Posts tagged 2019week2
SATURDAY 1.19.19

For Time:

15 Double Dumbbell Snatch
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
12 Double Dumbbell Snatch
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs
9 Double Dumbbell Snatch
9 Burpee Box Jump Overs
12 Double Dumbbell Snatch
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs
15 Double Dumbbell Snatch
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs

RX Men: 30-40# DBs
RX Women: 20-25# DBs

RX + Men: 50# DBs
RX + Women: 35# DBs

(Gave the slightly lighter option because these get super heavy!  - Don't be a hero or a peacock and choose the right weight).

Scaling option: Switch to Alternating Single Arm Dumbbell Snatches (keep reps the same)

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 18 Min. (Time cap for the actual event is 12 Min - OUCH!)


For Time:

15 Power Snatch
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
12 Power Snatch
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs
9 Power Snatch
9 Burpee Box Jump Overs
12 Power Snatch
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs
15 Power Snatch
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX + Men: 115# +
RX + Women: 75# +


For Time:

15 Bag/Ball Over Shoulder
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
12 Bag/Ball Over Shoulder
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs
9 Bag/Ball Over Shoulder
9 Burpee Box Jump Overs
12 Bag/Ball Over Shoulder
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs
15 Bag/Ball Over Shoulder
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs

No RX or RX +.  Use what you've got and get after it!


Ok so these double dumbbell snatches get SPICY!  The main reason people hit pain cave with them is because they get sloppy.  Choose a lighter weight than you use for single arm dumbbell snatches for SURE.  Move well and make sure you keep the back flat and heels down.  Bend your knees at the bottom and control the DOWN!

The double dumbbell snatch is just that.  You will have a dumbbell in each hand between the feet.  Keep the chest up and weight in the heels.  Bend the knees slightly and hinge at the hips.  Arms are long and straight.  Stand with the dumbbells by driving the heels into the ground and lifting the chest.  Keep the back flat.  Once past the knees you will almost jump.  Shrug the shoulders and allow the momentum to bring the dumbbells up as you guide them in a partial swing, but not allowing them to get too far away in motion.  Finish with a press to lockout with the biceps by the ears and the belly tight.

If you don't have dumbbells light enough for you for this movement - switch to single arm DB Snatches (alternating). Keep reps the same.

For the burpees box jump over you will place your hands on the ground facing your box. Jump or step your feet back. Get your chest and thighs to the ground. Press to lockout (top of push up). Jump or step the feet in.

From that position you will jump onto the box.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Make sure when you jump and when you land that the knees do not cave in! Jump or step off of the other side.  That = 1 rep.

If you are unable to jump at this time you may step up and down.  If you CAN jump - JUMP! Even if you have to just stack a couple of plates or something!

If you don't have something to jump ON - find something to jump completely over

WODMIranda Alcaraz2019week2

12 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12 Min)

20 Mountain Climbers
6 Goblet Squats
6 Sit Ups

Idea Weight for Men: 25-40# KB/DB

Idea Weight for Women: 10-25# KB/DB

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps

Goal: 7 +

For the Mountain Climbers you will start in the top of a push up position.  You will make sure the belly is tight and there is no sagging or snaking.  Bring one knee up to the chest/armpit area - then take it back down and switch knees.  You can do this as fast or as slow as you are comfortable.  Keep the butt down and belly tight!  Each time a knee comes up = 1 rep.  So for the set of 20 you end up bringing each knee up 10 times.

For the goblet squats you will hold a single KB or DB at the chest.  Feet are shoulder width apart with the heels down.  Stand tall and tighten your belly.  Reach the butt back and down while driving the knees out.  Keep the chest lifted and belly tight.   Keep going down until the butt is lower than the knees.  Do not allow yourself to collapse, round your back, or plop at the bottom.  In the bottom position the heels should be down, knees out, and chest up!

To stand, lead with the chest- keeping the KB tight to the body. Stand fully for each rep.

If you tend to plop or collapse at the bottom - or can't keep the chest up/weight in the heels with the weight- you may sub air squats!  If going all of the way down causes any pain in the knees or back you may squat to a target that is a bit higher.  Still focus on keeping weight back, knees out, and chest lifted though!

For the sit ups - ideally you will touch the ground behind you at the bottom and come up and touch your toes.  You may use your arms to build momentum and put feet in whatever position is comfortable.

If you are unable to come all of the way up you may use assistance from a band.  We would really like to start strengthening the whole range of motion.

If you are unable to do sit ups at this time because you are pregnant/postpartum or injured a couple sub options we love are:

Slam Balls

See demo!

WODMIranda Alcaraz2019week2
FRIDAY 1.18.19

Part 1:

(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible In 8 Min)

20 Double Unders
8 Front Squat
8 Toes to Bar

Rest 3 Min After Part 1 Before Part 2!!

RX Men: 115#
RX Women: 75#

RX + Men: 135# +
RX + Women: 95# +

Score: Total Rounds + Any Additional Reps

Goal: 4-5 Rounds+


Part 2:

(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible In 6 Min)

15 Double Unders
6 Front Squat
6 Toes to Bar

(Use same weight as Part 1)

RX Men: 115#
RX Women: 75#

RX + Men: 135# +
RX + Women: 95# +

Score: Total Rounds + Any Additional Reps

Goal: 3-4 Rounds+


Part 1:

(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible In 8 Min)

20 Double Unders
8 DB Front Squats
8 Toes to Bar

Rest 3 Min After Part 1 Before Part 2!!

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX + Men: 50# DBs +
RX + Women: 35# DBs +


Part 2:

(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible In 6 Min)

15 Double Unders
6 Front Squat
6 Toes to Bar


Choose a weight that is challenging for you.  That you THINK you can do without breaking but aren't POSITIVE about it.

The double unders shouldn't take you longer than 45 seconds or so. If you are new to double unders and will be doing super small sets - the best option would be to sub dumbbell hop overs (our favorite sub) or double rep singles (works but not as good)!

For these squats, make sure the bar is resting on the shoulders with a loose fingertip grip and elbows high!  Keep the chest up, but do not overextend the back.  Keep the belly tight!

Reach the butt back and down trying to keep the elbows and chest up as you descend. Drive the knees out and keep the heels down throughout. The bottom position should be where the butt is lower than the top of the knee.  Do not collapse in this position.  Do not go so low that the back starts to round.

To stand, lead with the chest and elbows - keeping the bar on the shoulder and not out in front.  Stand fully for each rep.

For the toes to bar you should be able to do these in 2 sets.  You can modify to knees up or if you don't have a bar to hang from you can also sub V-Ups or even regular sit ups.

WODMIranda Alcaraz2019week2

12 Min EMOM
(Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Min)

2 Inchworms
8-10 KB/DB Swings

Idea weight for Men: 25-40# KB/DB

Idea weight for Women: 10-25# KB/DB

Score: Don't worry too much about it - enter the weight of your KB or DB for this one

Goal:  Complete the work in 1 min every time.


This workout is desinged that every minute for 12 minutes you do the same amount of work.  So for this workout you will do 2 inchworms and 8-12 KB swings every minute.

Choose the number of KB swings to allow you to finish the work in the minute with roughly 10-15 seconds rest.

For the inchworm you will place your hands on the ground in front of your feet.  Walk your hands out to the top of the push up position and perform a push up (place the knees down if needed).  Touch the chest and thighs to the ground.  Press completely to lock out.  Then walk your hands back to your feet.  Stand up.

After 2 of those

You will do 8-12 KB or Dumbbell Swings.

For the swings you will hold the weight with both hands at the waist.  Feet are about shoulder width apart.  Heels are down.  Hinge forward at the hips and bend the knees slightly.  Keep the chest lifted and heels down.  Belly tight and arms straight.  Pull the weight back through the legs.  Stand up HARD and FAST to make the bell weightless and then (keeping the belly tight) guide the weight to eye level!  Allow gravity to bring it back down and back between the legs.   Don't allow it to pull you forward.  Keep those heels down!

If you finish your 2 inchworms and swings and still have time left in that minute - you get to rest until the next minute starts!

If you start out with 8 and feel like you can go up - do it!  If you start higher and need to go down - do it!

WODMIranda Alcaraz2019week2
THURSDAY 1.17.19

EMOM 12 Min
Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes

1 Wall Walk
5 Hang Power Cleans

RX: Do it as written!

RX +: 2 Wall Walks Instead of 1

Score: The Weight You Choose!

Goal: As Heavy as You Can Move Safely In Unbroken Sets of 5


EMOM 12 Min
Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes

1 Wall Walk
7 Hang Power Cleans

RX Men: 40# Dumbbells
RX Women: 25# Dumbbells

RX + Men: 2 Wall Walks Instead of 1 - 50# DBs

RX + Women: 2 Wall Walks Instead of 1 - 35# DBs

Score: Don't worry too much about score for this one.  BUT put how many rounds you are able to complete without the clock catching up to you.  So if you finish all 12 rounds within the minute - your score is 12.

Goal: Good Wall Walk Practice In and A Nice Shoulder Pump! Ha ha.


EMOM 12 Min
Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes

5 Handstand Push Ups
5 Hang Power Cleans

RX: Do it as written!

Score: The Weight You Choose!

Goal: As Heavy as You Can Move Safely In Unbroken Sets of 5


For this you will perform the wall walk and the 5 hang power cleans every minute.  The goal is to go as heavy as you can on the cleans (still moving safely) and also making it in the entire minute each time.

Use the same weight for the whole thing.  UNLESS you realize you chose too light or too heavy a few minutes in.

For the wall walk you will start in the bottom of a push up with the feet against the wall.  You will start walking the feet up the wall and press up to the top of the push up and walk your hands back.  Keep the belly tight - no sagging hips!  Ideally you will walk all of the way back to the wall until the chest touches.  Then you will walk the hands back out away from the wall and walk the feet down the wall.  No Slamming or sliding down!

If doing full on wall walks is not comfortable for you yet - you may choose to go only part of the way up and come down.  Or do pike ups on the box.

For this you will start in the top of a push up position with the feet on a bench or box.  You will walk the hands back toward the box as the hips go up until you are in a 90 degree pike position at the top.  You will then walk yourself back out.

For the hang power clean you will deadlift the bar to the "hang" position at the hips with straight arms.  You will have the hands just outside of the legs and the feet are under the hips.  You will bend the knees and keep the heels down.  Allow a slight hinge at the hips.  Keep the arms straight and the bar close to the body.  Stand up hard and fast.  Shrug the shoulders.  Pull the elbows high and outside to keep the bar close as you pull yourself down under it.  Shoot the elbows around and through FAST to allow the bar to land on the shoulders with the elbows high.  You will catch in a partial front squat.  Stand to complete.

WODMIranda Alcaraz2019week2

12 Min AMRAP
10 KB/DB Deadlifts
30 Seconds Taps, Jog, Single Unders, or Low Step Ups

Idea Weight for Men: 35-55# Single KB or DB -OR- 20-30# Dumbbells

Idea Weight for Men: 12-25# Single KB or DB -OR- 8-15# Dumbbells

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps!

Goal: 8 Rounds +

You can perform the deadlifts with a dumbbell in each hand on the outside of the feet. OR - If you are new to deadlifting or have really tight hamstrings or any back issues, do the version of the deadlift with a single object between the feet.  This will keep your chest up more and your back in a safer position!

Either way the main focus is on keeping the belly tight, chest up, and heels down!  Bend the knees at the bottom of each rep.

For the deadlifts the kettlebell will start on the ground.  The feet are under the hips.  Heels are down.  Hips and knees are bent. Arms are straight.  Chest is up.  Belly tight.  Back flat!  To lift the kettlebell drive the heels into the ground and lift the chest. Keep the arms straight as you stand.  Keep the arms long and straight.  Keep the chest up and belly tight. Stand all of the way up at the top.

To lower - reach the butt back. Keep the chest lifted and belly tight. Keep those heels down. Once past the knees you will re-bend the knees and bring the kettlebell back to the starting position under control.

For the 30 Second part you may choose, jog, taps, step ups, single unders - or even row or bike!  Push the pace a bit since it's only 30 seconds at a time!

WODMIranda Alcaraz2019week2

4 Rounds

10 Deadlifts
Run 200
10 Deadlifts

Rest 1 Min Between Rounds

RX Men: 165-185#
RX Women 115-135#

RX+ Men: 205# +
RX + Women: 145# +


Goal: Under 2:15  (Slowest Round Score)


4 Rounds

12 Dumbbell Deadlifts 2 Head Touch
Run 200
12  Dumbbell Deadlifts 2 Head Touch

Rest 1 Min Between Rounds

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women 25# DBs

RX+ Men: 50# DBs +
RX + Women: 35# DBs +


Goal: Under 2:15  (Slowest Round Score)


4 Rounds

10 Deadlifts
Row 250
Bike 17 Cal Men / 12 Cal Women
10 Deadlifts

Rest 1 Min Between Rounds

RX Men: 165-185#
RX Women 115-135#

RX+ Men: 205# +
RX + Women: 145# +

Program C option: Swap the deadlifts for some sandbag over shoulder reps!  Use what you've got!


Choose a deadlift weight that will allow you to go almost - if not completely unbroken for these.  Moving well of course.  If you end up breaking slightly here and there - totally fine.  But we are shooting for rounds under 2:30 or so every time!

For the deadlifts the bar will start on the ground.  The feet are under the hips.  Heels are down.  Hips and knees are bent. Arms are straight.  Chest is up.  Belly tight.  Back flat!  Hands just outside the legs  To lift  drive the heels into the ground and lift the chest.  Keep the arms straight as you pull the bar in close to the body.  Keep the arms long and straight.  Keep the chest up and belly tight. Stand all of the way up at the top.  Squeeze the butt.  Don't lean back.

To lower - reach the butt back and slide bar down the legs.  Keep the knees out of the way.  Keep the chest lifted and belly tight.  Keep those heels down. Once past the knees you will re-bend the knees and bring the bar back to the starting position under control.

The Run distance should take you roughly 1:00 or less.  Since it's only once and there is rest between rounds - the idea is to run HARD for these.

If you are unable to run for space or weather reasons you may sub 50 (or roughly 1 min) of double unders for each round!  May also sub singles (1 min).

WODMIranda Alcaraz2019week2

5 Rounds for Time:

10 Squats
10 Burpees
10 Squats
10 Ring/TRX or Bent Over Row

No weight needed unless doing bent over rows - use light dumbbells!

See below for low ceiling or no ball options.

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 20 Min


For the squats reach the butt back and down trying to keep the chest up as you descend. Drive the knees out and keep the heels down throughout. The bottom position should be where the butt is lower than the top of the knee.  Do not collapse in this position.  Do not go so low that the back starts to round.

To stand, lead with the chest. Stand fully for each rep.

For the burpees you place your hands on the ground, jump or step your feet out, get your chest and thighs to the ground, jump or step your feet back in - stand up - JUMP and clap overhead!

You may sub knee push up burpees or even elevated burpees (good for prego mamas and for some injuries etc) if necessary!

More Squats....

For the rows remember that the more parallel your body is to the ground the more difficult these will be.

Make sure you start with completely straight arms and pull the all of the way chest for row variations.

If doing bent over rows with dumbbells - hinge slightly at the hips.  Keep the heels down chest up and allow a slight bend in the knees.  Pull the elbows back so that the dumbbells hit the rib cage at the top of the movement.

WODMIranda Alcaraz2019week2
TUESDAY 1.15.19


2 Rounds for Time

30 Wall Balls
30 Burpees
30 Wall Balls
30 Pull Ups

RX Men: 20#ish Ball
RX Women: 13-15# ish Ball

RX +: Shoot for Under 15 Min. (In other words - go faster)

Ideal Ball Target Height is 9-10'

See below for low ceiling or no ball options.

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 20 Min


O. M. G.

For the wall ball reps you will hold the ball at your chest with the elbows tucked in.  Feet are under the shoulders with the heels down.  Chest up and belly tight!  Reach the butt back and down.  Keep the heels down.  Drive the knees out.  Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom.  No plopping or rounding!  Keep that chest up!  Drive through the legs and use that power to help you throw the ball!

When you catch it.  Catch first and then squat.

If you have low ceilings or no ball you can sub lightweight thrusters. We prefer either a single moderate weight dumbbell (like the video) or 2 light dumbbells/bar.

For the burpees you place your hands on the ground, jump or step your feet out, get your chest and thighs to the ground, jump or step your feet back in - stand up - JUMP and clap overhead!

You may sub knee push up burpees or even elevated burpees (good for prego mamas and for some injuries etc) if necessary!

More Wall Balls....

For the pull ups - it's only 60 which isn't a crazy amount but it's a big chunk in a row.  So, with that said - you want to choose a style where you can do at least 7-10 on that first set each time.  Good sub options if you aren't able to do pull ups efficiently yet are, jumping pull ups, banded pull ups, ring rows, or rows on a barbell in a rack, trx rows, seated band pull downs, or for this one a bent over row would work too.

If you want to do strict pull ups - cut the reps to 15.

Make sure you start with completely straight arms and pull the chin all of the way over or rings/bar to the chest for row variations.

WODMIranda Alcaraz2019week2

AMRAP 12 Min

10 KB or DB Hang Clean and Press
20 DB Skip / Jump Overs

Idea Weight for Men:  30-50# KB or Single Dumbbell - OR - 15-25# Dumbbell Pair

Idea Weight for Women: 12-24# Kettlebell/Single Dumbbell - OR - 8-12 # Dumbbell Pair

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps

Goal: 6 Rounds +


For the hang clean and press you will start with the weight at your waist.  Hinge forward slightly at the hips but keep the chest lifted. Keep the heels down and bend the knees slightly.  Stand up hard and fast.  Shrug the shoulders.  Guide the dumbbell(s) to the shoulder/chest.  Move the face back and press overhead.  Keep belly tight.  Lock elbows and pull back over the middle of your body.

Lower back to the waist only (not all of the way to the ground).

For the hop/skip overs you can either face your dumbbell or jump laterally.  You can do a jump off both feet landing on both feet on the other side.  OR you can do more of a 1 foot at a time skip over.  Each jump/skip over = 1 Rep.

If you are unable to jump or skip you may sub low step ups!

WODMIranda Alcaraz2019week2
MONDAY 1.14.19

(This one was originally posted on a Saturday so there is a Team Version!)

SP Monday Re-Test Means that we have done this workout before!  If you were around last March - make sure you check your score from 03/31/2018 and see how you improved!


For Time:

10 Clean and Jerks
10 Box Jump Overs
9 Clean and Jerks
9 Box Jump Overs
8 Clean and Jerks
8 Box Jump Overs
7 Clean and Jerks
7 Box Jump Overs
6 Clean and Jerks
6 Box Jump Overs
5 Clean and Jerks
5 Box Jump Overs
4 Clean and Jerks
4 Box Jump Overs
3 Clean and Jerks
3 Box Jump Overs
2 Clean and Jerks
2 Box Jump Overs
1 Clean and Jerk
1 Box Jump Over

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX + Men: 115# +
RX + Women: 75# +
(Go 135/95 if you are feeling it!)

Today would be a fun day to sub out the clean and jerk for like a sandbag or tire flips or whatever odd object you have!

Goal: Crush it!  Ha ha ha!


For Time:

10 DB Clean and Jerks
10 Box Jump Overs
9 DB Clean and Jerks
9 Box Jump Overs
8 DB Clean and Jerks
8 Box Jump Overs
7 DB Clean and Jerks
7 Box Jump Overs
6 DB Clean and Jerks
6 Box Jump Overs
5 DB Clean and Jerks
5 Box Jump Overs
4 DB Clean and Jerks
4 Box Jump Overs
3 DB Clean and Jerks
3 Box Jump Overs
2 DB Clean and Jerks
2 Box Jump Overs
1 DB Clean and Jerk
1 Box Jump Over

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX + Men: 50# DBs +
RX + Women: 35# DBs +

Box Height - Men roughly 24" Women Roughly 20"


For this workout - choose a weight that you feel you can do the round of 10 clean and jerks in 90 seconds or less.  We don't want you having to take long breaks during this workout because the weight is HEAVY for you.  If you are tired and breathing hard - that is a different story.

For the clean and jerk the bar will start on the ground.  You will pick it up with the heels down, slight bend in the knee, chest up, back flat, arms straight, bar close to the body.  Stand by driving the heels into the ground and lifting the chest.  Once past the knees you will almost jump with the bar to make it weightless.  Shrug the shoulders and pull the elbows high and outside to keep the bar close to the body.  From here, pull yourself under slightly as you shoot the elbows around and through - catching the bar on the shoulders in a partial squat.

From that slightly dipped position with the bar on the shoulders - use the power of the legs to drive the bar off of the body and UP!  Move the face out of the way as you either press the bar up or press yourself under again slightly.  Keep the chest up but belly tight.  Make sure you keep the weight in the heels and avoid caving in of the knees.

For the box jump overs.  You may do facing or lateral.  We prefer facing unless you are extremely comfortable with this movement.  You will jump onto the box - then off of the other side.  Each up and over is 1 rep.

If you CAN - find something to jump on and over.  We prefer this at a lower height if possible.  If you cannot jump for injury or just not ready for it reasons - you may step up and over.

As always if you don't have something to jump ON and then over - just find something to jump over.  This should be roughly the same height as what we prescribed for jumping on!

WODMIranda Alcaraz2019week2