GYMNASTICS | WEEK 13 | 03/21/2021


Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!



**Please make sure you have the strength to lower yourself under control and a mat under your head if you are doing any sort of handstand push ups.

7 Min EMOM
(Every Minute on the Minute for 7 Min)

2-5 Slow Lower / Pause / Kipping HSPU

Scale to just a slow lower HS with a short hold if you are still unable to do kipping handstand push ups.

You may also scale down to a slow lower pike on box HSPU with a slow lower and pause - then a press out.

You may scale UP to a deficit if you are a ninja.

Score is total reps you do but don't worry about score. Just a way for you to track it.

For these you will start in a handstand against the wall. You will lower yourself slowly, taking 3 seconds to get down. Pause for 2 seconds at the bottom then lower the knees all of the way to the elbows, allow the torso to round a bit and the tailbone to come off of the wall.

From here kick your feet straight up (not at the wall because then you will stunt your movement by hitting the wall too soon).

Make sure you are in the tripod position in the bottom, head in front with fingertips in line with the forehead. Make sure elbows come forward and not too far out. Keep the belly tight at the top.

7 Min AMRAP (or 80 reps - whichever comes first)

Toes to Bar
Hanging Knee Raise (with kip swing)

*Every time you break - 100 Meter Run

Score: Total Reps in 7 min OR Time to get to 80 Toes to Bar Reps

Goal: 65 Reps +

So for this you will start a clock and do a big set of either toes to bar or hanging knee raises.

When you need a break and come off the bar you will run 100 meters (roughly 30 seconds).

When you are ready - hop back up for another big set.

You can either game this and just decide you will do a certain number each time you jump up or just do as many as you can each time.

If you get to 80 reps before 7 min. You are done!

Otherwise you will do as many reps as you can in 7 min.

If you are doing the hanging knee raise - practice adding that small kip swing into it rather than just a dead hang knee raise.

Toes to bar should also be with a kip.

If you really want to practice strict toes to bar - that is of course allowed, but not what we had in mind necessarily when we programmed it!