Posts tagged Home Summary
MONDAY 2.4.19


For Time:

40 Front Rack Lunges
100 DB Snatch
40 Front Rack Lunges

RX Men: 40-50# DB
RX Women: 25-35#

RX Plus Men: 60#+ DB
RX Plus Women: 40#+ DB

Goal: Under 12 Min


Super simple one today guys!

The lunges may be walking, in place stepping forward or in place stepping back!  You will hold the dumbbells on the shoulder for this workout.

No matter which way you choose make sure the back knee kisses the ground (not SLAMS into) and the step you take is long enough that the front heel stays on the ground throughout.  Alternate legs with each lunge and stand all the way up each time!

For the dumbbell snatch you will use only 1 dumbbell and alternate arms each rep.

Pull the dumbbell from between your feet with a straight arm, slight bend in the knee, heels down!  Stand and finish with the legs fast!  Shrug then pull the elbow high and punch the dumbbell up! You can also pull yourself slightly under the dumbbell as well!


For Time:

40 Front Rack Lunges
50 Power Snatch
40 Front Rack Lunges

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX Plus Men: 115#+
RX Plus Women: 75#+

Goal: Under 10 Min


Super simple one today guys!

The lunges may be walking, in place stepping forward or in place stepping back!

No matter which way you choose make sure the back knee kisses the ground (not SLAMS into) and the step you take is long enough that the front heel stays on the ground throughout.  Alternate legs with each lunge and stand all the way up each time!

For the power snatch you will pull the bar from the ground with a wide grip and straight arms.  There should be a slight bend in the knees with the heels down and chest up.  Stand up hard and fast with the arms still straight - shrug - pull the elbows UP high then punch the bar overhead as you press yourself under into a partial overhead squat.  Stand to complete each rep.

You may also choose to do 100 dumbbell snatches with:

RX Men: 50# DB
RX Women: 35 # DB

RX Plus Men: 60# DB +
RX Plus Women: 45# DB +


For Time:

40 Sandbag Front Rack Lunges
50 Sandbag Over Shoulder
40 Sandbag Front Rack Lunges

No RX or RX +:  LOWER THE NUMBER OF OVER THE SHOULDER if your bag is heavy or if that number will take you WAY over the goal time!

Goal: Under 10 Min


Super simple one today guys!

The lunges may be walking, in place stepping forward or in place stepping back!

No matter which way you choose make sure the back knee kisses the ground (not SLAMS into) and the step you take is long enough that the front heel stays on the ground throughout.  Alternate legs with each lunge and stand all the way up each time!

Hold the bag as high on your shoulders as possible and keep that chest up/belly tight.  If you normally get super tight in your low back with lunges - putting the bag on your shoulder or on your back may help ease that a bit.

For the sandbag over the shoulder - technique will vary slightly depending on what type of bag you have. BUT - in general you want the bag between your feet. Feet are roughly shoulder width apart with the heels down. Hinge at the hip and bend the knees enough to try and get at least your hands and part of your forearms under the bag. Lift your chest and tighten your belly. Drive through your heels as you lift the bag. Pull it in close to your body. Stand up hard and fast and roll the bag over your torso - finishing over the shoulder. USE THE POWER FROM YOUR LEGS!!!

TUESDAY 2.5.19

4 Rounds

Rest 2 Min Between Rounds

20 Squats
20 Pull Ups
20 Push Ups
20 Sit Ups
20 Squats

No weight needed!

RX+ Men/Women - Take all of these numbers up to 30 each round.


RX+ Option: Wear a Weight Vest.

Score: Slowest Round ONLY

Goal: Under 4-5 Min or Less Rounds


Pretty simple here guys.  The goal is to keep each round under 4 min so that means NOT doing the 30 reps if it's taking you longer than that - and also choosing the appropriate pull up and push up style to get through those in less than 1 min or so each.

Your score is ONLY your slowest round.  This is to encourage you to pace them out all similar and not peacock the first round!  With that said - go for it and try to maintain it!!!

For these squats, keep the chest up, but do not overextend the back.  Keep the belly tight!

Reach the butt back and down trying to keep the chest up as you descend. Drive the knees out and keep the heels down throughout. The bottom position should be where the butt is lower than the top of the knee.  Do not collapse in this position.  Do not go so low that the back starts to round.

To stand, lead with the chest. Stand fully for each rep.

For the pull ups - the best options for this workout today are strict (lower number to 10 if needed to keep time), kipping, banded, or bar/ring/band row.  Jumping is an option but is a lot of leg if you do that version.

Make sure that you choose a version that is difficult for you.  These do NOT have to be unbroken, but you should be able to complete them in about 90 sec or less each time.

For the push ups make sure you keep proper form by keeping your belly tight and a rigid body position throughout.  Touch chest and thighs completely at the bottom.  Lock out all of the way at the top.  No snaking, hip sagging, or high butts!  Go to your knees if you need to in order to keep moving and finish these in a min or less!

For the sit ups you will touch the ground behind you and come up and touch your toes at the top. Do whatever you want with your feet!

This one is a GREAT one to do when you don't have any equipment at all.  Just swap the pull ups out for a jump over or a burpee and you are set.



5 Rounds

Run 400 Meters
15 Bent Over Rows
15 Push Press

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX + Men: 115# +
RX + Women: 75# +

Go heavier if you are able to keep the movements in less than 3 sets each time.

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 20 Min


For this one it's about choosing the right weight to allow you to have to break the Rows and Push Press but only once or twice per round.

For the run - the distance should take you 1:30-2:15.  If it's taking longer than that - and it's not because you are dogging it - shorten it a bit.

If you are unable to run for space or weather reasons you may sub 90 sec of single or double unders or even lowish (like 15") step ups.

For the Bent Over Rows you will deadlift the bar to just below the knee. From here, keeping the torso position set and the chest lifted - you will pull the elbows back and bring the bar to just below the chest.  Keep the belly tight. Bring the bar back to just below the knee with the arm straight at the bottom. No kipping or pulling your CHEST down!

It would be a good idea in this workout to strategically break these every 5 or so just to give the low back a break for a brief pause.

For the push press you will have your bar on the shoulders with the elbows high.  Feet are between hip and shoulder width apart.   Chest up.  Belly tight.  Dip keeping the heels down and allowing the knees to come forward.  Reach the hips back slightly but keep the chest lifted.

Stand up hard and fast.  Pop the barbell off of the shoulders and finish with a press straight to lock out.  Biceps by the ears.  Standing tall.  Locked out elbows.  Belly tight.

If Round 1 takes you longer than about 4:30 min - re-evaluate!!


5 Rounds

Run 400 Meters
15 DB Bent Over Rows
15 DB Push Press

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX + Men: 50# DBs +
RX + Women: 35# DBs +

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 20 Min


For this one it's about choosing the right weight to allow you to have to break the Rows and Push Press but only once or twice per round.

For the run - the distance should take you 1:30-2:15.  If it's taking longer than that - and it's not because you are dogging it - shorten it a bit.

If you are unable to run for space or weather reasons you may sub 90 sec of single or double unders or even lowish (like 15") step ups.

For the Bent Over Rows you will deadlift the dumbbells to just below the knee. From here, keeping the torso position set and the chest lifted - you will pull the elbows back and bring the dumbbells to just below the chest.  Keep the belly tight. Bring the dumbbells back to just below the knee with the arms straight at the bottom. No kipping or pulling your CHEST down!

For the push press you will have a dumbbell in each hand at the shoulders.  Feet are between hip and shoulder width apart.  Dumbbells are at the shoulders.  Chest up.  Belly tight.  Dip keeping the heels down and allowing the knees to come forward.  Reach the hips back slightly but keep the chest lifted.

Stand up hard and fast.  Pop the dumbbells off of the shoulders and finish with a press straight to lock out.  Biceps by the ears.  Standing tall.  Locked out elbows.  Belly tight.

If Round 1 takes you longer than about 4:30 min - re-evaluate!!


5 Rounds

Bike 33 Cal Men / 22 Cal Women
500 Meter Row
15 Bent Over Rows
15 Push Press

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX + Men: 115# +
RX + Women: 75# +

Go heavier if you are able to keep the movements in less than 3 sets each time.

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 20 Min


For this one it's about choosing the right weight to allow you to have to break the Rows and Push Press but only once or twice per round.

The Row/Bike Distance should take you 1:30 to 2:15.  If it is taking you longer than that - and it's not because you are dogging it - lower it a bit!

For the Bent Over Rows you will deadlift the bar to just below the knee. From here, keeping the torso position set and the chest lifted - you will pull the elbows back and bring the bar to just below the chest.  Keep the belly tight. Bring the bar back to just below the knee with the arm straight at the bottom. No kipping or pulling your CHEST down!

It would be a good idea in this workout to strategically break these every 5 or so just to give the low back a break for a brief pause.

For the push press you will have your bar on the shoulders with the elbows high.  Feet are between hip and shoulder width apart.   Chest up.  Belly tight.  Dip keeping the heels down and allowing the knees to come forward.  Reach the hips back slightly but keep the chest lifted.

Stand up hard and fast.  Pop the barbell off of the shoulders and finish with a press straight to lock out.  Biceps by the ears.  Standing tall.  Locked out elbows.  Belly tight.

If Round 1 takes you longer than about 4:30 min - re-evaluate!!



20 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 20 Min)

6 Box Jumps
8 Thrusters
15 KB/DB Swings

RX Men: 75# Thrusters, 50-55# KB/DB, 22-24" Box
RX Women: 55# Thrusters, 30-35# KB/DB, 18-20" Box

RX+: Do more rounds.  Lol.

If you think you can keep the rounds fast and almost unbroken with a heavier swing, or higher jump - go for it.

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds+Any Additional Reps

Goal: 10 Rounds +


The idea here is consistent movement with small breaks here and there potentially in Wall Balls and Swings.

For the box jumps you will choose a box that is roughly 22-24" for men and 18-20" for women if you can! If that height is too much for you - go lower! Make sure when you jump and when you land that the knees do not cave in! Stand all of the way up on your box/bench. Land with your entire foot on your box (or whatever you are using). You may also sub step ups. Or, if you don't have something to jump ON - find something to jump OVER!

We would love to see you actually jump if possible!  Even if you are jumping on a few stacked bumper plates or over your laundry basket!

For the Wall Balls we don't want these taking you longer than about 1 min each time at the most.  If you need to break into 6-6 or even 4-4-4 when you get tired.  That is fine!  Just keep breaks short!

This version has a little different rep scheme with a thruster weight that is slightly heavier than the "sub for wall ball" light thruster option in program A.  This weight should definitely be something that even when you are tired you won't break more than once.

For the thrusters the bar will be on the shoulders with the elbows high.  Feet under shoulders, heels down.  You will reach butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat with the bar on the shoulders and keeping the elbows high.  Stand hard and fast to pop the bar off of the body.  Move the face out of the way and press the bar straight up. Keep belly tight and finish locked out overhead.

For the swings you will hold the weight with both hands at the waist.  Feet are about shoulder width apart.  Heels are down.  Hinge forward at the hips and bend the knees slightly.  Keep the chest lifted and heels down.  Belly tight and arms straight.  Pull the weight back through the legs.  Stand up HARD and FAST to make the bell weightless and then (keeping the belly tight) guide the weight all of the way overhead!


20 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 20 Min)

6 Box Jumps
12 Wall Balls
15 KB/DB Swings

RX Men: 20#ish Ball, 50-55# KB/DB, 22-24" Box
RX Women: 13-15#ish Ball, 30-35# KB/DB, 18-20" Box

RX+: Do more rounds.  Lol.

If you think you can keep the rounds fast and almost unbroken with a heavier swing, or higher jump - go for it.

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds+Any Additional Reps

Goal: 9 Rounds +


The idea here is consistent movement with small breaks here and there potentially in Wall Balls and Swings.

For the box jumps you will choose a box that is roughly 22-24" for men and 18-20" for women if you can! If that height is too much for you - go lower! Make sure when you jump and when you land that the knees do not cave in! Stand all of the way up on your box/bench. Land with your entire foot on your box (or whatever you are using). You may also sub step ups. Or, if you don't have something to jump ON - find something to jump OVER!

We would love to see you actually jump if possible!  Even if you are jumping on a few stacked bumper plates or over your laundry basket!

For the Wall Balls we don't want these taking you longer than about 1 min each time at the most.  If you need to break into 6-6 or even 4-4-4 when you get tired.  That is fine!  Just keep breaks short!

For the wall ball reps you will hold the ball at your chest with the elbows tucked in.  Feet are under the shoulders with the heels down.  Chest up and belly tight!  Reach the butt back and down.  Keep the heels down.  Drive the knees out.  Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom.  No plopping or rounding!  Keep that chest up!  Drive through the legs and use that power to help you throw the ball!

When you catch it.  Catch first and then squat.

No Ball?  Low Ceilings?  No problem!  For this workout you will do goblet squat thrusters with your KB or DB!

For the swings you will hold the weight with both hands at the waist.  Feet are about shoulder width apart.  Heels are down.  Hinge forward at the hips and bend the knees slightly.  Keep the chest lifted and heels down.  Belly tight and arms straight.  Pull the weight back through the legs.  Stand up HARD and FAST to make the bell weightless and then (keeping the belly tight) guide the weight all of the way overhead!  Allow gravity to bring it back down and back between the legs.   Don't allow it to pull you forward.


20 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 20 Min)

6 Box Jumps
12 Wall Balls or 8 Thrusters
30 Second Sled Push

RX Men: 75# Thrusters OR 20# Wall Ball, 22-24" Box
RX Women: 55# Thrusters OR 13-15# Wall Ball, 18-20" Box

RX+: Do more rounds.  Lol.

The weight on the sled is HIGHLY dependent on what sled you have and your surface.  Find a weight and distance that you can move for the entire 30 seconds without having to stop.  Not necessarily RUNNING - but you should be able to run with it when you're fresh.

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds+Any Additional Reps

Goal: 10 Rounds +


The idea here is consistent movement with small breaks here and there potentially in Wall Balls and Swings.

For the box jumps you will choose a box that is roughly 22-24" for men and 18-20" for women if you can! If that height is too much for you - go lower! Make sure when you jump and when you land that the knees do not cave in! Stand all of the way up on your box/bench. Land with your entire foot on your box (or whatever you are using). You may also sub step ups. Or, if you don't have something to jump ON - find something to jump OVER!

We would love to see you actually jump if possible!  Even if you are jumping on a few stacked bumper plates or over your laundry basket!

For the Wall Balls we don't want these taking you longer than about 1 min each time at the most.  If you need to break into 6-6 or even 4-4-4 when you get tired.  That is fine!  Just keep breaks short!

Wall Ball and Thruster technique are almost identical.  With the ball - you throw it - with the thruster you press to lockout!  Either way...

For the thrusters the bar will be on the shoulders with the elbows high.  Feet under shoulders, heels down.  You will reach butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat with the bar on the shoulders and keeping the elbows high.  Stand hard and fast to pop the bar off of the body.  Move the face out of the way and press the bar straight up. Keep belly tight and finish locked out overhead.

For the sled push - test a 30 second distance in your warm up.  You can do an out and back or you can go OUT one round and BACK the other.  Don't worry about timing it each time.  Just find the distance in warm up and use it for the workout.

You can do this with a pull OR push sled!

FRIDAY 2.8.19


8 Rounds

Every Round is 90 Seconds of work + 30 Seconds of Rest

In the 90 Second Window Complete:

30 Double Unders
8 Toes to Bar OR Shoot Throughs
Max Reps Power Clean

**Don't forget the 30 seconds rest each time!!  So Round 2 starts at 2:00 - and so on!!

RX +: 40 Double Unders and 10 Toes to Bar/Shoot Throughs

2 Scores:

Score 1: Weight You Chose for the Workout (choose something challenging but that allows you to move correctly)

Score 2: Total Number of Power Clean Reps for All 8 Rounds Combined


Goal: Choose a weight that will allow you to get between 4-7 Reps per round.  No more than 8.  No less than 3.This one is gonna be spicy.  The goal is to finish your double unders and toes to bar or shoot throughs in about a minute.  We want you to have around 30 seconds each time for cleans.  If you find yourself having MUCH MORE than 30 seconds or getting more than about 8 cleans per round - up the reps to RX+ - or if you feel you can up the weight with good technique - do that!

The shoot throughs will take most people longer than the toes to bar.  You may also sub knees up or V-Ups for that part.

For the double unders you will want to choose a number that takes you 45 seconds or less.  If you need to lower the number to 20 in order to make that happen - do it!  OR if that's still not happening - go to 45 seconds of singles or 30 dumbbell hop overs!

For the toes to bar - the goal would be to do these in no more than 2 sets each time.  Focus on that big pull of the chest THROUGH then pressing against the bar as you bring the legs and toes UP!

You may sub knees up, v-ups, or even reg sit ups!

If you choose the shoot through option you will start with each hand on some sort of riser.  You can use parallettes or even stacks of plates or boxes.  Start in a plank position.  Arms straight.  Tuck the knees and swing your body through to a front plank.  Straight body position.  Tuck the knees and go back to the start.  That is 1 rep.

For this movement, the bar will start on the ground. Hands will be outside of the legs. Feet under the hips roughly. Knees are bent, bar is close to the body, chest is up, arms are straight. Stand by driving the heels down and lifting the chest. Stand up hard and fast (jump) SHRUG the shoulders. Pull the elbows high and outside to keep the bar close. Shoot the elbows around and through FAST to get the bar on the shoulder with the elbows high. As you shoot the elbows around you will pull yourself under into a partial front squat. Stand fully to complete the movement.


8 Rounds

Every Round is 90 Seconds of work + 30 Seconds of Rest

In the 90 Second Window Complete:

30 Double Unders
8 Toes to Bar OR Shoot Throughs
Max Reps Power Clean

**Don't forget the 30 seconds rest each time!!  So Round 2 starts at 2:00 - and so on!!

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX + Men: 50# DBs / 40 Double Unders and 10 Toes to Bar/Shoot Throughs
RX + Women: 35# DBs / 40 Double Unders and 10 Toes to Bar/Shoot Throughs

Score: Total Power Clean Reps

Goal: 65 Reps +


This one is gonna be spicy.  The goal is to finish your double unders and toes to bar or shoot throughs in about a minute.  We want you to have around 30 seconds each time for cleans.  If you find yourself having MUCH MORE than 30 seconds or getting more than about 10-12 cleans per round - up the reps to RX+ - even if you keep the weight on the dumbbells the same!

The shoot throughs will take most people longer than the toes to bar.  You may also sub knees up or V-Ups for that part.

For the double unders you will want to choose a number that takes you 45 seconds or less.  If you need to lower the number to 20 in order to make that happen - do it!  OR if that's still not happening - go to 45 seconds of singles or 30 dumbbell hop overs!

For the toes to bar - the goal would be to do these in no more than 2 sets each time.  Focus on that big pull of the chest THROUGH then pressing against the bar as you bring the legs and toes UP!

You may sub knees up, v-ups, or even reg sit ups!

If you choose the shoot through option you will start with each hand on some sort of riser.  You can use parallettes or even stacks of plates or boxes.  Start in a plank position.  Arms straight.  Tuck the knees and swing your body through to a front plank.  Straight body position.  Tuck the knees and go back to the start.  That is 1 rep.

For this movement, the dumbbells will start on the ground just outside of the feet. Feet under the hips roughly. Knees are bent, chest is up, arms are straight. Stand by driving the heels down and lifting the chest. Stand up hard and fast (jump) SHRUG the shoulders. Pull the DBs up the body with the elbows high and back to keep the DBs close. Shoot the elbows around and forward FAST to get the dumbbells on the shoulders with the elbows high. As you shoot the elbows around you will pull yourself under into a partial front squat. Stand fully to complete the movement.



20 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 20 Min)

6 Box Jumps
12 Wall Balls or 8 Thrusters
30 Second Sled Push

RX Men: 75# Thrusters OR 20# Wall Ball, 22-24" Box
RX Women: 55# Thrusters OR 13-15# Wall Ball, 18-20" Box

RX+: Do more rounds.  Lol.

The weight on the sled is HIGHLY dependent on what sled you have and your surface.  Find a weight and distance that you can move for the entire 30 seconds without having to stop.  Not necessarily RUNNING - but you should be able to run with it when you're fresh.

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds+Any Additional Reps

Goal: 10 Rounds +


The idea here is consistent movement with small breaks here and there potentially in Wall Balls and Swings.

For the box jumps you will choose a box that is roughly 22-24" for men and 18-20" for women if you can! If that height is too much for you - go lower! Make sure when you jump and when you land that the knees do not cave in! Stand all of the way up on your box/bench. Land with your entire foot on your box (or whatever you are using). You may also sub step ups. Or, if you don't have something to jump ON - find something to jump OVER!

We would love to see you actually jump if possible!  Even if you are jumping on a few stacked bumper plates or over your laundry basket!

For the Wall Balls we don't want these taking you longer than about 1 min each time at the most.  If you need to break into 6-6 or even 4-4-4 when you get tired.  That is fine!  Just keep breaks short!

Wall Ball and Thruster technique are almost identical.  With the ball - you throw it - with the thruster you press to lockout!  Either way...

For the thrusters the bar will be on the shoulders with the elbows high.  Feet under shoulders, heels down.  You will reach butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat with the bar on the shoulders and keeping the elbows high.  Stand hard and fast to pop the bar off of the body.  Move the face out of the way and press the bar straight up. Keep belly tight and finish locked out overhead.

For the sled push - test a 30 second distance in your warm up.  You can do an out and back or you can go OUT one round and BACK the other.  Don't worry about timing it each time.  Just find the distance in warm up and use it for the workout.

You can do this with a pull OR push sled!



EMOM as Long as You Can Last

(Every Minute on the Minute for AS LONG as you can complete the Work)

First Minute Perform:
1 Burpee
6 Dumbbell Step Ups (Alternating)

Second Minute Perform:
2 Burpees
6 Dumbbell Step Ups (Alternating)

Third Minute Perform:
3 Burpees
6 Dumbbell Step Ups

Keep adding 1 burpee per round - until you can't complete all of the work in the minute.

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX+: Go Up to 8 Step Ups

Score: Total Number of MINUTES that you are able to complete all of the work + any additional reps in the next minute.

Goal: 10 Min +


What just happened?  Lol.

Ok so it's pretty simple.  Pick a weight or use no weight at all - that allows you to get as close to 10 min as possible in this workout.

The way it works is when the clock starts you do 1 burpee and then 6 weighted step ups.  You then REST the rest of the minute.

When the clock hits 1:00 - you do 2 burpees and then 6 step ups.  Rest unitl the clock hits 2:00.

Keep repeating in that fashion - adding 1 burpee each time - unti you can't keep up!


For the burpees you place your hands on the ground.  Jump or step your feet out.  Get your chest and thighs to the ground.  Press up.  Jump or step your feet in.  Jump and clap.

Try not to overextend the back in the press up.  Keep the belly tight. You may sub knee push up burpees, NO push up burpees (if you have an injury), or even elevated burpees (good one for mamas).

For the step ups you will hold a dumbbell, kettlebell, or bumper plates in each hand.  You may also choose to do these unweighted.  We would rather have you do them unweighted than lower the reps.

The height of the step up should be roughly 22-24" for Men and 18-20" for Women.  Please lower the height to something you are comfortable stepping up AND down.  Place your WHOLE foot on the box or step.  Make sure you drive through your HEEL when standing up and come to a full standing position on the top.  Alternate feet with each step.  So, for each set of 6 you will end up doing 3 per leg.

The step ups should take you NO MORE than about 20 seconds.  So make sure you look at the clock after your first round (of the 1 burpee and 6 step ups) to make sure that you are under 30 seconds.  Otherwise - you're in trouble.

If you are unable to step up you may also sub lunges.


Both A & B crew can post scores in Program A today. If you do not have DBs for the step ups, you can use a plate.


EMOM as Long as You Can Last

(Every Minute on the Minute for AS LONG as you can complete the Work)

First Minute Perform:
1 Burpee
6 Sandbag Step Ups (Alternating)

Second Minute Perform:
2 Burpees
6 Sandbag Step Ups (Alternating)

Third Minute Perform:
3 Burpees
6 Sandbag Step Ups

Keep adding 1 burpee per round - until you can't complete all of the work in the minute.

No RX or RX+ since all of you have different bags.  Just make sure your step ups take no longer than about 20 seconds.  Go up or down according to that.  No less than 4 - no more than 8.

Score: Total Number of MINUTES that you are able to complete all of the work + any additional reps in the next minute.

Goal: 10 Min +


What just happened?  Lol.

Ok so it's pretty simple.  Pick a weight or use no weight at all - that allows you to get as close to 10 min as possible in this workout.

The way it works is when the clock starts you do 1 burpee and then 6 weighted step ups.  You then REST the rest of the minute.

When the clock hits 1:00 - you do 2 burpees and then 6 step ups.  Rest unitl the clock hits 2:00.

Keep repeating in that fashion - adding 1 burpee each time - unti you can't keep up!


For the burpees you place your hands on the ground.  Jump or step your feet out.  Get your chest and thighs to the ground.  Press up.  Jump or step your feet in.  Jump and clap.

Try not to overextend the back in the press up.  Keep the belly tight. You may sub knee push up burpees, NO push up burpees (if you have an injury), or even elevated burpees (good one for mamas).

For the step ups you will  put the sandbag on the shoulder or on the back.  You may also choose to do these unweighted.  We would rather have you do them unweighted than lower the reps.

The height of the step up should be roughly 22-24" for Men and 18-20" for Women.  Please lower the height to something you are comfortable stepping up AND down.  Place your WHOLE foot on the box or step.  Make sure you drive through your HEEL when standing up and come to a full standing position on the top.  Alternate feet with each step.  So, for each set of 6 you will end up doing 3 per leg.

The step ups should take you NO MORE than about 20 seconds.  So make sure you look at the clock after your first round (of the 1 burpee and 6 step ups) to make sure that you are under 30 seconds.  Otherwise - you're in trouble.

If you are unable to step up you may also sub lunges.


EMOM as LONG as your Team Can Last

Min 1:
Person A: 2 Burpee
Person B:2 DB Step Ups

Min 2:
Person A: 2 DB Step Ups
Person B: 2 Burpees

Min 3:
Person A: 4 Burpees
Person B: 4 DB Step Ups

Min 4:
Person A: 4 DB Step Ups
Person B: 4 Burpees

Min 5:
Person A: 6 Burpees
Person B: 6 DB Step Ups

Min 6:
Person A: 6 DB Step Ups
Person B: 6 Burpees

Are you seeing the pattern.  You alternate movements from minute to minute.  And every time you go BACK to a movement - you add 2 reps (every 2 min).

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

Score: Total Number of MINUTES that you are BOTH able to complete all of the work + any additional reps in the next minute.

If one person gasses out - you can choose to scale down their weight or reps to allow them to keep going.  OR - you can allow them to stop and the other person can go it alone until they can't keep up.  OR - you can BOTH be done.

Your score is ONLY the amount of minutes you BOTH make it though.

Goal: 12 Min +


What just happened?  Lol.

Keep in mind the first few minutes - like 6-8 min actually will prob be pretty chill.

Ok so it's pretty simple.  Pick a weight or use no weight at all - that allows you to get as close to 14 min as possible in this workout.


For the burpees you place your hands on the ground.  Jump or step your feet out.  Get your chest and thighs to the ground.  Press up.  Jump or step your feet in.  Jump and clap.

Try not to overextend the back in the press up.  Keep the belly tight. You may sub knee push up burpees, NO push up burpees (if you have an injury), or even elevated burpees (good one for mamas).

For the step ups you will hold a dumbbell, kettlebell, or bumper plates in each hand.  You may also choose to do these unweighted.  We would rather have you do them unweighted than lower the reps.

The height of the step up should be roughly 22-24" for Men and 18-20" for Women.  Please lower the height to something you are comfortable stepping up AND down.  Place your WHOLE foot on the box or step.  Make sure you drive through your HEEL when standing up and come to a full standing position on the top.  Alternate feet with each step.  So, for each set of 6 you will end up doing 3 per leg.

The step ups should take you NO MORE than about 20 seconds.  So make sure you look at the clock after your first round (of the 1 burpee and 6 step ups) to make sure that you are under 30 seconds.  Otherwise - you're in trouble.

If you are unable to step up you may also sub lunges.