WEDNESDAY 11.28.18

EMOM 15 Min
(Every Minute on the Minute for 15 Min)

1 Wall Walk
8-12 Step Up Overs

RX Men: 40-50# DBs
RX Women: 25-35# DBs

RX +: Go up to 2 Wall Walks

RX + OPTION: Sub wall walk(s) for 10-20' of handstand walking!

Box height to shoot for 18-20" (women) / 22-24" (men)

Score: Don't worry too much about it today.  Just enter 15 (for the minutes) and enter in comments what weight you used and how many step up overs you were doing.

Goal: Choose something that is challenging for you, but allows you to move safe and well throughout.


EMOM 15 Min
(Every Minute on the Minute for 15 Min)

1 Wall Walk
8-12 Sand Bag Step Up Overs

No RX or RX + for the sandbag weight.  Roughly 30# + for women and 50# + for men is good.  Use what you have.

RX +: Go up to 2 Wall Walks

RX + OPTION: Sub 10-20' Handstand walk for Wall Walk(s)

Box height to shoot for 18-20" (women) / 22-24" (men)

Score: Don't worry too much about it today.  Just enter 15 (for the minutes) and enter in comments what weight you used and how many step up overs you were doing.

Goal: Choose something that is challenging for you, but allows you to move safe and well throughout.


For this workout you will do the same thing every minute for 15 minutes.  So each minute will start with 1 wall walk.  Then you will choose an appropriate, but challenging for you, number of dumbbell step up overs to perform after the wall walk.  We want you to get at least 15 seconds of rest each round (at least until the end) but no more than about 20 seconds of rest. Find that sweet spot.

For the wall walks you will start in the bottom of the push up position with the feet against the wall.  Press to the top of the push up and start walking the feet up the wall.  Walk the feet up the wall and walk the hands back toward the wall.  Keep the belly tight and fight from overextending.  The goal is to get the chest all the way to the wall.  THEN walk the hands back out and control the feet back down the wall.  Come all of the way to the bottom of the push up.

You may sub pike walk outs or inchworms!  If you choose one of these go up to 2 per round.

You may also scale up (although technically it's not easier just different) to handstand walks!

For the dumbbell step up overs you will hold a dumbbell in each hand.  You will step onto the box and then off on the other side.  Repeat for 16 reps.

When you step onto the box place your whole foot onto the box.  If you don't have a box you may do this on a bench or something similar. You could even just do step ups (and not over) on something like a chair (a sturdy chair).  If holding 2 dumbbells with what you have is too heavy you may sub holding just one dumbbell.

If you don't have matching DBs or KBs you may also sub holding a plate at your chest.

Feel free to lower the height of the step up to something challenging but manageable for you!

If you don't have something to step up onto, or if you are uncomfortable stepping up right now you can sub alternating lunges.   Each lunge counts as one rep.

WODMIranda Alcaraz2018week47