Street Parking

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This is Julian's choice for a challenge workout!  We haven't done this one before - he created it just for you!  Enjoy!

5 Rounds
10 Box Jumps
20 Front Rack Lunge
10 Hang Power Snatch

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX + Men: 115#+
RX + Women: 75# +

Box Height:

Men: 22-24"
Women: 18-20"

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 15 Min


5 Rounds
10 Box Jumps
20 DB Front Rack Lunge
20 DB Hang Power Snatch

RX Men: 40# DBs (2 for lunge - 1 for snatch)
RX Women: 25# DBs (2 for Lunge - 1 for snatch)

RX + Men:50# DBs + (2 for Lunge - 1 for snatch)
RX + Women: 35# DBs + (2 for Lunge - 1 for snatch)

Box Height:

Men: 22-24"
Women: 18-20"

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 15 Min


5 Rounds
10 Box Jumps
20 Front Rack Lunge
10 Hang Squat Snatch (20 reps for Dumbbell Option)

RX Men (Barbell): 95# (Dumbbell): 40#DBs - 2 for Lunges - 1 for Snatch
RX Women (Barbell): 65# (Dumbbell): 25# DBs - 2 for Lunges - 1 for Snatch

RX+ Men (Barbell): 115#  +(Dumbbell): 50#DBs - 2 for Lunges - 1 for Snatch
RX + Women (Barbell): 75# +(Dumbbell): 35# DBs - 2 for Lunges - 1 for Snatch
Box Height:

Men: 22-24"
Women: 18-20"

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 17 Min

For this workout you will do regular old box jumps.  No fancy over stuff.

Jump from both feet and land with both feet on the box.  If you don't have something to jump ON, find something to jump OVER.

We would love to see you actually jump, even if that means that you sigificantly lower the height.

If you are unable to jump for whatever reason - you may sub step ups!

For the Lunges you will have the bar in the front rack.  That means the bar is resting on the front of the shoulders with the elbows high.  You can allow the bar to roll back into the fingertips.

Ideally these will be WALKING lunges, but if you don't have space for that, you may perform them as reverse - or forward stepping as well.

Make sure you take a long enough step that your front heel can stay down while your back knee touches. Keep the belly tight and don't allow the bar to pull that chest forward!

For the hang power snatch you will bring the bar to your waist with a wide (overhead squat) grip.  Feet are under the hips.  You will dip the chest forward and keep the heels down.  You will hinge at the hips and bend the knees slightly.  Allow the bar to slide down the leg - keep the belly tight and chest UP!  After performing that small dip you will jump straight UP with the bar keeping the arms straight.  Shrug the shoulders and then pull the bar up the body with the elbows high and outside (like a scarecrow).  Pull yourself down into a partial squat as you pull under the bar and punch it up to lock out over your head.  In this position the heels should be down, knees out, bar over the middle of the body with the elbows locked and armpits forward - belly tight!

Stand to complete and then lower back to the waist.

Pick a weight that you don't think you will have break more than once or MAYBE twice on any of those sets of 10!