Street Parking

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POWER 03/17/2019

Deficit Deadlift (6 x 5)

Deadlift while standing on plates or something that will add 3-5" to the pull.

Adding a little extra depth to the pull of your deadlift will REALLY get the hamstring and glute GOING!  Just make sure you only do these if you have the flexibility to get your back FLAT in the set up.

You will stand on something like a pair or even a single 45# plate.  Make sure whatever you set up on is super sturdy and safe.

From there the deadlift set up is basically the same as always.  Feet are between hip and shoulder width apart.  Weight is in the heels, the bar is close to the body.  Hands and arms are outside the legs.  Knees are bent.  Chest is over the bar, arms are straight.  Chest UP and back flat!

This is going to feel WAY heavier than normal off of the ground.  Start light if you are new to this movement.  Do NOT let the weight pull you forward as you try to lift.  Really shift and set your weight BACK before you pull.  Drive your heels into the ground and reach the chest up as the bar come off the ground. Stand all of the way up by squeezing your butt to bring you to the top!

Be careful on the lower.  It is common to bang up the shins if you rush this or drop it.  Keep the same good positions on the way down as on the way up.

This is 6 sets of 5 - but don't try to do an aggressive tap and go.  For this we would actually prefer almost a dead stop at the bottom.

Weighted Hip Thrusts (5 x 8 with 3 second pause)

Shoulders on a box or bench - weight on the hip creaseYep these are kinda creepy sounding, looking, and slightly uncomfortable to get into place for - but they really isolate the glutes so let's do it!!

You will place the shoulder blades against a box or bench.  Make sure that the box or bench is against a wall or weighted down somehow so it doesn't tip.

You will place the barbell across the lap or dumbbells or whatever you are using.  From here you will basically drive the heels down and squeeze the glutes to lift the hips UP!  Hold the top position for 3 seconds each time.

Rest as needed between sets.