TUESDAY 04/07/2020

PRE (best before main workout): OLY
POST (best after the main workout): SUNS OUT GUNS OUT
EITHER (can be warm up or finisher): GYMNASTICS


* Indicates the original version of the workout. This means when the workout was programmed, this is the version the coach had in mind. We adapt this workout to fit the other equipment variations. As always, pick a version of the workout that works for you, your schedule, and equipment available.



Full Body Simple Warm Up
Box Jump Warm Up


8 Rounds
8 Devil Lunges
16 Box Jump Overs

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX+ Men: 50# DBs
RX+ Women: 35# DBs

Score: Total Time
Goal: 12-20 Min

You'll want to keep it within the 12-20 minute range here. Not faster or slower. It's a lot of reps so choose a pace, load and a box height that you are able to keep moving without having to stop and stand around while you catch your breath.

For the devil lunges, start standing with the dumbbells on the ground about shoulder width apart. Place your hands on the dumbbells. Jump or step your feet back. Get your chest and thighs to the ground. Press to lockout (top of push up). Jump or step the feet in and stand up with the dumbbells so they are by your sides.

Then, do a reverse lunge on each leg. Make sure you take a long enough step back so that the heel of your front foot is down when the back knee GENTLY touches the ground. Stand all of the way up between reps and alternate legs with each lunge.

So 1 rep = DB burpee + lunge right leg + lunge left leg.

If you need to modify, try a burpee + alternating step up, use a single dumbbell or go unweighted.

For the box jump overs you will choose a box that is roughly 22-24” for Men and 18-20” for Women if you can! You'll just jump onto the box, then step off the other side to complete the rep. If that height is too much for you - go lower! Make sure when you jump and when you land that the knees do not cave in!

If you don't have something to jump on and then over - just find something to jump OVER!

If you are unable to jump at this time - even if you go way low - you may sub step up and overs.  We prefer you to jump if possible!

If jumping is not happening, just do step up and overs.



Full Body Simple Warm Up
Box Jump Warm Up


8 Rounds
12 Burpees
14 Box Jump Overs
16 Alternating Front Rack Lunges

RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#

RX+ Men: 95#+ / 16 Box Jump Overs
RX+ Women: 75#+ / 16 Box Jump Overs

Score: Total Time
Goal: 12-20 Min

You'll want to keep it within the 12-20 minute range here. Not faster or slower. It's a lot of reps so choose a pace, load and a box height that you are able to keep moving without having to stop and stand around while you catch your breath.

Burpees start standing. Place your hands on the ground. Jump or step your feet back. Get your chest and thighs to the ground. Press to lockout (top of push up). Jump or step the feet in. Jump up and clap with arms overhead!

For the box jump overs you will choose a box that is roughly 22-24” for Men and 18-20” for Women if you can! You'll just jump onto the box, then step off the other side to complete the rep. If that height is too much for you - go lower! Make sure when you jump and when you land that the knees do not cave in!

If you don't have something to jump on and then over - just find something to jump OVER!

If you are unable to jump at this time - even if you go way low - you may sub step up and overs.  We prefer you to jump if possible!

If jumping is not happening, just do step up and overs.

For these lunges, make sure the bar is resting on the shoulders with a loose fingertip grip and elbows high! Keep the chest up, but do not overextend the back. Keep the belly tight! You may perform forward stepping, reverse stepping, or even walking lunges. Make sure you take a long enough step with the front leg so that your heel can be down on that foot when the back knee GENTLY touches the ground. Stand all of the way up between reps and alternate legs with each lunge. So for each set of 6 you end up doing 3 on each side.

To modify, try a front rack step up (maybe to a lower target), alternating single leg deadlifts, plate hug lunges, or even unweighted lunges.



Full Body Simple Warm Up
Box Jump Warm Up


8 Rounds
8 Sandbag Burpee + Front Rack Lunges
16 Box Jump Overs

Ideal Sandbag Weights:
Men: 50-70# Sandbag
Women: 25-45# Sandbag

Score: Total Time
Goal: 12 - 20 Min

You'll want to keep it within the 12-20 minute range here. Not faster or slower. It's a lot of reps so choose a pace, load and a box height that you are able to keep moving without having to stop and stand around while you catch your breath.

For the sandbag burpee plus front rack lunge, start standing with the bag on the ground in front of your feet.  Place your hands on the bag. Jump or step your feet back. Get your chest and thighs to the ground. Press to lockout (top of push up). Jump or step the feet in.

Keep your chest up and belly tight as you stand up hard and fast. Shrug your shoulders and pull the elbows high and outside, then rotate them around the bag to receive it on your biceps with upper arms parallel to the floor.

Then, do a reverse lunge on each leg. Make sure you take a long enough step back so that the heel of your front foot is down when the back knee GENTLY touches the ground. Stand all of the way up between reps and alternate legs with each lunge.

So 1 rep = Sandbag burpee + lunge right leg + lunge left leg.

To modify, try a sandbag burpee + alternating step up on each leg.

For the box jump overs you will choose a box that is roughly 22-24” for Men and 18-20” for Women if you can! You'll just jump onto the box, then step off the other side to complete the rep. If that height is too much for you - go lower! Make sure when you jump and when you land that the knees do not cave in!

If you don't have something to jump on and then over - just find something to jump OVER!

If you are unable to jump at this time - even if you go way low - you may sub step up and overs. We prefer you to jump if possible!

If jumping is not happening, just do step up and overs.


BURPEES - Pay attention to any coning or doming you have in the plank position of the burpee or any sensation of pressure on your pelvic floor as you hop back or hop forward. Feel free to sub: No push up burpee, Elevated burpee, Step back/forward burpee, Air Squat + Elevated Push Up, Table Top (all fours position) + Air Squat, Ball Slams, KB Swings, Farmer/Goblet march, Glute Bridges, Sumo Deadlift High Pull

LUNGE - If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, smaller step/less range of motion, or step up or forward instead of step back in the lunge. You can also try stepping laterally onto a stack of plates or something instead of stepping back or up, sometimes this helps create some control in managing the position of the pelvis. Feel free to sub a squat or goblet squat for the lunges.

BOX JUMP/JUMP/SKIP OVERS - This is going to be all about managing the impact and pressure to your core and pelvic floor. The SHIFT options for smaller Jump/Skip Overs are good for helping you achieve the stimulus with a little less impact. You can ALWAYS substitute Step Ups if you want zero impact or even KB Swings if you want to get a little more explosive with your hips. For pregnant mamas, please remember that if you are unsure if you can complete the movement because of balance, strength, or coordination it may not be worth the risk of potentially falling or busting up your shins! For mamas further along in their Postpartum you can try a lower height of box to practice that two foot take off and landing without the extra impact. Focus on your breath and posture throughout the movement and do less reps if that helps you concentrate on good technique and awareness in your body.