GYMNASTICS | WEEK 06 | 01/31/2021


Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

For the next 5 weeks we will be using workouts from each our Gymnastics Extra Programs that can be found on the Members Only website for our gymnastics programming. These programs are designed to help you target specific weaknesses/work toward specific goals. They include: Toes to Bar, Strict Pull Up, Kipping, Pull Up, Push Up, Handstand Push Up, or Pull Up Stamina. To learn more about these programs - head to Members Only and click

This push up skill work in this specific workout is from the Level 2 Push Up Program (building up stamina in the push up) that can be found in
Extra Programs on Members Only.

Pull Up Warm Up
Gymnastics Press Warm Up


7 Min EMOM

3-6 reps of the following complex performed every minute for 7 min:

2 second L-Hold
1 Kip Swing
1 Toes to Bar

So one time through that is 1 rep. Repeat for 3-6 reps each minute.

You will hang from the bar and lift the legs into an L position. Hold for 2 seconds.

From here you will lower the legs and pull your head and chest through in an arch position. Then you will press against the bar and swing the feet forward into a hollow position. That is 1 kip swing.

From there you will once again pull the head and chest through as the feet go behind and press into the bar as you bring the toes up!

If you are unable to do the L hang you may do a knee tuck hang.

If you are unable to do toes to bar you may do a knee up or knee to elbow.

Your score is how many total reps you did through out.

So if you did 5 times through of the complex per min for 7 min your score is 35. Write what version you did in the comments.

3x5 Slow Lower Deficit Push Up


Max Push Ups

After ALL 3 Rounds - REST 2 MIN - then

3x1 Min Weighted Plank on Elbows

Score: Total Push Ups from the Max Push Up Sets Combined

Slow Lower Deficit Push Up

You will use a plate (or stack of plates), phone books (are those still a thing?), or something under both hand to elevate your hands by about 3-4". Make sure you don't set them up too wide. You will perform a slow lower push up for 5 reps. Try to lower for 3-5 seconds for each rep. Press up at normal speed to complete lock out.

If deficit is too difficult, do a regular slow lower push up. If you go this route - customize the max effort push ups to from the knees or elevated!

Max Push Ups

After you have completed 5 of the slow lower deficit reps you will immediately move off of the plates and do as many reps as you can of regular push ups. These must be WITH GOOD SOLID TECHNIQUE. No shorting the reps. No sagging, snaking, worming, or hips up. Chest and thighs touch at the bottom. All of the way up at the top.

Weighted Plank on Elbows

You can do these in a vest, or with a plate on your back. If you don't have either of those as an option you CAN do these unweighted as well. Start with something light and only increase weight if you can hold the entire minute without starting to sag.

Your weight will be in your elbows, which should be lined up under the shoulders. Shoulders, hips, knees and feet are in line. Belly tight and butt squeezed. Weight should be on the middle of the back. If you start to sag - drop the weight or go weightless.

If holding 1 min without weight still isn't happening - you can accumulate 1 min for each set.