OLY | WEEK 03 | 01/12/2020


Overhead Warm Up
Snatch Warm Up


Tall Snatch (3 x 5)

From the hang position you will pull the bar up and your self under the bar quickly - landing in a solid overhead squat.These are to be done very light.  There is no dip to initiate this movement - instead the focus is on a quick drop into the overhead squat and aggresive pull and press to lock out of the bar.

Stand tall with a snatch-width grip, the bar hanging at arms’ length and the feet under the hips. Pull the elbows up and out fast, and move the feet out to your squat stance quickly. Pull yourself down as fast as possible while replacing your feet flat on the floor in the overhead squat position and locking the bar overhead. Focus on landing with the heels down, knees out, chest up, belly tight, butt below the knees, arms locked, shoulders pressing up, and armpits forward.

Don't rush out of the bottom position - but hold it and find stability before standing to complete the movement and re-set for the next rep.

Hang Snatch (1 x 2 (Take 15 Min to Find a Heavy Double))

We want to see you hit at least 7 working sets during this 15 min window.  If you are able to go pretty heavy in this movement - take some time getting up to a working weight before you start the 15 min clock.

For these reps we are looking for 2 in a row each time without dropping. You can get as much rest as you need between sets so that is an indication you should push to go with something that is heavy for you!

If you are new to this movement you may choose to do a hang power snatch into an overhead squat.  Otherwise you will perform the movement as:

You will deadlift the bar with a wide (overhead squat) grip.  Bring the bar to the "hang" position (at the waist.  Practice the hook grip (thumb around the bar - fingers around your thumb).

From here you will make sure your feet are under the hips and heels are down.  Hinge at the hips so that the torso comes forward, but keep the chest up.  Allow the knees to bend slightly.  Keep the heels down and pull the bar INTO the body and allow the bar to slide down the legs.  Keep the arms straight.  Once you are somewhere between the pockets and the knees you will change direction and start to stand UP hard and fast.  You will want to make sure you finish UP with the bar going UP and not forward.

Shrug the shoulders and pull the elbows high and outside.  As you are pulling UP on the bar - pull YOURSELF DOWN underneath it.  Allow the feet to move out to your squat stance with the heels down.  Reach the butt back and down as you pull under and keep the chest up and knees out.  Land in a full squat position with the bar locked out over the middle of your body.  Chest up and belly tight.  Stand to complete the rep.

Lower back to the hips for the next rep.

Snatch Hang Pull (4 x 3 Tempo - 3 - 1 - 1)

From the Hang Position you will lower to just above the knee - pause - the explode up + shrug.You should try doing this with the heaviest double that you got in Part 2 - or even a bit heavier.

You will start with the bar at the hips with arms long (the hang position).

Take 3 seconds to lower to above the knee.  Focus on keeping heels down, bar pulled into the body and chest up.  Pause for one second just above the knee.  Then explode UP and SHRUG hard once you have finished with the hips/legs.