GYMNASTICS | WEEK 07 | 02/07/2021


Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

For the next 5 weeks we will be using workouts from each our Gymnastics
Extra Programs that can be found on the Members Only website for our gymnastics programming. These programs are designed to help you target specific weaknesses/work toward specific goals. They include: Toes to Bar, Strict Pull Up, Kipping, Pull Up, Push Up, Handstand Push Up, or Pull Up Stamina. To learn more about these programs - head to Members Only and click EXTRA PROGRAMS!

This specific workout has a portion from the Level 3 Pull Up Program (improving stamina and kipping), and the Handstand Push Up Program!

Shoulder Warm Up
Pull Up Warm Up


4 x Max Pike Handstand Push Up

4 x 12 Overhead Tricep Extensions

3 x 1 Min Handstand Hold

For this - finish all 4 sets of one part before moving on to the other. Rest 2 min between sets and movements.

Weight used for tricep extensions should be something you can do all 12 in a row with each set.

Score: Total Pike Handstand Push Up Reps. Note weight used in comments.


For the pike handstand push up the idea is to press in that vertical position with your body - but taking the weight of your legs out of the press. This is no different than a banded pull up in that regard. Make sure that you set up with your hands/head in a tripod position about a foot or so away from the box. Knees can be straight or bent - that is more flexibility than anything else. Make sure the hips are over top of the shoulders and head and you are looking back toward the box.

When you lower, make sure the head travels toward the fingertips and the elbows go toward the box. Touch the ground with the TOP of your head (not your forehead). Lower under control. Press yourself up and drive your head through your arms at the top.

Do as many as you can with proper form and stop when form starts to break down. Even if this is only a few reps each set - that is ok!


You may perform these seated or standing. You will hold a single dumbbell with both hands locked out overhead with the biceps by the ears. Moving only at the elbow lower the dumbbell behind your head until the elbows are fully bent. Then moving only at the elbow press to lock out.


The handstand holds are to be performed against the wall. Make sure the hands are roughly 6-10" or so away from the wall and the only thing in contact with the wall during the hold are the heels. The hands should be just wider than the shoulders. Heels, knees, hips, shoulders and head should be in one straight line with the belly tight and butt squeezed.

If you are unable to hold for an entire minute - you may do this as accumulating.

4x3 Strict Pull Ups

Immediately after each set, do a set of 10-20 kipping pull ups

Rest 2 minutes after set of kipping pull ups before next set of strict

**This is from the Level 3 Pull Up program which requires you to have at least 1 Strict Pull Up and the ability to do kipping pull ups before you start. See description for options!!

Score: Number of Kipping Pull Ups you are able to do between sets of strict. DO NOT DO MORE THAN 20 PER SET!

So this session is more like a little mini workout. You will do 3 strict pull ups. These can be in a set of 3 or in 2-1 or even 1-1-1. Once you complete those 3 strict you will go immediately into 10-20 kipping pull ups (butterfly or gymnastics kip is fine). After you complete your kipping pull ups you will rest 2 min and then repeat the whole thing. Do 4 total sets.

If you are really pretty strong at pull ups already - OR if you start to need a bigger challenge as you go through the 6 weeks of this you may choose to scale this up. You can go up to 15 kipping pull ups between sets, you may go up to 5 strict pull ups, or the ultimate goal is to be able to do 5 strict straight into 20 kipping without even coming off of the bar!

If you are unable to do strict pull ups today. These may be 4 sets of 3 jump and slow lower or 4 sets of 3 banded strict pull ups.

If you are not yet ready to do unassisted kipping pull ups - you may do banded kipping pull ups, ring/supine bar in rack rows, or kip swings for this today!