GYMNASTICS | WEEK 52 | 12/22/2019


1 Strict Pull Up
1 Strict Toes to Bar
Come off

2 Kipping Pull Ups
2 Kipping Toes to Bar

RX +: 2+2 and 4+4

See below for scaling options!

Score: Total number of rounds and any additional reps.

Goal: QUALITY more important than score.

So the idea behind this is to do the 2 strict reps together (not coming off of the bar) and then the 4 kipping together (not coming off of the bar).

If you are unable to do strict pull ups you can do a jump and slow lower and then just a knee up rep.

For the kipping part you will do 2 jumping pull ups + 2 kipping knees up.

4 Rounds
30 Second Bottom of Dip Hold
Rest as Needed
30 Second Top of Dip Hold
Rest as needed

If you're feeling REALLY legit - try going for a minute.You may do these on the rings, on stationary bars, or even a couple boxes will work.

If you are unable to perform these on any of those you could scale down to ring or trx top and bottom of push up holds.

Make sure the bottom of dip or push up hold your shoulder is lower than the elbow.  If using rings or TRX bands and pull them in close to you and keep the belly tight.

For the top hold, press DOWN and keep the shoulders DOWN.  Pull the rings or bands in and keep belly tight.

If you are unable to hold for 30 seconds - just do a max time hold each time!  If that hold isn't at least 15 seconds - add 2 extra rounds of the whole thing!