GYMNASTICS | WEEK 10 | 02/28/2021


Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week, on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in building strength and stamina in gymnastics movements. Add these in wherever makes sense for your schedule!

Even if you never have goals of becoming highly skilled at these movements - they can be fun to practice/play around with and can build a ton of body control and upper body strength.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!



7 Min
Handstand Practice

Choose a method that will allow you to work to improve.

For this you will simply put 7 min on the clock and practice either kicking up into or holding a handstand.

This can be done against the wall or free standing.

If kicking up into a handstand for the first time - or if you are new to it - make sure to lock the elbows and practice just transferring your weight from your feet onto your hands. From there work your way into kicking higher and higher.

If you are against the wall you could do a tabata - 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off.

If you are doing a free standing method the goal should be to stay inside of like a 4x4 square. Or within one of your mats.

Focus on looking at the heel of your hand - keeping the feet together - and keeping the belly tight. Squeeze your cheeks!

EMOM 7 Minutes
Every Min on the Min for 7 Min

1 Kip Swing
1 Kip Swing with Press Down
1 Kip Swing with Press Down/Pull to Hips
1 Bar or Ring Muscle Up

Extra Challenge: Every 30 Seconds

Customization Option:

Every 30 Seconds
2 Kip Swings
1 Kip Swing with Press Down
1 Jumping Bar Muscle Ups

Score is total rounds you were able to complete successfully

So basically, you are building up the kip with each swing until you finish with a muscle up. When you've completed the final movement, drop down and rest until the next minute starts.

For the kip swing you will perform a hollow and arch on the bar pull and press. Hands and feet move together. Move from the shoulder.

When you add the press down the focus is to bring the hips closer to the bar by pressing down and lifting the hips. Use your lats/back and keep the arms straight.

On the next rep - after you press down, pull with the arms.

Finally on the last rep (Muscle Up) pull yourself through/over and think of doing a big sit up!

For the scaled version you will focus on strong kip swings and start trying to work on that press down. On the 3rd rep go to a box or some way you can jump - pull to the hip and then do a Big Crunch over!

5 Rounds (10 Min)

30 Second Weighted Hollow Hold
30 Second Rest
30 Second Weighted Superman Hold
30 Second Rest

Score is weight used - but honestly don't worry too much about your score here.

The goal is to do all 30 seconds without breaking so if the weight is making that impossible, get rid of it! If you have to accumulate the time even without weight, that's totally fine!

For the hollow hold you will hold a small weight in your hands over your head. Keep your legs straight and press the lower back into the ground by hollowing out the belly. Lift the toes hands and shoulders off of the ground.

For the superman hold you will lay on the stomach - arms straight and feet straight - hold the small weight in the hands and lift hands and feet. Squeeze the cheeks!!