SOGO | WEEK 52 | 12/22/2019


4 Rounds Not For Time:
12 Dumbbell Bench Press
12 Banded Tricep Pulldowns or Skullcrushers
12 Diamond Push Ups
12 Seated Dips

Score: Put weight used for Dumbbell Bench Press

Choose a variation on all of these that you can get all 12 reps in one set.

Lying face up on the bench, start with the dumbbells outside your chest, elbows about 45 degrees out from your torso. Draw your shoulderblades down into the bench and keep them pulled back even as you press up. Keep your elbows below your wrists and press straight up until your arms are fully extended and perpendicular to the floor.  Lower the DBs with control back to your chest.

For the skull crushers keep the shoulders back and down and bend only from the elbow - bringing the bar or dumbbells close to your "skull".  Really extend the elbow hard at the top!

For the diamond push ups, keep your body in a rigid plank position. Hands together so that thumbs are touching and index fingers are touching. Point your elbows slightly back. Lower your chest and thighs to the floor.  Keep everything tight and press straight back up until your arms are straight.

Plant your hands on a bench, box or chair and scoot your hips off the edge.  Try to keep your legs straight or just slightly bent. Keep your torso close to the bench the whole time as you lower down until your elbows go just beyond 90 degrees, then press back up. Perform these slow.

Part 2
10-9-8-7...3-2-1 Reps of:
Plank Up & Overs
Wide Grip Push Ups
1/2 Push Up Hold (1 rep = 1 second)

Goal is to finish this in 12 minutes or less. Stop at 15 minutes if you haven't completed the reps by then.

The way this works is: first you do 10 plank up & overs, then 10 wide grip push ups, then a 10 second 1/2 push up hold. Then you 9 of everything including a 9 second hold. Then 8, then 7 and so on down to 1.

For the plank up & overs, set up a medicine ball or stack of plates outside one hand. It should be 6-12ish inches high.

Start in a plank position (top of a push up) with arms straight, shoulders over wrists, heels over the balls of your feet.

Keeping your belly tight, quads engaged and back flat, walk one hand then the other to the ball, then over to the other side. Both hands must plant on the higher surface and both hands must plant on both sides of the ball/stack. Each time you plant both hands on one side of the ball/stack is 1 rep.

For the wide grip push ups, place your hands wider than shoulder width in your set up position.  Keep your whole body in a tight rigid position as you lower your chest and thighs to the floor then press back up to lock out.  These can also be done from the knees or with hands elevated.

Same with the half push up hold. From knees or toes, lower halfway down until your arms make a 90 degree angle.  Hold there for the required time then press back up to the top to finish. Don't let your hips sag on this one, squeeze everything!!