Posts tagged 2018week32
SATURDAY 8.11.18

12 Min AMRAP
Dumbbell Burpee Step Ups

Every Minute Complete:
4 Dumbbell Snatches (Alternating Arms)

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX+ Men and Women: 6 Dumbbell Snatches

NO Dumbbell Snatches on first minute

Score: Total completed reps of Dumbbell Burpee Step Ups

Dumbbell Snatch reps DO NOT count toward your score.

Goal: A fun little Saturday.


12 Min AMRAP
Plate to Overhead Burpee Step Ups

Every Minute Complete:
4 Plate Snatches (Alternating Arms)

RX Men: 45# Plate
RX Women: 25# Plate

RX+ Men and Women: 6 Plate Snatches

NO Plate Snatches on first minute

Score: Total completed reps of Plate Snatches

Goal: A fun little Saturday.


20 Min AMRAP
Dumbbell Burpee Step Ups

Do these in a you go for 1 whole minute then I go for 1 whole minute.

Each minute must start with:
4 Dumbbell Snatches (Alternating Arms)

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX+ Men and Women: 6 Dumbbell Snatches

NO Dumbbell Snatches on first minute

Score: Total completed reps of Dumbbell Snatches completed as a team.

Goal: A fun little Saturday.

OH BOY - Here we go.

So basically a dumbbell burpee step up is.

Hands on the dumbbells on the ground - jump or step the feet out.  Do a push up (it doesn't have to be a pretty one) by getting the chest and thighs onto the ground. Jump or step the feet in. Stand up holding the dumbbells - step up onto the box.

It is not required but recommended that you alternate feet when you step up each time.  OR at least alternate minutes like 1 minute you do all on one leg and the other minute do the other leg.

When the clock hits 1 minute (and 2 minutes and 3 minutes - every minute throughout the workout) - you will stand up and complete 4 dumbbell snatches.

For the dumbbell snatch the dumbbell will start between the feet.  You will keep the heels down.  Bend the knees and hinge at the hips while keeping the chest lifted as you grab the dumbbell with one hand.  Stand up with the dumbbell by driving through the heels and lifting the chest.  Explode UP with the legs and hips.  Shrug the working shoulder.  Pull the elbow high and outside.  Then PUNCH the dumbbell to lock out finishing with the bicep by the ear!


3 Rounds
1 Min Taps or Run/Row/Bike
15 KB/DB Deadlifts
1 Min Taps or Run/Row/Bike
15 Goblet Squats

Idea weight for Men: 35-55# KB or 2 X 25# DBs

Idea weight for Women: 12-15# KB or 2 X 10# DBs

Use what you have!

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 15 Min

For this workout you can choose between taps, jogs, rowing, biking, or even single unders.

For the deadlifts you can either do a dumbbell in each hand or you can do a single dumbbell of kettlebell between the feet.  For this moment the object(s) will start on the ground.  The heels should stay down and you should bend the knees.  The object is either IN BETWEEN (not way out in front) of your feet or right to the sides of each foot.  Lift your chest and make sure your back is flat!  Simply drive the heels down and lift the chest to stand up completely.  Squeeze your butt at the top.

When you are putting the KBs back down you will reach the butt back, keep the chest lifted, and bend the knees!

For the goblet squats you will hold either a single dumbbell or a single kettlebell at the chest. Feet should be shoulder width apart and heels are down.  Reach the butt back and down and keep the chest lifted.  Drive the knees out as you go down.  Ideally you will get the butt lower than the knees WITH the chest up and knees out.

If you kind of collapse when you go that low - first step is to lose the weight and do these as just air squats.

From here if you need to scale further for any reason you can go to a higher target or use a wall or chair to assist you.  Still focus on keeping those heels down and knees out though!

FRIDAY 8.10.18

For Time

3 Rounds
Run 400 Meters
15 Power Cleans
Run 400 Meters
15 Back Squats

RX Men: 115#
RX Women: 75#

RX + Men: 135# +
RX + Women: 95# +

Score: Total Time

Goal: 25 Min or less!  Can you go sub 20?


For Time

3 Rounds
Run 400 Meters
15 DB Power Cleans
Run 400 Meters
15 DB Squats

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX + Men: 50-60# DBs
RX + Women: 35-40# DBs

Score: Total Time

Goal: 25 Min or less!  Can you go sub 20?


For Time

3 Rounds

Row 500 Meters
30 Cal Bike (Men) / 20 Cal Bike (Women)

15 Power Cleans

Row 500 Meters
30 Cal Bike (Men) / 20 Cal Bike (Women)

15 Back Squats

RX Men: 115#
RX Women: 75#

RX + Men: 135# +
RX + Women: 95# +

Score: Total Time

Goal: 25 Min or less!  Can you go sub 20?

Oh man - this one will be a doozy.  Lots of running sandwiched with 2 of everyone's favorite movements!

The run distance should take roughly 90 seconds to 1:10 or so.  If 400 will take you longer than that you may cut it down!  If you don't have a measured distance you can just make it fit that time frame.

If you are unable to run for space or weather reasons you may sub MTN climbers for the first 400 and No Push Up Burpees for the second 400!

For the power cleans you will notice that the RX weight is a bit heavier than the normal 95#.  This is to signal you to go a bit heavier than you normally do.  You should not go into this knowing for sure that you will do all 15 unbroken each time.

For this movement the bar will start on the ground.  Hands are just outside of the legs.  Feet are hip width apart.  Heels are down.  Knees are bent slightly.  Arms are long and straight.  Belly is tight.  Chest is up!

You will lift the bar off of the ground by driving your heels down and lifting the chest.  Keep the bar close to your body by pulling it IN!  Keep the arms straight!  Once past the knees pick up a little speed and thinkg Jump - Shrug the shoulders - bend the elbows high and outside and pull yourself under slightly.  Elbows shoot around and through super quickly to allow the bar to land on the shoulders!  Stand to complete the rep!

For the back squats - you may use a rack or clean and jerk it onto your back.

Feet should be shoulder width apart.  Reach the butt back and down.  Drive the knees out.  Keep the heels down.  Belly tight and chest up!  Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom.  Stand completley at the top.  No plopping or rounding!


5 Rounds

1 Round Every 4 Min with No Rest Between Rounds

40 Double Unders
20 Toes to Bar
Max Reps Shoulder to Overhead

Score= Total Shoulder to Overhead Reps

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX + Men: 115# + / 60 Double Under
RX + Women: 75# + / 60 Double Unders

Goal: Choose a weight that will allow you to get 10-15 Reps + per round.


5 Rounds

1 Round Every 4 Min with No Rest Between Rounds

40 Double Unders
20 Toes to Bar / V-Ups
Max Reps Shoulder to Overhead

Score= Total Shoulder to Overhead Reps

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX + Men: 50# DBs + / 60 Double Under
RX + Women: 35# DBs + / 60 Double Unders

Goal: Choose a weight that will allow you to get 10-15 Reps + per round.


5 Rounds

1 Round Every 4 Min with No Rest Between Rounds

20 Cal Row Men / 15 Cal Row Women
17 Cal Bike Men / 12 Cal Bike Women
20 Toes to Bar
Max Reps Shoulder to Overhead

Score= Total Shoulder to Overhead Reps

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX + Men: 115# +
RX + Women: 75# +

Goal: Choose a weight that will allow you to get 10-15 Reps + per round.

Oh man -  here we go!

Ok so for the double unders you will need to choose a number of them that will allow you to complete them in 90 seconds MAX!  Obviously some of you will crush that - but if you need to lower the number to maybe 25 - do that!  Remember, if you are resting too much and breaking too much you lose the point of the workout.  So a good option is to switch to singles (80 Reps) or hop overs (our personal favorite sub) for the workout and to practice your dubs before or after!

For the toes to bar you may sub Knees UP - V- Ups, pike ups on your TRX bands - or even just regular sit ups.

Pregnant and postpartum - a few options are swings or slam balls!

For the shoulder to overhead reps you may do a shoulder press, push press or push jerk.  The push jerk - if you have good technique - should allow you to do the most reps.  That's the one I will write about here.

For the jerk the bar will start on your shoulders with your elbows slightly in front.  Feet are under the hips.  You will dip by keeping the heels down, keeping the chest up, and bending the knees slightly - just a short 3 inch or so dip down.  From there you will stand up hard and fast to pop the bar off of the shoulders.  As the bar travels up instead of thinking about pushing it up - push YOURSELF down.  Lock out the elbows with the bar over the middle of the body.  Drive your knees out and keep the heels down and belly tight.  Stand up with the weight still over your head before you lower to your shoulders for the next rep.

Work to absorb the bar when you lower it and even use that absorb dip to feed the next rep!



For this workout you will do 10 step ups - alternating feet (5 per side).  Then 10 lunges alternating feet (5 per side).  Then 10 KB/DB Swings.  Keep rotating through that as many times as you can in 15 min.

For the step ups, find a height that is challenging but you are comfortable with and will allow you to keep moving.  Step your whole foot on the box/bench/whatever.  Make sure the knee doesn't cave in.  Stand all of the way up at the top.  Alternate feet with each step.

For the lunges ideally you will touch your back knee to the ground.  You will want to take a wide enough step that the front heel stays grounded.  Don't allow the knee to cave in.  If you've got space - make these walking lunges!  If not you may do either backward or forward stepping.

If you need to you can hold onto a chair/pole or something for stability.  If you are unable to get the back knee to the ground - don't worry.  Just go as low as your body will allow pain free!

For the swings you will hold either the kb or a single dumbbell in both hands.  Feet are about shoulder width apart.  Heels are down.  You will keep the arms long and hinge forward at the hips.  Bend the knees slightly.  Keep the chest up and belly tight.  From here you will stand hard and fast!  Allow the kb or db to swing out and away from the momentum created by the legs and hips.  Bring the object to about eye level - guided up by the arms.  Allow gravity to bring it back down but keep the back flat and chest UP!  No rounding of the back!  Keep those heels down!


This is Julian's choice for a challenge workout!  We haven't done this one before - he created it just for you!  Enjoy!

5 Rounds
10 Box Jumps
20 Front Rack Lunge
10 Hang Power Snatch

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX + Men: 115#+
RX + Women: 75# +

Box Height:

Men: 22-24"
Women: 18-20"

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 15 Min


5 Rounds
10 Box Jumps
20 DB Front Rack Lunge
20 DB Hang Power Snatch

RX Men: 40# DBs (2 for lunge - 1 for snatch)
RX Women: 25# DBs (2 for Lunge - 1 for snatch)

RX + Men:50# DBs + (2 for Lunge - 1 for snatch)
RX + Women: 35# DBs + (2 for Lunge - 1 for snatch)

Box Height:

Men: 22-24"
Women: 18-20"

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 15 Min


5 Rounds
10 Box Jumps
20 Front Rack Lunge
10 Hang Squat Snatch (20 reps for Dumbbell Option)

RX Men (Barbell): 95# (Dumbbell): 40#DBs - 2 for Lunges - 1 for Snatch
RX Women (Barbell): 65# (Dumbbell): 25# DBs - 2 for Lunges - 1 for Snatch

RX+ Men (Barbell): 115#  +(Dumbbell): 50#DBs - 2 for Lunges - 1 for Snatch
RX + Women (Barbell): 75# +(Dumbbell): 35# DBs - 2 for Lunges - 1 for Snatch
Box Height:

Men: 22-24"
Women: 18-20"

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 17 Min

For this workout you will do regular old box jumps.  No fancy over stuff.

Jump from both feet and land with both feet on the box.  If you don't have something to jump ON, find something to jump OVER.

We would love to see you actually jump, even if that means that you sigificantly lower the height.

If you are unable to jump for whatever reason - you may sub step ups!

For the Lunges you will have the bar in the front rack.  That means the bar is resting on the front of the shoulders with the elbows high.  You can allow the bar to roll back into the fingertips.

Ideally these will be WALKING lunges, but if you don't have space for that, you may perform them as reverse - or forward stepping as well.

Make sure you take a long enough step that your front heel can stay down while your back knee touches. Keep the belly tight and don't allow the bar to pull that chest forward!

For the hang power snatch you will bring the bar to your waist with a wide (overhead squat) grip.  Feet are under the hips.  You will dip the chest forward and keep the heels down.  You will hinge at the hips and bend the knees slightly.  Allow the bar to slide down the leg - keep the belly tight and chest UP!  After performing that small dip you will jump straight UP with the bar keeping the arms straight.  Shrug the shoulders and then pull the bar up the body with the elbows high and outside (like a scarecrow).  Pull yourself down into a partial squat as you pull under the bar and punch it up to lock out over your head.  In this position the heels should be down, knees out, bar over the middle of the body with the elbows locked and armpits forward - belly tight!

Stand to complete and then lower back to the waist.

Pick a weight that you don't think you will have break more than once or MAYBE twice on any of those sets of 10!

TUESDAY 8.7.18

This is Miranda's favorite workout.  SO - for her CHALLENGE choice to kick off the challenge - we are ALL going to do it!  We have actually done this workout before.  We originally did it on Aug 22, 2017!  If you are doing the challenge - you may definitely want to log a score for this one!

For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters, 45#
30 Pull-ups


Run 800 Meters
50 Thrusters
30 Pull Ups

RX Men: 45#
RX Women: 35-45#

Goal Time - Around 10 Min or less!


For Time

Run 800 Meters
50 DB Thrusters
30 Pull Ups

RX Men: 25-30# DBs
RX Women: 15-20# DBs

Goal Time - Around 10 Min or less!

If you ran yesterday and you want to change it up - you may sub 200 Double Unders or 4 Min of Doubles.

For the thrusters the weight is intended to be super light.  Some of you should be able to do all 50 unbroken.  Fast times for this workout are 6 min or less!!

On each rep of the thruster the bar should rest on the shoulder with the elbows high.  Perform a full rep squat with the butt getting below the knees.  Heels down, knees out, chest up.  Use the drive from the legs to help make the bar weightless.  Finish with a press to complete lockout overhead!

Pull ups may be strict, kipping, banded, ring row, or jumping!

Choose a method that will allow you to get all 30 reps done in less than 4-5 sets total for SURE!


Your very first SHIFT RE-TEST!!!!  This workout was originally posted on March 28, 2018.  Go back and check your performance from that day to see what you got!

For Time:
5 KB/DB Deadlifts
2 Burpees
5 KB/DB Deadlifts
4 Burpees
5 KB/DB Deadlifts
6 Burpees
5 KB/DB Deadlifts
8 Burpees
5 KB/DB Deadlifts
10 Burpees

Idea weight for Men: 50-70# KB or DB
Idea weight for Women: 35-50# KB or DB

Goal: 8-10 min or less!

This workout is simple- and pretty short!  Go all out!

For the deadlifts you will hold either one dumbbell or a kettlebell.

You will set up with the object between the feet.  Hinge at the hips to get your chest over the object.  Keep the heels down, bend the knees, pull the chest up, arms are straight and long.  To pick the object up you will dig the heels into the ground - prevent the knees from caving in, pick up the chest, squeeze the butt and keep the arms straight.  Once you reach the top you will hinge at the hips and bend the knees to bring the object back to the ground!  Keep the chest up and back flat throughout!

For the burpees you may step or jump back, go to the knees, perform a push up, step or jump the feet back in, then add a small jump at the end.

You may also sub -

No push up burpees or burpees on a box/bench if necessary!

MONDAY 8.6.18

EMOM Death BY:

Every Minute for as long as you can last (or 20 min):

Min 1: 3 Heavy Deadlifts + 1 Bar Facing Burpee
Min 2: 3 Heavy Deadlifts + 2 Bar Facing Burpees
Min 3: 3 Heavy Deadlifts + 3 Bar Facing Burpees
Min 4: 3 Heavy Deadlifts + 4 Bar Facing Burpees
Min 5: 3 Heavy Deadlifts + 5 Bar Facing Burpees...

ALWAYS do 3 Deadlifts and add 1 Bar Facing Burpee each minute until you reach 20 min or you can't make it in time for the next minute!

RX Men: 205-245# Deadlift
RX Women: 125-165# Deadlift

RX + Men: 275-315# Deadlift
RX + Women: 185-205# Deadlift

Good scaled weight ideas:
Men: 155#
Women: 85#

Goal: Choose a weight that is heavy for you, but you will always be able to do 3 with good form.  Get at least 10 min!


EMOM Death BY:

Every Minute for as long as you can last (or 20 min):

Min 1: 6 Dumbbell Deadlifts + 1 DB Facing Burpee
Min 2: 6 Dumbbell Deadlifts + 2 DB Facing Burpees
Min 3: 6 Dumbbell Deadlifts + 3 DB Facing Burpees
Min 4: 6 Dumbbell Deadlifts + 4 DB Facing Burpees
Min 5: 6 Dumbbell Deadlifts + 5 Dumbbell Facing Burpees....

ALWAYS do 6 Dumbbell Deadlifts and add DB Facing Burpee each minute until you reach 20 min or you can't make it in time for the next minute!

RX Men: 50# DBs/KBs
RX Women: 35# DBs/KBs

RX + Men: 60# DBs+
RX + Women: 45# DBs +

Good scaled weight ideas:
Men: 40# DBs
Women: 25# DBs

Goal: Choose a weight that is heavy for you, but you will always be able to do 6 with good form.  Get at least 10 min!

Just in case you aren't sure how these go - they always feel easy at first.  As the reps grow - the rest gets shorter and shorter.  And with this one the fatigue from the deadlifts gets worse and worse.  Choose wisely with the weight.  If at any point you can feel yourself losing your form and rounding your back - take a minute off and lower the weight.

So, at 3,2,1 - you do 3 deadlifts and then just 1 bar facing burpee.  You rest until the clock hits 1:00.  Then you do 3 deadlifts and 2 bar facing burpees - rest until the clock hits 2 min.  Then you do 3 deadlifts and 3 bar facing burpees.  And so on.....

Your score is whatever the last round you SUCCESSFULLY completed was plus any additional reps into the next round.  So lets say you complete the round of 3 deadlifts and 10 bar facing burpees.  Then the next minute you do 3 deadlifts and only get 8 bar facing burpees before the minute is up.  Your score is 10 + 11 (3 deads + 8 burpees).  Get it?

For the deadlifts - the bar will start on the ground.  Feet are about hip width apart with the weight in the heels.  Your chest should be over the bar, with a hinge at the hip and a slight bend in the knee.  Bar should be against the body with the chest up, back flat, and arms straight.

Pick the bar up by keeping the belly tight, chest up, and bar close.  Dig the heels into the ground and lift the chest.  Once past the knees squeeze the butt to stand.  Keep those same good - controlled positions when putting the bar back down.  Avoid excessive bouncing at the bottom.  Weight should be something you can touch and go for 3 reps.

For the bar facing burpees you must be FACING the bar.  We don't care how you jump your feet out and in.  Step or jump back, get the chest and thighs to the ground, step or jump in, jump over the bar from both feet.

If you aren't sure you will make it to 10 min with bar facing - you may choose to sub just regular burpees!