GYMNASTICS | WEEK 14 | 03/28/2021


Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!



EMOM 12 Min
(Every Minute on the Min for 12 Min / Alternating)

Min 1: Max Bar/Ring Muscle Ups
Min 2: 8 Seated Box Jumps

**Muscle Ups may be bar or ring. If you think you will hold big numbers you may scale up to strict. If you are still working on your muscle ups these may also be banded, jump, or foot assisted transitions.

Seated Box Jumps should be 20-30" depending on your ability/height and also should start in a completely seated position below parallel.

Score: Muscle Up Number

**Put what type of muscle up you did and box height in comments.

For this workout - choose a type of muscle up that will allow you to get 3-4 on those minutes. If it ends up being 2-3 on a few minutes- that's ok too.

If you are going to get more than like 6-7 - try strict or at least start that way.

Remember on the muscle up reps to get that good lean back - hips to rings. Do NOT think about separating your hands to make room for your body. That happens as you come forward at the top - not during the pull. Pull all of the way up - and then think of doing a massive sit up as you pull through. Keep those rings tight as you come out of the dip!

If doing bar - think hips to bar, then big sit up! Try taking your hands a BIT wider than a regular pull up to give yourself more room to come over the top of the bar. Hands have to move around the bar and change position as you come up and over.

If doing a modified (banded, jumpng etc) muscle up make sure you make it challenging and still work on good technique. No JUMPING from the bottom to the top of the dip! Work all of the positions along the way.

Seated box jumps should start in a completely stopped seated position below parallel. Drive through the heels, throw the arms, and them lift the knees fast! Land with your WHOLE foot on the box or step. Step down and re-set. Sit and come to a complete stop!

(As Many Reps as Possible in 7 Min)

Plyo Box Pike Handstand Walk Arounds

Each full trip around the box = 1 Rep

Customization Idea - 7 Min Shoulder Tap Practice (Pike on Box)

You will place your feet on your plyo box and then get into a pike position with your hips over your head and hands. Walk your hands around the box in a full circle. Taking small steps. Press the ground away and keep the core tight. Keep looking back at the box, and keep the arms mostly locked out.

Do one full circle in one direction - that is 1 rep. Next circle go the other direction.

Spread the fingers wide and distribute the weight across your whole hand. You don't have to do the WHOLE circle unbroken as you start to fatigue. You just need to complete the whole circle before going the other way. Break as needed.

Quality over quantity.

If you aren't ready to move with this or you don't have a box to go around. Just practice shoulder taps! Every 20 taps = 1 rep!