THURSDAY 11.29.18

This is the VetWod workout for this week MINUS the 1 rep clean part - so we made it 5 rounds instead of 3 for Program A crew.  Check all 3 versions to see which works best for you!

Part 1:

5 Rounds for Time
50 Double Unders
20 KB Swings

RX Men: 50-55# KB/DB
RX Women: 30-35# KB/DB

No RX +

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 15 Min


Part 1:

3 Rounds for Time
50 Double Unders
20 KB Swings

RX Men: 50-55# KB/DB
RX Women: 30-35# KB/DB

No RX +

8 Min Cut Off!


Part 2

When the clock hits 8 min from Part 1 - clock starts on Part 2:

5 Minutes to find a 1 Rep Clean (Squat or Power)

Score: Heaviest successful clean in the 5 min window.

Goal: SAFE movement and heavy cleans!


Part 1:

3 Rounds
15 Cal Row or Bike (Men) / 10 Cal Row or Bike Women
20 KB Swings

RX Men: 50-55# KB/DB
RX Women: 30-35# KB/DB

RX +: 5 Rounds (this is more an option for those who don't want to do the clean on part 2)


Part 2

When the clock hits 8 min from Part 1 - clock starts on Part 2:

5 Minutes to find a 1 Rep Clean (Squat or Power)

Score: Heaviest successful clean in the 5 min window.

Goal: SAFE movement and heavy cleans!


For your first score today you will complete the 3 rounder as fast as possible.

If you think keeping the double unders at 50 will still allow you to finish this workout under 8 min - go for it!!  See how you do!

If you need to lower the number to 30 or even 25 - that is fine.  Any lower than that though - you should sub dumbbell hop overs or 100 singles.  (We love the hop overs!)

For the swings you will hold the weight with both hands at the waist.  Feet are about shoulder width apart.  Heels are down.  Hinge forward at the hips and bend the knees slightly.  Keep the chest lifted and heels down.  Belly tight and arms straight.  Pull the weight back through the legs.  Stand up HARD and FAST to make the bell weightless and then (keeping the belly tight) guide the weight all of the way overhead!  Allow gravity to bring it back down and back between the legs.   Don't allow it to pull you forward.  Keep those heels down!


So you do part 1 and then wait until the clock hits 8:00 - you then have 5 min to complete part 2 - the clean.

You can do as many or as few cleans during this time as you want.  You of course can warm up your clean before part 1 so that you can start at a weight that you know you can hit, but isn't just the empty bar.

For the cleans the bar will start on the ground.  You will have your feet under your shoulders with your heels down.  Hands are outside of the legs.  Hinge at the hips and bend the knees slightly.  Arms are straight.  Bar is close to the body.  Chest is lifted, back flat, and belly tight.

Dig the heels into the ground and lift the chest to bring the bar up off of the ground.  Pull it into the body and keep it close.  Once past the knees you will pick up speed and think of almost JUMPING with the bar.  Think of jumping straight up and not swinging the bar away.  SHRUG the shoulders.  Pull the elbows high and outside to keep the bar close as you start to pull yourself DOWN.  Pull the elbows around and through FAST!

Catch in either a partial or full front squat with the elbows high!  Heels down, knees out, chest up, belly tight, no collapsing of the back or plopping!

Stand to complete!

WODMIranda Alcaraz2018week47