Posts tagged 2018week24
SATURDAY 6.16.18

5 Rounds

Each Round is a 3 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 3 Min)

20 Double Unders
10 Push Press

Rest 1 Min Between Rounds

Start each new AMRAP fresh (so you don't pick up where you left off)

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX + Men: 115# / 30 Double Unders
RX + Women: 75# / 30 Double Unders

Score: Total Rounds and any additional reps added up after all 5 AMRAPS

Goal:  4 Rounds + Per AMRAP


5 Rounds

Each Round is a 3 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 3 Min)

20 Double Unders
10 Push Press

Rest 1 Min Between Rounds

Start each new AMRAP fresh (so you don't pick up where you left off)

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX + Men: 50# DBs / 30 Double Unders
RX + Women: 35# DBs / 30 Double Unders

Score: Total Rounds and any additional reps added up after all 5 AMRAPS

Goal:  4 Rounds + Per AMRAP


Teams of 2-

20 Min AMRAP:
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 20 min)

20 Double Unders
10 Push Press

Done as you go (1 full round) I go (1 full round).

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX + Men: 115# / 30 Double Unders
RX + Women: 75# / 30 Double Unders

Score: Total Rounds and any additional reps COMBINED.  So each round by each individual counts as a round.  If Miranda does 8 rounds and Julian does 7 rounds + gets 10 double unders in before time runs out their score would be 15 +10.

Hope you guys were looking to rock the tank tops this weekend because the shoulders are going to look incredible after this one!

For the double unders - only go up to the 30 reps if you feel like you can do most sets without breaking at that number.

A FULL round should take about 45 seconds or less on this one.  The push press weight should definitely be unbroken.

If you are still new to double unders but CAN do them - you may choose to count attempts, do 30 seconds of double unders each time, or you may lower the number to even 10-15.

If you are unable to do double unders for this workout you may sub dumbbell hop overs - if you are comfortable with that lateral hop.  If necessary you may switch this to almost like a skip step.  OR you may do 40 singles.

If you are unable to jump completely you may choose to sub MTN climbers!

For the push press the bar will rest on the shoulders with the elbows slightly in front.  You will dip slightly keeping the chest up and heels down.  Don't allow the knees to come in or the chest to dip forward.  Stand hard and fast out of the dip - move the face out of the way and finish the movement by pressing straight up to lockout with the bar over the middle of the body - ribs down!

When lowering the bar - lead with the elbows IN FRONT!  This will prevent you from crashing into your collar bone each time!  Absorb with the knees.

FRIDAY 6.15.18

15 Min AMRAP
4 Burpee
8 Box Jump Overs
12 Wall Balls

RX Men: 20#ish Ball, 24"ish Box
RX Women: 13-15# Ball, 20" ish Box

No RX + today - just go faster.

Score: Total Rounds and Reps

Goal: 9 Rounds or more

Just regular burpees today!  Chest and thighs on the ground at the bottom.  Jump or step feet in.  Jump and put the hands up!

For the box jump overs we would really love to see you actually jump onto something and then step or jump off of the other side.  If you have to lower the height to make that happen - do it!

If you don't have something to jump ON find something to jump OVER completely.  A box, a laundry basket, whatever!

If you are unable to jump due to injury restrictions - you may step up and over.

For the wall balls you will hold the ball at the chest.  Keep the chest up and elbows in.  Feet should be shoulder width apart.  Weight in the heels.  Reach the butt back and down.  Keep the chest up.  Goal is to get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom with the weight still in the heels and the chest up!  Stand hard and fast with the ball at the chest.  Use the power from the legs to help you throw the ball.  Ideally you will shoot to a 9-10' target.

On the way down, catch the ball at the chest first BEFORE you start to squat!  Don't allow the weight to pull you forward!

If you have low ceilings you may sub med ball cleans!

If you don't have a ball you may sub light weight thrusters.  Think empty barbell or 10-25# dumbbells.

Note any modifications in comments.

THURSDAY 6.14.18

4 Rounds for Time
14 Deadlifts
7 Clean and Jerk

RX Men: 115#
RX Women: 75#

RX + Men: 135# +
RX + Women: 95# +

Score: Total Time

Goal: 15 Min or Less


4 Rounds for Time
14 Deadlifts
7 Clean and Jerk

RX Men: 40#
RX Women: 25#

RX + Men: 50# +
RX + Women: 35# +

Score: Total Time

Goal: 15 Min or Less

For this workout you will use the same bar for both movements.

Choose a weight that you feel you can move well on the clean and jerks and finish each round in a bout 3 min or less.

For the deadlifts the bar will start on the ground.  You will have your feet under your hips and your weight in your heels.  Arms are just outside of the legs and are straight.  Keep the bar close to the body.  You should have a hinge at the hip and a slight bend in the knee with the chest up and back flat!  Lift the bar by raising the chest and driving the heels into the ground.  Stand completely with the bar.

To lower it back down you will reach the butt back and down.  Keep the chest up and keep the bar close as the bar slides down the legs.

For the clean and jerks the bar will also start on the ground.  You will perform basically another deadlift - but this time - when the bar gets past the knees you will pick up speed and almost JUMP with it.  Keep the arms straight while you finish with the legs and the hips.  Add a shoulder shrug and keep the bar close.  As the bar travels up the body reach your elbows high and outside to keep it in!  Pull yourself down under it into a partial squat.  Catch the bar on the shoulders by rotating the elbows around and through fast.  Land in your heels with your butt slightly back and the knees out/chest up.

From this "dip" position stand up hard and fast to pop the bar off of the shoulder.  Move the face out of the way and press the bar UP.  You can either finish by pressing the bar out to lock out or you can push yourself under slightly and catch again in a partial squat and stand to finish!

Rep ends with the bar over the middle of the body and belly tight!


6 Rounds
1 Min Low Step Ups OR Bike/Row/Run
10 KB/DB Swings
10 KB/DB Thrusters

Idea Weight for Men: 35# KB or 20# DBs
Idea Weight for Women: 24# KB or 10# DBs

Score: Total Time

Goal: 22 Min or Less

For this workout we put a bunch of options for the 1 minute portion.  We wanted you to be able to choose based on the fact that some of you DO have access to equipment like a rower or bike.  And some of you wouldn't mind a little 1 min jog each round either!  So you can pick!

Whatever you pick - choose the same thing for all 6 rounds and just move with it for an entire minute each time.

For the swings you may hold a kettlebell, a single dumbbell, or a dumbbell in each hand.  You will start by bringing the weight to your waist.  Then you will hinge at the hips and bend the knees slightly keeping the arms straight.  You will allow the hands and arms to come between the legs.  Keep the chest up, back flat, knees out, arms straight, and heels down.

Stand up hard and fast using the arms as ropes to make the db or kb weightless.  Follow through with the arms to guide the weight up to eye level.

Allow gravity to bring the weight back down.

For the thrusters you will either hold the kb with both hands or a single dumbbell with both hands OR you may hold a dumbbell in each hand.  You will start with the weight up at your chest/shoulder.  You will stand with the feet shoulder width apart and the weight in your heels.  Reach your butt back and down and drive your knees OUT.  Keep the chest up and don't allow the weight to pull you forward.  Ideally you will get to where the butt is lower than the knees at the bottom.  BUT if you are unable to stay in your heels that low - stop a little higher!

Stand up and then press the weight up to lockout - pulling the weight back over the middle of your body.  Keep the belly tight!

Lower back to the chest for the next rep!


Every 5 Min for 6 Rounds (30 Min)

Score is total WORKING time (not including any rest time)

6 Rounds
Run 200 Meters
6 Devil's Thruster
Run 200 Meters

(Rest Remainder of 5 Min)

RX Men: 40# Dumbbells
RX Women: 25# Dumbbells

RX + Men/Women: 8 Devil's Thrusters

Goal: Make all 6 Rounds without capping out because you ran out of time in the 5 minute window.


Every 5 Min for 6 Rounds (30 Min)

Score is total WORKING time (not including any rest time)

6 Rounds
Run 200 Meters
8 Squat Clean Thruster
Run 200 Meters

(Rest Remainder of 5 Min)

You may also do bike or row options as listed in Program C - just note that in comments.

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX + Men/Women: 10 Squat Clean Thruster

Goal: Make all 6 Rounds without capping out because you ran out of time in the 5 minute window.


Every 5 Min for 6 Rounds (30 Min)

Score is total WORKING time (not including any rest time)

6 Rounds
Row 250 Meters
15 Cal Bike (Men) / 10 Cal Bike (Women)
6 Devil's Thruster
Row 250 Meters
15 Cal Bike (Men) / 10 Cal Bike (Women)

(Rest Remainder of 5 Min)

RX Men: 40# Dumbbells
RX Women: 25# Dumbbells

RX + Men/Women: 8 Devil's Thrusters

The way this works is at  go you do one round.  You then have until 5:00 to go again. So for this the goal would be to get at least a minute rest if not more.  Choose your dumbbell weight wisely and if your first round takes you 4 min or close to it you may lighten the weight or drop the reps to even 4 - 5.

The run distance in this workout should take you 45 seconds - 1 min each time.  You should be running pretty hard since there is scheduled rest here.

If you are unable to run for space or weather restrictions you may sub 50 seconds of jump rope - either double or single unders.  Do doubles if you are capable and should get 30-50 reps or more each time.

A Devil's Thruster is a Devil Press then lower the dumbbells to the shoulders - then a thruster.

For this movement the dumbbells will be on the ground.  You will perform a push up on the dumbbells, jump or step your fett in, then pull the dumbbells from between the feet with a flat back and a slight bend in the knee.  Drive through the heels and keep the arms straight as you stand and really drive with the legs and the hips to help move the weight!

From here it is a combo dumbbell snatch/swing/clean and jerk to get the dumbbells locked out overhead.  Make sure you finish each rep with the biceps by the ears and elbows locked!  Remember to keep the belly tight!

From here you will lower the dumbbells to the shoulder.  Your feet should be roughly shoulder width apart already from the Devil Press.  Reach the butt back and down, drive the knees out, keep the heels down, keep the chest up.  Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom.  From here, DRIVE UP into the dumbbells and use the leg drive to finish with another press out.  Biceps by the ears, elbows locked.

Keep good positions as you lower back down for the next rep.

See video demo for KB and Sandbag Option.

TUESDAY 6.12.18

20 Min AMRAP
(As Many Reps as Possible in 20 Min)
10 Weighted Step Ups RIGHT
10 Weighted Step Ups LEFT
10 Pull Ups

RX Men: 40# Dumbbells - 20-24" Box
RX Women: 25# Dumbbells - 18-20" Box

RX + Men: 50# Dumbbells - 24" Box
RX + Women: 35# Dumbbells - 20" Box

RX + (OPTION): 5 Strict Pull Ups in place of kipping (just note it in comments)

Score: Total Completed Rounds Plus any Additional Reps

Goal: 10 Rounds +


20 Min AMRAP
(As Many Reps as Possible in 20 Min)
10 Weighted Step Ups RIGHT
10 Weighted Step Ups LEFT
10 Pull Ups

RX Men: 75#  - 20-24" Box
RX Women: 55# Dumbbells - 18-20" Box

RX + Men: 95# Dumbbells - 24" Box
RX + Women: 65# Dumbbells - 20" Box

RX + (OPTION): 5 Strict Pull Ups in place of kipping (just note it in comments)

Score: Total Completed Rounds Plus any Additional Reps


20 Min AMRAP
(As Many Reps as Possible in 20 Min)
10 Weighted Step Ups RIGHT
10 Weighted Step Ups LEFT
4 Muscle Ups

RX Men: 40# Dumbbells - 20-24" Box
RX Women: 25# Dumbbells - 18-20" Box

RX + Men: 50# Dumbbells - 24" Box
RX + Women: 35# Dumbbells - 20" Box

RX + (OPTION): 3 Strict Muscle Ups  (just note it in comments)

Score: Total Completed Rounds Plus any Additional Reps

Goal: 8 Rounds +

For the step ups in this workout you will hold the dumbbells at the sides.  You will place your right foot on the box.  Make sure the WHOLE foot on the box.  Step up - driving off of that working leg.  Come to a complete standing position on top of the box.  As you stand make sure the knee does not cave in.  Make sure you are using a height that you are comfortable LOWERING yourself back down with too.  You MAY leave your working foot on the box for all 10 reps.

After 10 reps with the right - you will do 10 reps with the left.

If you absolutely do not have something to step on - no chair or box or bench or stack of plates - you may sub reverse lunges.

For the pull ups choose a pull up style that you won't have to break a ton.  If you are OK at kipping pull ups but sets of 10 will really add up - you may choose to lower the reps to 7 or even 5.  If you want to do strict but 5 might be too many - you may want to lower to 3.

We don't want you just breezing through the pull ups either though.  Each round should take 1 - 2 min.  So it's ok if you are breaking them somewhat.  Eventually this workout is going to get extremely grippy.

Other options for pull ups are:
TRX or Ring ROW
Bent Over Row
Banded Pull Ups
Jumping Pull Ups

If you choose to do jumping - as always - do NOT use a slow lower and do NOT do more than 10 rounds of this workout.  We definitely prefer banded or rows for a workout with this high of volume.


15 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 15 Min)

3 Hang Power Cleans (2 dumbbells or 1 kb)
6 Push Ups
9 Squats

Idea weight for Men: 2 x 20-25# DB or 1 x  35-53# KB

Idea weight for Women: 2x10-15# DB or 1 x 12-35# KB

Score:  Total Number of Rounds + any additional reps in 15 min

Goal: 10 Rounds +

For this workout you will choose a weight that will allow you to always do the set of 3 for the hang power cleans.

HANG means that you start at the waist instead of the ground.  You either pick up a dumbbell in each hand or you can do a kb in both hands.  You will stand up.  From here you will dip slightly by bending the knees and reaching the butt back and chest slightly forward.  Keep the arms straight.  Stand up fast and squeeze the cheeks.  Shrug the shoulders and then use the momentum to guide the dumbbells up with the arms.  Touch the shoulders with the dumbbells and get the elbows in front.  With a KB you will do the same, but just rotate the hands around the handle to get it at a supported position at your chest.

Lower back down to the waist to start the next rep.

For the push ups you may do regular push ups, knee push ups, or even elevated push ups.  A main focus here is for the elbows to go BACK with the hands just outside of the body.  Avoid super wide hands with the elbows going OUT.

Keep the body in a straight position with the belly tight.  No super high hips OR snaking.

For the squats these are unweighted.  You will stand with the feet shoulder width apart.  Reach the butt back and down and keep the heels down.  Drive the knees OUT and fight to keep the chest up.

Ideally you will get to where your butt is lower than the top of your knees at the bottom with the heels down and chest UP!

Stand all of the way up to finish.

If past injury, current strength, or mobility prevents you from going all of the way down you may do assisted squats - holding onto something - this is a GREAT method for those who shift forward or have issues with the knees.  OR you may raise the depth a bit to where you can sustain good positions.

MONDAY 6.11.18

Monday Re-TEST!  We originally posted this one on March 3, 2017- and then we did it again on 10/09/2017!  Make sure you double check your score from last time so you can compare!

The Chief / SP (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

5 Rounds
Each Round is:
3 Power Cleans
6 Push Ups
9 Squats
Rest 1 min between 3 Min Cycles

RX Men: 135#
RX Women: 95#

Score total completed rounds across all 5 cycles, plus any additional reps.


5 Rounds
Each Round is:
3 DB Power Cleans
6 Push Ups
9 Air Squats
Rest 1 Min between 3 Min Cycles

RX Men: 40-50# DBs
RX Women: 30-35# DBs

This is a benchmark workout so make sure to record your scores so you can find them easily any time.

The way it works is you do as many rounds of the 3-6-9 as possible in 3 minutes.  Then you rest for 1 minute and start over.

You do not start where you left off.  You always start back with a fresh round.

Score is total completed rounds and add up any additional reps.

The weight you choose to use should allow you to hit the set of 3 power cleans unbroken every time.

Make sure you are pulling under it at least a little to be more efficient, even if it feel light at first.

The push up style that you choose should also allow you to always hit 6 for the most part, at least in the first few AMRAPs.

Feel free to move as fast as possible on the squats, but really make sure you are hitting depth and standing all of the way up.