FRIDAY 11/06/2020

POST (best after the main workout): SUNS OUT GUNS OUT - BUTTS AND GUTS
SWAP(skip the main workout and do one of these instead): ENDURANCE
* Indicates the original version of the workout. This means when the workout was programmed, this is the version the coach had in mind. We adapt this workout to fit the other equipment variations. As always, pick a version of the workout that works for you, your schedule, and equipment available.
Running Warm Up
Squat Warm Up
Shoulder Warm Up
3 Rounds
400m Run
20 Thrusters
3 Wall Walks
RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs
RX+ Men: 50# DBs + 5 Wall Walks
RX+ Women: 35# DBs + 5 Wall Walks
**Want to swap your dumbbells for your sandbag? Go for it!
Score: Total Time
Goal: 10-15 Min
To hit the goal, you'll need to keep a pace of 3:30-5:00 per round. Thrusters do not need to be unbroken, but they should take 1:00-1:30. It's ok if you have to break into 2-3 sets. Choose a load that allows you to keep your breaks short.
For the 400m run, you're working with 2:00-2:30. Shorten the distance as needed to fit the time window. If unable to run due to space or weather purposes - 2 min double/single unders, low step ups, Mtn Climbers or toe taps to a low target.
For the thrusters the DBs will be on the shoulders with the elbows high. Feet under shoulders, heels down. You will reach the butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat with the DBs on the shoulders and elbows high. Stand hard and fast to pop the DBs off of the body. Press the DBs straight up. Keep belly tight and finish locked out overhead - biceps by the ears.
Set up for wall walks in the bottom of a push up with feet against the wall. Walk your feet up the wall as you press to the top of a push up then back toward the wall. Keep your belly tight and do not overarch you back. Touch your chest to the wall then walk your hands out and feet down to the floor.
Don't slide or flop!
Modify by going only part of the way up or doing pike up on the box, push up + tap tap or even inchworms.
Pike up on the box starts in the top of a push up with toes on a box. Keep your toes planted and walk your hands toward the box until you are in a 90° pike position at the top. Then, walk your hands back out.
Running Warm Up
Squat Warm Up
Overhead Warm Up
3 Rounds
400m Run
20 Thrusters
3 Wall Walks
RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#
RX+ Men: 95-115# + 5 Wall Walks
RX+ Women: 65-75# + 5 Wall Walk
Score: Total Time
Goal: 10-15 Min
To hit the goal, you'll need to keep a pace of 3:30-5:00 per round. Thrusters do not need to be unbroken, but they should take 1:00-1:30. It's ok if you have to break into 2-3 sets. Choose a load that allows you to keep your breaks short.
For the 400m run, you're working with 2:00-2:30. Shorten the distance as needed to fit the time window. If unable to run due to space or weather purposes - 2 min double/single unders, low step ups, Mtn Climbers or toe taps to a low target.
For the thrusters the bar will be on the shoulders with the elbows high. Feet under shoulders, heels down. You will reach butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat with the bar on the shoulders and keeping the elbows high. Stand hard and fast to pop the bar off of the body. Move the face out of the way and press the bar straight up. Keep belly tight and finish locked out overhead.
Set up for wall walks in the bottom of a push up with feet against the wall. Walk your feet up the wall as you press to the top of a push up then back toward the wall. Keep your belly tight and do not overarch you back. Touch your chest to the wall then walk your hands out and feet down to the floor.
Don't slide or flop!
Modify by going only part of the way up or doing pike up on the box, push up + tap tap or even inchworms.
Pike up on the box starts in the top of a push up with toes on a box. Keep your toes planted and walk your hands toward the box until you are in a 90° pike position at the top. Then, walk your hands back out.
Squat Warm Up
Overhead Warm Up
3 Rounds
Row 500 Meters
Bike 30 Cal (Men) / 22 Cal (Women)
20 Thrusters
3 Wall Walks
RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#
RX+ Men: 95-115# + 5 Wall Walks
RX+ Women: 65-75# + 5 Wall Walks
**Can also do this version with dumbbell/sandbag option from Program A!
Score: Total Time
Goal: 10-15 Min
To hit the goal, you'll need to keep a pace of 3:30-5:00 per round. Thrusters do not need to be unbroken, but they should take 1:00-1:30. It's ok if you have to break into 2-3 sets. Choose a load that allows you to keep your breaks short.
For the row/bike, you're working with 2:00-2:30. Shorten the distance/calories as needed to fit the time window.
For the thrusters the bar will be on the shoulders with the elbows high. Feet under shoulders, heels down. You will reach butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat with the bar on the shoulders and keeping the elbows high. Stand hard and fast to pop the bar off of the body. Move the face out of the way and press the bar straight up. Keep belly tight and finish locked out overhead.
Set up for wall walks in the bottom of a push up with feet against the wall. Walk your feet up the wall as you press to the top of a push up then back toward the wall. Keep your belly tight and do not overarch you back. Touch your chest to the wall then walk your hands out and feet down to the floor.
Don't slide or flop!
Modify by going only part of the way up or doing pike up on the box, push up + tap tap or even inchworms.
Pike up on the box starts in the top of a push up with toes on a box. Keep your toes planted and walk your hands toward the box until you are in a 90° pike position at the top. Then, walk your hands back out.
RUN/JOG - To avoid the added pressure to the pelvic floor that the impact from running can create, sub: Taps, Row, Bike, Farmer Carry, Sled Push/Drag, Quick Step Ups. If you're postpartum and working towards rehab-ing your core and pelvic floor you can choose from the same subs for pregnancy and/or scaling the distance that you run so that you can focus on your posture, breathing mechanics, and managing the pressure of your or and pelvic floor.
FRONT/GOBLET SQUATS OR THRUSTERS - If you have a hard time maintaining control and a stable midline in the bottom of the squat or if you find yourself bearing down to get out of the bottom, try subbing a target or assisted squat to shorten the range of motion. A box squat is always a great idea especially during pregnancy to strengthen the posterior chain and balance out the growing belly.
JERK/PRESS - Focus on proper alignment of your pelvis and spine. If you find yourself over extending in your back or coning in your belly sub less weight, Strict Press, Seated Strict Press, or even Front Raises.
WALLWALKS - Try to measure risk vs. reward when considering if you can/should perform this movement. If you are unable to maintain midline stability and solid breathing mechanics throughout the duration of the entire movement you may need to sub: Inchworms, Box/Pike Walk outs, Seated Shoulder Press, or Shoulder Taps
INCHWORMS - If you struggle with coning in the plank position or if this movement is uncomfortable with a growing belly, you can try subbing: Bear Pose Shoulder Taps, Bear Crawl, Elevated Shoulder Taps, Seated Alt Strict Press,or Kneeling Inchworms.