Posts tagged Accessory Summary
BUTTS & GUTS 2.3.19

4 Rounds
Not For Time

15 Banded Rotating Steps Right
15 Banded Rotating Steps Left
10 Single Leg Deadlift into 3 Second High Knee Hold Right
10 Single Leg Deadlift into 3 Second High Knee Hold Left
30 Russian Twists
1 Min L Sit (accumulate)

Score is weight used for SLDL - but don't lose form just to get a good score.  These don't need to be done heavy.

For the Banded Rotating Side Steps you will have the band around the knees - just above.  Stand with your feet in your regular squat stance or just a bit wider.  Plant your left foot on the ground and bend the knees slightly - push the butt back.  Rotate open an extra 45-90 degrees and plant the right foot.  Then bring its back to starting position.  Keep knees bent and left heel planted the whole time.

Complete 15 on one side then 15 on the other.

On the single leg deadlift make sure you are holding the kb or db in the opposite hand of the foot that is down.  Complete a regular single leg deadlift and then bring the knee up and kb or db up to the shoulder - hold for 3 seconds - then repeat.  Try not to put the foot down between reps.

Squeeze the belly and butt in that hold position.

On the Russian twists, use a weight that you can get through the whole thing in 1-2 sets.  Keep the shoulders and feet off of the ground.  Each rep is touching the dumbbell or plate on both sides.

For the L-sits, choose a method that you can hold for at least 20 seconds each time.  Accumulate 1 min each time.

POWER 2.3.19

Back Squat (6 x 2)

For this you will do one set every 4 min.  Add weight each time.  The first set should be after you already warm up to a heavy weight!

Only go as heavy as you can maintain good form.

The bar will be on the back.  You will raise the chest and tighten the belly to initiate the movement.  From here you will reach the butt back and down.  Keep the weight in the heels, chest up, and drive the knees out.  The goal is to get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom.  We must maintian a good back position that low though!!

Once you hit the bottom position keep reaching the chest up and drive the heels down and knees out as you stand!!

Take a big breath and re-set between reps.

Alternating Single Leg Deadlift (5 x 10 (5 Each Leg))

Alternate Working Leg With Each RepFor these you will use a barbell instead of the typical dumbbell in opposite hand.

We would recommend starting these by deadlifting the bar to the hips.

Plant the working leg.  Tighten the belly and lift the chest.  Pull the bar into the body and lower by hinging at the hips and allowing the bar to slide down the leg.  Keep the chest lifted and belly tight.  Keep the heel down on the working leg and reach the non working leg back slightly as a counter balance.

Allow the knee to soften on the initial descent and then actively bend it once you are past it.  Tap the weight under control and squeeze the butt to come up.

Alternate feet with each rep.

Glute-Ham Raises (5 x 5-8)

***This part is extra credit today!

If you have a GHD you may try these on the GHD.  DO NOT try to do the full version if you have never done these before.

The idea is basically a hamstring curl using your own body weight.

You will make sure the knee is securely on the back of the pad with the feet firmly between the rollers.  Ideally you will ONLY move from the knee joint and lower yourself down do parallel.  If this is your first time you will place a  box or bench or even a folding table there to help catch yourself and add assistance to help you push up as you come up.

AS you come up - try your best not to reach your butt back, but again only hinge at the knees!

If you don't have a GHD or aren't ready for these yet - they are REALLY hard btw.  You can do them on the ground with a partner holding your feet.

You can even do slow lowers with no pull up.  You can shorten the range of motion and just go part of the way down only.

Or, if you don't have a partner or a GHD you may sub 5 x 10 good mornings at a moderate weight.

OLY 2.3.19

Power Snatch (18 Min - 1 Every 90 Seconds)

For the power snatch reps you will want to warm up to a challenging weight before you start - nowhere near a 1 rep max, but something that is getting up there for you.

From here you can either stick with the same weight for all 12 reps, or you can go up a little after every few rounds as you feel good/comfortable.

For this movement your feet will start about hip width.  You will have a wide grip - and don't forget to use that hook grip.  Bar starts on the ground.  Your knees will be bent and chest just over the bar slightly/slightly behind.  Keep the heels down as you pull the bar off of the ground with straight arms and a flat back.  Use your back to pull the bar in close to your body as you stand.  Once past the knees - focus on jumping straight up and then shrugging up with the arms still straight.  After finishing the shrug the elbows will come high and outside to keep the bar in close!  Pull yourself under the bar slightly and punch to lockout in a partial overhead squat with the bar over the middle of the body.

Stand to finish each rep!

Snatch Pull (5 x 2)

For these you will use the heaviest weight you completed for the power snatch portion!

For this movement the focus is on strengthening the pull from the ground and keeping good positions as well as the hip extension and shrug.

As you stand focus on keeping the chest up, bar close, heels down.  Once you pass the knees pick up speed and transition to where you would jump the bar straight up (not forward and out).  Once you finish with the hips and the knees - add in the shrug - also straight up - not swinging the bar out.  Hold onto the bar and lower back down for the second rep.

Rest as needed between sets.


Muscle Up Negatives

20 Reps SLOW Muscle Up Negatives

You may do these unassisted, with a band, with feet on the box, or even with your feet on the ground.The way these work is that you will start locked out at the top of a muscle up.  We suggest doing these on rings that will allow you to jump to this position so you aren't also doing 20 full muscle ups to get up there - unless you are a muscle up ninja.

Ideally these will be done on rings, or you may do this drill (slightly modified) on the TRX bands.

You will lower SLOWLY down to the bottom of the dip and then SLOWLY backwards through the transition.  FOCUS ON KEEPING THE ELBOWS IN and RINGS CLOSE!!!  Then slowly you will lower until the arms are straight at the bottom.

No score for this part because we want you to rest as needed and go SLOW.  Use a scale that will allow you to do 20 reps in about 10 min or so.


2 Strict + 3 Kipping Pull Ups

Rest 15 Seconds.

Must be unbroken sets

Scaled: 1 slow negative + 2 kipping

Scaled Option #2: 2 Slow Supine Ring Rows + 3 Jumping Pull Ups

RX +: 3 Strict + 5 Kipping

Goal: 10 Rounds +The goal would be to ONLY rest 15 seconds and be ready to go again.  Choose a scaling option that will allow that.  Feel free to mix and match options here.

7 Min HS Weight Shift Practice

Against the wall (unless you are a HS ninja)

You will practice walking side ways over a plate.

Practice going from both hands off of a plate to up on a plate etc.

See video.This is all about practicing shiftin your weight.  No RX for how many sets or anything you do.  Just keep practicing for 7 min or so on the clock.  Once you get comfortable with one drill, try a different one.

Keep the ribs down.  Practice squeezing the cheeks, spreading the fingers and balancing!

SOGO 2.3.19

Part 1
3 - 5 Rounds
10 Pull Ups (any style)
10 Bent Over Rows

Sets must be unbroken.
Rest as needed between sets.
Go as heavy as possible.You will choose a style of pull up that you can do 10 unbroken but that's very difficult.  So, if you can do 10 kipping kinda easy, but 10 strict is not happening - you could try something like, 5 strict into 5 kipping.  You may also choose something like, banded strict, jump with moderately slow lower, slow ring rows.  Something difficult for a set of 10.

For the bent over rows - you will start with the bar slightly off of the ground, with a flat back, and a slight bend in the knee.  You will pull the bar to the sternum using your back.  Elbows should go back and not OUT for the most part.  Control the lower.

Part 2
Bicep Curl Super Set Time!
Sets 1 - 4 may be broken up
Set 5 must be unbroken

Set 1 -
(warm up set)
12 reps Each Arm Alternating Dumbbell Curls
12 Reps Each Arm Alternating Hammer Curls

Set 2 -
12 reps Each Arm Alternating Dumbbell Curls
12 Reps Each Arm Alternating Hammer Curls

Set 3 -
10 reps Each Arm Alternating Dumbbell Curls
10 Reps Each Arm Alternating Hammer Curls

Set 4 -
8 reps Each Arm Alternating Dumbbell Curls
8 Reps Each Arm Alternating Hammer Curls

Set 5 -
(unbroken - super light burnout)
25 Reps Each Arm Alternating Dumbbell Curls
25 Reps Each Arm Alternating Hammer Curls

Score is the weight you use for Set 4A lot of us may not have any idea what weight to start with on this one.

First set is a warm up set.  Pick something conservative and see how it goes.

Second set should be heavier but still manageable.

Third set should be very hard.  You can break these up if you need to - but keep the break only between the 2 movements.

Fourth set should almost feel like an 8 rep max - followed by and 8 rep max.

Final set is just for the BURN!  Should be unbroken except if you need to shake it out for a second because of grip issues.  SUPER LIGHT!

You go through this whole thing ONLY ONCE.  Rest about 2 min between each set.