Street Parking

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FRIDAY 6.22.18

5 Rounds

Each Round is

90 Seconds Wall Balls
Rest 30 Seconds
90 Seconds Burpee Pull Ups
Res 30 Seconds

Score is total number of combined reps at the end!

RX Men: 20# ish Ball
RX Women: 14#ish Ball

RX + Option (completely unnecessary btw): Use a heavier ball - Men: 30# / Women: 20#

Goal: 25+ Wall Balls each time / 8 or so burpee pull ups each time

Do NOT go RX+ if you aren't hitting these goals!


5 Rounds

Each Round is

90 Seconds Odd Object
Rest 30 Seconds
90 Seconds Burpee Pull Ups
Res 30 Seconds

Score is total number of combined reps at the end!

NO real RX for this one.  List of potential choices below!

Goal:  Choose something that is fun but will allow you to move the whole 90 seconds.

Don't worry about comparing scores - just note what you did in the comments!

Oh man - this one is going to sting a little and that 30 second rest is going to feel SHORT by the end!!

For the wall balls you will hold the ball at the chest!  You will squat by reaching the butt back and down.  Drive the knees out and keep those heels down!  Fight to keep the chest up and keep those elbows tucked IN!  Get the butt below the knees at the bottom.  Stand hard and fast - almost jump with the ball - to make it weightless.  Use the power from the legs to help you throw it.  The goal is to hit a 9-10' target if possible.  When you catch the ball as it comes back down, don't allow it to pull you forward!  Keep that chest up and the weight in your heels as you go down for the next rep!

If you do not have a ball, or have low ceilings, you may sub medicine ball cleans or even light weight thrusters.  Think empty barbell or light dumbbells (light means like 10-20#).

For the burpee pull up ideally (if you are able to do unassisted pull ups) you will touch your chest and thighs to the ground and then jump or step in - and the pull up bar should be high enough that you have to at least somewhat jump to get to it.  It's up to you if you want to do a jump and continue the pull or add a little kip for each one.

Its totally fine if your pull up bar isn't that high though.  If you can just grab and pull that is ok, but make sure your feet are off the ground before you pull - not doing a jumping pull up.

If you NEED assistance for the pull part you may absolutely use some assistance from the feet and legs in the form of a jumping pull up.  If your pull up bar is high you may want to create a little step up to get more use out of the legs for that part.  See video for what this will look like.

If you are unable to do jumping pull ups for equipments sake and you need a scale you may also do a burpee kettlebell swing for this workout - or if all else fails, just do regular burpees!