GYMNASTICS | WEEK 15 | 04/05/2020


3 Rounds
10 Inchworms
10 Scap Pull Ups
10 Band or Broomstick Passthroughs
10 Kip Swings
10 Hollow Rocks

5 Rounds
30 Second Handstand Hold (on the wall)
15 Pull Ups

Strict Pull Up Option: 7-10 Strict

RX+ Option: 1 Min Handstand Hold

The idea for the hold is to get the full time each round without breaking it up. So time the WHOLE workout but know there will be a lot of rest between movements and rounds! Shoot for unbroken pull ups too or stick to specific sets that will challenge you!

Score: Total Time

The handstand holds are to be performed against the wall. Make sure the hands are roughly 6-10" or so away from the wall and the only thing in contact with the wall during the hold are the heels. The hands should be just wider than the shoulders. Heels, knees, hips, shoulders and head should be in one straight line with the belly tight and butt squeezed.

If you are unable to hold for an entire minute - you may do this as accumulating. You can also do a pike hold with your feet elevated on a box.

For the pull ups you may do strict, banded, kipping/butterfly or a supine bar row at a very challenging angle.

Choose a version you can do unbroken or close to it!

Whatever you choose make sure that you start all the way at the bottom and either get the chin over or pull the chest all the way up at the top!

To Finish:
Tabata Hollow Rock

20 Seconds Hollow Rock + 10 Seconds Rest for 8 Total Rounds or 4 Minutes

RX+ Option: Hold the hollow position during the "rest"

For the hollow rocks, begin laying on your back with your legs extended forward, and arms extended overhead by your ears. Your arms need to stay shoulder width apart for the entire set.

Brace your core by sucking your belly button into your spine, pushing the lower back into the floor. Your lower back needs to remain flat, so it makes contact with the floor during every rep.

To initiate the rock, lift your toes up in the air while you press your shoulder blades into the ground. While maintaining the hollowed position, allow the momentum to rock you forward as the toes come towards the ground, and shoulders lift off the ground.

This may become super challenging so bend one or both knees if you need to.