cheeks, pull the ribcage down and in, bar is on the shoulders with the elbows slightly in front. Move the face back and press the bar straight up.

Once the bar has cleared the head/face you can bring the head back to neutral and continue pressing the bar UP! Lock out completely and pull the bar back over the middle of the body.

When lowering the bar back down - if you need to you may absorb with the knees. Just no assist from that dip to help the next rep.

Weighted Dips (4 x Max Reps)

Hold a weight between the legs, wear a vest or a belt with weight. Rest 4 Min Between Sets

For these reps you can do weighted dips, bodyweight only, or even a jump and slow lower for all sets.

If you are doing weighted you will choose a weight that you can get 8, but more than 10-12 is difficult.

Make sure your shoulder is lower than your elbow at the bottom and you are all the way locked out at the top.

POWER | Week 27


Throw in the bodyweight warm up before this one and to get the back side nice and toasty try the kettlebell warm up.

Sumo Deadlift (6 x 5 (Building))

If these are new for you the main focus points will be - heels down, knees out, belly tight, bar close!

The sumo deadlift is a great movement that takes a little of the loading off of the lower back and really recruits the power of the hips/glutes! This movement is great for building strength in a different stance/position.

For this movement the bar will start on the ground. The feet are slightly wider than squat stance. The hands are inside the legs. Use a narrow grip but there should be 6-12 inches between the hands.

The knees will be bent slightly, chest up, arms straight, heels down, knees OUT (that's a big one), bar close to the body. You will pull the bar from the ground by focusing on driving the heels into the ground, reaching the chest up, driving the knees out, and pulling the bar into the body.

The rep is finished when you are standing completely at the top.

For Distance

7 Min

Max Distance Bear Hold Walk

Grab an Odd Object - Bear Hug it and walk as far as possible in 7 min.

Put what object you chose and weight of object in comments.

Options for hug hold are:
and if you have none of those you may do front rack carry with bar or dumbbells!

POWER | Week 26


For this one you will obviously do some warm up sets before finding your first official weight, but also you may want to try out the Barbell Warm Up.

Barbell Warm Up

3 Sets 
1 Minute Side to Side Squat Hold 
5 Reps Back Squat 
5 Reps Behind the Neck Thruster 
5 Reps Lunges 
5 Reps Jumping Lunges

Back Squat (3-3-3-2-2-1-1-1-1)

Goal for this one is to go up for each set! If you haven't tested what you are capable of for a single in a while - today is a great day to do that!

Rest as needed between sets!

For these squats you will have the bar on the back (not on the neck but on the traps across the shoulders). You will have your feet roughly shoulder width apart.

Tighten the belly and reach the butt back and down. The goal is to keep the heels down, knees out, chest up but also belly tight. Get the butt below the knees at the bottom without losing any of those things and stand all of the way up at the top.

Only go as heavy as you can maintain good form! We would rather have you go lighter and all of the way down than shorten it just to add more weight.

If you aren't feeling the PR vibes today - that's OK! Just go as heavy as you can today!

Enter your heaviest single as your score.

Pistols (3 x 20)

Alternate legs. So 10 per leg per set.

If you are great at these, feel free to add weight at the chest.

For these single leg squats you will stand on one foot and lower yourself until your butt is lower than your knee.

For these most people will really have to lean the chest forward to keep the heel down. This is ok. Try to avoid the knee caving in. If you need to hit a target at the bottom that is fine. You may also choose to do them holding onto something for support, or by perfoming rolling pistols.

POWER | Week 25

Bench Press (7 x 3 + 9 Push Ups)

For this you will complete 3 Bench Press and then immediately get on the ground and do 9 BEAUTIFUL push ups.  Build up that stamina after blasting the strength.  It might seem too easy - until it's not.

You will rest exactly 2 min between sets.

Before you unrack the bar you will pull the shoulders back and down.  We would like to see your heels on the ground and your butt in contact with your bench.  Hands should be outside of the shoulders but not too wide.  When lowering the bar keep it in control.  Touch the chest with the bar and then drive up to complete lock out each time.

If you are benching alone do not use a weight that you are uncertain of and definitely have the bar with no clips in case you need to dump it!

If you don't have a rack you may of course sub dumbbell bench or even floor press or floor dumbbell press.

Bent Over Dumbbell Row (3 x failure)

Dumbbell in each hand in the Bent Over Row position.  Start over hand and rotate to underhand as you pull the dumbbells to the ribs with the elbows back.Use a weight that will allow you to get at least 8-10 but not more than 20.  This should be true for all 3 sets so change weight as you go if necessary.

Rest as needed between sets.

POWER | Week 24

Deadlift (20 Min for 10 Rep Max)

So there are a couple ways you can play this.  If you KNOW your deadlifting abilities well, you can work your way up with smaller warm up sets until you get to a number that seems like a good place to start.  Maybe 75% of your 1 RM.  If you are successful with 10 there you can make smart jumps based on how it went.

If you have NO idea what you are capable of.  Warm up and do some warm up sets with less than 10 reps.  Once you get to a weight that is challenging but you feel totally doable hit 10 reps.  Go up in large or small increments from there based on how it felt.

Be smart.  Do not do more than I would say 4 attempts for all 10 reps!

Do NOT allow your form to go to crap or your back to round.  If the back starts to round and you can't correct it - call it and lower the weight!  Live to fight another day.

For these reps you will start with the bar on the ground.  Feet are under the hips.  Weight is in the heels.  Chest is up.  Knees are bent slightly.  Arms are straight.  Belly tight.

Lift the bar by digging the heels into the ground and lifting the chest!  Pull the bar into the body by actively pulling it back!  Arms stay straight.  Back stays flat.  Heels stay down.  Do not crank your neck up.  Look down at the ground about 6 feet in front of you.  Squeeze the cheeks to bring you to a fully standing position with the hips and knees extended.

To lower reach the butt back and again pull back on the bar to keep it close to the body.  Once past the knees bend the knees to bring the bar all of the way to the ground UNDER control!

Weighted Pull Up Negative (6 x 5)

5 second negative weighted pull up

Ok guys, real talk - many of us will have to do this unweighted and still might have to lower the reps.  That is ok.

For you pull up monsters though, you may weight yourself however you would like.  Vest is fine, dumbbell between the knees if fine, or put some change plates in your pockets or your sports bra if you want!

If you can do a strict pull up you will pull yourself up and then lower slow.  If you need to break up the set of 5 that is ok, but not if you have to rest longer than 5-10 seconds.

Do NOT weight yourself if you are unable to do a strict pull up unweighted.  We DO NOT want you jumping up with a weight vest on and slowly lowering.  If you are unable to pull yourself up you must do these unweighted!!

If you are unable to even do a slow negative on the bar - do a slow negative on a ring row instead!

POWER | Week 23

1 1/4 Back Squat (5 x 5)

All of the way down, part of the way up, back down, and UP!If you have been following the weekly power workouts you can refer back to May 20 of this year to get an idea of weight you should use for this workout.

For these reps you will have the bar on your back.  Feet are shoulder width apart.  Weight in the heels.  Reach the butt back and down.  Keep the belly tight and chest up!  No plopping!  Drive the knees out!  Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom.  Stand up to just about parallel.  Then go back down.  Then stand completely!

Start light and add weight as you are successful.  No rounding of the back or plopping!  Keep those knees OUT!

Rest as needed between sets!

Bent Over Row (5 x 10 (with a 3 second pause at top))

This 3 second pause will mean you need to go PRETTY light on these!  We want that hold to basically be where the bar is in contact with your body so even go empty bar if you need to.

The focus here is to pull BACK with the elbows!  Fight them wanting to go OUT.

You will start with the bar just below the knee.  Knees are slightly bent.  Chest is over the bar - back is flat.  Belly tight.

Pull the bar with the elbows going back until the bar touches around the sternum area.  Hold for 3 seconds and then lower completely until the arms are straight and bar is just below the knee.

POWER | Week 21

Deficit Deadlift (6 x 5 (Building))

Deadlift while standing on plates or something that will add 3-5" to the pullRest as needed between.  Score is heaviest set.

Adding a little extra depth to the pull of your deadlift will REALLY get the hamstring and glute GOING!  Just make sure you only do these if you have the flexibility to get your back FLAT in the set up.

You will stand on something like a pair or even a single 45# plate.  Make sure whatever you set up on is super sturdy and safe.

From there the deadlift set up is basically the same as always.  Feet are between hip and shoulder width apart.  Weight is in the heels, the bar is close to the body.  Hands and arms are outside the legs.  Knees are bent.  Chest is over the bar, arms are straight.  Chest UP and back flat!

This is going to feel WAY heavier than normal off of the ground.  Start light if you are new to this movement.  Do NOT let the weight pull you forward as you try to lift.  Really shift and set your weight BACK before you pull.  Drive your heels into the ground and reach the chest up as the bar come off the ground. Stand all of the way up by squeezing your butt to bring you to the top!

Be careful on the lower.  It is common to bang up the shins if you rush this or drop it.  Keep the same good positions on the way down as on the way up.

This is 6 sets of 5 - but don't try to do an aggressive tap and go.  For this we would actually prefer almost a dead stop at the bottom.

Weighted Pistols (4 x 8 (Each Side))

Holding an object at the chest complete single leg squats.You will do an entire set of 8 on one leg and then rest a bit and then switch.

If you are new to this movement, if you have a lot of mobility issues in the ankles, knees, or hips - you may choose to do these unweighted.  Ideally you will get the butt below the knee at the bottom, but if you end up collapsing down there and are shifting hard to the toes to come up - you may choose to not go as low.  You may also choose to practice pistols with a band for assistance to come up or even on an elevated surface like a box so that your non working foot doesn't need to be so high.

If you are doing the weighted version though - you will hold a dumbbell or KB at the chest.  The goal here is to reach the butt back and keep the heel down.  Your chest will come forward more than a normal squat, but fight from collapsing TOO much.  Work to avoid the working knee from caving in as well.  Drive out of the working heel to stand completely.

POWER | Week 22

Pause Bench Press (5 x 6)

3 Second Pause at the BottomFor these reps you will lay on the bench.  Pull the shoulders back and down and make sure you can have your heels down on the ground or on some plates or something.  KEEP the butt on the bench.

Lower the bar to the sternum with the hands just outside of the shoulders - not too wide.  You should have a full grip on the bar.  Elbows should go generally BACK and not OUT.  Hold under tension at the bottom for 3 seconds.  Then press out to lockout.

Go lighter than you think at first and add if you feel you are capable.
Rest as needed between sets.

For Time:
30 Dips

Every time you break 10 push ups.
GOOD LUCK with that one.

If you are a dip ninja:

RX + : 50 DipsDips may be ring or stationary.  Lower the body down until the shoulder is lower than the elbow at the bottom.  Lock all of the way out at the top.

You may choose to do these as kipping or strict.

POWER | Week 20

Shoulder Press (LIGHT 5 X 5)

Start light with these and use them as a warm up.

Shoulder Press (Heavy 5 x 3)

These sets should now be heavy!  Add weight if you are successful to find the heaviest triple you can get for the day.

Rest as needed between sets.

The strict shoulder press is a press overhead without using the legs or hips to assist the upper body.  You will squeeze the cheeks, pull the ribcage down and in, bar is on the shoulders with the elbows slightly in front.  Move the face back and press the bar straight up.

Once the bar has cleared the head/face you can bring the head back to neutral and continue pressing the bar UP!  Lock out completely and pull the bar back over the middle of the body.

When lowering the bar back down - if you need to you may absorb with the knees.  Just no assist from that dip to help the next rep.

(Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Min)

Even Minutes: 3-5 Strict Weighted Pull Ups
Odd Minutes: 40 Seconds Heavy Object Hold

See below for options.

Score is weight for hold. Note how you did pull ups in comments.So you will end up doing 5 sets of each.

Options for the pull ups are strict weighted with a dumbbell between the legs or something like that.  It can also be with a weight vest or whatever you can make work.  All of the way down - all of the way up!

You may also do just regular strict pull ups 3-5 reps with no weight.  You may also do banded or even a jump and slow lower.  Or even a slow lower ring row!

Find something that is difficult for 3-5 reps and do that!

For the heavy object hold you will grab a heavy sandbag, dball, a couple plates - or something and basically bear hug it at the chest for 40 seconds.

If you don't have something heavy enough you may also hold the front rack position with heavy weight on the shoulders.  This weight should be something close to your 1 rep max front squat if you know that.  Heavy.

POWER | Week 19

Pause Back Squat (5 x 3)

3 Second Pause in the bottom

For these reps you will pause in a VERY active position in the bottom of the squat before you stand.

The bar will be on the back.  Feet are shoulder width apart.  Heels down.  Tighten the belly and then reach the butt back and go down as you fight to keep your chest UP!  Drive the knees out and keep the heels down.

Get the butt lower than the knee at the bottom with NO rounding of the back.  Do NOT relax in the bottom/pause position.  Count to 3 and then with no re-bounce stand up.  You will need to go much lighter than your normal 5 x 3 back squat.

Rest as needed between sets.

Accumulate 3 min Chin Over Bar Hang.
Overhand Grip.


There is also a chin over bar hold in this week's gymnastics.  You may choose to only do this part once this week if you want or get the extra work.  We want to make sure you get it in somewhere!

Your score is the total time it takes you to accumulate 3 minutes.  You may cut to 2 minutes if you aren't getting at least 20 seconds holds.

POWER 04/28/2019

Bench Press (5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1)

So today you are working up to some super heavy singles on the bench.  Only do this if you have someone to spot you or some sort of safety net!

This workout would be great to combine with the Suns Out Guns Out this week and you can go lighter or eliminate the dumbbell bench in that part if you want!

Ok so, for this the goal is to go up in weight each time.  Rest 2-3 min between sets.  The first set of 5 is heavy but manageable.  The second set is a really rough set of 5.

First set of 3 is just a little heavier than the last set of 5...and so on.

Make sure you can have your heels on the ground for these even if you need to put plates on the floor by your bench!  For these reps - pull the shoulder blades back and down.  Make sure as the bar is lowering to the chest that the elbows go back and the grip is similar to the width you would use for going over head - don't go super wide.  Touch the chest at the bottom.  Lock out completely at the top.

If you don't have a spot and still want to bench - just don't do the singles.  Do 9 sets of 5 at a safe weight.


400 Meter Heavy Object Carry for Time

If the object is super heavy - Men 80-100# or more / Women 60-70# or More - you can bear hug the object.

If you don't have a sandbag/ball or something that heavy you will hold a plate or something in your hands at a 90 degree angle at the waist and walk.

You may also choose to carry the bar in the front or back rack and walk.This is to gain strength in the upper back and midline!

POWER 04/21/2019

Deadlift (6 x 5)

Add weight each set as long as you are still moving well.
Rest as needed between sets.

Start with the bar on the ground.  Feet are under the hips with the heels down.  Knees are bent slightly with the knees behind the bar.  There is a hinge from the hips and chest is over the bar but pulled up with straight arms.  Back is flat.

To lift the bar brace through the belly.  Then drive the heels down as you pull the chest up.  Actively pull the bar into the body as you stand.

Once you are standing all of the way up with the bar you will reach the butt back and slide the bar down the body.  Keep the chest up.  No excessive bounce at the bottom.  Sets of 5 should be touch and go.

Weighted Hip Extension/Good Morning (5 x 8)

Use what equipment you haveFor these you will either hold a plate at the chest and perform the movement on a GHD or you will do a good morning with the bar on your back.

Focus for either one will be to keep the back flat and keep the legs pretty straight.  Go LIGHT if this is new for you.

Goal would be to get to 90 degrees but if you are unable to keep a flat back position due to strength or flexibility, you may shorten to a range of motion where you can move correctly!


POWER 04/14/2019

Back Squat (10 x 3)

If you are participating in the 20 rep squat stuff you can either skip this or you can lower to fewer sets.

For these reps the bar will be on the back.  Feet are shoulder width apart and before you start the squat you should make sure that the chest is up, and belly is tight!

To perform the squat reach the butt back and down.  Keep the belly tight and chest up.  Keep the heels down.  Drive the knees out and get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom.  Do NOT allow any rounding of the back or plopping at the bottom.

To stand lead with the chest.  Keep the the heels down, drive the knees out and keep that belly tight!  Fight the weight from pushing you forward.

Rest as needed between sets.  Shoot for about 2 min.

Weighted Pull Up Negatives (7 x 3)

If you are unable to add weight to these that is totally fine.

If you are also doing the Street Parking Gymnastics this week - you may just choose to do that here or skip this part all together.

We want to see a slow lower for these reps!

POWER 04/07/2019

Bench Press (7 x 3)

As always if you are benching alone make sure you do not put collars on the ends of your bars and don't go super heavy.  Wrap your thumb around the bar and use a spot if at all possible!!

For these reps you will want to have your hands just outside of your shoulders.  Similar to your grip for an overhead press.  Pull your shoulderblades back and down on the bench and set up so that your heels can be down.  So add plates underneat your feet if you need to!

Come down and touch the chest with the elbows going back - not out.  Press all of the way to lockout at the top.

Goal is to go up each set if possible.

Rest as needed between sets.

Bent Over Row (5 x 5)

For this lift you will set up in a deadlift position.  Knees slightly bent, heels down, bar close to the body chest up and back flat.

You will bring the bar to just below the knee.  Pull the bar in close to the body.

Your chest should be over the bar with a hinge at the hip and a slight bend of the knee.  Pull the bar UP to your chest by reaching the elbows back.

Come to think of it - this is like a reverse bench press.  You will touch your chest in a similar place and then lower back down until your arms are locked out.  Keep the chest up and no pulling yourself down to the bar or like "kipping" it!

Rest as needed between sets.

Add weight if you feel you can.

POWER 03/31/2019

Sumo Deadlift (7 x 3 (re-set each time no touch and go))

The sumo deadlift is a great movement that takes a little of the loading off of the lower back and really recruits the power of the hips/glutes!  This movement is great for building strength in a different stance/position.

For this movement the bar will start on the ground.  The feet are slightly wider than squat stance.  The hands are inside the legs.  Use a narrow grip but there should be 6-12 inches between the hands.

The knees will be bent slightly, chest up, arms straight, heels down, knees OUT (that's a big one), bar close to the body.  You will pull the bar from the ground by focusing on driving the heels into the ground, reaching the chest up, driving the knees out, and pulling the bar into the body.

The rep is finished when you are standing completely at the top.

For these reps there is no dropping from the top and no touch and go at the bottom this time either.  That means you will put the bar down under control - keeping good positions.  Then you will completely relax and then re-set positions before pulling the next rep.

Rest as needed between sets.

Weighted Dips (10-8-6-4-2 (Building if possible))

Hold a weight between the legs, wear a vest or a belt with weight.Score is weight you use for the last 2 reps.

For these dips you may do them on the rings, a stationary dip station, or even between to boxes etc.

We first want to see full range of motion before you add much or any weight.  This means you get your shoulder below your elbow at the bottom, and that you lock out completely at the top.

These sets should be unbroken sets - so if you need to do them weighted or even use assistance from a band or slight push from the legs that is fine!

As you lower - make sure the elbows go BACK - not OUT.

Rest as needed between sets.

POWER 03/24/2019

Back Rack Lunge (5 x 10 (5/5))

For these back rack lunges you will do all 5 on one side and then all 5 on the other.  You do NOT need to step in and out on these.  Get into a lunge position and stay there for 5 reps - then step in and switch sides!

Once in the lunge position you will go down and touch the back knee to the ground while keeping the front heel on the ground.  Drive out of the front heel, but keep your weight balanced on both feet to stand.  Make sure that your feet are not like on a tight rope but are about hip/shoulder width apart (side to side) too.  Try not to let the chest come forward as you lunge.  Keep the chest up and belly tight.  Do all 5 on one side then switch feet without re-racking or dropping the bar.

Do a few warm up sets to determine a good starting weight for yourself.  Do not count any warm up sets toward the 5 working sets.  All working sets should be heavy.

Rest 2-3 min between sets.

Shoulder Press (5-5-3-3-1-1-1)

Score is heaviest single.  Rest 2 min between sets.
For this the goal is to go heavier with each set.

The strict shoulder press is a press overhead without using the legs or hips to assist the upper body.  You will squeeze the cheeks, pull the ribcage down and in, bar is on the shoulders with the elbows slightly in front.  Move the face back and press the bar straight up.

Once the bar has cleared the head/face you can bring the head back to neutral and continue pressing the bar UP!  Lock out completely and pull the bar back over the middle of the body.

When lowering the bar back down - if you need to you may absorb with the knees.  Just no assist from that dip to help the next rep.

POWER 03/17/2019

Deficit Deadlift (6 x 5)

Deadlift while standing on plates or something that will add 3-5" to the pull.

Adding a little extra depth to the pull of your deadlift will REALLY get the hamstring and glute GOING!  Just make sure you only do these if you have the flexibility to get your back FLAT in the set up.

You will stand on something like a pair or even a single 45# plate.  Make sure whatever you set up on is super sturdy and safe.

From there the deadlift set up is basically the same as always.  Feet are between hip and shoulder width apart.  Weight is in the heels, the bar is close to the body.  Hands and arms are outside the legs.  Knees are bent.  Chest is over the bar, arms are straight.  Chest UP and back flat!

This is going to feel WAY heavier than normal off of the ground.  Start light if you are new to this movement.  Do NOT let the weight pull you forward as you try to lift.  Really shift and set your weight BACK before you pull.  Drive your heels into the ground and reach the chest up as the bar come off the ground. Stand all of the way up by squeezing your butt to bring you to the top!

Be careful on the lower.  It is common to bang up the shins if you rush this or drop it.  Keep the same good positions on the way down as on the way up.

This is 6 sets of 5 - but don't try to do an aggressive tap and go.  For this we would actually prefer almost a dead stop at the bottom.

Weighted Hip Thrusts (5 x 8 with 3 second pause)

Shoulders on a box or bench - weight on the hip creaseYep these are kinda creepy sounding, looking, and slightly uncomfortable to get into place for - but they really isolate the glutes so let's do it!!

You will place the shoulder blades against a box or bench.  Make sure that the box or bench is against a wall or weighted down somehow so it doesn't tip.

You will place the barbell across the lap or dumbbells or whatever you are using.  From here you will basically drive the heels down and squeeze the glutes to lift the hips UP!  Hold the top position for 3 seconds each time.

Rest as needed between sets.

POWER 03/10/2019

Pause Bench Press (6 x 5)

3 Second Pause at the Bottom

Rest as needed between sets.  You will definitely need to do some warm up sets.  Start with the empty bar and work up.  Start counting these toward your 6 x 5 once the weight feels challenging.

You want to pause for 3 seconds at the bottom - with the bar touching your chest.  This is not the bar RESTING on your body!!!

Doing this takes the stretch reflex out of the movement and it's ALL pressing power!!!  You will most likely have to go MUCH lighther than a normal set of 5 bench press.

Hands should be roughly outside of the shoulders.  We HIGHLY recommend wrapping the thumb around - no monkey grip!!  This is for your safety!

Before lowering the bar to the chest for the first rep.  Think of pulling your shoulder blades back and down and rooting your heels!  Add plates under your feet if you need to so you can get your heels down.

Lower the bar to the chest - count to 3 - press out!  Use a spotter if you can!!

3 x MAX REPS Push Ups (3 x Max REPS)

Rest as needed between sets.

Choose a push up style that will allow you to get at least 12-15 reps each time (20 for the first set.

Keep the belly tight.  Go all of the way down and touch the chest and thighs at the bottom.  Lock out completely at the top.  No sagging or snaking!  If 12-15 aren't going to happen after the first set - go to the knees!