Posts tagged Gymnastics2
GYMNASTICS | WEEK 17 | 04/18/2021

Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!



For completion or as far as you get in 12 Min:

10 Muscle Ups
10 Burpees
8 Muscle Ups
10 Burpees
6 Muscle Ups
10 Burpees
4 Muscle Ups
10 Burpees
2 Muscle Ups
10 Burpees

Muscle ups may be bar or ring. Or a customization of either (see below).

If you complete the whole thing under 12 Min - enter your time. Otherwise call it quits at 12 Min. Enter 12 Min as your score and put total reps in comments.

If you have bar or ring muscle ups - just go for it! This is a total of 30 - so if you even want to cut out the first round of 10 and start with 8 - go for it! You could even lower the reps to 5-4-3-2-1 for the muscle ups if that is more realistic for where you are at right now.

You may also choose to work on your strict muscle ups!

Remember to get a good swing and lead with the hips! Finally pull over/through with a big sit up and press out strong!

If you are still working on this skill - some sub options are banded, jumping, or even feet on the ground/box transition.

We want you to challenge yourself. So don't do a jumping version where you don't have to pull or use proper technique at all. If using leg assistance - use as LITTLE as possible.

If doing rings you will focus on keeping the hands together - pulling all of the way to the rib cage before even thinking about pulling through and coming forward. Catch in a tight position with elbows back. Press out.

Start at 8 (Eliminate round of 10)
Reduce reps to 5-4-3-2-1
Jumping Muscle Up

You will do 10 burpees between each set of muscle ups. Keep these CHILL so you don't fatigue too much for the next set!

Start standing. Place your hands on the ground. Jump or step your feet back. Get your chest and thighs to the ground. Press to lockout (top of push up). Jump or step the feet in. Jump up and clap with arms overhead!

You can also sub to "no-push-up" burpees or even do them with your hands elevated on a bench or box if you need to.

4 Rounds (8 Minutes)

30 Seconds V-Ups
30 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Plank Hold
30 Seconds Rest

Enter total V-Up reps for your score!

Start in a hollow body position. Lower back is rooted into the floor, belly button drawn in. Squeeze your legs together and raise them a few inches away from the floor. Lift your chest toward the ceiling until your shoulder blades come to hover off the floor. Arms are overhead, biceps by the ears.

From here, raise your torso and your legs at the same time and reach your fingertips toward your toes. Fingers and toes should touch directly above the hips. Lower with control back to the hollow body position.

Come into the top of a push up position. Press the ground away from you and try to feel your shoulder blades spreading wide across your back. Shift your weight forward slightly so that your shoulders are just beyond the wrists and you are high up on the balls of your feet.

Squeeze your butt, your thighs, and your abs all at the same time!

GYMNASTICS | WEEK 16 | 04/11/2021

Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!



7 Min Handstand Practice

This can be done against the wall, freestanding, or even just practice kicking up into a handstand to a level that you are comfortable.

For an added challenge for those of you that are good at free standing - draw a 3' x 3' box and stay in there! Or work on not moving around at all!!!

Remember to spread the fingers. Hands should be placed shoulder width apart. Engage and use ACTIVE shoulders - pressing the ground away. Tuck the chin and either look at the heel of the hand or even less out in front.

Keep the belly tight. Squeeze the cheeks. Work to keep the feet together.

4 Rounds
NOT for Time

15 Handstand Push Ups
30 Alternating Pistols (One Legged Squats)
50 Double Unders

This should be PRACTICE for all 3 movements. You will list your time just to have a score but the focus is QUALITY!!

If you struggle with these, simply practice them for 2 minutes each round. Don't forget to check out the double under progression on Members-Only under Extra Programs!

Hands should be slightly wider than shoulder width and about 8-12 inches from the wall. When you lower to the floor, your head should be closer to the wall than your hands. Keep your belly tight to avoid over extension of your spine. You may perform them strict or kipping. Control your descent down and lock out your arms at the top!

If you are working on these, you can modify to a pike up with feet on a box or bench. You can also practice kicking up to a handstand on the wall, then lowering down into a tripod position.

It is basically a one legged squat with the other leg extended out in front of you. Alternate legs so you end up doing 15 per side.

Modify these by lowering to a target like a bench or wall ball. You can also do them standing on the box so the floating leg is off the side.

Finally, you can do them using the roll up technique. For this you basically roll on your back and come up from the bottom of a pistol using momentum.

Your rope will pass two times under your feet for every one jump. Keep your chest up and your landing soft. It's just like a single under but you jump a little higher and spin the rope faster using your wrists, not your arms!

3 x Max Effort L-Sit

Rest 2 Min between efforts.

Score is total time from all 3 attempts combined!

These are pretty tough! Choose a customization that will allow you to get +20 seconds per round!

Place your hands on two objecte equal in height so your body is in between them. Press into the objects (box + bench, plate stacks, parallettes etc), squeeze your legs together and extend them out in front of you.

You can modify by tucking in one or both knees. If you don't have two objects that will work, try an L-Hang!

GYMNASTICS | WEEK 15 | 04/04/2021

Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!



5 Rounds

30 Second Handstand Hold (on the wall)
15 Pull Ups

Strict Pull Up Option: 7-10 Strict

Extra Challenge Option: 1 Min Handstand Hold

Score: Total Time

The idea for the hold is to get the full time each round without breaking it up. So time the WHOLE workout but know there will be a lot of rest between movements and rounds! Shoot for unbroken pull ups too or stick to specific sets that will challenge you!

The handstand holds are to be performed against the wall. Make sure the hands are roughly 6-10" or so away from the wall and the only thing in contact with the wall during the hold are the heels. The hands should be just wider than the shoulders. Heels, knees, hips, shoulders and head should be in one straight line with the belly tight and butt squeezed.

If you are unable to hold for an entire minute - you may do this as accumulating. You can also do a pike hold with your feet elevated on a box.

For the pull ups you may do strict, banded, kipping/butterfly or a supine bar row at a very challenging angle.

Whatever you choose make sure that you start all the way at the bottom and either get the chin over or pull the chest all the way up at the top!

To Finish:

Tabata Hollow Rock

20 Seconds Hollow Rock + 10 Seconds Rest for 8 Total Rounds or 4 Minutes

Extra Challenge Option: Hold the hollow position during the "rest"

For the hollow rocks, begin laying on your back with your legs extended forward, and arms extended overhead by your ears. Your arms need to stay shoulder width apart for the entire set.

Brace your core by sucking your belly button into your spine, pushing the lower back into the floor. Your lower back needs to remain flat, so it makes contact with the floor during every rep.

To initiate the rock, lift your toes up in the air while you press your shoulder blades into the ground. While maintaining the hollowed position, allow the momentum to rock you forward as the toes come towards the ground, and shoulders lift off the ground.

This may become super challenging so bend one or both knees if you need to.

GYMNASTICS | WEEK 14 | 03/28/2021

Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!



EMOM 12 Min
(Every Minute on the Min for 12 Min / Alternating)

Min 1: Max Bar/Ring Muscle Ups
Min 2: 8 Seated Box Jumps

**Muscle Ups may be bar or ring. If you think you will hold big numbers you may scale up to strict. If you are still working on your muscle ups these may also be banded, jump, or foot assisted transitions.

Seated Box Jumps should be 20-30" depending on your ability/height and also should start in a completely seated position below parallel.

Score: Muscle Up Number

**Put what type of muscle up you did and box height in comments.

For this workout - choose a type of muscle up that will allow you to get 3-4 on those minutes. If it ends up being 2-3 on a few minutes- that's ok too.

If you are going to get more than like 6-7 - try strict or at least start that way.

Remember on the muscle up reps to get that good lean back - hips to rings. Do NOT think about separating your hands to make room for your body. That happens as you come forward at the top - not during the pull. Pull all of the way up - and then think of doing a massive sit up as you pull through. Keep those rings tight as you come out of the dip!

If doing bar - think hips to bar, then big sit up! Try taking your hands a BIT wider than a regular pull up to give yourself more room to come over the top of the bar. Hands have to move around the bar and change position as you come up and over.

If doing a modified (banded, jumpng etc) muscle up make sure you make it challenging and still work on good technique. No JUMPING from the bottom to the top of the dip! Work all of the positions along the way.

Seated box jumps should start in a completely stopped seated position below parallel. Drive through the heels, throw the arms, and them lift the knees fast! Land with your WHOLE foot on the box or step. Step down and re-set. Sit and come to a complete stop!

(As Many Reps as Possible in 7 Min)

Plyo Box Pike Handstand Walk Arounds

Each full trip around the box = 1 Rep

Customization Idea - 7 Min Shoulder Tap Practice (Pike on Box)

You will place your feet on your plyo box and then get into a pike position with your hips over your head and hands. Walk your hands around the box in a full circle. Taking small steps. Press the ground away and keep the core tight. Keep looking back at the box, and keep the arms mostly locked out.

Do one full circle in one direction - that is 1 rep. Next circle go the other direction.

Spread the fingers wide and distribute the weight across your whole hand. You don't have to do the WHOLE circle unbroken as you start to fatigue. You just need to complete the whole circle before going the other way. Break as needed.

Quality over quantity.

If you aren't ready to move with this or you don't have a box to go around. Just practice shoulder taps! Every 20 taps = 1 rep!

GYMNASTICS | WEEK 13 | 03/21/2021

Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!



**Please make sure you have the strength to lower yourself under control and a mat under your head if you are doing any sort of handstand push ups.

7 Min EMOM
(Every Minute on the Minute for 7 Min)

2-5 Slow Lower / Pause / Kipping HSPU

Scale to just a slow lower HS with a short hold if you are still unable to do kipping handstand push ups.

You may also scale down to a slow lower pike on box HSPU with a slow lower and pause - then a press out.

You may scale UP to a deficit if you are a ninja.

Score is total reps you do but don't worry about score. Just a way for you to track it.

For these you will start in a handstand against the wall. You will lower yourself slowly, taking 3 seconds to get down. Pause for 2 seconds at the bottom then lower the knees all of the way to the elbows, allow the torso to round a bit and the tailbone to come off of the wall.

From here kick your feet straight up (not at the wall because then you will stunt your movement by hitting the wall too soon).

Make sure you are in the tripod position in the bottom, head in front with fingertips in line with the forehead. Make sure elbows come forward and not too far out. Keep the belly tight at the top.

7 Min AMRAP (or 80 reps - whichever comes first)

Toes to Bar
Hanging Knee Raise (with kip swing)

*Every time you break - 100 Meter Run

Score: Total Reps in 7 min OR Time to get to 80 Toes to Bar Reps

Goal: 65 Reps +

So for this you will start a clock and do a big set of either toes to bar or hanging knee raises.

When you need a break and come off the bar you will run 100 meters (roughly 30 seconds).

When you are ready - hop back up for another big set.

You can either game this and just decide you will do a certain number each time you jump up or just do as many as you can each time.

If you get to 80 reps before 7 min. You are done!

Otherwise you will do as many reps as you can in 7 min.

If you are doing the hanging knee raise - practice adding that small kip swing into it rather than just a dead hang knee raise.

Toes to bar should also be with a kip.

If you really want to practice strict toes to bar - that is of course allowed, but not what we had in mind necessarily when we programmed it!

GYMNASTICS | WEEK 12 | 03/14/2021

Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!



Muscle Up Negatives
(Not for Time)

20 Reps SLOW Muscle Up Negatives

You may do these unassisted, with a band, with feet on the box, or even with your feet on the ground.

No score for this part because we want you to rest as needed and go SLOW. Use a customization that will allow you to do 20 reps in about 10 min or so.

The way these work is that you will start locked out at the top of a muscle up. We suggest doing these on rings that will allow you to jump to this position so you aren't also doing 20 full muscle ups to get up there - unless you are a muscle up ninja.

You may even do the transition from the bottom of the dip to underneath the rings with the toes down on the ground.

You will lower SLOWLY down to the bottom of the dip and then SLOWLY backwards through the transition. FOCUS ON KEEPING THE ELBOWS IN and RINGS CLOSE!!! Then slowly you will lower until the arms are straight at the bottom.

(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 7 Min)

2 Strict Pull Ups
3 Kipping Pull Ups

Rest 15 Seconds.

Must be unbroken sets

Customization Options:
1 Slow Negative + 2 Kipping
2 Slow Supine Ring Rows + 3 Jumping Pull Ups

Extra Challenge: 3 Strict + 5 Kipping

Goal: 10 Rounds +

The goal would be to ONLY rest 15 seconds and be ready to go again. Choose a customization option that will allow for that. Feel free to mix and match options here.

You'll need to keep your whole body engaged and avoid using any momentum or swing. Grip the bar slightly wider than shoulder width and draw your shoulders down away from your ears. Arms should be completely straight. Squeeze your belly, your butt and your legs to create a tight position. Pull your body up until your chin is above the bar. Lower with control until arms are straight.

Grip the bar a little wider than shoulder width. Fire up the lats by drawing the shoulders down away from the ears. Keep the belly tight. Make sure that you start all the way at the bottom and either get the chin over or pull the chest all the way up at the top! If you choose to use a band, stay in control and avoid the bounce out of the bottom.

7 Min Handstand Step Up Practice

Against the wall (unless you are a HS ninja)

You will practice walking side ways over a plate.

See video.

This is all about practicing shiftin your weight. No RX for how many sets or anything you do. Just keep practicing for 7 min or so on the clock. Once you get comfortable with one drill, try a different one.

Start in a handstand with a bumper plate under your head and your hands wide. One hand at a time step up onto the plate then back down. Shifting your weight up and down.

Keep the ribs down. Practice squeezing the cheeks, spreading the fingers and balancing!

GYMNASTICS | WEEK 11 | 03/07/2021

Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!



5 Minutes of Pullover Practice


Hanging Pullover
Jumping Pullover
Kicking Pullover

Choose one or play around with all three for 7 min!

**If you are not comfortable doing this movement - you can work on Strict Knees to Elbows!


For the pullover, begin hanging from your bar, with hands gripping right outside the shoulders. Do a pull-up and hold your chin up above the bar. Keeping your chin above the bar, use your abs and hip flexors to lift your legs towards the ceiling. Continue lifting your legs as you rotate backwards around the bar, shifting your hips towards the back of the bar. Press your hands into the top of the bar as you rotate over and lift your shoulders until you lock your elbows out over the bar.

To do these unassisted you will need the upper body strength to do a pull up. BUT you can also do them with a little jump to help with the pull or even stand on something high enough to be able to really kick up and over.

These require a great deal of ab strength. So don't be surprised by that one! Look at your quads the entire time. Allow your hands to rotate around the bar.

Have fun with these and whatever set up you are using make sure it is stable and that you are safe.

(Get as far as you can in 7 Min)

1 Handstand Push Up
2 Shoulder Taps (1 per side)

2 Handstand Push Ups
4 Shoulder Taps (2 Per Side)

Keep adding in that fashion and get as far as you can in 7 min

**Handstand push ups may be strict or kipping.

Pike or Knee on Box Handstand Push Ups and Shoulder Taps.

Score: Total Reps of Handstand Push Ups ONLY.

Please make sure you have full stability and strength in order to lower yourself SAFELY and under control if you choose to do the handstand push ups today! The pike version is a GREAT and not at all easier customization for this and is highly recommended!!

For the handstand push up remember to keep the belly tight - hands shoulder width or slightly wider - butt squeezed.

You will do these with the back against the wall - but the hands should be a few inches away from the wall with the fingers spread.

To initiate the handstand push up shift the shoulders and head forward (toward the wall) first and then lower down under control. Try not to let the elbows flare out too much and keep the belly tight - butt squeezed. Only the feet should be in contact with the wall (unless doing kipping - which then you would allow your hips to touch the wall at the bottom).

Make sure you are in the tripod position in the bottom, head in front with fingertips in line with the forehead. Make sure elbows come forward and not too far out.

If kipping you will then lower the knees all of the way to the elbows - kick OUT and around - THEN press. Hips then press.

Finish completely locked out at the top.

For the shoulder taps you will aim to touch right hand to right shoulder and left hand to left shoulder. If you need to just lift hands slightly - that's ok.

Technique for pike option is very similar. Shoulders and head go forward (away from the box) and then down. Elbows in. Tripod position at the bottom. Press back to lock out.

For total time:

Accumulate 3 min in the bottom of a push up but with the chest and thighs JUST off of the ground.

Score is how long it takes you to accumulate that in small increments.

No sagging hips or belly. Elbows tucked in with the bicep and forearm touching the rib cage. No raised hips either!

GYMNASTICS | WEEK 10 | 02/28/2021

Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week, on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in building strength and stamina in gymnastics movements. Add these in wherever makes sense for your schedule!

Even if you never have goals of becoming highly skilled at these movements - they can be fun to practice/play around with and can build a ton of body control and upper body strength.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!



7 Min
Handstand Practice

Choose a method that will allow you to work to improve.

For this you will simply put 7 min on the clock and practice either kicking up into or holding a handstand.

This can be done against the wall or free standing.

If kicking up into a handstand for the first time - or if you are new to it - make sure to lock the elbows and practice just transferring your weight from your feet onto your hands. From there work your way into kicking higher and higher.

If you are against the wall you could do a tabata - 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off.

If you are doing a free standing method the goal should be to stay inside of like a 4x4 square. Or within one of your mats.

Focus on looking at the heel of your hand - keeping the feet together - and keeping the belly tight. Squeeze your cheeks!

EMOM 7 Minutes
Every Min on the Min for 7 Min

1 Kip Swing
1 Kip Swing with Press Down
1 Kip Swing with Press Down/Pull to Hips
1 Bar or Ring Muscle Up

Extra Challenge: Every 30 Seconds

Customization Option:

Every 30 Seconds
2 Kip Swings
1 Kip Swing with Press Down
1 Jumping Bar Muscle Ups

Score is total rounds you were able to complete successfully

So basically, you are building up the kip with each swing until you finish with a muscle up. When you've completed the final movement, drop down and rest until the next minute starts.

For the kip swing you will perform a hollow and arch on the bar pull and press. Hands and feet move together. Move from the shoulder.

When you add the press down the focus is to bring the hips closer to the bar by pressing down and lifting the hips. Use your lats/back and keep the arms straight.

On the next rep - after you press down, pull with the arms.

Finally on the last rep (Muscle Up) pull yourself through/over and think of doing a big sit up!

For the scaled version you will focus on strong kip swings and start trying to work on that press down. On the 3rd rep go to a box or some way you can jump - pull to the hip and then do a Big Crunch over!

5 Rounds (10 Min)

30 Second Weighted Hollow Hold
30 Second Rest
30 Second Weighted Superman Hold
30 Second Rest

Score is weight used - but honestly don't worry too much about your score here.

The goal is to do all 30 seconds without breaking so if the weight is making that impossible, get rid of it! If you have to accumulate the time even without weight, that's totally fine!

For the hollow hold you will hold a small weight in your hands over your head. Keep your legs straight and press the lower back into the ground by hollowing out the belly. Lift the toes hands and shoulders off of the ground.

For the superman hold you will lay on the stomach - arms straight and feet straight - hold the small weight in the hands and lift hands and feet. Squeeze the cheeks!!

GYMNASTICS | WEEK 09 | 02/21/2021

Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!




Warm Up/Skill

7 Rounds

3 Hollow Arch on Bar with Box Blocking Legs
5 Kip Swings

Watch video for best description of the box hollow/arch drill.

You will basically hang from the bar with a box or bench RIGHT in front of(like touching) your legs. Keeping the arms straight and engaging from the core, shoulders, and lats - press against the bar so that your body goes back. Point your toes forward so they stay in contact with the box. Hold for 1-2 seconds. Then pull THROUGH the bar so that your knees are in contact but toes are behind. Head and chest are in front of the bar. Arms are still straight. Hold for 1-2 seconds. Back and forth 3 total times per set.

Then you will either move the box or move to a different spot on the bar and complete 5 kip swings. This time no pause in the front or back. Pull Through, Push Back - 5 times.


2 Strict Pull Ups
3 Kipping Pull Ups

If you are CAPABLE of doing this unbroken (more than once) you will do the RX+ Version: All sets must be unbroken.

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps

Goal: Quality over Quantity

So you have some options for this. If you are able to do at least 5-7 sets unbroken (1 unbroken set being 2 strict + 3 kipping THEN drop down). Go for that. If you are unable to try doing 2 single strict pull ups and THEN 3 kipping pull ups or something like that.

If you need to go down to 1 strict + 3 kipping to get 5-7 rounds total. That is fine.

You can also do the strict part as a jump and slow lower or banded. You can also do the whole thing banded, or the whole thing jumping.

Find something that is difficult for you though and that you won't bang out more than 10-11 rounds or so.

For strict pull ups, you'll need to keep your whole body engaged and avoid using any momentum or swing. Grip the bar slightly wider than shoulder width and draw your shoulders down away from your ears. Arms should be completely straight. Squeeze your belly, your butt and your legs to create a tight position. Pull your body up until your chin is above the bar. Lower with control until arms are straight.

For the kipping pull ups, maintain the same rigid body position as the strict pull up but this time, use the kip swing to gain momentum in getting your chin over the bar!

4 Rounds

30 Seconds Hollow Plank
30 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Weighted Hollow Hold
30 Seconds Rest

This part is 7 min 30 sec (not including the last 30 sec rest).

For the hollow plank you will start in the top of a push up position and spread the shoulders and contract the abs even more to find a hollow position. Make sure to keep the butt down. Try to hold for 30 but you can break up the 30 seconds into 15-15 seconds if you need to.

For the weighted hollow hold you will hold a LIGHT weight in your hands. Lie on your back and bring your hands all of the way above your head. Legs are straight. Contract the abs to press the lower back into the ground. Use the hip flexors and lower abs to raise the feet off of the floor keeping the legs as straight as possible. Raise the hands, arms, and shoulders off of the floor as well keeping the biceps by the ears.

You may break this into 15-15 or even 10-10-10. You may also want to do this weightless if you are having to break.

GYMNASTICS | WEEK 08 | 02/14/2021

Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!



Complete 3 Rounds:
10 Flat to Hollow on Floor
10 Flat to Superman on Floor
10 Kip Swings on Bar
5 Kip/Press Down

Not for time or anything - can add a broomstick/PVC or a little weight to the Flat to Hollow

So for the flat to hollow you will lay on your back on the ground with the legs and arms extended. You will lift the shoulders and legs off of the ground by hollowing out your belly - pulling your low back into the ground. Hold for 1 second then lower.

For the superman it's basically the opposite. You will lay on your stomach on the ground with arms and legs extended. You will lift the arms and legs by squeezing the butt and back. Hold for 1 second then lower.

For the kip swing you take that hollow and superman and simply perform it on the bar! Hollow/Arch/Hollow/Arch. Let it be fluid with no pause in the front or back. Lead with the shoulders doing most of the work by pressing against the bar then pulling.

From here you - for the last 5 reps you will add a straight arm hard press as you close the hips even more. Think about trying to PRESS the bar into your hips as you lean back a little to bring you closer to the bar. DO NOT pull with the arms!


1 Pull Up
1 Toes to Bar
2 Pull Ups
2 Toes to Bar
3 Pull Ups
3 Toes to Bar -
Keep adding 1 per movement per round.

How to SCALE:

If you are unable to do pull ups and toes to bar - no problem!

You will do 1 kip swing - 1 knees up - 2 kip swings - 2 knees up....

RX +: Sets of same number must be unbroken. So the 1+1 / break / 2+2 / break / 3+3 / break and so on.

SCORE: Total Reps

On both the pull up and the toes to bar focus on those solid hollow and arch positions you practiced in your warm up.

Your hands should be just wider than your shoulders. And we want to make sure that we are fully open but "active" in the bottom position. This means you aren't hanging there like a floppy fish - but have your body in a tight position - with the shoulders pulled slightly down.

Work to get your chin all of the way over the bar at the top. Then press away and pull yourself back through into the arch position to lead you into the next rep.

You will use that same arch position - followed by press against the bar with straight arms for each rep of toes to bar!

Even if you are doing the scaled option here - try to work on that solid kip swing!

Accumulate Max Hold in 5 min:

Top of Push up on Rings or TRX Bands

For this you will start a 5-min clock and hold the top of a push up position on the rings or TRX bands. Every time you break just come down and write down how long you held for. Add up total time at the end of the 5 minutes - that's your score.

Keep the belly tight and find that hollow type position again. Squeeze the cheeks!

If you don't have rings or TRX bands you could do a plank on your med ball - on your elbows on a yoga ball - or just go for a regular plank on the ground works too!

Press the through the shoulders by pressing them forward as you hold!

GYMNASTICS | WEEK 07 | 02/07/2021

Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

For the next 5 weeks we will be using workouts from each our Gymnastics
Extra Programs that can be found on the Members Only website for our gymnastics programming. These programs are designed to help you target specific weaknesses/work toward specific goals. They include: Toes to Bar, Strict Pull Up, Kipping, Pull Up, Push Up, Handstand Push Up, or Pull Up Stamina. To learn more about these programs - head to Members Only and click EXTRA PROGRAMS!

This specific workout has a portion from the Level 3 Pull Up Program (improving stamina and kipping), and the Handstand Push Up Program!

Shoulder Warm Up
Pull Up Warm Up


4 x Max Pike Handstand Push Up

4 x 12 Overhead Tricep Extensions

3 x 1 Min Handstand Hold

For this - finish all 4 sets of one part before moving on to the other. Rest 2 min between sets and movements.

Weight used for tricep extensions should be something you can do all 12 in a row with each set.

Score: Total Pike Handstand Push Up Reps. Note weight used in comments.


For the pike handstand push up the idea is to press in that vertical position with your body - but taking the weight of your legs out of the press. This is no different than a banded pull up in that regard. Make sure that you set up with your hands/head in a tripod position about a foot or so away from the box. Knees can be straight or bent - that is more flexibility than anything else. Make sure the hips are over top of the shoulders and head and you are looking back toward the box.

When you lower, make sure the head travels toward the fingertips and the elbows go toward the box. Touch the ground with the TOP of your head (not your forehead). Lower under control. Press yourself up and drive your head through your arms at the top.

Do as many as you can with proper form and stop when form starts to break down. Even if this is only a few reps each set - that is ok!


You may perform these seated or standing. You will hold a single dumbbell with both hands locked out overhead with the biceps by the ears. Moving only at the elbow lower the dumbbell behind your head until the elbows are fully bent. Then moving only at the elbow press to lock out.


The handstand holds are to be performed against the wall. Make sure the hands are roughly 6-10" or so away from the wall and the only thing in contact with the wall during the hold are the heels. The hands should be just wider than the shoulders. Heels, knees, hips, shoulders and head should be in one straight line with the belly tight and butt squeezed.

If you are unable to hold for an entire minute - you may do this as accumulating.

4x3 Strict Pull Ups

Immediately after each set, do a set of 10-20 kipping pull ups

Rest 2 minutes after set of kipping pull ups before next set of strict

**This is from the Level 3 Pull Up program which requires you to have at least 1 Strict Pull Up and the ability to do kipping pull ups before you start. See description for options!!

Score: Number of Kipping Pull Ups you are able to do between sets of strict. DO NOT DO MORE THAN 20 PER SET!

So this session is more like a little mini workout. You will do 3 strict pull ups. These can be in a set of 3 or in 2-1 or even 1-1-1. Once you complete those 3 strict you will go immediately into 10-20 kipping pull ups (butterfly or gymnastics kip is fine). After you complete your kipping pull ups you will rest 2 min and then repeat the whole thing. Do 4 total sets.

If you are really pretty strong at pull ups already - OR if you start to need a bigger challenge as you go through the 6 weeks of this you may choose to scale this up. You can go up to 15 kipping pull ups between sets, you may go up to 5 strict pull ups, or the ultimate goal is to be able to do 5 strict straight into 20 kipping without even coming off of the bar!

If you are unable to do strict pull ups today. These may be 4 sets of 3 jump and slow lower or 4 sets of 3 banded strict pull ups.

If you are not yet ready to do unassisted kipping pull ups - you may do banded kipping pull ups, ring/supine bar in rack rows, or kip swings for this today!

GYMNASTICS | WEEK 06 | 01/31/2021

Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

For the next 5 weeks we will be using workouts from each our Gymnastics Extra Programs that can be found on the Members Only website for our gymnastics programming. These programs are designed to help you target specific weaknesses/work toward specific goals. They include: Toes to Bar, Strict Pull Up, Kipping, Pull Up, Push Up, Handstand Push Up, or Pull Up Stamina. To learn more about these programs - head to Members Only and click

This push up skill work in this specific workout is from the Level 2 Push Up Program (building up stamina in the push up) that can be found in
Extra Programs on Members Only.

Pull Up Warm Up
Gymnastics Press Warm Up


7 Min EMOM

3-6 reps of the following complex performed every minute for 7 min:

2 second L-Hold
1 Kip Swing
1 Toes to Bar

So one time through that is 1 rep. Repeat for 3-6 reps each minute.

You will hang from the bar and lift the legs into an L position. Hold for 2 seconds.

From here you will lower the legs and pull your head and chest through in an arch position. Then you will press against the bar and swing the feet forward into a hollow position. That is 1 kip swing.

From there you will once again pull the head and chest through as the feet go behind and press into the bar as you bring the toes up!

If you are unable to do the L hang you may do a knee tuck hang.

If you are unable to do toes to bar you may do a knee up or knee to elbow.

Your score is how many total reps you did through out.

So if you did 5 times through of the complex per min for 7 min your score is 35. Write what version you did in the comments.

3x5 Slow Lower Deficit Push Up


Max Push Ups

After ALL 3 Rounds - REST 2 MIN - then

3x1 Min Weighted Plank on Elbows

Score: Total Push Ups from the Max Push Up Sets Combined

Slow Lower Deficit Push Up

You will use a plate (or stack of plates), phone books (are those still a thing?), or something under both hand to elevate your hands by about 3-4". Make sure you don't set them up too wide. You will perform a slow lower push up for 5 reps. Try to lower for 3-5 seconds for each rep. Press up at normal speed to complete lock out.

If deficit is too difficult, do a regular slow lower push up. If you go this route - customize the max effort push ups to from the knees or elevated!

Max Push Ups

After you have completed 5 of the slow lower deficit reps you will immediately move off of the plates and do as many reps as you can of regular push ups. These must be WITH GOOD SOLID TECHNIQUE. No shorting the reps. No sagging, snaking, worming, or hips up. Chest and thighs touch at the bottom. All of the way up at the top.

Weighted Plank on Elbows

You can do these in a vest, or with a plate on your back. If you don't have either of those as an option you CAN do these unweighted as well. Start with something light and only increase weight if you can hold the entire minute without starting to sag.

Your weight will be in your elbows, which should be lined up under the shoulders. Shoulders, hips, knees and feet are in line. Belly tight and butt squeezed. Weight should be on the middle of the back. If you start to sag - drop the weight or go weightless.

If holding 1 min without weight still isn't happening - you can accumulate 1 min for each set.

GYMNASTICS | WEEK 05 | 01/24/2021

Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

This pull up skill work in today's workout is from the
Pull Up Program Level 1 on Members Only!

Gymnastics Pull Warm Up
Pull Up Warm Up


7 Min Handstand Hold Practice

Put 7 min on the clock and practice holding a handstand or kicking up into a handstand.

Options here are free standing - back against the wall - facing the wall - just practicing kicking up (even if you aren't comfortable going ALL of the way up - or even just holding a pike handstand on a box.

It's 7 min of practice so take breaks as needed.

Main focus here is spreading the fingers and learning how to balance across the whole hand. Keeping the belly tight and butt squeezed (no overextension). And really pressing the ground away - keeping those shoulders active.

10 Min EMOM

Min 1: 4 Inchworms with a 5 second pause in the plank or 2 Wall Walks with a 5 second hold in the handstand

Min 2: 10 Strict Hanging Knee Raises or 5-7 Strict Toes to Bar

No real need for a score here - but since it will give you credit in Wodify just put your total Knee Raise or TTB reps - and put which version of each you did in comments.

If you are doing inchworms you will place your hands down in front of your feet and walk them away from you until you are in the top of a plank position. Focus on keeping the belly drawn in and the shoulders, hips, and ankles in one straight line. Hold for 5 seconds. Walk hands back to the feet and stand.

For the wall walk option start in the bottom of a push up at the bottom - press to the top of a push up - walk the hands back toward the wall as the feet go up the wall. Keep the belly tight. Get the belly and nose all of the way against the wall in a handstand position and hold for 5 seconds. Then lower by walking hands away from the wall and walking the feet down the wall. Go all the way back down to the bottom of a push up.

For the hanging knee raises you will hang from your bar and without adding any swing bring the knees up as close to the chest as possible. Lower under control.

For the strict toes to bar this means NO swing! Press against the bar as you contract the core and lift the legs working to keep them as strict as possible. Pick a number that is sustainable for you.

(Skill Work from Level One Pull Up Program on Members Only)

5 Sets of:


(sets should be unbroken - rest as needed between sets)

then, after all 5 sets:

TABATA (8x:20 ON/:10 OFF)


See below for sub options and Tabata instructions. Do all 5 sets of pull ups with rest between before the hollow/arch part.


Use a band that will allow you to get sets of 3, but no more than 5-6 per set. If it makes it TOO easy, we miss the point. Make sure you start from a complete hang position in the bottom and get your chin all of the way over at the top.

If you don't have bands you can also do a jump and slow lower for this part.


Tabata means you will work for 20 seconds and then rest 10 seconds. For this tabata you will alternate back and forth between a hollow position and an arch position. These are the positions we need when we are hanging on the bar to create the proper kip swing. You will do a total of 4 minutes or 4 rounds of each movement.

For the HOLLOW position:

Lie on your back with your hands over your head and legs straight. You will think of lifting your shoulders off of the ground, and the feet also. To do this you will pull your belly in and press your lower back into the ground. The goal is to get your WHOLE lower back in contact with the ground while the shoulders and arms, as well as the legs and feet are lifted. Think of making a banana shape! Hold this for 20 seconds.

Rest for 10 seconds and then...

For the ARCH position:

Roll onto your belly, hands still over your head and legs still straight. This time you will lift your arms and chest, and feet and legs by arching the back and squeezing the butt. Don't crank your neck back. Keep your head in a neutral position. Hold this position for 20 seconds.

Rest for 10 seconds and then go back to hollow.

Repeat for a total of 4 rounds.

GYMNASTICS | WEEK 04 | 01/17/2021

Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

This specific workout is from the Level 1 Push Up Program (with a little extra added at the end since those sessions are actually pretty short!). You can find the whole program (with 2 different levels) - under
Extra Programs!


2 Rounds

10 Small Arm Circles Forward
10 Small Arm Circles Backward
10 Big Arm Circles Forward
10 Big Arm Circles Backward

10 Band or Broomstick Pass Throughs
10 Band Pull Aparts

60 Second Box Lat Stretch

For the arm circles you will hold the arms out at the sides like a T shape from the shoulders.

For the pass through you hold a broomstick - PVC pipe or band with a wide grip and keeping the arms straight take it from forward to back. Go as wide as you need to make this happen.

If you have a band you will grab it at roughly shoulder width apart with the palms up and arms out in front. Pull the band apart keeping the shoulders back and down.

For the box lat stretch you will kneel in front of a box or bench with your elbows on top of it. Hinge at the hips and press your head down through your biceps and hold.


Street Parking Level 1 Push Up Program: Session 2





Score: Don't worry too much about it - but you may list what weight you used for the dumbbell bench.

Goal: Movement quality over trying to rush through this!

For this session you will do all 3 sets of one movement before moving on to the next part. Rest as needed 1-2 min between sets and in between movements.


For the deficit push up you will use a stack of bumper plates, a couple phone books or something that you can place each hand on so that your hands are roughly 3-4" elevated off of the ground. From here you will perform push ups from the knees, bringing your chest ALL of the way to the ground. Focus here is making sure you don't PLOP down. Making sure your hands are set up at roughly chest height and not too far out in front.

If you are comfortable with doing your push ups on your toes you can sub 3 x 10 SINGLE PUSH UP FROM A DEAD STOP AT THE BOTTOM. Instead of the deficit Knee push ups.


You may do these on a bench, lying on a box, or even with your back on a stability ball! You will have a dumbbell in each hand, locked out over your chest - palms facing forward (palms facing away from you). Lower the dumbbells to your chest under control elbows out and down. Press to lock out completely at the top.

Choose a weight that will allow you to do these pretty unbroken.


Lie on your back with your knees bent and your heels down. Shoulders on the ground and tighten the belly. Squeeze your cheeks and dig your heels into the ground to bring your hips up. Keep pressing up until your knees, hips and shoulders all form a straight line. Hold for a brief moment. Then lower back down under control. Re-engage the belly at the bottom of each rep.


Hover your body above the ground in the push up position. Keep the elbows squeezed tight to your sides, your quads, butt and belly engaged!

Fun little bonus:


5 Squat Jumps
7 Toes to Bar

See how your toes to bar practice from last week holds up!

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps.

For the squat jumps you wil start with your feet shoulder width apart. Keep your heels down, belly tight and chest up. Perform a squat getting your butt lower than your knees at the bottom. Heels down - knees out, chest up. Stand up and add a jump at the top!

For the toes to bar you may swap out knees up or even just tempo kip swings bringing the knees/legs as high as you can.

If you don't have a bar you may swap out v-ups or sit ups.

GYMNASTICS | WEEK 03 | 01/10/2021

Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an Endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!

This specific workout is from the Toes to Bar Extra Program.



2 Rounds
10 Banded Pass Throughs
30 Sec Bench Shoulder Stretch
10 Low Tuck to Standing Pike Extensions
30 Sec Passive Bar Hang


TEST #1:

1 Round Max Effort: Active Bar Hang until Failure

For the active bar hang, grip the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulder width. Keep your belly tight as you draw your shoulders down away from your ears. You should feel your chest elevate slightly without arching your back. Keep a neutral spine.

As soon as your shoulders, start to creep back up toward your ears, that active position has been compromised and the test is over.

TEST #2:

1 Round Max Effort: Hollow Hold Until Failure

For the hollow body hold, start on your back. Draw your lower back down toward the floor. Bring your arms overhead so your biceps are by your ears. Squeeze your legs together.

Raise your legs away from the floor so your heels are about 6-12 inches from the floor. At the same time raise your torso and arms away from the floor so your shoulder blades are off the ground.

Hold this position for as long as you can.

If you are unable to get into a hollow position aka, you feel your lower back lose contact with the floor, you can try a hollow hold with your arms alongside your body.

If that is a bit too much, try a tuck hold which is the same thing but with knees bent and shins parallel to the floor.

TEST #3:

1 Round Max Effort: 2 Minutes to Accumulate as Many Toes to Bar (or attempts) As Possible

Toes to bar start with you hanging from the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulders, shoulders drawn down away from your ears and arms straight. Think about pushing the bar out in front of you so your shoulders travel back behind the bar as you raise your toes up to touch bar between your hands.

If unable to get one rep you can try this with knee raises or raising your toes to a lower but still consistent height.

(Every Minute on the Minute)

Minute 1:
40 Sec Max Effort Hollow Pulses

Minute 2:
40 Sec Max Effort Static Tuck Hang

Minute 3
40 Sec Max Effort Zombie Sit-Up + Backward Fold



Tucked Hollow Pulses

Lower the height of your knees (Straighten out the legs)

Toes come backward as far as possible / Swing arms forward to help with the sit-up

For the hollow body pulses, start in a hollow body position and pulse by lifting your chest and legs higher up off the floor then back to hollow.

When you lower back to hollow, make sure it is controlled so you don't lose that lower back contact with the floor.

You can also do tucked pulses where you keep your knees bent and hold your arms alongside your body.

The static tuck hang is an active hang from the bar with knees tucked up as high into your chest as possible.

For the zombie sit up, keep your legs straight. You can use your arms to assist you on the way up. When you do sit up, reach your hands along the floor as close to your feet as you can.

Then, roll back down and raise your legs up and over your hips for the backward fold. Just reach your toes back as far as possible. Totally cool if they don't go all the way to the floor behind your head!


Every 30 Seconds for 10 Rounds:

3 Rhythm-Focused Toes to Bar

Before you start the 10 rounds, take a minute to do a set of 10 or so kip swings and prime your body for the rhythm of the toes to bar. You can always go back to these kip swings if you're struggling with the 3 reps.

For the rhythm-focused toes to bars, the idea is to pay attention to the rhythm and connecting reps versus getting your toes up on the bar using brute strength.

Grip the bar and maintain an active shoulder position as you start to build off of the kip swings. As your torso and shoulders travel back behind the bar raise your legs up and your toes in the direction of the bar.

No matter what, let the momentum dictate the movement. So as you start to swing forward, lower your legs and transition to the extended position. Gradually you will be able to bring your feet up closer to the bar but stay focused on maintaining that rhythm!

GYMNASTICS | WEEK 02 | 01/03/2021

Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an Endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!

Gymnastics Press Warm Up
Gymnastics Pull Warm Up


7 Minutes of:

Handstand Hold practice.

Kick up and hold for as long as you can. When you fall - take a second and then kick back up again.

Mark total time holding if you are able to measure it. If not - don't sweat it.

If you are unable to hold a handstand for more than a second or 2 - or not at all - that's ok!! You can practice holding against the wall. Try pulling one foot off of the wall, and then the other. See if you can get a few moments without either foot touching!

A couple of things to think about. Keep the belly tight and butt squeezed. Splay your fingers and use them to help balance. Be locked out but also allow a little give here and there if it helps you to balance.

Tuck your chin as much as you are comfortable. Start by looking at the heel of your hand instead of your fingertips.

EMOM 10 Min

2 Kip Swings
2 Toes to Bar
2 Bar/Ring Muscle Ups

Scale to:

2 Kip Swings
2 Toes to Bar
2 Chest to Bar Pull Ups / Regular Pull Ups

Scale Up to (RX+):

3 - 3 -3

Score: Total number of rounds you get unbroken. If you have to break that's ok! Just don't count that round on your score!

SO for this one you will pick something that is challenging for you but doable.

You may also choose to do just 1 bar muscle up or 1 pull up.

You could even do 2 kip swings, 2 toes to bar or knees up and then do 1 jumping ring or bar pull up/muscle up.

For the kip swing, focus on swinging from the shoulder. Pull your chest THROUGH and then press down and tighten into a hollow position. Keep the legs and arms straight.

For the toes to bar, really focus on pressing down on the bar and keeping the legs as straight as possible. Scale to knees up if you need to.

For the muscle ups use that same kip swing. Get the hips UP and then keep pulling yourself over/through and do a major sit up to get on top of the bar/rings.

4 Rounds

20 Sec Top of Dip Ring Hold
40 Sec Rest
20 Sec Chin Over Bar Hold
40 Sec Rest

Lower the hold time to something more manageable if necessary.

You will do each hold 4 times.

You may do the top of the dip hold on the rings or on a stationary dip station/boxes/whatever you have.

Press down into the rings and pull them in towards your sides! Keep the belly tight!

Chin over means chin over! Do it as well as you can!

GYMNASTICS | WEEK 01 | 12/27/2020

Full Body Dynamic Warm Up
Gymnastics Pull Warm Up


6 Sets

1 Strict Pull Up + 2 Kip Swings + 3 Kipping Pull Ups

Rest 20 sec between sets

Your goal should be to do all 6 reps without dropping down from the bar!

For strict pull up, you'll need to keep your whole body engaged and avoid using any momentum or swing. Grip the bar slightly wider than shoulder width and draw your shoulders down away from your ears. Arms should be completely straight. Squeeze your belly, your butt and your legs to create a tight position. Pull your body up until your chin is above the bar. Lower with control until arms are straight.

If you don't have strict pull ups, sub with banded strict pull up. If you can do kipping pull ups without a band, just drop down, get out of the band, then do the kip swings and kipping pull ups together.

Keeping your shoulders engaged, body rigid - initiate the kip swing by pulling against the bar as you swing your feet back. Once your head and chest are forward, press into the bar as you swing your feet forward. Pull on the bar again once your torso is behind the bar for another rep.

Once you've completed 2 kip swings, you'll initiate a third swing but this time use it to perform a pull up by squeezing your bottom hard and fast as your torso travels back behind the bar and pulling aggressively with the arms. Once your chin passes above the bar, push away with your feet in front of you and allow yourself to swing through to the arch position to begin the next rep.

6 Sets

1 Strict Toes to Bar + 2 Kip Swings + 3 Kipping Toes to Bar

Rest 20 sec between sets

Same idea as the pull up complex.

Strict toes to bar starts with you hanging from the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulders, shoulders drawn down away from your ears and arms straight. Think about pushing the bar out in front of you so your shoulders travel back behind the bar as you raise your toes up to touch bar between your hands.

Keeping your shoulders engaged, body rigid - initiate the kip swing by pulling against the bar as you swing your feet back. Once your head and chest are forward, press into the bar as you swing your feet forward. Pull on the bar again once your torso is behind the bar for another rep.

Once you've completed 2 kip swings, you'll initiate a third swing but this time use it to perform a toes to bar. You'll have to press down into the bar hard and for a sustained effort so that your torso travels far behind the bar as you raise your legs toward the bar. Touch your toes and quickly pull your legs down and away from the bar as your torso swings forward to initiate the next rep.

If you don't have toes to bar yet, you can sub with straight leg raises (eliminate the "toe touch" part) or swap for knee raises!

6 Rounds

For Time and Quality

10 Elbow Plank Leg Lifts, Right
10 Elbow Plank Leg Lifts, Left
8 Single-Leg Toes to Bar, Right
8 Single-Leg Toes to Bar, Left
6 HS Side Step, Right
6 HS Side Step, Left

For the Elbow Plank Leg Lifts, set up into your elbow plank position by setting your forearms on the floor, shoulder width apart, with your feet together. Shoulders should be directly over your elbows. Squeeze your glutes, tuck your hips under (as if you were a dog with its tail between its legs) to engage the core and flatten out the lower back. No sagging! Then while reaching through your heel (think about pulling your shoelaces toward your shin), lift one leg a couple inches off the ground and lower back to the floor. Repeat for 10 total reps on one leg before switching to the other. If you need to break the planks between switching legs, that's fine but try to do all 10 reps on one side without breaking.

The single leg toes to bar are exactly like the kipping toes to bar (or even strict, if you prefer) but rather than raising both legs, you'll only raise one at a time. These should actually be easier since you are raising less weight and also can rotate a bit more to make that contact at the bar!

For this you will kick up into a handstand against the wall. Take 6 "steps" (with your hands obviously) to the right. Then take 6 back to the left. Or you can accumulate 6 steps in both directions if wall space is limited.

Make sure you spread your fingers and distribute your weight through your entire hand. Keep the ribcage pulled in and belly tight. Squeeze the cheeks and point your toes!

The goal here is to pretty much only have the heels in contact with the wall. No good putting your whole lower half against it!

Focus on keeping the shoulders pressing into the floor and engaged.

If you are finding this easy - try to do it away from the wall.

If you aren't ready to actually take steps practice some shoulder taps either against the wall or in a pike position.