FRIDAY 10/09/2020

PRE(best before main workout): POWER
POST (best after the main workout): SUNS OUT GUNS OUT
SWAP(skip the main workout and do one of these instead): SANDBAG


* Indicates the original version of the workout. This means when the workout was programmed, this is the version the coach had in mind. We adapt this workout to fit the other equipment variations. As always, pick a version of the workout that works for you, your schedule, and equipment available.



Jump Rope Warm Up
Lower Body Dumbbell Warm Up
Shoulder Warm Up


4 Rounds

30 Double Unders/ DB Hop Overs
12 Alternating Overhead Lunges Right Arm
8 1/4 Get Ups Right Arm
30 Double Unders
12 Alternating Overhead Lunges Left Arm
8 1/4 Get Ups Left Arm

RX Men: 40# DB
RX Women: 25# DB

RX+ Men/Women: 2 Dumbbells on the Lunges (one at the shoulder and one overhead) - ALSO - increase double unders to 40 each time.

Score: Total Time

Goal: 16-24 Min

This breaks down to 4-6 minutes per round. Go lighter for the get ups than the lunges if needed.

Lunges should be completed in no more than 2 sets.

For the double unders, your rope will pass two times under your feet for every one jump. It's just like a single under but you jump a little higher and spin the rope faster using your wrists, not your arms!

For this workout you will want to choose a type/number of double unders that will allow you to finish that part in less than :40 each time. Consider lowering the reps to fit that time window or go with dumbbell hop overs, skip overs, or double rep single unders.

For the single arm overhead lunges you will hold the dumbbell at the overhead lockout position with the bicep by the ear. You may perform forward stepping, reverse stepping, or even walking lunges. Make sure you take a long enough step with the front leg so that your heel can be down on that foot when the back knee GENTLY touches the ground. Stand all of the way up between reps and alternate legs with each lunge. So for each set of 12 you end up doing 6 on each side. (Same arm is overhead for all 12).

Modify to a one shoulder-one farmer lunge or a front rack lunge. You could also do step ups holding a single dumbbell at the shoulder.

The 1/4 get up is just the first couple steps of the Turkish get up.

Start on your back. Holding the weight in your right hand, extend your arm straight up in the air. Bend your right knee so your right foot is flat on the floor.

Bring your left arm out to the side about 45°. Keep your right arm vertical for the entire movement. Roll onto your left forearm. Don't allow the left side of your torso sink toward the ground. Then, return with control onto your back. You can also do this unweighted if you need to.

Other options would be V-Ups, weighted sit-ups or toes to bar.

Mamas, the shin box flow is a great sub for this one but check out Mama Modifications for the full list of mama mods.



Jump Rope Warm Up
Squat Warm Up
Overhead Warm Up


4 Rounds

30 Double Unders/ DB Hop Overs
12 Alternating Overhead Lunges
8 x 1/4 Get Ups Right Arm
30 Double Unders
12 Alternating Overhead Lunges
8 x 1/4 Get Ups Left Arm

RX Men: 75# Lunges / 35-50# Get Ups
RX Women: 55# Lunges / 20-35# Get Ups

RX+ Men: 95# Lunges / 40 Double Unders
RX+ Women: 65# Lunges / 40 Double Unders

Score: Total Time

Goal: 16-24 Min

This breaks down to 4-6 minutes per round. Go lighter for the get ups than the lunges if needed.

Lunges should be completed in no more than 2 sets.

For the double unders, your rope will pass two times under your feet for every one jump. Keep your chest up and your landing soft. It's just like a single under but you jump a little higher and spin the rope faster using your wrists, not your arms!

For this workout you will want to choose a type/number of double unders that will allow you to finish that part in less than :40 each time. Consider lowering the reps to fit that time window or go with dumbbell hop overs, skip overs, or double rep single unders.

For the overhead lunges you will hold the bar in the overhead lockout position with the biceps by the ears. You may perform forward stepping, reverse stepping, or even walking lunges. Make sure you take a long enough step with the front leg so that your heel can be down on that foot when the back knee GENTLY touches the ground. Stand all of the way up between reps and alternate legs with each lunge. So for each set of 12 you end up doing 6 on each side.

Modify to front rack lunges or step ups. You could also try an overhead plate lunge.

The 1/4 get up is just the first couple steps of the Turkish get up.

Start on your back. Holding the weight in your right hand, extend your arm straight up in the air. Bend your right knee so your right foot is flat on the floor.

Bring your left arm out to the side about 45°. Keep your right arm vertical for the entire movement. Roll onto your left forearm. Don't allow the left side of your torso sink toward the ground. Then, return with control onto your back. You can also do this unweighted if you need to.

Other options would be V-Ups, weighted sit-ups or toes to bar.

Mamas, the shin box flow is a great sub for this one but check out Mama Modifications for the full list of mama mods!



Jump Rope Warm Up
Shoulder Warm Up
Lower Body Dumbbell Warm Up


8 Rounds

30 Double Unders/ Sandbag Hop Overs
12 Alternating Sandbag Overhead Lunges
8 x Sandbag Sit Ups

Suggested Sandbag Loading:
Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#

Score: Total Time

Goal: 16-24 Min

This breaks down to 2-3 minutes per round. Go lighter for the sit ups than the lunges if needed.

Lunges should be completed in no more than 2 sets.

For the double unders, your rope will pass two times under your feet for every one jump. Keep your chest up and your landing soft. It's just like a single under but you jump a little higher and spin the rope faster using your wrists, not your arms!

For this workout you will want to choose a type/number of double unders that will allow you to finish that part in less than :40 each time. Consider lowering the reps to fit that time window or go with dumbbell hop overs, skip overs, or double rep single unders.

For the overhead lunges you will hold the bag in the overhead lockout position with the biceps by the ears. You may perform forward stepping, reverse stepping, or even walking lunges. Make sure you take a long enough step with the front leg so that your heel can be down on that foot when the back knee GENTLY touches the ground. Stand all of the way up between reps and alternate legs with each lunge. So for each set of 12 you end up doing 6 on each side.

Modify to front rack lunges or step ups.

You can do anything you want with your feet in the sit ups, just keep them in contact with the ground. Hold the sandbag between your forearms and chest so that when you sit up it is resting on your biceps. Of course - if you have a really heavy sandbag you may need to switch to a lighter dumbbell or plate.

If weighted sit ups aren't happening do regular sit ups without the weight.

Mamas, the shin box flow is a great sub for this one but check out Mama Modifications for the full list of mama mods!


DOUBLE/SINGLE UNDERS - To avoid the added pressure to the pelvic floor that DUs/SUs can create, sub: Taps, Row, Bike, Quick Step Ups, Calf Raises. If you're postpartum and working towards rehab-ing your core and pelvic floor you can choose from the same subs for pregnancy and/or try scaling the number of DUs/SUs down to a number that is realistic for you to practice proper positioning and managing pressure. Any leaking or heaviness in the pelvic floor is a sign that you need to adapt your approach or change the movement to less impact.

LUNGE - If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, smaller step/less range of motion, or step up or forward instead of step back in the lunge lunge. You can also try stepping laterally onto a stack of plates or something instead of stepping back or up, sometimes this helps create some control in managing the position of the pelvis. Feel free to sub a squat or goblet squat for the lunges.

1/4 GET UPS - Focus on rolling to the side first before pressing up to seated. You could also try less weight or unweighted. You can sub Functional Progression 2 or Side Plank Options, Shin Box Flow, Waiter Walks, or Bear Pose DB Drag, or DB Windmills (SEE MAMA MODIFICATIONS MOVEMENT LIBRARY FOR DEMOS).

SIT UPS - Sit ups are a really big demand for the core and pelvic floor and for the most part are not recommended during pregnancy and the rehab/rebuilding stages of postpartum. If you are ready to start incorporating them you can try less reps, less range of motion (i.e. with pillows behind you), or supported with a band. However you can always sub one of the following movements: Functional Progressions (Choose any from 1-4), Ball Slams, KB Swings, Overhead Plate Hold/March, Palloff Press, Banded/Wallball Woodchop, Standing Cross Body Wallball Throws, Goblet Hold/Squat, Waiter Walk (SEE MAMA MODS MOVEMENT LIBRARY FOR DEMOS)