Street Parking

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POWER | WEEK 39 | 09/19/2021

STREET PARKING POWER - Ongoing program designed to build strength through emphasis on major lifts like Back Squat, Front Squat, Deadlift, Shoulder Press and Bench Press.

This may also include assistance exercises to support good mechanics and healthy tissue.

Typically we suggest adding this in before the regular daily workout if performing them on the same day. Days in which this workout will fit in best can be found on the daily program write ups!



5 Sets of 10 Reps (5 Reps Per Side)

Back Rack Split Squat

Rest 2-3 Minutes between sets.

For these back rack split squats you will do all 5 on one side and then all 5 on the other. You will get into a lunge position and stay there for 5 reps - then step in and switch sides!

Do a few warm up sets to determine a good starting weight for yourself. Do not count any warm up sets toward the 5 working sets. You can build across the five sets or stay at the same weight but all working sets should be heavy!

Start with the bar on your back. Once in the lunge position you will go down and touch the back knee to the ground while keeping the front heel on the ground. Drive out of the front heel, but keep your weight balanced on both feet to stand. Make sure that your feet are not like on a tight rope but are about hip/shoulder width apart (side to side) too. Try not to let the chest come forward as you lunge. Keep the chest up and belly tight. Do all 5 on one side then switch feet without re-racking or dropping the bar.


Shoulder Press

Rest 2 minutes between sets

Score is heaviest single

**So you perform 2 sets of 5, 2 sets of 3, and 3 single reps

For this you'll perform 2 sets of 5 reps, then 2 sets of 3 reps, then 3 single reps - resting 2 minutes between each set. The goal is to go heavier with each set. It helps if you have a weight you're shooting to hit on the third single and then work backwards from there in 5-10# increments to have an idea of where to start.

The shoulder press is a press overhead without using the legs or hips to assist the upper body. You will squeeze the cheeks, pull the ribcage down and in, bar is on the shoulders with the elbows slightly in front. Move the face back and press the bar straight up.

Once the bar has cleared the head/face you can bring the head back to neutral and continue pressing the bar UP! Lock out completely and pull the bar back over the middle of the body.

When lowering the bar back down - if you need to you may absorb with the knees. Just no assist from that dip to help the next rep.