OLY | WEEK 52 | 12/22/2019


Snatch Warm Up


3 Position Muscle Snatch (3 x 2 Reps at Each Position - Building)

High Hang (Pockets)
Hang (Above Knees)
Floor (Mid-Shin)This is mean to be done as a warm up and the first set of this should be done super light - like an empty bar.

You will perform 2 reps of a muscle snatch from the high hang.  This means you will deadlift the bar to the waist with a wide - snatch - grip.  Feet should be roughly under the hips with the heels down.  Arms are long and straight.  You will perform a dip  from this position, but a very shallow one.  In this "high hang" dip you will bend the knees slightly - keep the butt back but keep the chest up.  It is very shallow and the bar shouldn't really move down the leg.  Keep the arms straight.  From here you will stand up hard and fast, shrug, pull the elbows high and outside so that the bar goes up the body, then punch to lock out overhead.

The second rep each time will be from above the knees.  So again the bar starts at the waist - but this time the dip is much deeper to initiate.  You will keep the heels down and bend the knees slightly.  Reach the butt back back and allow the bar to travel down the leg keeping the arms straight.  Lower to just above the knee.  From here it is a controlled pull up the leg and out of the dip and finish off again with the explosive up, shrug, high elbows and punch to lock out.

The final rep will be from mid shin or with the plates on the floor.  Make sure the heels are down and the shoulders are higher than the hips - hips higher than the knees.  Have a nice and controlled pull off of the ground and past the knees keeping the bar close to the body and the arms straight.  Finish the same way you did with the other 2!

Do 3 sets of 2 reps at each position.

Power Snatch (8 x 1 - 1 rep every 90 seconds for 12 min.)
1 rep every 90 seconds for 12 Min!  Add weight each time if possible!

For the power snatch the bar will start on the ground.  Heels are roughly  hip to shoulder width apart.  Grip is wide and arms are long and straight.  Hinge forward at the hip and bend the knees slightly.   Chest up and higher than hips.  Back flat.

Drive through the heels and lift the chest.  Keep the arms straight as you stand.  Pull the bar into the body.  Rotate the torso upright once past the knees  Stand up hard and fast.  SHRUG the shoulders.  Keep the bar close! Pull the elbows high and outside as the bar travels up the body.  Rotate the bar and press out overhead FAST!  At the same time pull yourself under slightly by reaching the butt back and bending the knees.  Keep the heels down, chest up, belly tight, and knees out!  Think PUNCH to lock out!   Belly tight.  Butt squeezed!  Bar over the middle of the body. Stand fully to complete the rep.

Behind the Neck Shoulder Press (30 Reps)

From the back rack position - using no momentum built from the lower body - press the bar to a locked out position overhead.For this you will use a wide grip.  Make sure you move the head slightly forward when pressing up and lowering.  Keep the belly tight and work to keep the armpits forward and shoulder blades tucked in!  Pause at the top of each rep for 1 second before lowering.