FRIDAY 06/21/2019



Pre: Warm Up Flow, Morning Coffee
Post: Neck and Shoulder Reliever, Chest Opener




Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each
10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach

Barbell Clean Warm Up

5 Deadlift
3 High Hang Shrugs
3 Above Knee Shrugs
3 Mid shin shrugs
3 High Hang Muscle Clean
3 Above Knee Muscle Clean
3 Mid Shin Muscle Clean
5 Front Squats
3 High Hang Squat Clean
3 Above Knee Squat Clean
3 Mid Shin Squat Clean


As Far as you can get up to 15 Min

Death by Power Clean and Push Up
Min 1: 1 Push up / 1 Power Clean
Min 2: 2 Push Ups / 2 Power Cleans
Min 3: 3 Push Ups / 3 Power Cleans
Min 4: 4 Push Ups / 4 Power Cleans

Keep adding 1 Push Up and 1 Power Clean and get as far as you before you can't keep up.  If you get to 15 min - stop there!

No RX or RX+ - You pick your own weight and that will be  your first score for this workout.  See below for how to choose the right weight.

Score 1 - Weight Used
Score 2 - Rounds (Minutes) Completed (enter below)

Goal: 12 Rounds +


If you get 15 you should have had to FIGHT for it.Listen to the name of this workout and don't take it lightly.  The first few minutes will seem easy but it will catch up to you quick!  Practice smooth efficient movement and breath.
Conserve you energy for when you need it in those later minutes.

Choose a load that you could perform at least 12 touch and go power cleans when not under fatigue.  Choose a variation on the push up that you could perform at least 12 unbroken reps.

For the push up we want to see a rigid body position with shoulders above or beyond the wrists and hands just wider than shoulder width.  Squeeze your butt, your thighs and your belly. No sagging hips or snaking.
Keep your elbows within 45 degrees to the body as you lower your chest and thighs to make contact with the floor.  Stay engaged.  Press back up to the the top until arms are totally straight.

For this movement, the bar will start on the ground. Hands will be outside of the legs. Feet under the hips roughly. Knees are bent, bar is close to the body, chest is up, arms are straight. Stand by driving the heels down and lifting the chest. Stand up hard and fast (jump) SHRUG the shoulders. Pull the elbows high and outside to keep the bar close. Shoot the elbows around and through FAST to get the bar on the shoulder with the elbows high. As you shoot the elbows around you will pull yourself under into a partial front squat. Stand fully to complete the movement.

The goal isn't to get 15 easily!  Pick something that you aren't sure you can make it!




Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each

10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach

Dumbbell Clean Warm Up

Bootstrappers 60 seconds
Air squats 10 seconds
Squat hold 60 seconds
Then with lighter dumbbells
Goblet squats 5 REPS
Deadlifts 10 REPS
Hang muscle cleans 10 REPS
High hang muscle cleans 10 REPS
Muscle cleans (from floor) 10 REPS
Hang Power cleans 10 REPS
High hang power cleans 10 REPS
Power cleans (from floor) 10 REPS
Hang squat cleans 10 REPS
High hang squat cleans 10 REPS
Full squat cleans (from floor) 10 REPS


As Far as you can get up to 15 Min

Death by Power Clean and Push Up
Min 1: 1 Push up / 1 DB Power Clean
Min 2: 2 Push Ups / 2 DB Power Cleans
Min 3: 3 Push Ups / 3 DB Power Cleans
Min 4: 4 Push Ups / 4 DB Power Cleans

Keep adding 1 Push Up and 1 Power Clean and get as far as you before you can't keep up.  If you get to 15 min - stop there!

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX+ Men: 50# DBs
RX+ Women: 35# DBs

Goal: 12 Rounds +


Listen to the name of this workout and don't take it lightly.  The first few minutes will seem easy but it will catch up to you quick!  Practice smooth efficient movement and breath.
Conserve you energy for when you need it in those later minutes.

Choose a load on the DB at which you can go unbroken for at least the first 8 rounds with MAYBE a super short break between sets after that.

For the push up we want to see a rigid body position with shoulders above or beyond the wrists and hands just wider than shoulder width.  Squeeze your butt, your thighs and your belly. No sagging hips or snaking.
Keep your elbows within 45 degrees to the body as you lower your chest and thighs to make contact with the floor.  Stay engaged.  Press back up to the the top until arms are totally straight.

Feel free to modify to elevated push ups or from the knees in order to maintain good positions.

For this movement, the dumbbells will start on the ground just outside of the feet. Feet under the hips roughly. Knees are bent, chest is up, arms are straight. Stand by driving the heels down and lifting the chest. Stand up hard and fast (jump) SHRUG the shoulders. Pull the DBs up the body with the elbows high and back to keep the DBs close. Shoot the elbows around and forward FAST to get the dumbbells on the shoulders with the elbows high. As you shoot the elbows around you will pull yourself under into a partial front squat. Stand fully to complete the movement.




Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each
10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach

Dumbbell Clean Warm Up

Bootstrappers 60 seconds
Air squats 10 seconds
Squat hold 60 seconds
Then with lighter dumbbells
Goblet squats 5 REPS
Deadlifts 10 REPS
Hang muscle cleans 10 REPS
High hang muscle cleans 10 REPS
Muscle cleans (from floor) 10 REPS
Hang Power cleans 10 REPS
High hang power cleans 10 REPS
Power cleans (from floor) 10 REPS
Hang squat cleans 10 REPS
High hang squat cleans 10 REPS
Full squat cleans (from floor) 10 REPS


Death by Push Up and Sandbag Over Shoulder
As Far as you can get up to 15 Min
Min 1: 1 Push up / Sandbag Over Shoulder
Min 2: 2 Push Ups / 2 Sandbag Over Shoulder
Min 3: 3 Push Ups / 3 Sandbag Over Shoulder
Min 4: 4 Push Ups / 4 Sandbag Over Shoulder

Keep adding 1 Push Up and 1 Sandbag Over Shoulder  and get as far as you before you can't keep up.  If you get to 15 min - stop there!

No RX or RX+ - Just use the bag you've got!

Goal: 10 Rounds + / This will be rough with the sandbag...


Listen to the name of this workout and don't take it lightly.  The first few minutes will seem easy but it will catch up to you quick!  Practice smooth efficient movement and breath.
Conserve you energy for when you need it in those later minutes.

To make sure you make it at least 10 minutes, consider a modified push up or possibly switching the sandbag over the shoulder to a hang to shoulder, so after you bring the bag to the shoulder you lower it back to the hang keeping the bag in your hands the whole time.

For the push up we want to see a rigid body position with shoulders above or beyond the wrists and hands just wider than shoulder width.  Squeeze your butt, your thighs and your belly. No sagging hips or snaking.
Keep your elbows within 45 degrees to the body as you lower your chest and thighs to make contact with the floor.  Stay engaged.  Press back up to the the top until arms are totally straight.

Feel free to modify to elevated push ups or from the knees in order to maintain good positions.

For the sandbag over the shoulder - technique will vary slightly depending on what type of bag you have. BUT - in general you want the bag between your feet. Feet are roughly shoulder width apart with the heels down. Hinge at the hip and bend the knees enough to try and get at least your hands and part of your forearms under the bag. Lift your chest and tighten your belly. Drive through your heels as you lift the bag. Pull it in close to your body. Stand up hard and fast and roll the bag over your torso - finishing over the shoulder. USE THE POWER FROM YOUR LEGS!!!