Posts tagged 2018week36
SATURDAY 9.15.18

5 Rounds for Time:
Run 400 Meters
7 Push Up + Renegade Rows
14 DB Step Ups (alternating)

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX + : Go faster

See additional scoring option for team version.

Score: Total Time

Goal: 20 - 25 Min or Less


5 Rounds for Time:
Run 400 Meters
7 Deficit Push Ups
7 Bent Over Rows
14 Front Rack Step Ups (alternating)

RX Men: 115#
RX Women: 75#

Use a 3-5" Deficit

RX + : Go faster

See additional scoring option for team version.

Score: Total Time

Goal: 20 - 25 Min or Less


5 Rounds for Time:
Row 500 Meters
Bike 30 Cal Men / 20 Cal Women
7 Push Up + Renegade Rows
14 DB Step Ups (alternating)

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX + : Go faster

See additional scoring option for team version.

Score: Total Time

Goal: 20 - 25 Min or Less



5 Rounds for Max Reps:
Partner 1: Run 400 Meters
Partner 2: 7 Push Up + Renegade Rows
14 DB Step Ups (alternating)



Cannot switch until BOTH partners complete their work.

5 Rounds of BOTH partners doing BOTH pieces.

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX + : Go faster

Score: Total Time

Goal: 20 - 25 Min or Less

The run distance should take roughly 2 Min.  If 400 meters takes you longer than about 2:20, you may choose to lower the distance a bit!

For the Renegade rows - lower the weight if necessary to keep moving.  These get SUPER spicy so if you think you will be resting a LOT at these weights - go lighter and keep moving!

For those reps you will have the hands on the dumbbells in the top of a push up.  Complete one push up rep and then a row with one dumbbell to the rib cage - then the other.  Keep the hips in line with the shoulders and belly tight!  NO sagging or high butts!  Go to the knees if you need to!

You will use those same dumbbells for your step ups!  Make sure you place your WHOLE foot on top of the box for each rep.  Drive through the heel and stand up completely.  Alternate feet at the bottom - so each set you will complete 7 per leg.  You will be holding the dumbbells in your hands for these reps.

Box height: 22-24" for Men, 18-20" for Women.

WODMIranda Alcaraz2018week36

10 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 10 Min)
30 Single Unders or Taps
10 Swings
10 Goblet Squats

Idea weight for Men: 35-50# KB or DB
Idea weight for Women: 12-25# KB or DB

Score: Total number of completed rounds/reps

Goal: 5 Rounds or More!

For this workout you will choose between taps or single unders.  You may also do dumbbell hop overs if you would like!

For the swings you will hold either a single dumbbell or kettlebell with both hands.  You will deadlift it up to the waist.  Feet should be about shoulder width apart.  Heels will stay down.

Hinge at the hips and let your arms stay LONG.  Pull the kb or db between the legs and bend the knees slightly.  Keep the chest lifted.  Stand up hard and fast, thinking about making the kb or db weightless.  Follow through the the arms/shoulders to bring the weight to just about eye level.  Allow gravity to bring the weight back down.  Don't allow it to pull your back into a round position.  Keep the chest up and weight in the heels!

For the goblet squat you will hold the weight at the chest with the elbows tucked in.  You will reach the butt back and down and drive the knees out.  Keep the chest UP and don't allow the weight to pull you forward.  No collapsing or relaxing in the bottom of the squat position.

The goal is to get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom without rounding or collapsing.  If you aren't able to go that low holding your weight, then you can do your squats without weight.  If you are still unable to get that low in a good position you can squat to a higher target for this workout!

WODMIranda Alcaraz2018week36
FRIDAY 9.14.18

10 Min AMRAP
30 Double Unders
10 DB Hang Squat Cleans

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX + Men: 40 Double Unders + 50# DBs+
RX + Women: 40 Double Unders + 35# DBs+

Score: Total Rounds + any additional reps

Goal: 6+ Rounds


10 Min AMRAP
30 Double Unders
10 Hang Squat Cleans

RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#

RX + Men: 40 Double Unders + 95#
RX + Women: 40 Double Unders + 65#

Score: Total Rounds + any additional reps

Goal: 6+ Rounds

For this workout you will want to choose a type/number of double unders that will allow you to finish that part in less than 1 min each time.  If 30 double unders will be really broken up, you may want to lower to 20 reps.  If 20 will still be really broken, maybe choose to go with the dumbbell hop overs or double rep singles for this workout.

Also for those hang squat cleans - choose a weight that will allow you to do all sets unbroken or with only 1 break.

For those reps you will deadlift the dumbbells to the hips.  You will dip by keeping the heels down and bending the knees, hinging slightly at the hips, keeping the arms straight.

From this dip position you will stand up hard and fast.  Shrug the shoulders and pull yourself under into a solid front squat.  Bring the elbows around and through FAST to create that shelf with the shoulders.  In that squat position the heels are down, knees are out, butt is lower than the knees, belly tight, chest up, elbows high.  Stand by leading with the chest and elbows.

Lower the dumbbells down just to the hips to start the next rep.

WODMIranda Alcaraz2018week36
THURSDAY 9.13.18

For Time:
75 Burpee Pull Ups

Every Minute Perform:
3 Deadlifts (separate score)

RX +: 100 Burpee Pull Ups

You wil have 1 score for your total time and 1 score for the weight you choose for your deadlifts.

Goal: Go heavy but unbroken - under 17 Min.


For Time:
75 Burpee Pull Ups

Every Minute Perform:
7 DB Deadlifts (both heads touch)

RX Men: 40-50# DBs
RX Women: 25-35# DBs

RX +: 100 Burpee Pull Ups

Goal: Under 17 Min.

For Time:
75 Burpee Pull Ups

Every Minute Perform:
3 Deadlifts (separate score)

RX +: 100 Burpee Pull Ups

You wil have 1 score for your total time and 1 score for the weight you choose for your deadlifts.

Goal: Go heavy but unbroken - under 17 Min.NOthing like a bodyweight blasting movement with a sprinkle of heavy deadlifts!  You get 2 scores for this one - the weight you choose and your total time.

Make sure you choose a weight that you can move SAFELY and that you can do unbroken for 3 reps.  Something heavy for you but manageable.

This workout will START with 3 heavy deadlifts!  So at 3, 2, 1 - go - you do 3 heavy deads.  Then the rest of the minute you do as many burpee pull ups as possible. You keep repeating this until you get to 75 total burpee pull ups (or 100 if you are going RX +).

For the deadlift the bar will start on the ground.  Feet are under the hips with the hands outside of the legs.  The bar should be close to the body.  Knees are bent, but hips are higher than knees.  There is a hinge at the hips but chest is lifted with the back flat and belly tight.  Arms are straight.

To lift the bar you will dig the heels into the ground and lift the chest.  Pull the bar into the body and once past the knees think about squeezing your butt to stand all of the way up.  At no point will you allow your back to round.  Keep that chest lifted and belly tight.  Keep good positions all the way up and all of the way down.  NO excessive bouncing.

For the burpee pull ups you will get your chest and thighs to the ground at the bottom.  Jump or step the feet in. Jump to your pull up bar and perform a pull up.

For these reps to count there is no PULL INTO the pull up allowed.  YOu must start from a full hang for each rep.  Ideally there will be a SMALL jump to get to your bar.  It's ok though if your bar is low and you can just grab it.  Make sure you start from a full hang.

If you are unable to do pull ups!  No problem!  You may do a burpee into a jumping pull up by stepping onto something at the end of your burpee (see video)

No Pull up Bar?  No problem.  Just sub bar facing burpees instead!

Deadlift (? x 3)

Put the weight you used for the workout today here!

WODMIranda Alcaraz2018week36

Every 4 Min for 5 Rounds
Run 200 Meters
15 DB Push Press
15 Box Jump Overs

RX Men: 40# DBs +
RX Women: 25# DBs +

RX + Men: 50#  DBs + and each round is every 3 Min!
RX + Women: 35# DBs + and each round is every 3 Min!

Box Height:
Men: 22-24"
Women: 18-20"

Score: Total time from all 5 rounds of WORK added up.  (So write your splits and add them at the end)

Goal: Finish all 5 with a bit of time to rest each time!


Every 4 Min for 5 Rounds
Run 200 Meters
15 Push Press
15 Box Jump Overs

RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#

RX + Men: 95# and each round is every 3 Min!
RX + Women: 65# and each round is every 3 Min!

Box Height:
Men: 22-24"
Women: 18-20"

Score: Total time from all 5 rounds of WORK added up.  (So write your splits and add them at the end)

Goal: Finish all 5 with a bit of time to rest each time!


Every 4 Min for 5 Rounds
Row 250
Bike 15 Cal Men/10 Cal Women
15 Push Press
15 Box Jump Overs

RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#

RX + Men: 95# and each round is every 3 Min!
RX + Women: 65# and each round is every 3 Min!

Box Height:
Men: 22-24"
Women: 18-20"

Score: Total time from all 5 rounds of WORK added up.  (So write your splits and add them at the end)

Goal: Finish all 5 with a bit of time to rest each time!

Here's how this one works.  You do one round as fast as possible every 4 min for 5 rounds.  If you are a super beast and can do it every 3 min and hold them all under 3 with a little heavier weight - you can go RX +.  If you can't make it happen as written in about 3:30 at the LONGEST - then scale the weight or height of box whatever so that you can get all of them done.

The run distance should take roughly 1 min.  If you are unable to run for space or weather reasons, you may sub no push up burpees or single/double unders for 1 min.

The push press weight you choose should be something that you will ATTEMPT to do unbroken.  If you end up having to break once - that is ok too.  But more breaks than that and your time is going to FLY by.  IF you only have one set of dumbbells and the weight is too heavy ro 15 reps in 1-2 sets - lower the number of reps to 10!

The DBs start on the shoulder.  Feet are under the hips.  Heels are down.  Elbows are slightly in front, belly tight.  Dip by bending the knees, keeping the heels down, and keeping the chest up.  The dip is shallow.  Stand up hard and fast to drive the weight off of the shoulders.  Move the face out of the way and press the weight overhead and over the middle of the body to full lock out.  Get the biceps by the ears and keep the belly tight.

When lowering the DBs back down, make sure the elbows are in front and catch the DBs on the shoulder, absorbing into the next dip!  Don't let it pull you forward!

For the box jump overs you may do these facing or lateral.  If you don't have something to jump on you can find something to jump over.  Find a height that allows you to keep moving!  Lower it if you need to - even to a stack of a couple plates!

If you are unable to jump you may sub step up and overs!

WODMIranda Alcaraz2018week36
TUESDAY 9.11.18

15 Min AMRAP
3 Front Squat
3 Toe to Bar
6 Front Squat
6 Toe to Bar
9 Front Squat
9 Toe to Bar

Get as far as you can in 15 min.

RX Men: 115#
RX Women: 75#

RX + Men: 135#
RX + Women: 95#

Score: Total completed Reps added up at the end.

Goal: Take smart breaks from the beginning so you don't blast yourself and end up standing around a lot at the end.

This one is LONG for the 


15 Min AMRAP
3 DB Front Squat
3 Toe to Bar
6 DB Front Squat
6 Toe to Bar
9 DB Front Squat
9 Toe to Bar

Get as far as you can in 15 min.

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX + Men: 50# DBs +
RX + Women: 35# DBs +

Score: Total completed Reps added up at the end.

Goal: Take smart breaks from the beginning so you don't blast yourself and end up standing around a lot at the end.


15 Min AMRAP
3 Sandbag Squat
3 Toe to Bar
6 Sandbag Squat
6 Toe to Bar
9 Sandbag Squat
9 Toe to Bar

Get as far as you can in 15 min.

NO RX or RX+ - just use what you've got.  Weight should not be so heavy that you have to break a LOT.

Ladies should use 30-40# or heavier.

Guys should use 50-60# plus.

Score: Total completed Reps added up at the end.

Goal: Take smart breaks from the beginning so you don't blast yourself and end up standing around a lot at the end.

This one is LONG for the ascending reps and only 2 movements.  Start with smart breaks and try to keep moving!

Choose a weight that you are confident you will always be able to hold consistent sets of 3-5 even when extremely tired!

For the front squat you may use a rack or take from the ground.  The bar will be on the shoulders with the elbows high. Tighten the belly and lift the chest.  Feet are shoulder width apart with the heels down.  Reach the butt back and down.  Drive the knees out while you keep the heels down and the chest up.

Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom.  Don't allow the bar to pull you forward and no collapsing or bottoming out of the back in the bottom.  Drive the heels into the ground and lead with the chest and elbows to stand all of the way up!

For the toes to bar you may also do V-Ups if you don't have a bar or rings to hang from.  Other subs are - high knees or even weighted/regular sit ups.

WODMIranda Alcaraz2018week36

5-8 Rounds
10 Step Ups Right
20 KB/DB Deadlifts
10 Step Ups Left

Idea deadlift weight for men: 50-70# (total)
Idea deadlift weight for women: 35-50# (total)

Goal time: 15 min or less

**added 3 extra rounds as an option this time!  If you finish 5 under 10 min - do 3 more!

For this workout you will find a height that is challenging for you, but safe with no pain or issues to step up on.

For those step ups you will place your whole foot on the step (or box, or pile of plates, or bench - whatever).  You will drive off of the heel and make sure the knee is not caving in as you stand.  Bring the other foot on top of the step completely but use the same foot to do the work the whole time.  So you will will step up with the right foot and leave the right foot on the step as you step down for 10 total reps.

After 10 reps on the right you will move onto the deadlifts.

These may be performed with either a kettlebell between the legs, a single dumbbell between the legs, or 2 dumbbells held outside of the legs.

The object(s) will start on the ground.  The heels should be down, knees bent, a hinge at the hip with the chest forward but UP, back flat, arms straight.  You will STAND by driving the heels down and lifting the chest.  All you need to do to complete the lift is stand up!  Keep those same good positions (BACK FLAT) as you lower the weight back to the ground!!

You will then perform 10 step ups on the other side.

Go through this 5 total times!  Your score is your time!!

WODMIranda Alcaraz2018week36
MONDAY 9.10.18

3 Rounds
30 Overhead Lunges Right
30 DB Power Cleans
30 Overhead Lunges Left

Rest 3 Min Between Rounds

RX Men: 35-40# OH Lunge, 2 x 35-40# DB Power Clean

RX Women: 20-25# OH Lunge, 2 x 20-25# DB Power Clean

RX + Men: 50-55# OH Lunge, 2 x 50# DB Power Clean
RX + Women: 30-35# OH Lunge, 2 x 35# DB Power Clean

Score is total time - INCLUDING rest!!  (do not include the FINAL 3 min of rest after the last round.)


3 Rounds
30 Overhead Lunges Right
30 Power Cleans
30 Overhead Lunges Left

Rest 3 Min Between Rounds

RX Men: 35-40# OH Lunge, 95# Power Clean

RX Women: 20-25# OH Lunge, 65# Power Clean

RX + Men: 50-55# OH Lunge, 115# + Power Clean
RX + Women: 30-35# OH Lunge, 75# + Power Clean

Score is total time - INCLUDING rest!!  (do not include the FINAL 3 min of rest after the last round.)

This one is gonna burn a bit.

For the overhead lunges you will want to pick a weight that you think you will be able to get to the 30 reps in 2-3 sets max.  You should be able to hold the weight in a locked out position and move smoothly (for the most part) in that lunge.

You press the dumbbell up and lock elbow with the bicep by the ear.  From here you may perform either a reverse stepping, forward stepping, or walking lunge.  You will do 30 total, alternating legs (keeping the same arm up the whole time) - for a total of 15 steps per leg.

If you are unable to get a dumbbell into a supported position for overhead lunges, you may choose to do single arm front rack lunges - where you hold the dumbbell at the shoulder.

For the power cleans - choose a weight that you think will allow you to do all 30 reps between 1-3 sets each time. The dumbbells will start on the ground with the hands just outside of the legs.  You will keep the heels down, have a slight bend in the knee, arms straight, chest up, back flat.  You will stand by driving the heels down into the ground and lifting the chest.  Once past the knees you will jump and shrug with the arms still straight.   Pull yourself under the weight slightly into a partial squat position with the dumbbells resting on the shoulders and the elbows high.  Stand completely to finish the rep.  Lower the dumbbells back to the ground to complete the next rep.  Only one head of each dumbbell must touch at the bottom of each rep.

After the 30 power cleans you will perform 30 overhead lunges on the other side.

After 30 reps of all 3 movements you will rest 3 min.  Score is total time - INCLUDING rest!!  (do not include the FINAL 3 min of rest after the last round.)

WODMIranda Alcaraz2018week36