SOGO | WEEK 01 | 12/27/2020


Street Parking Suns Out Guns Out is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are great for those interested in adding in more work building strength and stamina through more isolation type movements in the upper body.

We typically suggest these workouts be added in as more of a "finisher" after the main workout that day. They can also easily be added to many of the Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts workout - to make a session all its own!

Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule - and make sure to check out the daily write up for A, B, and C to see where these workouts fit in best each week!

Upper Body Dumbbell Warm Up


Single Arm Dumbbell Row (4 x 12 (each side) (slow lower))

With a dumbbell or KB - basically a bent over row with one arm at a time.

For these you will also do a 1 second pause at the top and slow lower to the bottom.

For the single arm bent over rows you will lean over against the wall, on a bench, the back of the couch - whatever. Hold a single dumbbell/kb in one hand and let it hang from the shoulder, but pull the shoulder back. Then with the chest lifted - pull the weight to the rib cage area with the elbow going back. This isn't meant to be done fast and jerky. Control the up and then show control as you lower down.

Bent Over Reverse Dumbbell Fly (4 x 15)

Hinged at the hips - like flapping your wings!

Hinge at the hips, bend the knees slightly, keep the belly tight. Allow for a slight bend of the elbow and basically do a motion like you are flapping your wings (SLOWLY though).

Bring dumbbells down to touch basically at the bottom and come in line with your back at the top.

Supine Barbell or Ring Rows (3 x Max Set)

3 x Max Set

The more parallel to the ground you are for these - the more difficult they become. We want you getting at least 15 or so each time so set up accordingly.

Make sure when you pull that you don't add a little KIP into it. Make sure that you come to fully extended at the bottom and touch your chest at the top - or at least super close.

Pull your body to the rings or the bar by using your mid back and pulling the elbows BACK!

For this whole workout you can do it as one long circuit or do each piece at a time. Once piece at a time is how it was designed, but it might be quicker to get through if you break it up!

Either way will work!