Posts in Warm Up
Core Functional Progression and Functional Progression Flow
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These functional progressions are the property of Coulee Health and have been provided by Dr. Erica Boland.


Core Functional Progression

1-2 Min diaphragmatic breathing

Create and maintain intra-abdominal pressure
10-20 (each side) Extensions of Functional Progression #1
5-10 (each side) Rolling transition to Functional Progression #2
10-20 Functional Progression #2
10-20 Shin Box Flow
10 Step through to lunge
10-20 (each side) Extensions of Functional Progression #3
2-4 20 Sec sets of Functional Progression #4
10-20 Bear crawl forward and backward
10 Bear to Tripod
10-20 Air squats


Weighted/scale up Functional Progression #2
Weighted/scale up Functional Progression #3


Once you have been guided through the Functional Progression that is right for you, you can use this shorter Functional Progression Flow video as a quick reference to help you work through your warm up.

Functional Progression Flow

1-2 Min diaphragmatic breathing

Create and maintain intra-abdominal pressure
10-20 (each side) Extensions of Functional Progression #1
5-10 (each side) Rolling transition to Functional Progression #2
10-20 Functional Progression #2
10-20 Shin Box Flow
10 Step through to lunge
10-20 (each side) Extensions of Functional Progression #3
2-4 20 Sec sets of Functional Progression #4
10-20 Bear Crawl forward and backward
10 Bear to Tripod
10-20 Air squats

Pregnancy and Postpartum Functional Progression
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These functional progressions are the property of Coulee Health and have been provided by Dr. Erica Boland.

Dr. Erica is a Regional Director for BirthFit Wisconsin and strives to empower women during pregnancy by helping them remain active.


Pregnancy Functional Progression

1-2 Min diaphragmatic breathing

Create and maintain intra-abdominal pressure
10-20 (each side) Extensions of Functional Progression #1
5-10 (each side) Rolling transition to Functional Progression #2
10-20 Functional Progression #2
10-20 Shin Box Flow
10 Step through to lunge
10-20 (each side) Extensions of Functional Progression #3
2-4 20 Sec sets of Functional Progression #4
10-20 Bear crawl forward and backward
10 Bear to Tripod
10-20 Air squats

Seated Functional Progression #1
Feet Elevated Functional Progression #1
Hand Assisted Shin Box Flow


Postpartum Functional Progression

1-2 Min diaphragmatic breathing

Create and maintain intra-abdominal pressure
10-20 (each side) Extensions of Functional Progression #1
5-10 (each side) Rolling transition to Functional Progression #2
10-20 Functional Progression #2
10-20 Shin Box Flow
10 Step through to lunge
10-20 (each side) Extensions of Functional Progression #3
2-4 20 Sec sets of Functional Progression #4
10-20 Bear Crawl forward and backward
10 Bear to Tripod
10-20 Air squats


Seated Functional Progression #1
Feet Elevated Functional Progression #1
Weighted/scale up Functional Progression #2
Hand Assisted Shin Box Flow
Weighted/scale up Functional Progression #3
Advanced Bear Crawl

Crossover Symmetry Warm Up

Crossover Symmetry Warm Up

10 Lateral steps right
10 Lateral steps left
20 Steps forward / Cowboy walk
20 Steps backward / Drop step
7 Reps Bridge
7 Left leg bridge
7 Left leg bridge
7 Plank hold right
7 Plank hold left
7 Standing fire hydrant right
7 Standing fire hydrant left
10 Reps Squat

Warm UpMIranda Alcaraz
Dumbbell Squat Clean Warm Up

Dumbbell Squat Clean Warm Up

Bootstrappers 60 seconds
Air squats 10 seconds
Squat hold 60 seconds

Then with lighter dumbbells
Goblet squats 5 REPS
Deadlifts 10 REPS
Hang muscle cleans 10 REPS
High hang muscle cleans 10 REPS
Muscle cleans (from floor) 10 REPS
Hang Power cleans 10 REPS
High hang power cleans 10 REPS
Power cleans (from floor) 10 REPS
Hang squat cleans 10 REPS
High hang squat cleans 10 REPS
Full squat cleans (from floor) 10 REPS

Shoulder Warm Up

Shoulder Warm Up

10 Reps Arm circle right
10 Reps Arm circle left
10 Reps Double circle
10 Reps Scarecrow press

WIth a resistance band:
10 Reps Band pull aparts
60 second hold (each side) Banded lat stretch

With light dumbbells:
Press (dumbbell held in center)
5 Reps (each side) Alternating Press (R)  + Press (L)
5 Reps Push Press
5 Reps Push Jerk 

Pull Up Warm Up

Pull Up Warm Up

10 Reps Pass Throughs 
10 Reps Band Pull Aparts 
30 Seconds Band Lat Stretch (R) 
30 Seconds Band Lat Stretch (L) 
30 Seconds Shoulder Opener Hold 
10 Reps Scap Pull Ups 
10 Reps Hollow Arch 
5 Reps Pull Ups

Warm UpMIranda Alcaraz
Squat Warm Up

Squat Warm Up

1 Minute Heel Sit 
30 Second Lunge Hold (L & R) 
30 Second Samson Lunge (L & R) 
30 Second Pigeon Glute Stretch (L & R) 
1 Minute Assisted Squat Hold 
10 Counter Balance Squats 
30 Second Counter Balance Squat Hold (Push Knees Out) 
5 Plate Overhead Squats 

Warm UpMIranda Alcaraz
Box Jump Warm Up

Box Jump Warm Up

1 Minute Bootstrappers 
1 Minute Calf Stretch (L)
1 Minute Calf Stretch (R)
1 Minute Russian Kettlebell Swings
15 Reps Jumping Air Squats
10 Reps Alternating Box Step Ups
5 Reps Box Jump Step Downs
5 Reps Box Jumps

Clean Warm Up

Barbell Clean Warm Up

5 Reps Deadlift 
3 Reps High Hang Shrug 
3 Reps Above Knee Shrug 
3 Reps Mid Shin Shrug 
3 Reps High Hang Muscle Clean 
3 Reps Above Knee Muscle Clean 
3 Reps Mid Shin Muscle Clean 
5 Reps Front Squats 
3 Reps High Hang Squat Cleans 
3 Reps Above Knee Squat Cleans 
3 Reps Mid Shin Squat Cleans 

Snatch Warm Up

Snatch Warm Up

5 Reps Snatch Grip Deadlift 
3 Reps High Hang Shrug 
3 Reps Above Knee Shrug 
3 Reps Mid Shin Shrug 
3 Reps High Hang Pull 
3 Reps Above Knee Pull 
3 Reps Mid Shin Pull 
3 Reps High Hang Muscle Snatch 
3 Reps Above Knee Muscle Snatch 
3 Reps Mid Shin Muscle Snatch 
3 Reps Behind the Neck Jerks 
3 Reps Overhead Squats 
3 Reps High Hang Snatch 
3 Reps Above Knee Snatch 
3 Reps Mid Shin Snatch

Bandy Warm Up

Bandy Warm Up

3x10 of each

Banded side steps
Banded pull aparts
Banded high pulls
Banded good mornings
Banded press
Banded overhead pull aparts
Banded pass throughs
Banded front rack / lat stretch

1 Min per side

Banded hip stretch