Street Parking

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THURSDAY 08/22/2019

Pre: Oly
Post: Butts & Guts
Swap: Sandbag

Pre: Warm Up Flow, Couch Stretch
Post: Shouder Stretch, Pigeon Stretch




Squat Warm Up
Pull Up Warm Up


For Total Time (Including Rest)

37 Devil Press

Rest 1 Min

21 Thrusters
21 Pull Ups
15 Thrusters
15 Pull Ups
9 Thrusters
9 Pull Ups

Rest 1 Min

37 Devil Press

RX Men: 30-35# DBs / 75# Bar for Thrusters
RX Women: 15-20# Dumbbells / 45# Bar for Thrusters

RX + Men: 40# DBs / 95# Bar for Thrusters
RX + Women: 25# DBs / 65# Bar for Thrusters

Score: Total Time
Goal: Around 20 Min or Less

Notice that we put in a lighter weight dumbbell for RX today. We know that many of you don't have a lot of options for your dumbbell weights so if you only have the heavier ones (RX+) - it's ok to go for it. Either do the whole thing or if you need to - scale the devil press reps to half.

For the devil press you may also sub a plate burpee or a burpee + a KB swing if you don't have the appropriate dumbbells or if you want to do all of the reps and those would be more manageable for you.

For the devil press you will start with your hands on the dumbbells on the ground. You will either step or jump your feet back into a push up/sprawl type position. Get the chest and thighs to touch the ground at the bottom. Jump or step the feet in so they are on the outside of your hands/dumbbells. From here make sure your knees are bent, back is flat, and chest is up! Arms are straight. Lift the dumbbells by driving your heels into the ground and lifting the chest. Once past the knees think of jumping and shrugging to bring momentum to the dumbbells. It will be almost a combo snatch/clean and jerk/kb swing motion to get the bells to a lockout position with the biceps by the ears. Do not allow your back to round as you bring them back down.

For the thrusters the bar will start on the shoulders. Keep the chest up as you reach the butt back and down. Heels are down about shoulder width apart. Drive the knees out and keep the belly tight and chest up. Get the butt below the knees. Stand hard and fast to pop the bar off of the shoulders. Finish with a press to lockout with the biceps by the ears. Lower back to shoulder for next rep.

Pull ups may be any style that will allow you to do at least sets of 5 or so each time. You may do kipping, strict, jumping, banded, or bar/ring row. If you perform jumping make sure you do not do a slow lower




Squat Warm Up
Pull Up Warm Up


For Total Time (Including Rest)

37 Devil Press

Rest 1 Min

21 Thrusters
21 Pull Ups
15 Thrusters
15 Pull Ups
9 Thrusters
9 Pull Ups

Rest 1 Min

37 Devil Press

RX Men: 35-40# Dumbbells
RX Women: 20-25# Dumbbells

RX + Men: 45-50# DBs
RX + Women: 30-35# DBs

We gave a range on the dumbbells because the jump from 25-35 is major with this much work. As always - don't hesitate to go lighter!

Score: Total Time
Goal: Around 20 Min or Less

We know that many of you don't have a lot of options for your dumbbell weights so if you only have the heavier ones (RX+) - it's ok to go for it. Either do the whole thing or a few options are to scale the devil press reps to half or even do the thrusters with only one of your dumbbells if you need to in order to keep moving and try to finish under 20 min.

For the devil press you may also sub a plate burpee or a burpee + a KB swing if you want to do all of the reps and those would be more manageable for you.

For the devil press you will start with your hands on the dumbbells on the ground. You will either step or jump your feet back into a push up/sprawl type position. Get the chest and thighs to touch the ground at the bottom. Jump or step the feet in so they are on the outside of your hands/dumbbells. From here make sure your knees are bent, back is flat, and chest is up! Arms are straight. Lift the dumbbells by driving your heels into the ground and lifting the chest. Once past the knees you will think of almost jumping and shrugging to bring momentum to the dumbbells. It will be almost a combo snatch/clean and jerk/kb swing motion to get the bells to a lockout position with the biceps by the ears. Do not allow your back to round as you bring them back down.

For the thrusters the dumbbells will start on the shoulders. Keep the chest up as you reach the butt back and down. Heels are down about shoulder width apart. Drive the knees out and keep the belly tight and chest up. Get the butt below the knees. Stand hard and fast to pop the dumbbells off of the shoulders. Finish with a press to lockout with the biceps by the ears. Lower back to shoulder for next rep.

Pull ups may be any style that will allow you to do at least sets of 5 or so each time. You may do kipping, strict, jumping, banded, or bar/ring row. If you perform jumping make sure you do not do a slow lower. If you don't have something to pull up on, try an upright row!




Squat Warm Up
Pull Up Warm Up


For Total Time (Including Rest)

37 Sandbag Burpee Ground to Overhead

Rest 1 Min

21 Sandbag Thrusters
21 Pull Ups
15 Sandbag Thrusters
15 Pull Ups
9 Sandbag Thrusters
9 Pull Ups

Rest 1 Min

37 Sandbag Burpee Ground to Overhead

Ideal weight for Sandbags:
Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#

Score: Total Time
Goal: Around 20 Min or Less

A legendary workout for an absolute legend! (Also, not Miranda writing this :)

The best advice we can give you is DO NOT PEACOCK the first round of burpee ground to overhead. Pick a pace you can have something left over for the other stuff. Think of an 8-12 burpee-a-minute pace.

For the burpee sandbag ground to overhead the bag will start right in front of your feet. Plant your hands on the bag a bit wider than shoulder width apart. Step or jump your feet back to a plank position and lower your chest to the bag, knees/thighs to the floor. Press back up to straight arms and step or jump your feet back in. Grab hold of the overhand handles, bend your knees and lift your chest up. Keep the heels down. With your back flat and belly tight, stand up with the sandbag by driving through the heels and lifting the chest. Explode UP with the legs and hips. Shrug the shoulders. Pull the elbow high and outside. Then PUNCH the sandbag to lock out finishing with the biceps by the ear!

For the thrusters the sandbag will be on the biceps with the elbows high. Feet under shoulders, heels down. You will reach the butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat with the sandbag on the biceps and keeping the elbows high. Stand hard and fast to pop the sandbag off of the body. Move the face out of the way and press the sandbag straight up. Keep belly tight and finish locked out overhead.

You may also go side to side on the thrusters, from shoulder up and over to the other.

Pull ups may be any style that will allow you to do at least sets of 5 or so each time. You may do kipping, strict, jumping, banded, or bar/ring row. If you perform jumping make sure you do not do a slow lower.


DEVIL PRESS - If you feel a lot of pressure in your belly or pelvic floor in the plank position or hopping forward/back, you can step back/forward to a table top or low bear pose or skip the plank/push up. You can also use less weight. If you have to modify the movement too much you may want to sub KB Swings, Sled Push/Pull, Farmer Carry, or Ball Slams so that you can keep moving and keep the heart rate up!

THRUSTERS - To focus on managing proper posture, breathing mechanics, core pressurization, and/or joint stability sub: Dumbbells instead of the barbell, Less wieght, Box/Target/Supported Sqaut + Press, or Air Squats

PULL UPS - For managing the pressure of the core and pelvic floor during Early Pregnancy or later on in the Rebuilding stages of PP sub: strict pull ups or banded pull ups. To avoid any coning in the belly during 2nd/3rd Trimester or Rehab stage of PP, while hanging from the bar sub: Ring Rows, Bent Over Rows, Banded Lat Pull Downs, BIRTHFIT Banded Woodchop, Banded Lat Pull Downs, DB/KB Front Raises. Kipping Pull Ups should only be added back into the later stages of Rebuilding in PP once the rehab is complete and athlete shows proficiency in strict movements.

See this content in the original post