Posts tagged SOGO-2
SUNS OUT GUNS OUT | WEEK 17 | 04/18/2021

Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all it's own!

Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!



4 Rounds
Not for Time

10 Behind the Neck Press
10 Shoulder Press (from front)
10 Front Raise
10 Upright Rows

No Rest between movements so choose a weight that you can go through the whole thing. It should be pretty light.

Rest 3-4 Min between Rounds

For this you may do it with a bar or with dumbbells. If you are doing it with dumbbells you will just do 20 press instead of 10 behind and 10 in front.

For the behind the neck press you may need to use a little wider than normal grip if your flexibility isn't great. Keep the rib cage pulled down and make sure to keep the head out of the way as you press straight up.

For the press from the front the bar will start on the shoulder and you will press straight up by moving your head back this time (out of the way).

For both pressing movements come to a full lockout overhead and bring the bar all the way down to the shoulder at the bottom.

For the front raise you will allow a slight bend of the elbow. A LITTLE assistance from the hip is allowable but this absolutely should not be a kb swing type movement. Don't lean back!

For the upright row keep the shoulders pulled back and down. You will have a narrow grip and as you pull up you will keep the bar close to the body (like you are zipping up your jacket) and the elbows will go high and outside. Bring the bar up to the sternum or a little higher.

5 Rounds

30 Seconds ON
30 Seconds OFF

Wall Walks or Pike Up on Box

Score is total Wall Walks or Pike Ups completed for all 5 rounds

For the wall walk version you will start in the bottom of a push up position with the feet backed up to a wall. You will climb the feet up the wall while walking the hands back. Keep going until your chest and hips touch the wall. Then walk the hands back out as you walk the feet back down.

Do NOT get crazy overextended. Keep the belly tight!

For the pike up on the box version you will start in the top of a push up position with the feet on a bench or box. You will walk the hands back toward the box as the hips go up until you are in a 90 degree pike position at the top. You will then walk yourself back out.

SUNS OUT GUNS OUT | WEEK 16 | 04/11/2021

Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all it's own!

Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!



Part 1

4 Supersets

10-15 Reps Dumbbell Bench
10-15 Reps Dumbbell Pull Over

No Rest between movements.

2 Min Rest between supersets.

Score is weight for dumbbell bench.

Choose a weight that you know you can get 10 but 15 will start to get tough.

Bring dumbbells down to the chest for each rep of the dumbbell bench. Make sure to bring dumbbells in and completely lock the elbows at the top!

You will use one dumbbell and grab it by the head. Stretch the dumbbell back over your head (while laying on a bench) and use the lats to pull the dumbbell back over the chest. Work to keep your belly tight throughout so you don't arch too much.

Part 2

4 Rounds

10-12 Reps Dumbbell Pec Flys
10-12 Reps 1 Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row Right
10-12 Reps 1 Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row Left

Score is weight used for the 1 Arm Rows.

Choose a weight that you can do 12 reps unbroken with for all 4 rounds. Try to keep rest to a minimum.

You will lay flat on the bench. Keep a slight bend in your elbow as you bring the arms out to the sided (like a T shape with your body). Allow them to come in line with your body or a little deeper if your flexibility allows, then bring them back to over your chest.

You will lean on the bench or something for support. Row one dumbbell from that bent over position. Start with a straight arm and pull the dumbbell to the chest by having the elbow go BACK and keeping the arm and elbow close to the body. Return all the way down each time.

SUNS OUT GUNS OUT | WEEK 15 | 04/04/2021

Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all it's own!

Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!



5 Rounds of
1 Set of Bicep Curl 21's
15 Shoulder Press
15 Diamond Push Ups

Rest 2 minute between rounds

Suggested Weight Men: Empty Barbell or 20#DBs for the 21's // LIGHT for the shoulder presses!
Suggested Weight Women: Empty Women's Barbell or 10-15#DBs for the 21's // LIGHT for the shoulder presses!

Score: Total Time

Goal: Each movement unbroken. 18-23 minutes.

This one is meant to burn! Keep the weigh light and set yourself so that all three movements are performed unbroken for every set and every round.

This is a set of 21 continuous, unbroken reps. Use an empty barbell or light pair of dumbbells. The first 7 reps are partial curls from the bottom to halfway up, 90° elbow bend. The second 7 reps are partial curls from 90° all the way up to the shoulder. The last 7 reps are full range of motion from straight arms at the bottom to arms fully flexed with weight as close to the shoulder as possible without raising the elbows. Keep the elbows glued to the torso the whole time. Squeeze your legs, your butt, and your belly to avoid using any kind of momentum. All 21 reps must be completed without putting the weight down for the set to "count".

This starts with the barbell or dumbbells resting on the shoulders with elbows slightly in front. Keep your torso and lower body engaged as you press straight up until arms are locked out overhead with biceps by the ears. Lower with control back to the shoulders allowing the elbows to track slightly in front of the bar.

Keep your body in a rigid plank position. Place your hands together with thumbs and index fingers touching to form a diamond shape between them. Lower your chest and thighs to the floor. Keep everything tight and press straight back up until your arms are straight. Lower to the knees or elevate the hands if you need to but keep the diamond shape.

SUNS OUT GUNS OUT | WEEK 14 | 03/28/2021

Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all its own!

Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!



32 Min EMOM
(Every Minute on the Minute for 32 Minutes)

Min 1 - 12 Around the Worlds
Min 2 - Rest
Min 3 - 12 Pull Over
Min 4 - Rest
Min 5 - 15 High Close Grip Front Raise
Min 6 - Rest
Min 7 - 15 Pec Fly
Min 8 - Rest

Score: Not super important here. Log the load used for the Pec Flys but focus on performing ALL the movements well.

Goal: To get a sweet pump!

Movements should take close to the entire minute. So each rep of the Round the Worlds for example, should be 4-5 seconds long. Move slow and try not to use momentum or ever feel like you are not under tension.

For the Around the Worlds, start with light dumbbells at your waist, palms facing out. Raise the dumbbells laterally, then keep going until they barely touch overhead. Lower back down the same way you came up.

For the Pull Overs, lay back on the bench with the crown of your head just over the edge. Holding your dumbbells above your chest with a micro-bend at the elbow, bring your arms back over your head. The DBs should get as close to the floor as possible without overarching your back. Try to pin your front ribcage down to your hips and pull your spine down into the bench throughout the entire movement. Raise the DBs back up into the air over your chest to complete the rep.

For these Front Raises, hold the dumbbells together, still with palms facing down. This time when you raise the DBs out in front of you, keep raising them until they are all the way overhead. Keep a tiny bend at the elbow throughout.

For the Pec Flys, lay back on the bench with arms extended straight up into the air with a microbend at the elbow. Keep your ribs drawn down toward your hips to avoid overarching your back as you lower the DBs out to the sides. They should be at the height of, and in line with the shoulders. Squeeze your inner pecs together to raise your arms back up into the air.

SUNS OUT GUNS OUT | WEEK 13 | 03/21/2021

Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all its own!

Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!



Part 1:

3 Sets

20 Alternating Dumbbell Bent Over Rows
20 Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls

Rest 1 Min after the Curls

Score: Weight Used for Curls

It's OK if you use different weights for the curls and bent over rows. If you have limited dumbbell access, you can always do a heavier single DB bent over row / hammer curl (2 hands - 1 DB).

Hold a DB in each hand and hinge forward at the hips until your torso is 10-15° above horizontal. Make sure your shoulders are drawn away from ears, lats and belly are super fired up and back is flat with knees slightly bent.

Both arms start extended toward the floor. Draw your right elbow up toward the ceiling, keeping it close to the body. Bring the DB to the front side of your ribcage. As you lower the DB back down, pull the left elbow up. Each time a DB touches your ribs is one rep so you’ll do 10 on each side.

Keep the angle of your back the same the whole time.

If you lower back is lighting up with these, switch to a bench or box supported single arm bent over row.

Stand tall with a DB in each hand. Orient your hands so that your thumbs are facing straight ahead of you and your pinkies are facing behind you. Keep your chest proud and your shoulder blades pulled down and back. Without moving your elbow, raise one dumbbell to touch at the same shoulder then lower back down under control. Alternate arms each rep.

Part 2:

3 Sets

16 Double Dumbbell Pause at Top Bent Over Rows
16 Double Dumbbell Bicep Curls

Rest 1 min after the Curls

Score: Weight Used for Rows

Choose a weight for the bent over rows and curls that you can get the 16 reps done in 2-3 sets. You can definitely sub the barbell for these movements.

Quick tip for the dumbbell bent over rows - try turning your palms forward a bit to make the pause more manageable.

You will deadlift the dumbbells to just below the knee. From here, keeping the torso position set and the chest lifted - you will pull the elbows back and bring the dumbbells to just below the chest. Hold here for a solid 2-count. Keep the belly tight. Bring the dumbbells back to just below the knee with the arms straight at the bottom. No kipping or pulling your CHEST down!

Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing out in front of you. Keep you upper arms/elbows tight to your body and just bend the elbow to curl the DBs up to your shoulder. Lower back down the same way with control.

Part 3:

3 Sets

12 Supinated Grip Dumbbell Bent Over Rows
12 Reverse Grip Dumbbell Curls

Rest 1 min after the Curls

Score: Weight for Rows

You'll likely need to go lighter on the curls than the rows so it's OK if you use different weights for these movements.

Supinated grip means your palms will face forward and reverse grip means your palms will face down.

You will deadlift the dumbbells to just below the knee and rotate them so that your palms are facing forward. From here, keeping the torso position set and the chest lifted - you will pull the elbows back and bring the dumbbells to just below the chest. Keep the belly tight. Bring the dumbbells back to just below the knee with the arms straight at the bottom. No kipping or pulling your CHEST down!

Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing behind you. Keep you upper arms/elbows tight to your body and just bend the elbow to curl the DBs up to your shoulder. Lower back down the same way with control.

SUNS OUT GUNS OUT | WEEK 12 | 03/14/2021

Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all its own!

Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!



Bench Press

10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 + Max Reps

Score: Weight used for the set of 2

Score is what you use for the set of 2. Put what weight you used for Max Reps + how many reps you got in comments!

Rest 2 minutes AND add weight between sets except for the last one. After your set of 2, drop the load to something lighter than your first set and immediately begin another set for max reps. Be careful - don't hit failure if you're lifting alone!!

Lying face up on the bench, pull the bar from the rack out over your chest so your arms are vertical. Push your feet down into the floor. Draw your low back, shoulders and the back of your head down into the bench. Lower the bar straight down with control until it touches your chest an inch or two above the sternum. Keep your elbows about 45 degrees from your torso, wrists straight. Press the bar all the way back up until your arms are straight to complete the rep.

Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes:

10 Supinated Grip Bent Over Row
15 Seated Tricep Extensions

Score: Weight Used

Choose a load that you can complete the reps unbroken.

Movements should be slow and controlled. It will probably take about a minute to complete all 25 reps, so you'll have about a minute to rest between sets.

Grip the bar with your palms facing out. You will deadlift the bar to just below the knee. From here, keeping the torso position set and the chest lifted - you will pull the elbows back and bring the bar to just below the chest. Keep the belly tight. Bring the bar back to just below the knee with the arm straight at the bottom. No kipping or pulling your CHEST down!

The dumbbell will start behind the head. Hold it by the upper head. Keep the biceps by the ears, belly tight as you lock the elbows. Control the lower back down.

If you only have lighter dumbbells, you can use two.

SUNS OUT GUNS OUT | WEEK 11 | 03/07/2021

Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all its own!

Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!



Part 1:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of:

Shoulder Press
Chin Ups

So you do 10 of each, then 9 of each, 8 of each....and so on until 1 and 1.

Score: Enter weight used for Shoulder Press.

Do the reps unbroken, if possible. Rest as needed between movements / sets.

Shoulder press starts with the bar on your shoulders, full grip with elbows in front. Feet are hip to shoulder width apart. Squeeze your butt, your quads and your belly. Keep your chest up, ribcage down. Press the bar straight up so you have to pull your face out of the way to clear a path. Finish with arms locked out overhead, biceps by the ears.

To lower, move your face out of the way and keep your elbows in front of the bar.

For the chin ups, these should be strict, so use a band or switch to a supine row with chin up grip.

Your grip will be supinated, meaning your palms facing you. Hands can be shoulder width or even even narrower.

Squeeze your butt, your legs and your belly. Draw your shoulders away from your ears before you pull. Chin should be above the bar at the top and arms straight at the bottom.

Part 2:

As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible in 7 minutes of the following upper body 21 Complex:

7 Bicep Curls
7 Upright Rows
7 Shoulder Press

Use an empty bar or lighter single dumbbell for the complex.

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + any Additional Reps

Goal: 10-12 Rounds (pick weight accordingly)

Put weight used in comments.

These will be 7 full curls, right into 7 upright rows, right into 7 shoulder press. If you need to put the bar down to rest, try to do it between rounds rather than during a round.

For the curls, make sure your arms are straight at the bottom, elbows stay pinned to your torso the whole way and your hands get as close to your shoulders as possible at the top. Make sure you keep your belly braced and your torso upright.

If you want to get real crazy, use an overhand grip on the curls!

With the upright rows, keep the belly tight and stand tall. Pull your elbows high and outside when you pull. Make sure the elbows stay above the bar or dumbbells the whole way. Raise the weight up to about mid chest and lower. Avoid shrugging your shoulders up into your ears - keep your shoulder blades pressed down the entire time. Use control all the way up and down.

SUNS OUT GUNS OUT | WEEK 10 | 02/28/2021

Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all its own!
Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!



3 Rounds of

24 Alternating Single Arm Skull Crushers
8 Single Arm No Bench Bent Row Right Arm
8 Single Arm No Bench Bent Row Left Arm
12 Wide Out Tricep Extensions
24 Diamond Push Ups
12 Standing Tricep Extensions

Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Score: If used same dumbbell for each put that. If not - put heaviest dumbbells and list what you used for each exercise in comments.

Don't try to rush this! Each round should take about 6-8 minutes. All sets should be unbroken except for diamond push ups so rest as needed between movements keeping that in mind.

For the skull crushers, lie back on a bench and keep the shoulders back and down. Start with both arms extended vertically toward the ceiling. Bend only at the elbow with one arm and lower the dumbbell just outside of the ear. Then straighten your am fully before repeating the movement with your other arm. 24 reps will be 12 on each arm.

The single arm no bench bent rows start in the bent over row position with both arms extended straight down with a dumbbell in each hand. Perform 8 rows with your right arm first, drawing your elbow alongside your torso as you raise the DB to your ribcage. Then, perform 8 rows with the left arm.

For wide out tricep extensions, lie on your back on a bench or the floor. With one DB in each hand, rest the DBs on your chest with your elbows bent and out wide like wings. Extend your arms fully, then bring the DBs back to the chest.

Perform these diamond push ups with your hands together - pointer fingers and thumbs touching to create a "diamond" shape - beneath your chest. Keep your body tight and shoot for sets of at least 8. Go to knees if needed.

For standing tricep extensions, use one heavy or two lighter dumbbells starting behind the head. Keep the biceps by the ears, belly tight as you lock the elbows. Control the lower back down.

SUNS OUT GUNS OUT | WEEK 09 | 02/21/2021

Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all its own!



Part 1:

Every 3 Min for 15 Min

12 Wide Floor Presses
15 Tempo Push Ups (Tempo=21X1)

**Tempo is 2 seconds down, 1 second hover, fast push up, 1 second hold at the top

Score: Weight used for Floor Press

Goal: Difficult but unbroken sets of 12

**Put in comments if you had to modify or lower the number of push ups per round.

So the way this one works is you'll perform the 12 wide floor presses and 15 tempo push ups when the clock starts then rest any remaining time until the next 3-minute window starts. Then repeat until 15 minutes are up!

The floor presses and ideally the push ups should be unbroken. Modify the push ups as needed because the tempo changes things a lot!

For the floor press - it is basically a bench press from the floor. Don't slam your elbows down. You will pause for like 1/4 second at the bottom each time!! But, for the wide grip, take your elbows out a little wider, 60-90°. Keep your palms facing in the direction of your feet for the entire press.

For the tempo push ups you will lower for 2 full seconds, hold at a hover just above the floor for one second then press up explosively. Take a one second pause at the top, then repeat.

Drop to your knees or do these elevated if you need to!

Part 2:

4 Rounds of:

20 second Overhead Plate Hold
rest 10 seconds
20 second 90° Plate Hold
rest 10 seconds

Men use 45-55# Plate
Women use 25-35# Plate

Just enter what weight you used and note if you were able to complete all holds for the whole 20 seconds!

Grab a plate and hold it overhead for the first 20 seconds. Squeeze your butt and your abs. Arms should be straight with biceps by ears.

For the second 20-second interval, hold the plate with your arms at a 90° angle. Keep your upper arms and elbows pinned to your sides and forearms parallel to the floor. Try to relax your shoulders down away from your ears.

SUNS OUT GUNS OUT | WEEK 08 | 02/14/2021

Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all its own!

Upper Body Dumbbell Warm Up


Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes (5 sets)

8 Bent Over Rows
10 Shoulder Press

Once the 10 minutes are up, Rest 2 Minutes


Every 2 minutes for 8 minutes (4 sets)

12 Pull Overs
12 Front Raises

Score: Weight used for Bent Over Rows. List other Weights in Comments

The way this one works is when the clock starts, you'll perform 8 bent over rows and 10 shoulder press, then rest until 2:00. Then you'll do another 8 and 10, etc. till 10 minutes are up. Same pattern for the 12 pull overs and 12 front raises.

Use two dumbbells or a barbell for the first part. Use a single dumbbell for the pull overs and front raises.

Set up for the bent over rows by deadlifting the DBs (or barbell) to just below the knee. From here, keeping the torso position set and the chest lifted - you will pull the elbows back and bring the dumbbells to just below the chest or pull the barbell to your lower chest. Keep the belly tight. Bring the dumbbells back to just below the knee with the arms straight at the bottom. No kipping or pulling your CHEST down!

Set up for the shoulder press with the DBs on the shoulders with elbows high. Keep the rib cage down and belly tight. Press straight up until your elbows are locked out with biceps by the ears. Bring the dumbbells all the way down to the shoulders each time.

For the Pull Overs, lay back on the bench with the crown of your head just over the edge. Hold the DB above your chest with a micro-bend at the elbow. Use both hands to hold one head of the DB. Slowly lower the DB over your head toward the floor. The DB should get as close to the floor as possible without overarching your back. Try to pin your front ribcage down to your hips throughout the entire movement. Raise the DB back up into the air over your chest to complete the rep.

For the Dumbbell Front Raise both arms move together. Place one hand on each side of the DB. Allow a slight bend in the elbow and avoid using any "kipping" or bouncing to move the weight. You will raise your arms up in front of you with wrists facing down until arms are parallel to the ground.


Accumulate 3 minutes of Overhead Plate Walk in as Few Sets as Possible.

Score: Total Time to Get to 3 Min of Overhead Walk - so the 3 Min + any Time Spent Resting.

Men Use: 45-55# Plate
Women Use: 25-35# Plate

Hold the plate overhead with arms straight and biceps by the ears. Keep your belly tight and avoid overarching your back.

Then just walk for 3 minutes. If you can't go outside you can walk in small circles or even march in place. We want some kind of lower body movement here to encourage more core stabilization!

SOGO | WEEK 07 | 02/07/2021

Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all its own!

Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!

Gymnastics Pull Warm Up
Gymnastics Press Warm Up


Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes (4 times through)

Minute 1: 7-10 Pull Ups
Minute 2: 16 Alternating Single Arm Floor Press
Minute 3: 7-10 Chin Ups
Minute 4: 10 Bench Press
Minute 5: 8-10 Mixed Grip Pull Ups**
Minute 6: 15-20 Push Ups
Minute 7 & 8: Rest

Score: Weight Used for Floor Press and Bench Press (Use same dumbbells for both)

** Alternate your grip each round.

Note all modifications in comments.

All movements are strict and unbroken, so modify accordingly.

Use bands or switch to trx, ring, or inverted barbell rows in order to stay strict and get 7-10 reps on the pull up if you need to.

On the alternating single arm floor press, lie on your back with a dumbbell in each hand.

Bend your elbows so forearms are vertical, upper arms about 45° from the torso.

Press your right arm straight up to extension, then lower and repeat with the left. 16 reps will be 8 per side.

Same mods on the chin ups, your palms will just be facing in rather than out.

To set up for the bench press, push your feet down into the floor. Draw your low back, shoulders and the back of your head down into the bench. Keep your elbows about 45 degrees from your torso, wrists straight. Press the dumbbells all the way back up until your arms are straight to complete the rep.

For the mixed grip pull ups, one hand will have a pull up grip and the other hand a chin up grip. Just use a traditional grip if doing ring rows or inverted rows.

Keep your body nice and tight on the push ups to avoid snaking or sagging. Touch your chest and thighs to the ground. Go to your knees or elevated if you need to.

SOGO | WEEK 06 | 01/31/2021

Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all its own!

Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write-up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!

Upper Body Dumbbell Warm Up


Every 5 minutes for 30 minutes, perform:

5 clockwise/5 counter clockwise Plate Halos
10 Upright Rows
20 Push Up + Pull Across
12 Ring Rows/Supine Barbell Rows

Suggested weights:

Men: 25-45lb plate
Women: 15-25lb plate

Upright Rows:
Men: 25-40lb DBs
Women: 15-25lb DBs

Score: Enter the weight you used for the upright row - enter other details in comments.

Goal: Perform slow controlled movements moving from one right into the next. This should give you about 90 seconds to recover between rounds.

For the plate halos, stand holding a plate (or single DB) in front of your face. Rotate the plate around your head one direction 5 times then rotate it 5 more times the other way. Keep your belly tight!

For the upright row, stand up tall with a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your chest up and belly tight as you pull the dumbbells up to your chest. They should stay close to your body. Elbows shouldn't really go higher than your shoulders. Lower back to your waist with control.

For the push up and pull across you will start in a plank position with your dumbbell just to the outside your right hand. First do a push up, then with your left hand, reach under and grip your dumbbell. Pull it to the left side of your body.

Keep your belly tight and butt down. Do another push up then reach under and across with your right hand and carry the DB back to the right side of your body. Choose a load you can carry the DB all the way across to the outside of your opposite arm each time. One push up + pass though = 1 rep.

For the supine barbell row, set the bar in the rack low enough that you'll be at a challenging angle. Same if you are doing ring rows, find the right angle!

Position yourself under the bar/rings with arms straight, shoulders slightly behind the bar/rings. Keep a rigid body position with knees, hips and shoulders in a straight line. Pull your body up to make chest contact with the bar or rib contact with the rings and lower back to straight arms.

SOGO | WEEK 05 | 01/24/2021

Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all it's own!

Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!

Upper Body Dumbbell Warm Up


1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Reps of:

Dumbbell Bicep Curl + 10 Second 90 Degree Hold
Alternating Curl & Press (Each Arm)

Score: Weight Used

Goal: Choose a load you can make through round 5 without breaking.

Here's how it will go:

First do a curl with both arms then lower halfway down and hold for 10 seconds. Lower your arms and perform 1 curl into a press with your right arm, then same thing with your left. Next, 2 curls with a 10 second hold, lower the dumbbells and do 2 curls into presses with each arm, alternating your arms as you go.

You will definitely have to break this up but pick a load you think you can get through the round of 5 curls without breaking.

Keep your elbows tight to your body and your shoulders drawn down away from your ears the whole time on the curls. Squeeze your belly tight.

When you press, straighten your arm all the way at the top with your bicep by your ear. Lower to your shoulder then reverse curl back down.

10 Rounds:

30 Seconds to Complete Each Round

Round 1: 1 Tricep Extension + Overhead Hold with Remaining Time

Round 2: 2 Tricep Extensions + Overhead Hold with the Remaining Time

Keep adding 1 rep of the tricep extension until you get to 10.

Rest as needed between rounds in order to work for the full 30 seconds.

Score: Weight Used (hint - go lighter than you think you need to)

Annnnd for this part, ideally you will use dumbbells but you could do an empty bar or a plate.

Do these standing up. Holding your implement behind your head with upper arms vertical and biceps by your ears the whole time, extend your arms straight up overhead and hold until the 30 second mark.

Then do 2 extensions and hold overhead until the 1:00 mark. Keep adding a rep and holding until the next 30 second increment until your complete 10 reps AND the remaining hold.

As mentioned above, if you're having trouble working the entire 30 seconds, then rest until you're ready to start the next round so it doesn't HAVE to be on the 30-sec mark.

But - if you go unbroken it will be 5 minutes. Can you make it???

SOGO | WEEK 04 | 01/17/2021

Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all its own!

Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!

Upper Body Dumbbell Warm Up


Part 1:

4 sets of:
8 Bench Press Immediately Into
15 Push Ups

Rest 2 Min Between Sets

Score: Weight Used on Bench Press

Goal: Choose a load on the bench you can perform all 8 reps unbroken and a version of the push up you can get all 15 reps unbroken for at least the first couple of sets.

Lying face up on the bench, pull the bar from the rack out over your chest so your arms are vertical. Push your feet down into the floor. Draw your low back, shoulders and the back of your head down into the bench. Lower the bar straight down with control until it touches your chest an inch or two above the sternum. Keep your elbows about 45 degrees from your torso, wrists straight. Press the bar all the way back up until your arms are straight to complete the rep.

For the push ups, keep your body in a rigid plank position. Hands a little wider than shoulder width, elbows pointing back toward your feet. Lower your chest and thighs to the floor. Keep everything tight and press straight back up until your arms are straight.

Part 2:

3 Rounds of:

20 Alternating Dumbbell Bent Over Rows
20 Alternating Single Arm Tricep Extensions

Idea weight for Men: 30-50# DBs
Idea weight for Women: 20-35# DBs

(Use a different load for the different movements if necessary)

Score: Don't worry too much about it - and worry about quality over speed. But list your bent over row weight as your score and put your tricep extension weight in comments

Goal: Rest as needed on the second part but choose a load that you can perform a minimum of 6 reps per arm for each movement.

Set up for the bent over rows by deadlifting the DBs to just below the knee. From here, keeping the torso position set and the chest lifted - Keep one arm straight as you pull the other elbow up alongside your body toward the ceiling. Keep your should drawn away from your ear the whole time. Forearm of the rowing arm should remain vertical. Slowly extend that elbow to extend your arm toward the floor and repeat on the other side. For twenty reps, that is 10 on each arm.

Keep the belly tight. No kipping or pulling your CHEST down!

For the single arm tricep extensions, the dumbbells will be vertical with the rear head hovering over each shoulder.

Keep the biceps by the ears, upper arms vertical. Extend one arm at a time until it is fully extended overhead. Keep the belly tight as you lock the elbows. Control the lower back down then repeat with the other arm. Twenty reps will be 10 on each side.

SOGO | WEEK 03 | 01/10/2021

Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all it's own!

Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!

Upper Body Dumbbell Warm Up



4 Rounds of:

20 Alternating Single Arm Shoulder Press
200m Farmer Carry


Score: Weight used for Shoulder Press and Farmer Carry

Goal: Slightly broken sets but never TOO broken up!

**Time is also cool to know if you want put it in comments!

Set up for the alternating presses with a dumbbell at each shoulder with elbows high. Keep the ribcage down and belly tight. Press one dumbbell straight up until your elbow is locked out with bicep by the ears. Bring the dumbbell all the way down to the shoulder then press with the other arm. Each time you press is one rep so 20 reps is 10 on each arm.

For the Farmer Carries, you will hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your chest up, shoulders back and belly tight. Take rest rather than allowing yourself to fall into a bad position.

For 200m, it should take roughly 2 minutes. If it's much slower or you are breaking a lot, go to a single dumbbell and switch hands at the halfway point.


4 Rounds of:

16 Push Up Renegade Row
100m Overhead Plate Carry


Score: Weight used for Renegade Rows

Goal: Choose a weight that allows you to finish the whole thing under 12 min WITHOUT GETTING SLOPPY.

**List total time in comments if you want to.

Each rep of the renegade row will be push up + row right + row left.

For the push up we want to see a rigid body position. No sagging hips or snaking. You will keep the belly tight. Hands are on the dumbbells. Go to the knees if you need to.

Chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. Lock out completely at the top.

For the rows you will stay in the plank/top of the push up. You will row one dumbbell to the rib cage by pulling the elbow back. Try to avoid rotating very much. Pull the dumbbell all of the way up for each rep then lower under control.

If you are struggling to maintain a tight plank position as you pull, trying lowering the weight or modifying to shoulder taps. You could even do a SUPPORTED single arm DB row by planting one hand against the wall and rowing 1/2 the reps with one arm, then switch and finish with the other.

For the overhead plate carry, you will hold the plate directly overhead with straight arms and biceps by the ears.

Keep your shoulders active the whole time by constantly pressing up on the plate as you move.

At the same time, draw the front of your ribcage down toward your hips to avoid overarching your back and losing core stability.

SOGO | WEEK 02 | 01/03/2021

Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all it's own!

Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!

Upper Body Dumbbell Warm Up


Part 1:

4 Sets of

6-8 Reps Arnold Press

Rest 60-90 seconds between sets

For these, the dumbbells will start at the chest and the palms turned in. You will be in a standing position. From here you you will rotate the palm and wrist open as you begin to press overhead. In the finish position the biceps are by the ears, elbows locked, and palms/wrists are facing forward (out). You will perform this movement with both hands at the same time.

Part 2:

3 Round Superset
(rest 30 sec between movements)

30 sec 90 degree Waiter Walks, per arm
5 Lateral to Front Raise Complex
10-12 90 degree Lat Raise
10 Single Arm Reverse Fly, per arm

1 rep of Lat to Front Raise complex = Lat Raise to Front, lower, then Front raise to Lat, lower.

Movements are slow and controlled. Pause 1 second on both ends.

Score: Weight Used for Lat Raise Complex

Goal: Good movement

Waiter Walks you will hold one DB in one hand in front of you with elbow at shoulder level and 90 degrees so your forearm is vertical. Stand up straight and walk slow. After 30 seconds, switch to the other arm.

For the lateral to front raise, arms are straight the whole time. Raise your arms out to a T, then keep the DBs at shoulder level as you bring them together in front of you. Lower them down to your waist, then raise them up in front of you to shoulder height. Then, take them back out wide to a T and lower them back down to your side. That is 1 rep!

For the 90 degree lat raise, start with elbows along side your body, arms bent to 90 degrees. Keep this angle of your arms and raise your elbows out to the sides up to shoulder level then back down.

Single arm reverse fly, plant one hand and one knee on a bench, facing down. Opposite arm starts hanging straight down, elbow very slightly bent. Raise the DB out to the side so almost shoulder height. Keep the DB in line with the shoulder, arm 90 degrees to the body. Press you planted hand down hard and keep your belly super tight!

SOGO | WEEK 01 | 12/27/2020

Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all its own!

Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!

Upper Body Dumbbell Warm Up


Single Arm Dumbbell Row (4 x 12 (each side) (slow lower))

With a dumbbell or KB - basically a bent over row with one arm at a time.

For these you will also do a 1 second pause at the top and slow lower to the bottom.

For the single arm bent over rows you will lean over against the wall, on a bench, the back of the couch - whatever. Hold a single dumbbell/kb in one hand and let it hang from the shoulder, but pull the shoulder back. Then with the chest lifted - pull the weight to the rib cage area with the elbow going back. This isn't meant to be done fast and jerky. Control the up and then show control as you lower down.

Bent Over Reverse Dumbbell Fly (4 x 15)

Hinged at the hips - like flapping your wings!

Hinge at the hips, bend the knees slightly, keep the belly tight. Allow for a slight bend of the elbow and basically do a motion like you are flapping your wings (SLOWLY though).

Bring dumbbells down to touch basically at the bottom and come in line with your back at the top.

Supine Barbell or Ring Rows (3 x Max Set)

3 x Max Set

The more parallel to the ground you are for these - the more difficult they become. We want you getting at least 15 or so each time so set up accordingly.

Make sure when you pull that you don't add a little KIP into it. Make sure that you come to fully extended at the bottom and touch your chest at the top - or at least super close.

Pull your body to the rings or the bar by using your mid back and pulling the elbows BACK!

For this whole workout you can do it as one long circuit or do each piece at a time. Once piece at a time is how it was designed, but it might be quicker to get through if you break it up!

Either way will work!

SOGO | WEEK 29 | 07/12/2020

Part 1:
3 Sets

10-15 Pull Ups
10-15 Shoulder Press

This workout has 3 parts.

Rest one minute after each section. Modify as needed to keep all movements strict.

Ideally the Pull Ups are performed strict. Choose a band or ring row to allow you to get at least 10 strict reps.

For the Shoulder Presses, use the same load for all 3 sets. Use dumbbells or a barbell. Make sure you keep your belly tight and don't over-arch your back!

Part 2:
3 Sets

15-20 Bent Over Rows
15-20 Push Ups

Move slow on the bent over rows to keep from using your hips. Instead, focus on squeezing your lats to pull the bar (or dumbbells) to your chest.

Focus on a rigid body position in the push ups and a full range of motion aka chest/thigh contact in the bottom. Feel free to elevate your hands or go from the knees to get at least 15 unbroken reps.

Part 3:
3 Sets

10-15 Upright Rows
10-15 Dips

The upright rows are performed standing up straight holding dumbbells or a barbell with a close grip (less than shoulder width) at your waist. Pull the load in a straight vertical line to just below your collarbone. Elbows should stay above the load and go wide as you lift.

For the dips, you can do rings, parallel bars, parallettes, banded, toe assisted, or between two boxes. Break 90 degrees at the elbow and lock those arms out at the top!

SOGO | WEEK 14 | 03/29/2020

32 Min EMOM
(Every Min on the Min for 32 Min)

Min 1 - 12 Around the Worlds
Min 2 - Rest
Min 3 - 12 Pull Over
Min 4 - Rest
Min 5 - 15 High Close Grip Front Raise
Min 6 - Rest
Min 7 - 15 Pec Fly
Min 8 - Rest

Score: Not super important here. Log the load used for the Pec Flys but focus on performing ALL the movements well.
Goal: To get a sweet pump!

Movements should take close to the entire minute. So each rep of the Around the Worlds for example, should be 4-5 seconds long. Move slow and try not to use momentum or ever feel like you are not under tension.

For the Around the Worlds, start with light dumbbells at your waist, palms facing out. Raise the dumbbells laterally, then keep going until they barely touch overhead. Lower back down the same way you came up.

For the Pull Overs, lay back on the bench with the crown of your head just over the edge. Holding your dumbbells above your chest with a micro-bend at the elbow, bring your arms back over your head. The DBs should get as close to the floor as possible without overarching your back. Try to pin your front ribcage down to your hips and pull your spine down into the bench throughout the entire movement. Raise the DBs back up into the air over your chest to complete the rep.

For these Front Raises, hold the dumbbells together, still with palms facing down. This time when you raise the DBs out in front of you, keep raising them until they are all the way overhead. Keep a tiny bend at the elbow throughout.

For the Pec Flys, lay back on the bench with arms extended straight up into the air with a microbend at the elbow. Keep your ribs drawn down toward your hips to avoid overarching your back as you lower the DBs out to the sides. They should be at the height of, and in line with the shoulders. Squeeze your inner pecs together to raise your arms back up into the air.