BUTTS & GUTS 8.19.18
5 Rounds
30 Seconds KB Pass Under Lunge Right
30 Seconds KB Pass Under Lunge Left
30 Weighted Jumping Squats
1 Min Rest
RX Men: 53#
RX Women: 35#
For the pass unders you will get into a lunge position with the kb in one hand. You will lunge down and simultaneously pass the kb under the front leg to the other hand. That is one rep. Lunge and bend with the LEGS and keep the torso as upright as possible.
For the jumping squats you will start with the kb on the ground, pull it up and jump at the same time! Arms are just ropes. All work is done with the lower body!
Metcon (No Measure)
4 Rounds
30 Seconds Right Knee Up Plank
30 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Left Knee UP Plank
30 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Flutter Kicks
30 Seconds Rest
For the knee up planks you will start at the top of a push up position. You will bring one knee all the way up to the chest and hold for 30 seconds.
For the flutter kicks, lift your head and feet off of the ground, pressing your low back into the ground. Make small little swimming type kicks with the feet while keeping the legs straight.