Street Parking

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TUESDAY 1.8.19

15 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 15 Min)

15 Weighted Sit Ups
30 Goblet Lunges

Only need a single Dumbbell for this one!

RX Men: 40# DB
RX Women: 25# DB

RX+: Do Overhead Lunges Instead BOTH hands on the dumbbell.

Score: Total Completed Rounds Plus any Additional Reps

Goal: 5 Rounds or More


15 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 15 Min)

15 Weighted Sit Ups
30 Plate Hug Lunges

Only need a single Plate for this one!

RX Men: 45# Plate
RX Women: 25# Plate

RX+: Do Overhead Lunges Instead BOTH hands on the plate.

Score: Total Completed Rounds Plus any Additional Reps

Goal: 5 Rounds or More


15 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 15 Min)

15 GHD OR Weighted Sit Ups
30 Goblet, Overhead, OR Sandbag Bear Hug Lunges

(If doing the sandbag - lower lunge number to 20 per round)

Do NOT do more GHD sit ups than you have tested in the past!

No real RX or RX+ today since you have so many options.  Put how you performed this workout in the comments.


Ok so you have some options on this one.  The idea is to do the sit ups and lunges with the same dumbbell.  If that is not happening - no worries.  Use a lighter weight.

You also have the option of either holding the dumbbell with both hands at the chest or over your head.  These aren't single arm overhead lunges though.  Hold the dumbbell with both hands.

For the weighted sit up you will have the dumbbell (or other object) in both hands.  You will lie back and reach the dumbbell back behind your head and touch the ground with pretty straight arms.  Then you will throw the arms forward and sit up (the weight of the dumbbell should actually create some momentum forward).  Finish with our favorite version of the dumbbell sit up - the dumbbell over your head with the biceps by the ears.

You may even do these unweighted if you need to in order to keep moving.  Option for those currently unable to do sit ups (slam balls)

For the lunges you will either hold the dumbbell at the chest in the goblet position or with both hands on the dumbbell overhead.  You may perform forward, reverse, or even walking lunges.  Alternate feet with each step.  Each lunge counts as 1 rep.  SO in a set of 30 you end up doing 15 per leg.

Either way, make sure the lunge steps are long enough that your front heel stays down when your back knee LIGHTLY touches the ground. Don't allow the knee to cave in.