SOGO | WEEK 41 | 10/04/2020


Part 1

5 Sets

2 Push Press Every 15 Seconds for 1 Min.
Resting position is Bar/Dumbbells Locked Out Overhead.

Rest 2 Min Between Sets

So it will start with 2 push press - then rest overhead until 15 seconds. Then another 2 Push Press - rest overhead until 30 seconds. 2 Push Press - rest with bar overhead until 45 seconds. 2 Push Press - hold bar overhead until the 1 min mark.

Rest 2 Minutes.

Your press is going to be super fatigued! Use that strong leg drive to get the bar overhead. Do not let go of the belly during the overhead hold. Keep the rib cage down!

Start light and add weight each set if possible.

Part 2

3 Sets

Max Dips

Rest as needed between sets.

Dips may be ring, stationary, or bench - but should be strict. Use a band to assist if necessary but no kipping.

Make sure to get the shoulder below the elbow at the bottom and completely lock the elbows at the top.

Part 3

3 Sets

10 Arnold Press

Rest as needed between sets

Dumbbells will start at the shoulder with the wrists facing your shoulders. You will press out as you rotate the wrist forward to lockout.

Keep the rib cage down and control the movement.

Finish each rep with the bicep by the ears!

Part 4

4 Sets

12 Dumbbell Tricep Extension
(Seated or Standing)

Rest as needed between sets.

Hold a single dumbbell behind the head. Hold it by the head of the dumbbell. Keep the biceps by the ears, belly tight as you lock the elbows. Control the lower back down.