FRIDAY SHIFT 10/01/2021


10 Rounds

5 Hang Power Clean + Squat
5 Burpees

Suggested Weight
Men: 10-20# DBs - OR - 20-40# Single DB/KB
Women: 8-15# DBs - OR - 15-30# Single DB/KB

Score: Total Time

Goal: 10-15 Minutes

This one is super straightforward! You'll complete 5 hang power clean + squats and 5 burpees. That's one round. You'll repeat 9 more times for a total of 10 rounds.

The hang power clean + squat is nothing new - just combining two familiar movements into one. So you'll hang clean weight(s) to your shoulders, set up your feet for a squat, do a squat, then lower the weight(s) back to your sides to start a new rep. Take your time. If it's overwhelming or you need to use different weights for the cleans/squats, you can simply separate them into 5 hang power cleans and 5 weighted squats! Choose a burpee variation that allows you to get those done in 30-45 seconds!

You can hold a single dumbbell in both hands at your hips or hold a dumbbell in each hand at the sides. Do a small dip - jump and shrug the shoulders then pull the dumbbell(s) up to the shoulders. The idea here is to think about jumping and then pulling/guiding the dumbbell(s) to your shoulders. Try to not just do bicep curls!

Once the weights are at your shoulders, if they aren't there already, step them out so they are shoulder width apart with the heels down. Lift the chest and tighten the belly. Reach the butt back and down. Keep the heels down as you drive the knees out. Ideally, you will get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom with heels down, knees out, and chest up! Drive through the heels to stand! That's one rep. Lower the weights back to your sides to start the next.

If you need to - you can separate these two movements into 5 hang power cleans and 5 weighted (or air) squats!

Single DB/KB Hang Power Clean + Squat
Squat to Target
5 Hang Power Cleans + 5 Weighted (or Air) Squats

Start standing. Place your hands on the ground. Jump or step your feet back. Get your chest and thighs to the ground. Press to lockout (top of push up). Jump or step the feet in. Jump up and clap with arms overhead!

You can also sub to "no-push-up" burpees or even do them with your hands elevated on a bench or box if you need to.

Step In/Out Burpee
No Push Up Burpee
Elevated Burpee



Pay attention to any coning or doming you have in the plank position of the burpee or any sensation of pressure on your pelvic floor as you hop back or hop forward. Feel free to sub: No push up burpee, Elevated burpee, Step back/forward burpee, Air Squat + Elevated Push Up, Table Top (all fours position) + Air Squat, Ball Slams, KB Swings, Farmer/Goblet march, Glute Bridges, Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Bear Complex

You could try less weight, going from the hang position or starting with the dumbbells between your feet. For pregnant mamas with bellies that interrupt the most efficient path of the bar, be sure to sub DBs for the bar so you are not training inefficient movement patterns. If you have a hard time maintaining control and a stable midline in the bottom of the squat or if you find yourself bearing down to get out of the bottom, try subbing a target or assisted squat to shorten the range of motion. A box squat is always a great idea especially during pregnancy to strengthen the posterior chain and balance out the growing belly.

DB/Back/Front/Air Squat

If you have a hard time maintaining control and a stable midline in the bottom of the squat or if you find yourself bearing down to get out of the bottom, try subbing a target or assisted squat to shorten the range of motion. A box squat is always a great idea especially during pregnancy to strengthen the posterior chain and balance out the growing belly.

Hang Clean

For pregnant mamas with bellies that interrupt the most efficient path of the bar, you may want to consider sub DBs for the barbell so you are not putting too much load on your back or training inefficient movement patterns.