THURSDAY 10.25.18

10 Min EMOM
(Every Minute on the Minute)
3 Hang Power Clean
Max Jump OVERs

2 Scores for this one.
-The weight you choose for your hang power cleans
- The total number of jump overs you get!

Make sure to log both!


10 Min EMOM
(Every Minute on the Minute)
8 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
Max Jump Overs

RX Men: 40# Dumbbells
RX Women: 25# Dumbbells

RX + Men: 50# Dumbbells
RX + Women: 35# Dumbbells

Count Reps of JUMP OVERS ONLY!!!

Jump over height should be roughly 24" for men and 20" for women.  Choose something that will allow YOU to get a good workout and move.

Goal: Unbroken sets of 8 that are challenging but where you can maintain good movement.  6+ Jump Overs per minute.


Jump over height should be roughly 24" for men and 20" for women.  Choose something that will allow YOU to get a good workout and move.

Goal: Unbroken sets of 3 that are challenging but where you can maintain good movement.  5+ Jump Overs per minute.

The way this will work is at the top of each minute you will do 3 heavyish (for you) hang power cleans at a weight of your choosing.  Then you will do max jump overs for the rest of the minute.  Your goal is to do a good amount of weight for the clean and do a good amount of jump overs.  Find the balance!  If at any point the weight becomes too heavy - as in you can no longer do 3 unbroken OR your movement starts to diminish - lower it!  If at any point you realize it's WAY too light - raise it a bit!

For the hang power clean you will start with the bar at the hips.  Perform a good deadlift with the heels down and back flat to get it there.

From here keeping the arms long and straight with the grip just outside of the shoulders and the feet under the hips/heels down - you will dip by hinging at the hip (keep the chest lifted) and bending the knees slightly.  Stand up hard and fast (think JUMP) - shrug the shoulders - then as the bar travels UP the body - pull your elbows high and outside and pull yourself UNDER slightly.  The elbows come around and through FAST so that the bar lands on the shoulders.  Catch in a partial squat position.  Heels down, knees out, chest up!  Stand to complete the rep.  Lower back down ONLY to the hips (do not lower to the floor or drop!)

For the jump overs you will find something to jump COMPLETELY over!  This could be a box, a bench, a broomstick secured to the edge of a chair or box - you name it!  It could even be a stack of plates or as low as a kettlebell.  Find something that will allow you to actually jump if possible.

If you are unable to jump at this time - you may sub a skip over your bar or a step up and over the bench or box.