Posts in Accessory Workouts
ENDURANCE | WEEK 30 | 07/21/2019


**You should have at least 1 day between run sessions.

RUN 200 M - FAST
RUN 200 M - FAST
RUN 200 M - FAST
RUN 200 M - FAST
RUN 200 - FAST

Total: 2600 M


SCORE: TOTAL TIME (including rest)
GOAL: This workout is to teach us how to start strong - find a pace - get a few strong surges - settle back in - and finish strong at the end. Do NOT mess up the paces to get a better score. Try to make the paces for 600s and 400 the same and the paces for 200s the same.

Run Version - No Measure

Run 1 Min - Hard
Rest 1:15
Run 1 Min - Hard
Rest 1:15
Run 3 Min - Moderate
Run 1 Min - Hard
Rest 1:15
Run 3 Min - Moderate
Run 1 Min - HARD
Rest 1:15
Run 2 Min - Moderate
No Rest
Run 1 Min - HARD

Total Time - 18 Min

This workout is short - but the point is to go HARD on those 1 Min intervals.

Do not mess up the pace to get a better time.

Score: Total Distance if you are able to measure with a watch or something!
Goal: Go HARD!

Row Version

Row 250 M - Hard
Rest 1:15
Row 250 M- Hard
Rest 1:15
Row 750 M - Moderate
Row 250 M - Hard
Rest 1:15
Row 750 M - Moderate
Row 250 M - HARD
Rest 1:15
Row 500 M- Moderate
No Rest
Row 250 M - HARD

Total Meters - 3250

This workout is short - but the point is to go HARD on those 1 Min intervals.

Do not mess up the pace to get a better time.

Score: Total Time
Goal: Go HARD!

Bike Version

Cals = Men/Women

Bike 15/11 Cals - Hard
Rest 1:15
Bike 15/11 Cals - Hard
Rest 1:15
Bike 45/33 Cals - Moderate
Bike 15/11 Cals - Hard
Rest 1:15
Bike 45/33 Cals - Moderate
Bike 15/11 Cals - HARD
Rest 1:15
Bike 30/22 Cals - Moderate
No Rest
Bike 15/11 Cals - HARD

This workout is short - but the point is to go HARD on those 1 Min intervals.

Do not mess up the pace to get a better time.

Score: Total Time
Goal: Go HARD!

OLY | WEEK 30 | 07/21/2019

Metcon (Distance)

Seated Box Jumps

Put 10 Min on the clock and work on this movement. Start low and add height as you are comfortable. If you are unable to add much height - try hitting one every 30 Seconds - 1 min at a moderate height.

Score is highest successful jump.
For this one we will start in a seated position at or just below parallel. You can sit on a low box, stack of plates - or whatever you can just to make that happen.

In this seated position you will have the heels down roughly hip width apart. You need to be completely sitting - with the chest up.

Use the ARMS!! Throw arms and jump from that dead stop position!

You will want to think of exploding UP and then pulling the knees up FAST!!

Be careful! No bloody shin pics PLEASE!!

Power Snatch (8 x 1 / 6 x 1 / 4 x 1 / 2 x 1)

The way this will work is 1 rep every 30 seconds x 8.
Then you rest 2 min.
Followed by 1 rep every 30 seconds x 6 at a heavier weight.
Rest 1:30.
Followed by 1 rep every 30 seconds x 4 at a heavier weight.
Rest 1 Min.
Followed finally by 1 rep every 30 seconds x 2 at a heavier weight.

You will add weight during those rest periods.

Start with something you can move well and have room to increase for the 8s. Your score is what you use for the final 2 reps.

The bar will start on the ground. You will use a wide/overhead squat grip. The feet are roughly hip - shoulder width apart with the weight in the heels. The knees are bent but hips are higher than the knees. Chest is over the bar. Arms are straight. Bar is close to the body. Back is flat.

Drive the heels into the ground as you start to lift the chest. The bar comes off the ground - keep it close to the body! Control this first pull.

Once the bar is past the knees you will pick up speed! Scoop the hips underneath a bit but keep the heels down. Think about finishing the up or JUMP with the arms still straight. Jump UP not forward.

Shrug the shoulders, and then start to pull the bar with the elbows - reaching them high and outside like a scarecrow to keep the bar close to the body.

As the bar is going UP - pull YOURSELF under it into a partial squat. Feet can move out a bit - to your squat stance. Punch your head and chest under and through. Punch and press into the bar to lockout. Heels down, knees out, belly tight - butt back slightly.

Stand to finish.

SOGO | WEEK 30 | 07/21/2019

Metcon (Weight)

4 Round Superset
(rest 30 seconds to 1 minute between movements)

10-12 Bent Over Barbell Row
10-12 DB Bench Press
10-12 Pull Ups
8-10 Ring Dips/feet elevated parallette dips

Rest 3 minutes

8 min alternating tabata
Push Ups
Ring Rows

Score: Weight used for Barbell Row/Bench Press
Should take less than 40 minutes but less than 30 is probably moving too fast. Superset is 4 rounds of the first 4 movements, THEN 3 minute rest before starting the Tabata. Movements should be slow and controlled with a 1 second pause on both ends.

POWER | WEEK 29 | 07/14/2019

Back Rack Reverse Lunge (6 x 6 (3 + 3))

Barbell on the Back - Backwards Stepping LungeFor this you will have the barbell on the back in the same position it would be for a back squat.

You will do 3 reps on one side and then 3 reps on the other.
You will perform these lunges as a REVERSE LUNGE so stepping backwards.

You want to focus on a few things. Keep the front heel DOWN. Take a far back enough step that when your back knee touches you can keep that front heel down and that the knee doesn't cave in. Keep the torso upright. And finally do not CRASH down. Show control and KISS the ground with the back knee.

Come all of the way back up to standing with feet together between reps.
Complete all 3 on one side and then 3 on the other.

The goal is to go heavy as long as you can control the down and keep good positions. You may have one side that is much stronger than the other.

Do these as one big set though - so no re-racking until you have done 3 on each side.

Rest 2-3 Min between sets.

Odd Object Ground to Shoulder
Rest 3 Min
Odd Object Ground to Shoulder

This could be - Sandbag, DBall, Tire Flip, Bag of Dog Food - whatever you have

Score is total reps - put in comments what you did!Choose something that you can get at least 5 per min - but not more than around 10-15.

Sub if you don't have an odd object - 15 Deadlift with drop from the top - reset at bottom each time at a weight that is moderately heavy for you.

If you do this sub your score should be 30 and just put what weight you used in comments.

OLY | WEEK 29 | 07/14/2019

Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat 4 x 10
Warm Up weight

These sets will be 5 each side. Go super light at first and add weight if you are able.

To perform this you will press one dumbbell up overhead with the bicep by the ear. You will have the feet about shoulder width apart. Reach the butt back and down and drive the knees out. Keep the heels down and keep pressing UP and BACK with the dumbbell. Try to avoid rotating. This is CHALLENGING. Be patient with yourself. Really press up and pull back. Focus on those heels and knees.

You will almost assuredly be better on one side than the other. Only increase weight if you are successful at going all of the way down in a good position with both sides.

This is meant to be a warm up.

Overhead Squat (20 Min to find Heavy 5 Rep)

Score is heaviest set of 5.

For this you will warm up first and then put 20 Min on the clock. From here you can do as many or as few sets as you like, but your goal is to find a heavy set of 5 for the overhead squat.

If this movement is new for you - don't worry so much about weight and just practice this movement for 20 min.

You may take the bar from the rack or from the ground.

If taken from the rack you will start with the bar on your back. Move the hands to a wide grip and then push press or jerk it overhead.

If taken from the ground you may do a clean and then push press it onto your back - then widen your hands and push press or jerk it up overhead.

The hands should be in a width that you could perform a pass through. This means you could allow the bar to be dropped behind you with straight arms if you need to!

Think about pressing into the bar with your whole back and shoulders. Rotate the armpits forward and keep the belly tight.

Reach the butt back and down. Keep pressing into the bar and pull it back. Your head and chest will come forward slightly as your hips go back, but fight to keep it UP! Bar should stay over the middle of the body! Keep the heels down and drive the knees out. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom with the chest up, no roundness of the back, knees out! Stand by pressing into the bar, pressing the heels down, driving the knees out, and leading with the chest!

At the top of each rep the bar should be over the top of the head. Don't leave it behind you.

SOGO | WEEK 29 | 07/14/2019

24 minute Clock
Every 2 min for 6 minutes
10-12 DB Curls (not alternating)
10-12 DB Skull Crushers

Every 2 min for 6 minutes
10-12 Alternating Hammer Curls
10-12 Standing DB Tricep Extensions

Every 2 min for 6 minutes
10-12 Concentration Curls
10-12 Bent Over Tricep Extensions
(one arm at a time)

Rest 2 minutes

4 min AMRAP
Max Chin-Ups
Max Diamond Push Ups
Switch movements each time you break

Score: Weight Used for Part 1-3
Goal: Make it all of the way through with at least 9-10 reps but not more than 12 of each movement.

The pump is real on this one. Definitely feel free to adjust the weight for the different curl and tricep variations.

Make sure all the movements are slow and controlled. Pause for 1 second on both ends of each rep. You can move faster during the 4 minute AMRAP but keep the movements strict.

Dumbbell curls will be performed together with palms facing up. Keep the DBs from swinging back behind you on the way down.

On the skull crushers elbow and shoulder stay in a line and the only movement comes from the elbow joint.

Hammer curls will be performed with palms facing each other. Touch one head of the dumbbell to your shoulder and keep your elbows tight to the body the whole time.

For standing tricep extensions, with a dumbbell in each hand, start with biceps by the ears, elbows bent to allow rear head of DB to touch the shoulder. Keep the biceps by the ears and straighten your arms overhead. As with all overhead movements, keep your belly tight!

For concentration curls, you'll be seated and go one arm at a time. Brace yourself by pushing the back of your upper arm into your inner thigh, keep that foot firmly planted so your leg doesn't move. Start with the arm straight and curl your palm up as close to your shoulder as you can. Concentrate on that bicep!

On the bent over tricep extensions, plant one hand and one shin on a bench, DB in the opposite hand. Start with forearm vertical, knuckles down. Keep your elbows in place and extend your arm back until it is straight.

Diamond push ups your thumbs and index fingers will be touching to ensure a close hand position.

Chin ups you'll have an underhand/palm up grip. You can also do this with TRX/Ring or bar in rack rows.

BUTTS & GUTS | WEEK 29 | 07/14/2019

Part 1
5 Rounds (Not for Time)
15 Good Mornings
15 Lunge + Lunge + Box Jump
10 Half Get Ups Right
10 Half Get Ups Left

Put weight you used for get ups for your score.

Good Mornings will be performed with the bar on the back of the shoulders. Feet are under the hips and weight is in the heels. Keep the chest up and belly tight. Allow your knees to bend slightly (very slightly) as you hinge at the hips. If you can keep the back flat - bend until you hit a 90 degree angle. From there, you will squeeze your butt to stand up.

For best visual of how to do these, check the demo video.

The lunge lunge jump is a reverse lunge right, reverse lunge left, two foot jump onto a box or something similar (all of that together is one rep). Make sure you are kissing the ground with the back knee for each lunge and driving off of the heel to stand. Jump height should be between 18-24 inches!

The half get up will be performed with a kb or dumbbell in your hand. You will lay flat on your back and extend the arm with the weight in front of you (like the top of a single arm bench press). Then you will keep your eyes on the weight and roll to your opposite elbow, lifting the weighted shoulder off of the ground. Then you will come up to the opposite hand.

Roll back down slowly.

Part 2
6 Rounds
1 Min alternating Up/Down Plank
30 Seconds Rest

(This will equal 4 total rounds)You will start in a plank on both elbows. You will come up with one hand then the other and then back down. Alternate which hand goes first each time and move for one min!



This can be such a great movement for mamas! Focus on good posture, breathing mechanics, and midline stability. Feel free to use a band, lighter weight, or no weight at all.


If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, smaller step/less range of motion, or step up or forward instead of stepping backwards in the lunge lunge. You can also try stepping laterally onto a stack of plates or something instead of stepping back or up, sometimes this helps create some control in managing the position of the pelvis. Feel free to sub a squat or goblet squat for the lunges. If you are pregnant or early postpartum and managing the impact to your pelvic floor, for the Box Jump feel free to sub a shorter box/smaller height, air squats, or goblet squats.


This movement can put of pressure on the core and pelvic floor. If you're pregnant or in the rehab stage of postpartum feel free to sub any of the Core Functional Progressions! You can also try Overhead Plate Hold/March, Palloff Press, BIRTHFIT Dumbbell Windmill, BIRTHFIT Banded Woodchop


BIRTHFIT Functional Progression 3 or the BIRTHFIT Bear Crawl would be an awesome option for managing any diastasis in the plank position. You could also try Elevated Shoulder Taps, Elevated Plank Walk Outs, Overhead Plate March, or Waiter Walks

SANDBAG | WEEK 29 | 07/14/2019

This is our third official week of the Sandbag Accessory programming! We have had sandbag versions of the daily workouts for a while - but THIS is a sandbag specific workout with movementst that won't necessarily fit into the regular daily versions of the workout.
This workout is great for anyone who wants to learn more ways to implement their sandbag and gain strength from playing with this unstable load. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Pro Tip: Most of these workouts are more "workout" than accessory. Probably skip the regular workout on the day you do it and if anything throw in one of the other accessory programs.


For Time

100 Sandbag Hop overs
25 Sandbag get ups (L)
100 Sandbag hop overs
25 Sandbag get ups (R)
100 Sandbag hop overs
50 Sandbag GTO (Ground to over head)

RX Men 50-60#
RX Women: 25-40#

Goal Time: 25 Min

Even though this workout is for time, DO NOT RUSH the get ups.
They are meant to be performed slowly with a shot pause in each position.

Move at a controlled pace through the hop overs and get ups so you can really jam when it comes time for the ground to overhead!

For the sandbag hop overs, stand next to your bag and hop over the short side. Then, hop back the other way.
Each time you hop is one rep.

For the get up, start lying on your back holding the bag to your chest with your left arm around the bag. Bend your left knee. Keep your chest up and roll on to your right forearm, then up to your right hand. Hand should be planted directly under your shoulder.

Keep your belly tight the whole time. Sweep your right foot under and behind you, plant your right knee under you and come into a kneeling position still holding the bag in your left arm. Stand up all the way.

Finish the rep by retracing your steps back down to the floor.

For the sandbag ground to over head the sandbag will start right in front of your feet. You will keep the heels down. Bend the knees and hinge at the hips while keeping the chest lifted as you grab the sandbag using the handles facing lateral or horizontal. Stand up with the sandbag by driving through the heels and lifting the chest. Explode UP with the legs and hips. Shrug the shoulders. Pull the elbow high and outside. Then PUNCH the sandbag to lock out finishing with the biceps by the ear!

GYMNASTICS | WEEK 29 | 07/14/2019

2 Rounds
20 Forward to Backward Swinging Kicks
1:00 Passive Bar Hang
10 Low Squat to Standing Straddle Extensions

Forward to Backward Swinging Kicks
1. Begin standing on both feet, grabbing a sturdy object for support with your right hand (I recommend the post of a rig).
2. Extend your left arm directly out to the side, keeping it parallel to the floor for the entire set.
3. Keeping a straight leg, lift your left foot up in the air as high as possible.
4. Once you reach your full range of motion, drive the heel backward, using momentum to swing your eft leg behind you.
5. Continue swinging your left leg front to back, focusing on keep both legs locked out at all times.
6. Repeat steps for the right side.

Passive Bar Hang
1. Jump to the bar, taking a shoulder width grip with your hands.
2. Wrap your thumbs fully around the bar for safety.
3. Completely relax your body, allowing yourself to hang down towards the floor as much as possible. No muscle engagement during passive hangs.

Low Squat to Standing Straddle Extensions
1. Begin in a low, wide squat. Hands on the floor in front of you.
2. Slowly, lift the glutes into the air, until you straighten out the legs.
3. The goal is to keep your hands on the floor for the entire set, but, if they need to come off in order to lock the knees out, that is fine.
4. Allow the chest to hang between the legs as much as possible.
5. Hold at the top.
6. Return to your low squat starting position, moving slowly through each rep.

(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible - with GOOD QUALITY in 15 Min)
5 Wall Walks
40 Hollow Rocks
40 Alternating Rebounding High Kicks

Subs and Modifications
Only walk up the wall as high as you feel comfortable / Plank Shoulder Taps
Tucked hollow rocks / Hollow pulses
Rebounding straight jumps / Alternating standing kicks (no jumping)

Wall Walk
1. Begin in the bottom of a push-up position, with your feet by the wall.
2. Push-up into a plank. Extend the shoulders by "pushing the floor away", which will slightly round the upper back, giving you a sturdy base in which to begin your wall walk.
3. Lift your first foot and press it into the wall.
4. As you lift your second foot to the wall, you will simultaneously step your opposite hand backwards.
5. Continue walking your feet up the wall, while stepping your hands back, towards the wall, until you finish in a handstand.
6. Be as tight as possible at the top of your handstand, pushing your shoulders into your ears and squeezing your glutes .
7. Walk back down the wall by retracing the same "stepping" movement pattern you used to climb up the wall.
8. Once you bring your feet to the ground, move through your plank position, and lower all the way to the floor to complete.

Hollow Rocks
1. Begin laying on your back with your legs extended forward, and arms extended overhead by your ears. Your arms need to stay shoulder width apart for the entire set.
2. Brace your core by sucking your belly button into your spine, pushing the lower back into the floor. Your lower back needs to remain flat, so it makes contact with the floor during every rep.
3. To initiate the rock, lift your toes up in the air while you press your shoulder blades into the ground. While maintaining the hollowed position, allow the momentum to rock you forward as the toes come towards the ground, and shoulders lift off the ground.

Alternating Rebounding High Kicks
1. Staying in one spot, you’re going to rebound back and forth between legs, lifting each as high as possible off the floor.
2. You want to keep your front leg (the one you’re lifting) straight, with pointed toes (to further reinforce muscular engagement).
3. Try to stay only on the balls of your feet, without letting your heels touch the ground.
4. The goal is to be light on your feet, explosive

3 Rounds for Quality
10 Candlestick Roll + Alternating Pistols
10 Box Handstand + Forward Rocks
5 Cartwheels: Left + Right

Subs and Modifications
Candlestick Roll standing up with both feet on the ground
Box Handstand Static Hold
Swing legs around the side / Keep legs close to the floor

Candlestick Roll + Alternating Pistols
1. Begin standing with both feet together, arms by your sides.
2. Sit back to the floor, getting your glutes close to your heels.
3. As you roll backwards, extend your arms overhead, pressing them into the floor behind you, and lift your toes to the ceiling. Legs are straight and glutes squeezed (make sure your hips are fully open).
4. Using the momentum from the roll forward, pull your right heel as close to your glute as possible, and shift your arms and chest forward over your right foot. Left leg should be extended straight out in front, off the floor.
5. Stand up on your right leg.
6. Once fully standing, you can set your left foot down, and move into the next candlestick roll.
7. Continue alternating sides used to stand up.

Box Handstand + Forward Rocks

1. Set up in your Box Handstand Hold.
2. Moving VERY slowly, press your toes into the box, allowing your shoulders to shift forward over your finger tips. Or, as far as possible.
3. Really use your fingers to grip the floor and keep you from falling forward.
4. Return to your starting handstand position by pushing your hands into the floor, shifting your bodyweight back towards the box.
5. Only shift forward as far as you feel comfortable, and work your way into it. Do not try to go too far on your first attempt.

1. Begin in the universal gymnastics starting position: Stand with your full weight on your non-dominant (“bad”) leg, with your dominant leg extended forward, quad squeezed with toes pointed and in contact with the ground. Set arms overhead, shoulder-width apart, and extend the shoulders into the ears (there should be no space between the two). Squeeze your glutes and round your hips under to engage the core and flatten out the lower back. You should be completely tight from head to toe in this position.
2. Carefully shift your weight forward, into your dominant leg. Your front knee will dramatically bend, as your bodyweight travels forward, over the front of the toes. You want a big bend in the front leg in order to better control your speed as you approach the floor.
3. Keeping your arms shoulder-width apart, continue reaching your hands towards the floor. Here, your body will act similarly to a teeter-totter. As your hands approach the floor, your back leg (non-dominant) will rise off the floor, preparing for the “kick” to generate the full rotation over your hands.
4. When your hands are within 1-2 inches of the floor, externally rotate your fingers to 45 degrees, and drive your back heel (non-dominant leg) vertical.
5. Your back leg will initiate the the full rotation of your body in the cartwheel. You need an explosive kick-up that generates enough power to help you fully rotate in the movement.
6. As your first hand (dominant hand) reaches the floor, your first foot (non-dominant foot) will drive over the top. As your second hand (non-dominant hand) reaches the floor, your second foot (dominant foot) will push off the floor, and drive over the top. At this point, your body should be in an upside down “X” position.
7. Maintaining this X-position, pull your first foot (non-dominant foot) to the floor, and lift your first hand (dominant hand) off the floor. When your second foot (dominant foot) reaches the floor, lift your second hand (non-dominant hand) off the floor.
8. Control your landing, and make sure you are fully balanced before moving on.

ENDURANCE | WEEK 29 | 07/14/2019

Run Version
Moderate Pace Run
Rest 3 Min
8 Rounds
1 Min Moderate
1 Min Hard
1 Min Walk
Rest 3 Min
Moderate Pace Run

You can treat the first 5 minute section almost like a warm up. Totally sustainable pace throughout.

Then you will do 8 rounds of the 1 min moderate (same as 5 min pace roughly). Then you will do 1 min HARD - close to all out for that time frame. You will recover with a 1 min walk.

At the end of the 1 min walk you will go directly into the next round.

After all 8 rounds - you will then rest 3 min and do another 5 min at a moderate pace.

Remember - this is not about going hard the whole time to get a better "score". Follow the guidelines and make sure to get the proper intent of the work out.

Row Version

Moderate Pace Row
Rest 3 Min
8 Rounds
1 Min Moderate
1 Min Hard
1 Min SLOW
Rest 3 Min
Moderate Pace Row

You can treat the first 5 minute section almost like a warm up. Totally sustainable pace throughout.

Then you will do 8 rounds of the 1 min moderate (same as 5 min pace roughly). Then you will do 1 min HARD - close to all out for that time frame. You will recover with a 1 min SLOW pace.

At the end of the 1 min SLOW you will go directly into the next round.

After all 8 rounds - you will then rest 3 min and do another 5 min at a moderate pace.

Remember - this is not about going hard the whole time to get a better "score". Follow the guidelines and make sure to get the proper intent of the work out.

Bike Version

Moderate Pace Bike
Rest 3 Min
8 Rounds
1 Min Moderate
1 Min Hard
1 Min SLOW
Rest 3 Min
Moderate Pace Bike

You can treat the first 5 minute section almost like a warm up. Totally sustainable pace throughout.

Then you will do 8 rounds of the 1 min moderate (same as 5 min pace roughly). Then you will do 1 min HARD - close to all out for that time frame. You will recover with a 1 min walk.

At the end of the 1 min SLOW you will go directly into the next round.

After all 8 rounds - you will then rest 3 min and do another 5 min at a moderate pace.

Remember - this is not about going hard the whole time to get a better "score". Follow the guidelines and make sure to get the proper intent of the work out.


Part 1
100 Strict Press
Every time you break: 15 V-Ups

Goal is to do this in as few sets as possible. Pick something that you can do at least 15 with each time.

Make sure you avoid overextending or leaning back! Keep the belly tight and lower the weight with the elbows in front each time to avoid crashing into your collar bone. Come to complete lock out at the top with the biceps by the ears and the weight over the middle of your body!

Can be done with barbell or dumbbells.

Part 2 (Tricep Pump)
1 Round ONLY
Max Reps Skull Crusher
Max Reps Rolling Tricep Extension
Max Reps Bench Press

For this one you are looking for a weight that you can get at least 10-15 skull crushers before you have to switch.

On the skull crushers you will lie flat on your back either on the ground, a box, or bench with the arms extended over the chest. The elbow and shoulder stay in a line and the only movement comes from the elbow joint. Lower under control and fire up!

On the rolling tricep extension: there will be a slight extension of the shoulder followed by a closing then feeding into a straightening of the elbow. See demo!

You will then use the same weight and rep it out to failure!


We take a break from our regularly scheduled Endurance workouts to bring you this special edition! We recently hit 15k members and as a tradition we have celebrated 5K and 10K by doing a 5K and 10K.

Now - 15K is a LOT - so PLEASE pick something that is appropriate for you - or mix and match things - or spread this out over a few days if you want.

Do NOT do ALL of the listed options here - pick ONE!!!

15k Run

Max Effort 15k Run

For the LOVE - if you haven't been running - do NOT just go out and do this. If you want to help us celebrate - we are TOTALLY fine with you doing a 5k or 10k as well! Heck - you could even just run a single mile and we will take it!!

You can break it up over several days - or do it as a team as well!

Also - if you have a bike, rower, or both available see below for more options.

Rower Only Option:
15K Row

OuchSame advice as for the 15k Run. DO NOT do this if you haven't been putting in a lot of time on the rower lately! You can choose a 5k or 10k as well!

You can break it up over several days - or do it as a team as well!

Bike Option Only
900 Calorie Bike Men
600 Calorie Bike Women

Say WHAT now?

This is just crazy. So just break it up or do it as a team or take a few days - heck all week if you need to.

Score: Total TimeThis is going to take well over an hour - which is a long time on the bike.

Same advice as with the other 2 - lower it to 300/200 - or - 600/400. Or do it as a team - or break it up into like 150 cals per day for a few days.

Do NOT try to do this straight if you haven't at least been doing the bike endurance workouts every week.

Combo Option!!
Combine elements of 2 or more of the above however you want!

Something that Julian and Miranda did for the 10k was took turns doing 1k Run then 1k row for 5 rounds each.

Feel free to do something like that!

Score: Total Time

(Just list how you did it in comments)Again -this can be as a team. This can be drastically shortened. This can be over several days!

Anything you do to help us celebrate our 15k members!


This workout is great for anyone who wants to learn more ways to implement their sandbag and gain strength from playing with this unstable load. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Pro Tip: Most of these workouts are more "workout" than accessory. Probably skip the regular workout on the day you do it and if anything throw in one of the other accessory programs.


Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each

10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach


400 Meter Run
3 Rounds
9 Side to Side Sandbag Thruster
6/4 Push up + lateral sandbag drag.

REST 1 Min Between Rounds

RX Men: 50-60# Sandbag
RX Women: 25-40# Sandbag

RX+ 4 Rounds

Score: Total Time including the Rest.
Goal: Under 30 min

Alright guys, Im not going to lie this one is rough.
For this one you want to make sure you chose the
appropriate weight for your bag so that you can
push to get the thruster unbroken. Try to keep the
rounds in the 5-6 min range.

For the run - the distance should take you 1:30- 2:15
given that you get a 1 min rest inbetween rounds.
If this is still hard for you to achieve - shorten the run a bit to maybe 300m

If you are unable to run for space or weather reasons
you can sub Bike 30 (men)/20 (women) cal bike, Row 500 Meters
or even 2 min of Double unders, Single unders, low step ups, or taps.

For the sandbag thrusters get the bag on one shoulder with the elbows high. Keep your feet under shoulders & heels down.
reach your butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat position, really
try to keep your elbows high while keeping the midline braced.
Stand hard and fast to pop the sandbag off of the body. Pop the bag up and over your head and onto the other shoulder. Work to pass through a fully locked out position when the bag is over your head before lowering back down.

For the push ups + lat sandbag drag set your feet up in a wider stance
for a stronger base. Start on one side of the bag and perform a
push up, make sure the chest and thighs
touch the ground while keeping
the hips slightly elivated. Keep belly nice and tight.
Come to full lockout at top of the push up.
Reach for the sandbag with the opposite
are while keeping the hips as square as
possible, rotation of the hips will come as
your body starts to fatigue and thats fine.
Drag and toss the bag across your body underneath. Try your best to fully clear
your sandbag across your body.


Shoulder Press (5 x 7)

Rest as needed between sets. Go up if you can!

The strict shoulder press is a press overhead without using the legs or hips to assist the upper body. You will squeeze the cheeks, pull the ribcage down and in, bar is on the shoulders with the elbows slightly in front. Move the face back and press the bar straight up.

Once the bar has cleared the head/face you can bring the head back to neutral and continue pressing the bar UP! Lock out completely and pull the bar back over the middle of the body.

When lowering the bar back down - if you need to you may absorb with the knees. Just no assist from that dip to help the next rep.

Weighted Dips (4 x Max Reps)

Hold a weight between the legs, wear a vest or a belt with weight. Rest 4 Min Between Sets

For these reps you can do weighted dips, bodyweight only, or even a jump and slow lower for all sets.

If you are doing weighted you will choose a weight that you can get 8, but more than 10-12 is difficult.

Make sure your shoulder is lower than your elbow at the bottom and you are all the way locked out at the top.


Check out the Barbell Warm up and the Clean Warm Up before today's session!

Muscle Clean (5 x 3 (3= ground, below knee, above knee))

This movement is all about the UP portion of the clean. There is no pull under or rebend of the knees. Start light and focus on power and speed. You may add weight as long as the turnover still fast!

For the first rep. The bar will start on the ground with the feet under the hips. Hinge at the waist, bend the knees slightly, keep the heels down. Keep the chest up and back flat with the arms straight. The bar should be very close to the body.

Stand and pull the bar by digging the heels into the ground as you lift your chest and pull the bar in close to the body! From here, you will finish the up by scooping the hips under and almost JUMPING with the bar once past the knees. Shrug the shoulders - then pull the elbows high and outside - rotate the elbows back through QUICKLY and get the bar on the shoulder with the elbows high!

No - rebend.

For rep 2, you will do the exact same thing except you will lower the bar to just below the knee and not to the ground. For rep 3 you will lower the bar to just above the knee.

Start light and only add weight if you are able to maintain SPEED!

Rest as needed between sets.

Power Clean (7 x 2 (Do not need to be touch and go))

Score is heaviest set!
1 Set every 2:30

These do not need to be touch and go. But there should be very minimal time between dropping rep 1 and getting set for rep 2.

For this movement you will pull the bar off of the ground similar to a deadlift. You should have a slight bend in the knee, chest up, heels down with the hands outside of the legs! You will pick the bar up leading with the chest and driving through the heels. Keep the arms straight! Once you are past the knees you will begin to pick up speed and finally finish with the legs and hips fast! Add a shrug (arms still straight).

Then focus on keeping the bar close as you pull yourself under into a partial front squat. Butt goes back, elbows come high, bar on the shoulders. Stand to complete each rep.

The sets of 3s and 2s should be touch and go if possible!


Street Parking Gymnastics is programmed once a week, on Sunday. This workout is great for anyone looking to build more strength, stamina, and body awareness by using the gymnastics movements and fundamentals. These workouts are programmed by Street Parking Coach and former National Level Gymnast - Kati Breazeal. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule!

Have something specific you want to work on? Check out the progression programs we have for movements like pull ups, push ups, and more!

2 Rounds
30 Seconds Box Pigeon (Right + Left)
30 Seconds Standing Straddle with Alternating Bent Knees
30 Seconds Bench Shoulder Stretch

No Score!

Box Pigeon (30 Sec per Side):
1. Begin standing in front of your box, toes face forward. The height of the box may vary— The taller the box, the more challenging the stretch.
2. Lift your right foot, and set it flat on top of the box.
3. Shift your right foot to the left, until it sits even with your left hip.
4. Allow your right knee to gently fall to the right, pressing towards the box.
5. Use your right hand to apply more pressure to the right knee, if a greater stretch is desired.
6. Make sure to keep the bottom (left) leg straight, and hips open. Your chest may fold forward, over the right leg, in order to increase the stretch.
7. Repeat on the opposite side.

Standing Straddle with Alternating Bent Knees:
1. Begin standing with your feet outside the hips; soft bend in the knees.
2. Hinging at the hips, allow your chest to fall forward, between your legs as much as possible. Allow the arms to extend down, hanging the hands towards the floor.
3. Keeping the left leg straight, bend the right knee and lift only the right heel off the ground.
4. Sink deeper into the stretch (chest between the legs). You should feel the left hamstring stretching, while the right hamstring relaxes.
5. Switch legs: Lock out the right leg, and bend the left knee, lifting the left heel off the ground.
6. Sink into the stretch as much as possible.
7. Continue alternating back and forth between both sides.

Bench Shoulder Stretch:
1. Begin sitting glutes-to-heels on the ground, facing your bench (or, any apparatus you are using: Chair, couch, desk, etc.)
2. Place your hands on the bench, palms down, and slide them forward until your elbows are supported. The goal is to keep the joint as comfortable and safe as possible.
3. Arms should be shoulder width apart.
4. With your knees together, lift your glutes and set your hips directly over your knees. Both legs should be together and creating a 90 degree angle.

12 Min EMOM
(Every Min on the Min for 12 Min):
Move continuously for 40 seconds of each:
Min 1: 40 Seconds Alternating Jumping Lunges
Min 2: 40 Seconds Hollow Pulses
Min 3: 40 Seconds Overhead Dumbbell Alternating Shoulder Extensions (Moderate weight)

Put weight used as your score.

Subs and modifications:
Small jump
Tucked hollow pulses
Use light weight

Alternating Jumping Lunges
1. Begin in a split stance, with your dominant foot forward. Both of your knees should have a soft bend.
2. Using your arms to generate power, jump off the ground, and switch your feet before landing (you should land in the same lunge position, with your opposite foot forward).
3. You want to think about being as explosive off the ground as possible, being quick and powerful.

Hollow Pulses:

1. Begin in a hollow hold with your arms by your sides, focusing on pulling the belly button in, to press the lower back to the floor.
2. To pulse, engage the core and simultaneously lift the shoulders and toes a few inches higher.
3. Return to your starting hollow position.
4. Repeat pulses without letting your shoulders or heels hit the ground.

Overhead Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Extensions:

1. Hold one dumbbell per hand.
2. With your feet underneath your hips, lift the dumbbells overhead, holding them shoulder width apart. Your palms should be facing in, with the weights parallel to each other.
3. Extend your right shoulder first, by pushing it up into your ear, as much as possible. You want to feel contact between the shoulder and ear.
4. Relax the right shoulder and allow it to drop back to your neutral starting position.
5. Next, extend your left shoulder, pushing it up into your ear, as much as possible. You want to feel contact between the shoulder and ear.
6. Relax the left shoulder and allow it to drop back to your neutral starting position.
7. Continue alternating back and forth between both sides.

3 Rounds for Quality:
2 Min: Handstand Walk Practice
5 Straddle Toe Press

No Score

Subs and modifications:
Box handstand shoulder taps / Kick-up to handstand hold
Only lift heels off the ground / Only lift one foot off the ground at a time.

Handstand Walk:
1. Kick-up to a handstand hold, making sure to keep a tight, stacked body position: Your body should be in one line, with your ankles over your hips, hips over your shoulders, and shoulders over your wrists.
2. Allow your body to tip over, producing the forward momentum needed to start walking your hands.
3. Make sure to keep your hips and glutes set over your finger tips for the walk (this will make sure you continue moving forward, rather than falling backwards).
4. To step, plant each hand and extend through the shoulder, getting as tall as possible. It’s this shoulder extension that will naturally shift your bodyweight from side to side, making your handstand walk much easier.

Straddle Toe Press:

1. Begin standing with your feet set outside your hips, toes pointed outward to 45 degrees.
2. Hinging at the hips, drop your chest down, towards your legs. Set your hands on the ground. Pull your chest between your legs as much as possible. Hamstring mobility will be the limiting factor here.
3. Spread your fingers and grip the floor to help with stability as you begin to press. “Pushing the floor away” will extend the shoulders, giving you a strong base in which to press. If your shoulders are relaxed, you will feel yourself collapsing when trying to shift forward. Extend strong!
4. To shift forward, lift both heels off the ground, and come forward onto your toes. Your shoulders will track over the front of your finger tips. Continue “pushing the floor away” to keep the shoulders engaged and your base strong.
5. As you shift forward farther (your shoulders should be completely in front of your finger tips), you will continue lifting the heels, until the toes peel off the ground, and your full bodyweight is shifted into your hands.
6. Hold your legs off the floor as long as possible, before carefully lowering them back to the ground, landing back in your starting position.
7. *Note: The closer you can walk your feet to your hands, the easier it will be to shift your weight forward. Try to start the press with your feet right outside the hands.


Part 1
4 Rounds

1 1/2 Split Squat Right - 8 Reps
1 1/2 Split Squat Left - 8 Reps
Single Leg Glute Bridge Right - 12 Reps
Single Leg Glute Bridge Left - 12 Reps
Alternating Right to Left then Left to Right Half V-UP- 16 Reps (8 per side)

Use Dumbbells or a bar for Split Squat and post that weight for your score.For the 1 1/2 Rep split squats the back leg will be elevated. You don't want it any higher than like a bench or a 20" box. You may go lower than that too, just a stack of plates is fine.

You will go all of the way down (butt lower than the knee) stand halfway up, then go all of the way down and stand all of the way up. That is 1 rep.

Make sure you have your front foot out far enough that you can drive off of that front heel and the weight isn't forced into the toe. These may be weighted with dumbbells, a barbell or may even be done with no weight.

For the single leg hip ups, lie in like a sit up position on the ground. Raise one leg straight and off of the ground. Squeeze the cheeks to get hips as high as you can. Come all of the way back down.

For these v-ups it will be right hand to left toe, then left hand to right toe. Alternate with each rep. You will do 8 per side per set.

Part 2
3 Rounds
30 Second Hollow Hold Right Knee Bent - Hands at Sides
Rest 1 Min
30 Second Hollow Hold Left Knee Bent - Hands at Sides
Rest 1 Min
30 Second Hollow Hold Arms Extended

Ouch. Cut down the holds to 20 seconds if you need to.



If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, lower the height for the back leg.
If you’re having a hard time with the balance, (especially good for preggo mamas who have a challenge with changing center of gravity!) feel free to keep both feet on the ground for a regular lunge or a split stance Romanian Deadlift. You could also try a glute bridge/hip thrust (single leg option is good too!).

LOVE this movement for mamas! However, if you're pregnant and uncomfortable lying on your back you can adjust to a hip thruster, good morning, single leg RDL, or even a DB Step Up.

For mamas trying to manage or heal any diastasis or pelvic floor dysfunction these movements can be very difficult to perform effectively. Feel free to sub any of the movements from the Core Functional Progressions (found in the Warm Ups section), or get creative and try the Overhead Plate or Farmer Carry Hold, Palloff Press, BIRTHFIT Dumbbell Windmill, or the BIRTHFIT Banded Woodchop.

SANDBAG | Week 27


This is our first official week of the Sandbag Accessory programming! We have had sandbag versions of the daily workouts for a while - but THIS is a sandbag specific workout with movementst that won't necessarily fit into the regular daily versions of the workout.

This workout is great for anyone who wants to learn more ways to implement their sandbag and gain strength from playing with this unstable load. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Pro Tip: Most of these workouts are more "workout" than accessory. Probably skip the regular workout on the day you do it and if anything throw in one of the other accessory programs.


Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each

10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach




For Time

5 Rounds
10 Sandbag step overs (L)
5 Bear complex reps
10 Sandbag step overs (R)
5 Bear complex reps

RX Men: 50-60#
RX Women: 30-40#

Box Height Estimate: 20-24" Men/ 16-20" Women

1 Bear Complex Rep = Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Back Squat + Push Press

For those of you with a heavier sandbag, if unable to adjust the weight, feel free to decrease the reps to 7 step overs/3 Bear complex meet the goal time.

Goal time: 20 Min

We are kicking this program off with a really good one for you guys!

We have a twist on the step over in this one so make sure you move carefully as you get more comfortable with the movement, breathe and keep your belly tight. WATCH THE DEMO video if you haven't seen it already!

For the sandbag step overs: First, clean the bag to your right shoulder. Make sure you are stable and the bag is secure on your shoulder. Plant your left hand on the box. Step your right foot on to the box. Keep your belly tight as you pick up your left foot and step it through to the other side of the box. Step your right foot to the floor, stand up all the way, turn and repeat from the other side.

Modify by lowering the weight or box height. Possible subs are Sandbag Step Ups, Sandbag Step Up Over or try it with a dumbbell in one hand.

The weight you choose should allow you to be CAPABLE of doing all reps of the Bear Complex unbroken. Doesn't mean you have to - just means you could if you wanted to.

For those complexes. You have a few options:

You can do it as written:

- Squat Clean
- Thruster
- Back Squat
- Back Rack Thruster


You can do:
- Power Clean
-Front Squat
-Push Press or Jerk
- Back Squat
-Push Press or Jerk

Do not RUSH through these reps. Get set up well for the clean. Keep the back flat and focus on a great clean (either version).

If you are doing a thruster, make sure the sandbag is on the shoulders, heels are down, knees are out. Feed the press with the drive from the legs.

When lowering onto the back - BE CAREFUL and absorb the catch with the knees! Then make sure you are reset before squatting.

Reach the butt back and down, keep the heels down and chest up. Feed the press with the leg drive for this thruster or push press/jerk too!





THIS particular workout is from the Street Parking + Aerobic Capacity 5K Program - which can be found in Members Only. That program is 3 days per week and is meant to prepare you to run a 5k for time/a race!


**You should have at least 1 day between run sessions.

Run Version
RUN 100 M - FAST

Total: 3800 M





SCORE: TOTAL TIME (including rest)
GOAL: As always - do not mess up paces to improve score. Aim to push the 100 meter runs. Go SLOW on the recovery jogs. Aim to make Round 1 time and Round 2 time the same.

Row Version
2 Rounds

Row 250 M - Moderate
Row 125 M - Recovery
Row 500 M - Moderate
Row 250 M - Recovery
Row 750 M - Moderate
Row 375 M - Recovery
Row 150 M - HARD (Like GO for it!)
Rest 2 Min Between Rounds

Score: Total Time Including the 2 Min Rest
Goal: Don't worry about your overall time and hit paces correctly.This workout shows you how to find your comfortable pace, recovery pace, and finish hard pace!

Bike Version
2 Rounds
Bike 1 Min - Moderate
Bike 1 Min - Recovery
Bike 2 Min - Moderate
Bike 2 Min - Recovery
Bike 3 Min - Moderate
Bike 3 Min - Recovery
Bike 45 Seconds - HARD (Like GO for it!)
Rest 2 Min Between Rounds

Score: Total Calories
Goal: Don't worry about your overall time and hit paces correctly.This workout shows you how to find your comfortable pace, recovery pace, and finish hard pace!

SOGO | Week 27

Part 1 - Back and Bis!
Max Set of Strict Pull Ups
As soon as you drop off
10 Barbell or Dumbbell Bent Over Rows

Rest as needed between sets

Score is total number of strict pull ups. (Do NOT go for a score with the scaled options!!!)If you choose the option to do this workout without a scale for the pull ups - you should be able to do a minimum of 5 Strict Pull Ups each time.

For these pull ups - they should be strict - with complete extension of the armpit and elbow at the bottom - chin over the bar at the top. They need to be strict - but that doesn't mean super slow or anything.

Scaling options are either 7 - 10 banded strict pull ups - or 7-10 jump up with a slow negative. Do not exceed those numbers at least for this first session. We want to control the soreness.

As soon as you either can no longer do the regular pull ups - or you complete your 7-10 reps of scaled - you will come over and do either barbell bent over rows or dumbbell bent over rows.

For the barbell you will load it up for men somewhere between 115-185# depending on strength and experience. Ladies between 75-125#. These should be difficult but nowhere near failure and no need to break.

You will keep the back flat and pull the bar to the chest - just below the nipple. Keep the gaze up slightly and belly tight. Pull the elbows back.

If you choose the dumbbell rows - you will not go as heavy - but will do 3 second slow negatives. Men between 50-70# DBs and Women between 30-50# DBs.

Part 2 - Chest and Tris

Max Dumbbell or Barbell Bench
straight into
Max Set Regular Push Ups

Rest as needed between sets

Score is total number from both movements.

RX Men: 115# Bench
RX Women: 65# Bench

RX + Men: 135#+
RX + Women: 85# +If you can not complete at least 8-10 bench reps with those weights (for the first round at least) then scale it down a bit. We also don't want you getting more than 15 per round or so either.

Same for the push ups. If you can't get at least 8-10 - go to the knees.

This is not a "girl" push up - it is a scale push up that will lower the amount of your body weight you are pushing up and allow you to do more reps! That is the POINT of this session.

For the bench reps the hands should not be too wide. Just outside the shoulders. Keep the butt on the bench and pull the shoulder blades back and down as you unrack the bar. Do NOT go to failure - especially if you do not have a spot! Be smart. Come all of the way down and lock out completely for each rep!

Once you can no longer complete any of those you will move on to the push ups.

No rest between movements.

Rest as needed between rounds.

For both - NO sagging or snaking!

Good Luck!