Street Parking

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TUESDAY 1.22.19

Gunnie SP Re-Test

This workout was originally posted on 01/16/2018.

This workout was created for the best dog that's ever been born - GUNNIE!  Everyone who met him instantly felt connected to him.  It was like he knew how to stare into your soul.  Gunnie had the strongest legs and LOVED to jump!  Do this one in honor of this amazing member of our SP family.

Metcon (Time)

11 Rounds
13 Back Squats
9 Jump Overs

RX Men: 75#, 20-24" Jump Over
RX Women: 55#, 16-22" Jump Over

RX + Men: 95#+
RX + Women: 65#+

Goal Time: Under 25 MinGunnie was 11 Years Old.  He was born on Sept 13.  This is how we will honor him.  Going to be an emotional one for us...


11 Rounds
13 Dumbbell Squats
9 Jump Overs

RX Men: 30-40# DBs, 20-24" Jump Over
RX Women: 20-30# DBs, 16-22" Jump Overs

Any heavier than that is RX +

Goal Time: Under 25 Min


11 Rounds
13 Sandbag Squats
9 Jump Overs


For the back squats choose  a weight that you think you will try to do all 13 unbroken each time.  If you end up having to break them a little bit toward the later rounds - that is ok, but this weight should be relatively light for you.

For these reps the bar will be on the back. You are welcome to use a rack if you want to.  Reach the butt back and down, keep the heels down, drive the knees out, fight to keep the chest up.  Butt should be lower than the knees at the bottom.  Stand all of the way up at the top of each rep.

For the jump overs the goal is to jump COMPLETELY over something!  So find a height and object you are comfortable with.  You can even just set up a broomstick between 2 chairs or something!  Get creative!  If possible, this should be higher than just your bar with the plates on it.

If you cannot jump for injury or other reasons you will sub 9 no push up burpees.