POWER | WEEK 18 | 04/25/2021


POWER - Ongoing program designed to build strength through emphasis on major lifts like Back Squat, Front Squat, Deadlift, Shoulder Press and Bench Press.

This may also include assistance exercises to support good mechanics and healthy tissue. Typically we suggest adding this in before the regular daily workout if performing them on the same day. Days in which this workout will fit in best can be found on the daily program write ups!



Back Squat

7 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 3

This will be on a running clock. Warm up to a moderate working weight before starting the clock.

Begin your set of 7 reps at 0:00. Add weight for the next set.

Then at 2:00 do your set of 5. Add weight for the next set.

At 4:00 - set of 3
6:00 - set of 3
8:00 set of 3

Add weight with each set and post the weight used in final set as your score.

After completion the clock will continue to run and you will start on Part 2 (Shoulder Press) at 12:00.

These squats start with the bar on the back. The feet should be shoulder width apart. Heels down. Raise the chest and tighten the belly. Reach the butt back and down and drive the knees out. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom. No collapsing or rounding the back at the bottom! Drive through the heels, lead with the chest, keep the belly tight, and push the knees out as you come up! Stand all of the way up at the top.

Shoulder Press

10 - 7 - 5 - 5 - 5

This will work on the same running clock as the back squats and will start at the 12:00 mark.

At 12:00 you will do your set of 10.

14:00 - set of 7
16:00 - 5
18:00- 5
20:00 - 5

Add weight with each set. Remember, these get heavy quickly so maybe have an estimate for the weight you'll finish at then work backwards in 5-10# jumps to figure out a good starting weight.

Your score is load used in your final set of 5.

Start with the bar on your shoulders, full grip with elbows in front. Feet are hip to shoulder width apart. Squeeze your butt, your quads and your belly. Keep your chest up, ribcage down. Press the bar straight up so you have to pull your face out of the way to clear a path. Finish with arms locked out overhead, biceps by the ears.

To lower, move your face out of the way and keep your elbows in front of the bar.