Mamas Weekend Update
We love our Street Parking moms -- and aunts, grandmas, nanas, tias -- and all the women who love, support, guide and shape our families and our Street Parking community! We celebrate you and we see you!
Mother's Day weekend we released the first of several new resources from Street Parking with the SP Mamas Podcast, and also to remind you of the variety of tools and support we have for our mamas in their daily fitness and health from pregnancy, postpartum and beyond.
In this newsletter you will hear from SP Mamas Coach Carolina and can find out more about:
Episode 1 Available Now!
Just like "Consistency is Key" in your fitness journey, "Connection is Key" in the parenthood journey. Join Coach Carolina as she sits down with a different SP Mama in each episode to connect, share a cup of tea, and hear about her journey to motherhood. This podcast is about sharing stories, experiences, and hope. It's about getting to know the incredible members of this community and recognizing that each person has a story, and that every story matters.
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We understand how the motherhood transition is going to be different for every woman and for every pregnancy. Each woman's needs and intentions, experiences and backgrounds will ultimately determine the type of training and movement that is right for them. Street Parking has a variety of options and resources to support all of the mamas in the community, with guidance and care from SP Mamas Coach Carolina.
Visit the SP Mamas page on Members Only for:
Mama Warm Ups - videos include the Pregnancy & Postpartum Functional Progression and the Core Functional Progression Flow* which is great for people experiencing low back issues and/or have plateaued during strength building.
Mama Movement Library- an extensive video library of all the Mama Modifications listed with the daily workouts. The videos are divided into some basic categories but many of these movements overlap and can be used as substitutions for multiple purposes.
Mama Maintenance - includes gentle flows specific to newborn caregiver, pregnancy and postpartum. movement
Mama Resources - a growing collection of articles addressing mindset, movement, nutrition, and a library of specific resources such as PFPT links and more.
The SP Mamas Newsletter - visit Members Only for all past newsletters and subscribe to the SP Moms Newsletter for helpful information, events and promos delivered directly to your inbox! You'll be the first to hear details on the upcoming new resources including the Street Parking Postpartum Guide eBook!
Mama Modifications* Pregnant? Postpartum? Trying to get your workout in while taking in these considerations? Don't worry, Mama! We've got you covered! The Mama Modifications are a great way to keep moving while protecting or rebuilding your long term core and pelvic floor health. All of the Street Parking Daily Programming includes suggestions for how to modify your workouts with these movements, but feel free to get creative and use them however you want. Read more about it below and see a great example of one of our favorite mods!
*SP COACHES PRO-TIP: these tools are good for ANYONE needing modifications or additional support in their path of rehabbing functional movement, not just mamas.
Check out the Lateral Step Up as one of the many Mama Modifications that ANYONE can use as a safe modification in the daily workouts!
We know it can be a little tedious modifying your workouts with the same movements all the time. That's why we've created the Mama Modifications with additional options like the Lateral Step Up! Check out this demo from the Mama Modifications Movement Library and try using it as a modification next week! It would be a great option for managing any pubic symphysis pain or discomfort! Look for this suggestion as well as many others on the Members Only website listed with EVERY workout!
All of our SP Moms are invited to join the PRIVATE Street Parking Pregnant/Postpartum group, hosted by Coach Carolina...
"This group is a resource for support and connection for all things MOM related. We encourage members to start by reading through the posts saved as ANNOUNCEMENTS and the comments below them for tons of helpful info and resources. This community is full of experience, hope, and strength and all you need to do is reach out and we will all have your back! Please remember that every mom, pregnancy, baby, life, etc. is different and help keep this group open and respectful of every type of belief and perspective."
You must have an active Street Parking membership to join this group.
If anyone knows Miranda they know her LOVE for French toast. As we all celebrate one of our favorite SP Mamas and new Baby Banner, we thought you all might enjoy her favorite breakfast too! This SP Nutrition Template compliant French toast is super simple and great for any special occasion. We came up with our own version of "syrup" that will work for the template. If you prefer the old fashion stuff - go for it!
Don't forget that we have a huge collection of Street Parking BODYWEIGHT ONLY workouts available on our Members Only website (complete with a downloadable PDF of 40+ workouts to choose from) and also several available for ANYONE to access on our Street Parking YouTube channel. Hint: these are perfect workouts to do with your #StreetParkingKids!
REMEMBER... All Bodyweight only workouts , just like our SHIFT workouts, are a great starting point for anyone new to this style of training YET will be as challenging as YOU make them by giving your best effort and INTENSITY!