GYMNASTICS | WEEK 39 | 09/19/2021


Street Parking Gymnastics is posted once a week - on Sunday. These workouts are for those interested in building more strength, stamina, and skill in the gymnastics movements. Add this in wherever makes sense for your schedule.

Depending on where you are adding this in - it can be great for a warm up - or after the main workout. It also goes well combined with an Endurance workout, or often Power, Oly, or Butts and Guts!



Part 1

EMOM x 7 min
(Every Minute on the Minute for 7 minutes)

10-sec Active Hang
5 Scap Pull Ups
5 Kip Swings

If you complete all the work within the minute, count that as a round toward your score. Max is 7.

For the Active Bar Hang, begin hanging from the pull-up bar, with a shoulder width grip (hands will be shoulder width apart). Engage the lats by pulling the shoulders down. There should be sizable space between the tops of your shoulders and your ears. Tighten the core by pulling your belly button into your spine. This will help flatten out the lower back, setting you in a hollowed position. Squeeze the glutes and round the hips under to further engage the core. Keep your legs as tight as possible by squeezing the quads, and pointing your toes.

For the Scap Pull Ups, begin in a dead hang on the bar, with your hands shoulder width apart. Engage the lats by "pulling down on the bar", creating as much space as possible between your shoulders and ears. Hold for two seconds. Lower back down into your dead hang position.

For the Kip Swings, begin in a dead hang on the bar, with your hands shoulder width apart. Engage the lats by "pulling down on the bar", creating as much space as possible between your shoulders and ears. With your legs long and toes pointed, pull against the bar as you swing your feet back. Once your head and chest are forward, press into the bar as you swing your feet forward. Pull on the bar again once your torso is behind the bar. Note: Smaller and tighter positions are better than larger, out of control positions! Make sure you are fully engaged.

Part 2

Max Effort Handstand Hold

Log your reps as however many seconds you held for. That may mean converting minutes to seconds (Total # of Full Minutes Completed x 60 + Any Additional Seconds - So if I held for 2:13, it's 2 x 60 = 120, + 13 = 133 seconds)

Handstand hold can be against the wall or free standing. If you are just getting comfortable with inversions, try going into a pike hold with your feet up on a box.

Stack your hips as directly over your shoulders as you possibly can. Be sure to keep your quads and butt squeezed tight. Imagine you're tucking your ribcage into your belly button. Continuously press your hands into the floor, driving your shoulders into your ears. Keep your chin tucked and head neutral.

Part 3


15 Kipping Pull Ups
30-sec L-Sit (or V-Sit)
0.5x Time of Max Effort Handstand Hold

Rest 1 minute between Rounds

The goal for these kipping pull ups is to improve your stamina so, ideally, they should be done in no more than 2 sets. If you would need to break these 15 up more than twice, consider reducing the total # of reps to something you CAN do in two sets. (For instance, if you know you could do two sets of 5 but that would be your limit, reduce to 10 reps). If you can only do 1-2 reps at a time, your goal today should be to squeeze out a rep or two more. Do this 3-4 times before moving onto the next movement.

If you choose to do the V-Sit, it's the same idea as the L-Sit except you'll be seated on the ground with a kettlebell or dumbbell in front of you. You'll extend your legs up over the weight, working hard to sit up tall and keep your spine long.

For the handstand hold, you'll cut your max effort hold in half and complete that time at the end of each round. So if your max effort hold is 2:30, you'll hold for 1:15 each round. You can accumulate that time if you need to. All the same points of performance apply.

For the L-Sit, set up parallettes, stacks of plates, boxes, or chairs just outside of hip-width apart. Stand inside of your supports and place your hands onto them. Pressing into the supports to create space between your shoulders and ears, lift your feet from the ground and reach your legs out in front of you. Ideally, you'll lock your knees out, squeezing your quads tight and pointing your toes. You can bend at the knees and/or tuck them closer to your belly to make this more accessible.