Street Parking

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For Time:

15 Devil Press
30 Pull Ups
12 Devil Press
24 Pull Ups
9 Devil Press
18 Pull Ups

RX Men: 40#
RX Women: 25#

RX +: Start with 20 Devil Press and 40 Pull Ups

Score: Total Time

Goal: 12 Min or less.  DO NOT GO RX + if you don't yet have 10-15 unbroken pull ups!


For Time:

15 Devil Press
5 Muscle Ups
12 Devil Press
4 Muscle Ups
9 Devil Press
3 Muscle Ups

RX Men: 40#
RX Women: 25#

RX +: Double the Muscle Up Reps

Score: Total Time

Goal: 12 Min or less.  DO NOT GO RX + if you don't yet have 3-4 unbroken muscle ups

The Devil is back again.  It was over a week ago since we did this last - but it almost seems too soon right?  Of course we love it though.

For the devil press you will have the dumbbells on the ground.  You will place one hand on each dumbbell and jump or step the feet back so that you are at the top of a push up position.  You will touch the chest and thighs to the ground at the bottom, jump or step your feet in - (we recommend jumping the feet out wider than the hands) and you will pick up the dumbbells with a flat back and heels down.

From here it is kind of a combo kettlebell swing, clean and jerk, snatch motion to get the dumbbells locked out overhead with the biceps by the ears!  Use the sequence - hips - shoulders and then arms.  Keep the belly tight and back flat!

KEEP GOOD POSITIONS AS YOU LOWER THE WEIGHT BACK DOWN.  Being sloppy on the way down is what really makes people more sore than they need to be!

If you do not have a pair of matching dumbbells you have other options - you can sub plate burpees, but you will double the reps.  You can also do a burpee + kb swing (also double the reps).

For the pull ups you may choose any style.  You may do strict, kipping, butterfly, jumping, banded, ring or TRX row, paralette row.  If you don't have ANY of those options you may sub a bent over row or even use a band for pull downs!

Make sure you choose a style of pull up that will allow you to get those 30 reps in 2-3 min MAX!  Any longer than that an you are taking too much res for this particular workout!

No slow lower pull ups IN the workout please!  Keep those to accessory work ONLY!