Specific for all of our SP Mamas, Coach Carolina shares resources, tips, and support for the various stages of pregnancy and postpartum and your Street Parking experience. Don't forget to subscribe to the SP Moms Newsletter for helpful information, events and promos delivered directly to your inbox!
The buzz is real! We are making some exciting new updates to the SP Mamas postpartum programs and we can’t wait to share them with you soon! You can expect some comprehensive new programs to support you in the first year of your postpartum journey as well as the option to pick and choose from a selection of resources to personalize your recovery.
Mother's Day weekend we released the first of several new resources from Street Parking with the SP Mamas Podcast, and also to remind you of the variety of tools and support we have for our mamas in their daily fitness and health from pregnancy, postpartum and beyond.
When it comes to working out, if you have been doing Street Parking style workouts for a while and with permission from your healthcare provider, you should be fine to continue as you normally do with just a few changes until the baby starts to grow and the bump and shape of your body changes how you move.
I hope this finds you well and enjoying the transition to fall. I'm slowly winding down and preparing for the arrival of my own little one and our move from LA to Washington soon after. Our baby is due Sept. 29…..
I hope this finds you well and enjoying the last days of summer! Our sweet community has grown so much in the past few months with lots of new moms and new little ones joining the family as well as additional tools and resources for the SP Mom community!
Probably the most common question I get is “what is a good modification for ____?” I really am happy to answer these questions as many times as is needed but I’d also love to help you begin to understand the logic and reasoning behind these suggestions…